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The Marvels (2023)
Great Fun Movie, Just The Right Length
11 November 2023
I went with high expectations, because I disregard and reviews or opinions of MCU nerds. I was not disappointed. I saw it an an IMAX, but in 2D, and the visuals certainly justified that choice.

The story was good, better than the last few movies, the main cast were a delight to see; I had specifically watched Ms Marvel a few days before viewing this movie, and I'm glad I did; I may even go back and try Hawkeye once more.

The humour was perfect, and Sam Jackson was often at the centre of the humour and story, as he should be. The concept of Nick Fury heavily interacting with Kamala's family (Mrs K calls him "Nicholas") was my favourite part.

There's a mid credit scene, which superb, but no end credit scene (I sat in an empty cinema waiting for it!)

Just enjoy, it's fun.
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An absolute joy
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I frankly had low expectations, when I read that there was to be a crossover episode, with the animated Lower Decks show. What to expect - an animated SNW episode?

My fears were unfounded: what we actually experienced was a fantastic episode, essentially the opposite of the above. Two of the Lower Decks characters are portal-ed back in time 120 years, into the SNW era. Both characters are portrayed by their respective voice actors - what a blast that must have been for them. It's also a blast for their characters - getting to meet their heroes.

It's a simply story, revolving around the quest to return the 24th century ensigns back to their own time. The result is a mildly comic episode, superbly acted and directed (directed by Frakes), with a feel-good ending. All the SNW cast are present, and the time travellers interact with each.

In a similar fashion to the Enterprise alternate universe double story, the title sequence is re-done, for this episode. Finally, the closing scene (on Enterprise) is a joy.

I'm not a fan of Lower Decks, and, frankly, this episode changes nothing in that respect, but this was great fun.
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Gah, it happened!
24 June 2022
Yep, a true Turkey of an episode.

The underlying medical story arc had been compelling, and, if you can force yourself to watch this episode, you will see the arc resolved. There was NO REASON to jettison the regular personalities of the crew, and their working relationships, for this episode. Disgraceful.
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Out (1978)
Great To See Again But So Dated
21 January 2022
After forty years or more, I'm amazed at house much of this show I remember, from scenes to actual dialogue - it clearly made an impression. The story is very compelling, a London version of Get Carter, though it lacks the steely edge of that movie.

Unfortunately, in many ways it has dated badly. If this were ever to be broadcast on TV or some streaming service, it would need a warning "please note that this programme contains language and attitudes that may offend".

Despite these reservations, great to see it again, and Tom Bell was superb i every scene.
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Eternals (2021)
Better Than Expected, Great Story
16 January 2022
Expectations were low, as are average review scores, and was was the box office performance.

What's Good:-

1) It looks superb, visuals up to the standards set by previous MCU movies.

2) The story is great, and as more is revealed, the viewer is greater engaged.

3) The trademark MCU humour is present, to great effect.

What's Bad:-

1) The story felt shoe-horned into the MCU. I wonder if it would have been better as a stand-alone movie. The plot devices used, and the "routine" dialog about the Avengers etc, felt a little forced and retro-fitted.

2) The cast was let down by the performance of Gemma Chan. I thought she was a little wooden in Humans, but given the robotic nature of her character, it worked - but not here.
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Old (2021)
That was a longer Outer Limits episode than I expected
26 September 2021
The story is interesting, but I've seen Outer Limits, Twilight Zone and even Black Mirror episodes that have better ideas, and better actors for that matter (Rufus and Ken are superb though).

This movie has its moments, but I'm glad that I did not risk a trip to a cinema during a global pandemic, just to see this.

It just felt a little long, a little light in the ideas department, and the revelation of "what's actually happening here" was very underwhelming. Watching at home, my phone was in use by this time; I was getting bored.
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1994 (II) (2019)
Well, I enjoyed it, but...
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was gripped by 1992 and 1993. I love the idea of mixing fictional characters with actual ones, and the following relationships of the principle characters in 1992-1994 (Leo, Veronica, Pietro) with each other and with the actual people.

And so to the final part of the trilogy. If I could persuade my daughter to watch many hours of subtitled TV about politics, corruption and violence in Italy, the reaction to 1994 would be "meh".

It has some strong parts, and the continuing arc of the first 7 episodes is of the first Berlusconi government (a coalition) and his struggle to maintain power during that year.

