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Not Bad
10 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I had nothing to do with this movie, and I didn't even think it sounded interesting, but about five minutes in was all it took to keep me interested. This movie was well written, and the acting was good.

I'm not sure why Jason Mamoa took such a bit role. Maybe he did the movie as a favor to a friend, but his part in the film is small, but you come to understand his character and his purpose later on.

The two brothers' roles were well-written and well acted by Shane Coffey (Liam) and Drew Roy (Miles), and there's a twist as to why the hoax takes place that isn't even known to Liam until later.

There is a gross twist towards the end between Liam and Lauren which I won't give away, but...yeah, it was gross. lol

Cary Elwes and Haley Webb were very good in their roles as police chief and his daughter.

There was a really stupid part in the movie, however. When Angie (Anna Hutchison) and Liam are in the car. She confesses that she liked him, and he says it back to her. Then, as if in a comedy, she says "Really?" and jumps on him and starts stripping (no nudity) until they're interrupted by the police. For such a serious drama, it was very out of place.

I gave it a 6 out of 10 for the good writing, acting, directing, and suspense. And I really like movies with a twist.
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Interesting Incident, But...
12 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was a little over 2 hours, and it could been cut about 20- 30 minutes.

The special effects were not that great. The first scene where the Kaitan is launched looks like a cartoon. The sharks were not very good, either, especially when they jumped from the water. OMG! They looked like something from Jaws 4.

The acting was good enough, especially that scene when McVay talks to Hashimoto. The story was sad, especially the last scene with Nicolas Cage's character (Captain McVay). I hope there's a special place in hell for the people who always called McVay telling him to kill himself.

I gave this 6/10
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Stag Hunt (2015)
More comedy than horror
15 February 2016
I didn't really know what to expect from this movie, but as I was watching it, it was -- as another reviewer said -- a mix of two different genres (comedy and horror). However, I'd definitely classify at more as a comedy. The writing was clever and very funny, especially when the guys are discussing the plan to survive. If you're looking for a horror, thriller, slasher-type movie, this isn't for you. If you're looking for a fun movie with the horror aspect of it in the background, you might enjoy this. The acting was good, but you can tell from the cinematography that it was a low-budget indie. I'd advise you to give it a try. I've seen a lot of indie movies -- too many, really -- and this is a fairly well done movie. I was pleasantly surprised, though I doubt I'll watch it again.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
Pull the veil over this dud!
23 January 2016
In a way it was disappointing, but in another, it's what it claimed to be. A Jim Jones-type of guy (Thomas Jane) commits suicide with is cult, and several years later, the lone survivor -- Sara -- returns to the scene with a film crew headed by Jessica Alba. I won't give away any spoilers, but it was not good in my opinion. The acting was fine, but the story line was wanting. It was very slow to the point that it dragged in many places. I started it around 9:30 in the morning, and I was falling asleep half-way through. Much of the coloring looked like a transition between black-and-white and color, giving it a somewhat grayish look. Maybe I just saw a bad copy. It's not a found-footage film. I do not recommend.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
22 January 2016
I've watched Arrow and enjoyed it until they made Felicity just annoying. I have to say that I was glad when she was shot. I've watched The Flash, and it grew on me. But Legends of Tomorrow is just unbearable. It's like something you turn on for your kid on Saturday morning so they'll stop making a mess around the house. They took the most worthless side-characters from Arrow and The Flash and stuck them in a fishbowl of a series that you wish someone would toss out the window, because like a dead fish, this series stinks! I will not be watching it any longer. I never liked the characters in this series, and I gave them all plenty of chances when I saw them in the other two shows.

The bar fight with Sara, Captain Cold, and Heatwave was completely stupid, so it was fitting for their characters. Why they'd even have those two villains in the show is odd.

Hawkman is so annoying with how stiff he delivers his dialogue. It's also irritating that he looks like the guy who plays Robin Hood in Once Upon a Time.