Unfortunately, despite continued superb performances from the entire cast, the writing of the final two episodes was a great disappointment. In episode 7, the cliché of the love triangle was used, in an episode full of melodrama worthy of ITV (UK) television; low grade Sunday night entertainment.

The final episode jumps forward no less than 17 years, returning all the surviving characters so that we may observe their fate (the fictional ones, that is. We can catch up with Berlusconi, Di Pietro, Dell'Utri on Wikipedia). Unfortunately, the story of the final episode is a far-fetched tale of power misused, and broken relationships all too worthy of a soap opera. Only one of the characters ends the show with a reputation intact (Di Pietro).

Nevertheless, I hugely enjoyed the first 6 episodes. Incidentally, it looks and sounds fabulous, with a great soundtrack featuring music of the time.
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Medici (2016–2019)
Handsome History of Italy
4 May 2020
First, it looks magnificent. I spent a weekend in Florence in the 1480s in 4K and was entranced.

The scripts are superb, telling a tale of the intrigue and betrayal that any student of Renaissance Italy would expect. Accurate? Yes, largely, with the usual detail simplified, and some events changed to suit the storyline; a significant event occurs a number of years too early, for example.

The first two seasons starred some "names" - Dustin Hoffman, Brian Cox and Richard Madden (a bit wooden, as usual), whilst the second starred Sean Bean as the scheming Jacob Pazzi. Season three lacks those big hitters, but the drama does not suffer. The direction and performances are strong, and the sound is mixed correctly - the actors can be heard!

Lovers of art may be amused by the presence of Sandro Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci.

Lovers of Italian TV may be amused by the presence of familiar Italian actors; we see Ricotta, Roberta and Libano from Romanzo Criminale, Don Pietro and Valerio from Gomorra, plus Bosco and Veronica from 1992,1993 and 1994.

There's quite a lot of trashy historic drama around (The Tudors, Reign) but this does not belong in that category.

The events of season 3 occur just before the events of The Borgias and Borgia (and several real-life historical figures appear in Medici and one or both of these).
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Resembles an ITV Drama (and that's not a compliment)
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What's good:-

The viewer is drawn immediately into the interesting idea

Features some excellent acting talent

Features Siobhan Finneran, in many ways in the lead role

Most of the young actors give strong performance

The story is pretty good, with some unexpected twists

Anthony Head is a great antagonist, with some slight comic touches

Only 8 episodes, around 40-45 mins each; it's not too long

What's bad:-

There are some poorly written and performed scenes; a discerning viewer will spot them! I recommend strong coffee and patience - it gets better.

A few of the minor cast members are very average actors, better suited to Casualty or Hollyoaks

The ending is underwhelming, but at least decisive.
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Enjoyable, but poorly researched
7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I DID enjoy the two lead actors, and Clarke especially was superb as Potemkin.

But, as others have pointed out, the historical errors were huge. I realize that writers sometimes need to take liberties with historical accuracy for dramatic reasons, but some of the these errors appear to be just that - dumb, stupid errors!

My own favourite - the references to "Germany" and the "German Ambassador" (present in one scene). These events took place around 80 years before the formation of that state. It also predates the German Confederation. I suspect that "Germany" was used in order to avoid confusing the poor viewers with the accurate "Prussia" (Catherine's birth state).

Also, her grandson (the future Alexander I) was around 18 when she died, not the child portrayed.

Of course, if the viewer cares little for history and facts, it's a great show.
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Yorkshire Airport (2019– )
Another Day in Dullsville
30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
These sort of shows are my guilty pleasure. I love seeing fools arrive late for check-in (it's never their fault, naturally), demanding to speak to a "manager" etc.

However in this show, things are a little more sedate; not a lot happens, to be honest. The show features a conspicuous non-appearance by the airport's largest airline Jet2, but some chirpy Yorkshire staff, who, whilst not exactly playing up for the cameras, do sometimes seem to be trying too hard.

Nobody involved in the production of episode 3 can be comfortable watching this excruciating 25 mins or so. We saw veteran pop star Sinitta arrive and be escorted to the executive lounge, resplendent in a red dress. Where was she "jetting off to?" we wondered. No, she was hired as a "surprise" singer for the family of a marrying couple. Their befuddled expressions told their probable thoughts "who is this?"

Hale and Pace''s old Yorkshire Airline sketch (look for it) is a much better watch.
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Departure (2019–2022)
Does not live up to the promise (so far)
12 July 2019
Apparently written by some MH370 nerds, this show looked intriguing enough, but oh dear what a car crash (or aircraft incident, I guess).

The production screams low cost with an expensive cast bill.

I had a good chuckle at the Irish air traffic controller in her cardigan - a least she wasn't listening to Clannad.

Corny, and a bit cringy, with some bad acting, and yet I will return for E2 (for the follow-on to the closing event).

Christopher Plummer is simply far too old for the role, just a bit TOO senior.

Who, knows, maybe it will improve.

Spot the fake reviews for this title!
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Polterheist (II) (2018)
Beware Fake Reviews
27 April 2019
Rather like the recent "revelation" that Amazon is full of fake reviews, we find a similar ghostly phenomenon here. There are a number of glowing reviews for this title, created by persons who joined IMDB in 2018, and have submitted a single review (for this movie). One would almost suspect a master plan to promote their own movie...

Anyway, I actually enjoyed this movie. It's a great idea (reminds me a bit of "Cleaver", the movie within The Sopranos. It's not great, and the cast (I note an Emmerdale actress) have limited talent on display, but it made me chuckle, and I do enjoy bungled heist movies.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Predictable and Clichéd
28 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I managed all of episode one but gave up during episode two. The dialog and acting are terrible in places; if this was a U.S. show it would have received a half season order, but this disaster would have been removed from the schedules and the second half would never arrive.

Positives? Well, the basic premise was believable, and for those objecting to the Muslims being the terrorists - take a look at the news over the past few years.

BBC, you can do much better.
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Geostorm (2017)
Painfully Awful (Mainly)
25 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pros:- Great disaster scenes. If you enjoyed The Day After Tomorrow you'll like seeing them once more.

A superb near-future vision of a decently funded manned space program.

A great lead cast - Butler, Garcia, Harris and Cornish.

Cons:- Painfully awful script, with some dreadful dialog.

Not too much science within the fiction, but there's a lot of fun.

**** Big Spoiler **** (scroll down) Guess what - er - titular event never actually happens?
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
A Worthy Part of This Century's TV Golden Age
25 September 2017
I was and am lukewarm about the reboot pantomime movies; lots of relief that Discovery takes place before that time-line split.

I loved it. It looks superb. The science officer is my new fave ST character. I loved the FX, the big space battle, the cool tech. I loved the new Klingons (sorry Worf, I won't be watching you much any more).

Most of all I loved how dark it was. Keep it dark.
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Space: 1999 (1975–1977)
Season One Review
28 July 2017
I cannot recall a show that had such huge differences between its few seasons.

Season one is the "serious" one. The "main mission" set is huge, and Moonbase Alpha really does seem realistic. The special effects are superb, some of the best pre-CGI work ever seen. The guest cast list is fantastic, with many notables who would go on to greater fame.

The show's main premise is of course utterly ridiculous; the moon is propelled out of orbit and amazingly arrives in a new solar system virtually every week.

However, within the "travelling moon" framework, the scriptwriters of season one came up with some superb episodes. I would say about 70- 80% of the first season are excellent.

The 8 or so main characters are likable and well-used; the 3 main stars don't totally dominate. Barbara Bain's performance has been criticised by some, but I feel that she gave the correct feel to the character, at least in season one.

The aliens encountered along the journey are of course English speaking white people, such as Peter Cushing, Julian Glover, Christopher Lee, Anthony Valentine etc, and this series predates the 1980s prosthetic aliens - so multicoloured robes and crazy wigs do the job instead.

The main thing I recall from season one (and the only good thing about season two) is the technology, and I refer to the many superb models, as well as the great 70s interior tech, such as the comlocks, the communication towers. The laser weapon, which can of course also stun, is a necessary device, not for Alphan life, but for TV scriptwriters.

Many have commentated about the sad fate of the show when season two was commissioned; it's very difficult to watch.

So, I salute season one.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
OK show, but lame fight sequences
18 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing like as bad as some of the reviews, Ser Loras does a good job playing the lead character. The brother and sister are great hate figures, and Farimir is a super nasty villainous mastermind.

Some of the fight stunts are, to be polite, a little under-rehearsed. OK we all know that many "blows" actually miss, but we're not actually meant to see that!

But overall, enjoyable, a lot better than Daredevil and Luke Cage.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Each Episode is Like a Movie (A Cheap SyFy Channel One)
27 December 2016
I should like this more; I admit to loving time travel books, shows and movies, and the frequent use of time travel as a plot device in other shows (Stargate, Star Trek etc).