Hawkgirl always looks like she's about to start laughing, and I can't say I blame her. The dialogue is laughable -- not in the good way.

Whoever hired Franz Drameh should never work in TV again. The kid is absolutely awful!

I always despised Ray Palmer, especially his scenes with Felicity. OMG, I almost gagged during every one of their scenes.

Victor Garber is probably the best actor in this series, but he wasn't even close to enough to saving it.

Rip Hunter was like a cheap takeoff of Constantine.

Probably the best character in this was Savage, and he's the frickin' bad guy!

What really annoyed me is that when the ship is attacked by "Boba Fett," all of them combined could only run away from him. Sorry folks, but I'm Team Savage.
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No Escape (I) (2015)
Fun Movie
31 October 2015
I thought it was a very clichéd film, but it was fun nonetheless. I thought it was interesting that Washington Post‍ '​s Stephanie Merry, complained that "every Asian character is either a ruthless murderer or anonymous collateral damage." The old Asian man and the boat man, as well as "Kenny Rogers" helped them. And since the writers didn't do the greatest job developing the main characters, did she and other critics really expect the film to delve much into very minor characters? Aside from the not-so-great character development, it had edge-of-your-seat action. Some of it you could see coming, like when the helicopter approaching the people on the roof turns out to be controlled by the rebels, but it was a very well-done scene. I thought everyone in the movie, especially Owen Wilson and Pierce Brosnan did a great job with their roles. Lake Bell was good enough, even though her character's basic role was to cry throughout the movie. The little girls were irritating, as you'd expect they'd be in a situation like this.

Pierce Brosnan's character gave a good sum up of why the people were acting as they were. I had to laugh when Wilson asked him if he was with British MI6 or something like that, and Brosnan said "Something like that." It seemed almost like a wink and a nod to his days as Bond -- James Bond.

Overall, it was a fun movie, and I recommend it to anyone who loves action/adventure films. 7/10 stars from me.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Fun movie
29 October 2015
I thought this was an original movie. Kurt Russell and the rest of the cast really delivered. It had a lot of character development as well as action.

If you like gruesome kills, they have a really gross one for you when the group gets to the cave. I won't give it away, but it's...nasty. lol I didn't know what to expect from this, but I watched it because I like Kurt Russell. This was better than I thought it was going to be. If you like a movie with good acting, character development and action, you should check out this movie. I recommend it. The creatures -- especially the echoing sound they made -- were really kinda scary. 8/10
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Howl (I) (2015)
Fun Werewolf Movie
22 October 2015
I thought this was a fun take on werewolves. It didn't go into what caused the werewolf virus, other than a bit from another one, but it was entertaining. I thought the cast, director, and writer(s) did a good job of showing fear and making it urgent for them to get out of there. The cramped and confined train gave it a slightly claustrophobic feel.

One thing I didn't like too much were the werewolves costumes. They looked more like orcs than what I think of for werewolves. At least they weren't pathetic CGI that the Twilight movies use. All in all, I liked it and will watch it again. It's rare to find a good werewolf movie. The best is Wer. If you like werewolf-themed horror movies, I think you'll like this one. It's definitely several steps up from that awful Wolf Man starring Benecio Del Toro.
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Momentum (I) (2015)
It's Okay
16 October 2015
It's not the greatest of the female-themed action adventures, but it's certainly watchable. I saw it because I'm a fan of James Purefoy and Olga Kurylenko. They were good in their roles, but each time Purefoy said one of his "Damn! She's good!" lines, it was silly. It wasn't that she was such a professional, it's more that the bad guys came across as rather inept. Some of it was tongue-in-cheek, such as when Purefoy's coat caught fire, he slowly took it off, saying "I liked that coat." There wasn't a great deal of urgency projected from the bad guys showing they needed to get back that drive quickly. Morgan Freeman's character was fairly a mute point in the movie. They could've stuck any actor -- famous or not -- in that role, that's how superfluous his character was. All in all, it was entertaining. Having seen him play Blackbeard and Joe Carroll, I have to say James Purefoy does the bad guy roles very good.