This problems with this show are:-

Some poor casting.

Some poor script editing.

Less than stellar CG (see the opening Hindenburg episode for example), not up to the standards of BSG or SG-1 ten years ago, let alone more recent shows. This above all makes the show resemble a cheap SyFy movie.

But never mind, I still enjoy and am still watching, but I bet it's a one season show.
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Mad Dogs (I) (2015–2016)
Much Better Than The Original
25 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the original first season but this is so much better; a better cast (one Brit from the original is here present but in a better role), better script and higher production values.

As with Shameless and The Office, the US remake greatly surpasses the British version.

Who did not watch it without thinking "what would I do if I were there?".

Unfortunately it's only available legally on Amazon, and despite my huge broadband(width) it was a bit "pixel city", especially during some of the most attractive scenes in Belize. Perhaps Amazon Prime was very busy that day I binged all 10 episodes.
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San Andreas (2015)
Pure Entertainment
29 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone expecting a similar movie to "The Day After Tomorrow" will either be disappointed or, as in my case, hugely relieved.

Featuring superb CG, witness the disaster that overtakes California and The Hoover Dam.

Amidst all this, witness the casting disaster of the Welsh Bloke as a slimy new boyfriend of The Hero's ex-wife.

Then witness the casting oddity of that girl with large breasts that we all watched in "True Detective" in 2014, playing the student daughter of The Rock. Sorry honey, you do not look 20, and this site says you're 29. It's almost as bizarre as the 30+ Maggie Grace playing Liam Neeson's 17 year old daughter in "Taken". Almost.

In short, a cheesy predictable script but an all action family tale set against the backdrop of the largest quake in history. Just enjoy it.
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Reasonable Gritty Brit Crime Film (I watched it all)
15 March 2015
When buying online from - er - a certain large online retailer, I often first view the bad product reviews. The content of that 1 star review gives me a chance to judge the relevance of the comment.

It's often a similar story with IMDb. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but shouldn't that opinion be reinforced by some knowledge of the subject?

Judge then yourselves, reviews with phrases such as "I watched 10 minutes of this". Would anyone take a review of The Godfather or Shawshank Redemption seriously if the reviewer had only seen the wedding scene up to Johnny's arrival, or Andy's arrival at the jail?

If you didn't watch, your views are irrelevant.

Anyway, I did watch all of EBR, and yes, it wasn't an epic movie, but the acting of the leads was good, and the story was OK. Billy Murray was as you'd expect (perhaps Alan Ford was unavailable).
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Interstellar (2014)
IMAX disappointment of 2014
9 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I only stayed the duration so that I could write a review.

I'd heard that the script was less than perfect, so I went to my local IMAX mainly for a visual treat. Nothing took away my breath. The space scenes uninspiring , the planet scenes were OK not not worth my 3 hours.

The plot veers into dreadful sentimentality, and the "clever parts" are unconvincing.

Having said all that, the end scenes were good, and even moving.

"Gravity" lacked much of a plot, but it looked a lot better than this, and was a lot more enjoyable. Such a shame.
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Historic TV show, reasonably accurate, very good.
15 July 2013
I'm a huge fan, there's my position at the start. I love quality historic TV productions, and as such am a big fan of The Borgias and its European cousin Borgia, of Rome, of I Claudius, and I tried very hard to like The Tudors.

I'm not sure how a viewer with no historic background knowledge of the Wars of The Roses (as we know them) and the dynastic struggle that eventually resulted in The Windsors, but I find the tale, which includes some of the present Queen's ancestors, completely gripping.

Unfortunately I know what's about to happen during most scenes (apart from the silly stuff with Elizabeth and Lady Rivers, which does not detract from the story), so my advice is not to visit Wikipedia if you don't want your fun spoiled. Enjoy this tragic and dramatic story of one of England's earlier civil wars.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
A Breathtaking Viewing Experience
29 December 2012
We sat down not knowing much about this movie other than its length. The fast forward was not needed, the tea breaks were not required, the phones went unanswered, the cats had to wait for their supper, and the final scene had us tears.

I can believe that some would find this film difficult to follow; focus your mind and all will become clear. If your taste goes no higher than action films or romantic comedies, this movie will be above your level.

The action does switch between the six stories (in six time periods) fluidly but logically, the links between the six stories do become clear.

I think I have a new favourite film, and a new entry on my wish list (hurry up with that blu-ray).
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