I gave this a 5-star rating. I'd recommend this if you liked Colombiana and Salt. It's not as good as either of those movies, but it's along the same lines, and Kurylenko is good in the few action scenes she's in.
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Surprisingly Fun!
9 October 2015
Trash. That's what I thought it would be. However, I watched it because I was suffering Nina Dobrev withdrawal since she left The Vampire Diaries. This movie proved me wrong on so many levels. It was fun, clever, and something that seems largely absent in Hollywood nowadays -- ORIGINAL! The cast was good in their roles. The lead did a great job on the touching scenes with her mother, who didn't know she was her mother until the end of the film.

I gave this movie a 7-star rating. I would give it higher, but I do reserve 8, 9, and 10-star ratings for films that are really superb. Though, I really did like this movie. I recommend it to anyone who likes 80s horror films as well as horror spoofs. I will say that this is probably the best horror spoof I've ever seen. Most of them have lame writing, acting, and production value. This was really fun.
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Xmoor (2014)
Fun Movie
25 August 2015
I'm not sure why this doesn't have a higher rating on IMDb. I just saw this, and it was fun. It had a natural flow, and I liked the main character a lot. There was a twist at the end that was very unexpected. However, what happens to the bad guy was kinda silly, but it didn't negate the rest of the movie.

Melia Kreiling was very believable, and she seemed believable scared throughout her time in the forest. I think we'll see more films with her in the future.

I recommend this film. It's a solid, original thriller, and I'll watch it again. I gave this a 7-star rating.
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Run of the mill slasher film
19 August 2015
It was an okay cheap horror film. Nothing great and nothing new to see. I won't spoil it, but the first death was shocking; I didn't expect that. The kills were okay. Even though Toby wasn't the main character, I was surprised he turned out to be so likable. They don't usually make a character the audience will care about in these types of movies.\ Robert Patrick's character was silly. I don't know if he was hurting for money, or he just wanted to be in a horror film.

The bad guy was stupid. You've seen his sort of "can't die bad guy" in multiple cheap horror films.

I gave this a 4-star rating. If you must watch all the slasher films out there, give this a viewing, but don't expect much. However, there are horror films that are far worse than this.
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Fun Movie
24 July 2015
I often watch indie horror/slasher films, but they usually suck. This one, thankfully, did not. They say you have to watch a ton of bad horror films to find a good one. I guess I'll be watching a lot more bad ones to find one to stand up to this one.

The screenwriter actually gave these characters a background and a reason to care about them, rather than letting them only be known for getting chewed up and spit out. The storyline wasn't flooded with action to make you forget the screenwriter(s) didn't put anytime into developing the characters Kevin Durant (Lost, The Strain, I Am Number 4, etc.,) is a good actor. I never saw him as the lead actor before, but I hope they take advantage of his talent. He was believable in the role.

The creature was only fully shown towards the end of the movie. They should've shown it more, because it didn't look stupid. It was actually rather inventive how they made it look.

The storyline was fun. The atmosphere of a small town miles away from anyplace is always a turn on for me, but many horror movies don't do a good job with that. This one did.

I approve of this movie. I recommend it to anyone who likes creature features. It's not Jaws, but what is? One thing I didn't like was the lack of consistency with the monster towards the sheriff as opposed to how it behaved with others. It had no problem attacking people in daylight or night. However, the sheriff came across it a few times, and it played hide-and-seek with him, not killing the guy when it had a clear shot of doing it every time.

I gave this a 7-star rating. Enjoy! I did :)
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Meet Me There (2014)
Weird, not scary. Boring, not exciting. The acting was OK.
7 July 2015
About 9 other reviewers gave this movie 8-10 stars. I'm calling BS on their objectivity. I think the high reviews for this were made by those affiliated with the film. It's got a very weird storyline, and the very end makes no sense. Some of the other reviews said there were some jump scares and this movie goes beyond cheap scares. Even cheap scares would've been better than what this movie had, which were no scares. I started falling asleep, it was that boring. And no, not a single jump scare.

Usually, low budget films, which this definitely was, gets crappy actors to go with the crappy budget. However, the acting was not bad at all for what this movie deserved. The two leads might go on to better things.

There is nudity in the movie. About 6 minutes in, the lead actress shows everything. Later, they have sex in a field, and one of her breasts is shown.

The cinematography was not good. It had very much of a low-budget look. The atmosphere was not interesting, neither was the scenery or directing.

I gave this a 3-star rating. I do not recommend, unless you're having trouble sleeping. This will definitely cure your insomnia. ZZZZZ!!!
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Lizzie Borden Should Whack This Movie.
2 July 2015
The horror genre is my favorite, but I don't know why after seeing so many bad horror movies. They say you have to watch a lot of bad ones to find a real gem. Well, this is one of the bad ones I watched trying to find myself a gem.

The cinematography was pretty good, considering it's low-budget, and that's about the only thing I'll say was good about this movie. The acting was about what you'd expect from one of these low-budget indie horror films. Unfortunately, so was the story. It was silly enough that it takes place in the house where Lizzie Borden killed her parents. And then they have one of the girls ask who Lizzie Borden was. Another girl says "Give her a break. She's a west coast girl." No, she's not a west coast girl. She's a stupid girl.

They didn't kill anyone until about 57 minutes into the movie. Considering the movie is 79 minutes long - and not very good - that's a long time to wait for people to start getting killed, and a lot of the victims appeared in the movie about 5 minutes before that.

I've seen worse, but that doesn't excuse this mess. I gave this a 3-star rating. I like originality, which this movie was, but just because something is original doesn't mean it's going to be good, as this movie is not.

When Lizzie Borden took an axe I wish she gave this movie 40 whacks.
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Indigenous (2014)
Unexpectedly Good
24 June 2015
What happens when you put low-budget, unfamiliar actors, and horror movie together? Usually something really bad. However, that was not the case with this movie. It was incredibly entertaining. Unlike many horror films that are made on the cheap, this was very well acted and directed.

The monster was actually shown. Unlike as often is the case in low-budget horror films where the monster looks like someone who's simply wearing a Halloween mask, the creature in this was very well crafted. It kind of resembled the monsters from The Descent, except this monster could see, and it had raptor-like teeth.

The scenery, primarily a jungle, is always a fun atmosphere, because the forest is like the ocean; both entirely different worlds unto themselves.

For anyone who likes movies like the aforementioned Descent, I highly recommend this movie. It's not as good as Descent, but come on that was a highly original movie. However, if you liked that, you should like this.

I gave this a 7-star rating. It's about time I found a horror film that was good. I've seen so many that stink out loud. Again, I recommend this to all those who are horror movie junkies.
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It Was OK.
23 June 2015
The movie wasn't great by any means, but it was certainly watchable. The acting was pretty good for what the movie needed. However, after they're at the farm, two other people show up. I figured they were thrown in to be the first killed so the audience could have more time with the original four characters.

Charlie's backstory wasn't too bad. However, why did he have yellow eyes? lol. I can understand the crooked back, but the eye color was a bit silly.

Much of the movie happened as I thought it would, except for the end. I won't spoil it other than to say it was...not expected.

Tara Reid was pretty good in the movie, but she really does need to put on some weight. When she was crossing over the fence in the beginning of the film, it looked like she had no bicep muscle. She's a pretty girl and a fair actress, but she needs to take care of herself.

There is a bit of nudity in this. In Charlie's backstory, a woman is tied to a bed, and one of her breasts is visible. Later in the movie, Donkey is getting out of a lake, and his butt is shown.

The kills were...gross. So, if that's your thing when you watch this type of movie, you'll like this. I don't usually cringe about death scenes in horror films, but I did in this one. As I said, they were gross.

I gave this a 5-star rating. If you like horror films, and you're sick of the 1-star low-budgets that have awful actors/actresses, this will be a refreshing change. Mind you, it's not great, but it's good enough if you've got 90-minutes to blow.
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Pressure (II) (2015)
Surprisingly Good
12 June 2015
This was not a movie I was really interested in seeing. Four guys trapped in a submersible bell vehicle during a storm. Sounded like it would be boring. In truth, it wasn't the type of genre I'm interested in. However, they did a very good job.

The acting was awesome, and it seemed realistic as to how people would behave in such a situation. The production value was good, as was the cinematography. It didn't look cheap or CGI to death. The movie did tend to have a claustrophobic feel, as a real life situation would.

There is nudity. The young man is dreaming or having a hallucination, and a girl swims up to him, and she's totally naked, and you see everything.

I recommend this movie. I gave it a 7-star rating. I doubt I'll watch it again, but it was surprising that they did such a good job on the movie.
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Now this was a surprise in a good way
28 May 2015
Awful, pathetic, cheap, and totally boring is what I expected this to be. I was very pleasantly surprised to find the opposite was true. I am a fan of some of the Predator films. I loved the original with Arnold. The second was awful. Alien Vs. Predator was awesome, but AVP2 sucked. Predators with Adrien Brody was - IMO - boring and could've been much better. This movie, Predator-Dark Ages, lifted the series up, even though it's fan-made.

It clocks in at 27 minutes with credits. It has a very professional look and feel to it. Unlike many fan-made, indie movies, this had good actors and what looked like good production value.

The special effects were good, but there weren't that many. There wouldn't be, since it takes place in what looks like the 1100-1300 era.

The movie got right to the action without wasting time on anything boring. The ending was a bit of a surprise, but I won't spoil it.

I'm guessing this was low-budget, but I tend to think that whenever a studio didn't produce and distribute it. Don't let that scare you. As I said earlier, it has the look, feel, acting, and production value of a studio-released film.

I gave this an 7-star rating because of my surprise at how well it turned out. I highly recommend if you like the Predator films.
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Tooken (I) (2015)
Should've been called "Sucks," because it does.
26 May 2015
They could've done a funny movie. Let's face it, each sequel to Taken became more and more of a spoof of itself, so this movie wasn't necessary. With that said. This movie sucked.

I do not recommend. I gave this a 1-star rating, and it's not a solid one-star. More like 1/10 of 1-star. Yes, folks, it was that bad. Do not watch this expecting a funny take on the Taken series. If you want a good spoof on a movie, "The Three Musketeers" with Kiefer Sutherland was good. "Hot Shots, Part Deux" was fun. "Tooken" sucks so much, it puts porn stars to shame. Again, yes, it was that bad. If you watch this, don't say you weren't warned.
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Texas Rising (2015– )
Boring waste of what could've been a spectacular series
26 May 2015
I had no interest in seeing this. As I watched the entire 90-minute pilot, it did nothing more than reinforce my initial thoughts.

They did very little to develop the historical characters, and instead focused on worthless side characters like Yancy and Truet. The sick part is, they probably had more scenes than any other characters. I think the writers thought Yancy and Truet would be written as being cute, funny, and adorable. Yuck! More like the opposite. They were so stupid, immature, and dumb that they'd keep me from watching this series any further.

The highlight was Bill Paxton, but he wasn't in it anywhere near as much as someone with the starring role should've been.

Brenden Fraser as a Native American? Really? At least I think that's what he was supposed to be. They didn't have any real Native Americans Johnny Depp? lol. I don't know why they paid him when they could've hired a nobody for that tiny role.

Santa Anna has no problem in the beginning of the series to consider killing the female refugees from the Alamo, and only decided against doing so when his second-in-command advised him to let them go to tell General Houston about the Alamo's defeat. However, later in the episode, Santa Anna's going to hang one of his own men for stealing from them. So, executing un-armed women, acceptable. Stealing from them, unacceptable. Gotcha! Bad writing.

I can't think of any scene that was filled with any real action, except one when a group of white guys are fighting Native Americans who are trying to run off with some white women. It was very reminiscent of the old western films with the cowboys and Indians message "Cowboys, good. Indians, bad." The interesting thing about some of these "good guy" characters that are portrayed in the founding of Texas is that Col. Travis and Jim Bowie were pro-slavery -- not good guys.

Aside from the cast, it seems the production value was small. The writing talent was even smaller. An example:

Big Foot Wallace: Folks call me Big Foot.

John Coffee Hayes: On account that you're big?

Big Foot Wallace: That. But mostly because I once killed

a Cherokee with big feet.

Oh, so clever. :( Maybe Wallace and Hayes will be important to the series, but I have neither intention nor interest to find out.

I do not recommend. There was one long, drawn-out, boring scene after another with equally forgettable characters. I was hoping a Texas brush fire would happen and engulf them all. Ugh! I gave this a 4-star rating JUST because of the cast.
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Plague (2014)
Slow with no suspense
15 May 2015
The beginning was interesting. It had suspense, and around the 15 minute mark, something shocking happened that I didn't see coming. However, afterwards...gosh, it was so slow. I know it was low budget movie that was more like 28 Days Later than The Walking Dead, but I was not taken with it.

I didn't have a problem with the actors, but the storyline was not fast moving at all.

They kept locking themselves in the barn at night, but I don't know why they didn't build some ladders so they could climb to the roof to keep safe.

I gave this a 4-star rating. I wouldn't watch this again. You might like it if you like subtle movies about some virus/plague that makes the infected secondary to the personal drama. I like action/adventure, and this was neither.
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Area 51 (2015)
Not Great, but it was Fun and Tense,
15 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was better than I thought it would be. I had no hopes for this at all. I'm tired of the found-footage films, though I'm not sure that's actually what this would be. I found myself entertained.

The part towards the beginning when Reid and Derrin are sneaking around in some guy's house was tense, and it had a jump scare. There were actually a few throughout the film, but not many.

They had an interesting storyline, because who doesn't want to know about Area 51? However, for such a top-secret, high-security military base, the security seemed rather lacking both before and after they entered the base. Through quite a lot of their time in the base, Reid, Derrin, and Jelena would talk with normal pitched voices and run down the stairs like a pack of elephants. No security was around. That's not how I'd envision any military base, let alone Area 51.

The alien was interesting, in the very few frames they showed it. I guess the design wasn't considered serious enough, so they devoted as little footage as they could.

The tenseness of the scenes was fun. I would've waited in the car with Ben.

Overall, I thought it was a fun movie. I gave this a 6-star rating.
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Not The Walking Dead, Nevertheless, It's Fun!
14 May 2015
Cute movie. I don't know why it has such a low rating.

This is not your typical zombie-type movie. It's more of a zomedy (zombie comedy :p) So, don't watch this expecting something like The Walking Dead.

The acting was good, and the writing clever. The zombie makeup was interesting. The flies flying around Greene was funny, and it was one of the things The Walking Dead never implements, but you have to figure that zombies would have a lotta flies buzzing around them.

Anton Yelchin did a good job in the lead, and Ashley Greene was the sexiest zombie you'll ever see.

In thought this would be awful, but I was very entertained. I recommend this.

Some will not like this, because they don't like zomedies, but it will be their loss.

I gave this a 6-star rating.
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Demonic (2015)
Not Great, But Pretty Entertaining
13 May 2015
This wasn't a bad movie. I had no expectations for this to be good at all. However, I was surprised. It wasn't great, but it was pretty original, and the acting was well done.

My big problem with the movie was all the jumping back-and-forth between the past and present scenes. They should've just stuck with the people going to the house, and then they could've dealt with the aftermath with the police. It was confusing for the first few times.

I gave this a 5-star rating. If you're in the mood for a fairly original story that actually does have some jump moments that are well executed, you might want to give this a try.
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