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29 January 2024
I wanted to like this show, I was looking forward to it because I've enjoyed Kelly's music over the years, but boy what a disappointment. I can't watch it. I've tried to watch numerous YouTube interview clips, but every time I end up stopping the video from being annoyed.

Like a lot of reviews have already said Kelly talks A LOT almost to the point where she's having a conversation with herself, she's extremely loud; her guests are right in front of her yet she yells at them like she's going through a tunnel or something and some of the guests genuinely look so uncomfortable and don't know when to interject.
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Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018 Video Game)
Absolute Master peice in atmosphere and storytelling
27 January 2024
Shadow of the Tomb raider is my favorite Tomb Raider game out of this trilogy; it builds upon the world, characters and themes and lore of the first two games in this trilogy. The environmental design, the atmosphere, side quests and NPCs in this game all combine to create a seamless satisfying conclusion.

The one thing I love over anything else in this game is the exploration, this game encourages the player to explore Lara's surroundings, engage with NPCs and the player is always rewarded for doing so. The Tomb Raider series of games are a achievement hunters dream.

The only negative things I can think of is the back tracking, especially in some of the tombs and crypts. In addition, some of the tombs do have head-scratching moments, but if you trust your instincts the penny will drop after a while. Other than that, this is a perfect game.
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Feel good fun!
30 December 2022
Furry Vegence is a funny, crazy, light-hearted, entertaining movie! Brenda Fraiser is at his best playing a normal guy selling his land for real estate to build his "eutopia". While being tormented by forest animals, who call the forêt their home.

All while his family think he's going crazy, going about their normal lives.

People that don't like this movie, take themselves way too seriously, need to touch grass or have forgotten what 'entertainment' actually means.

Not every movie needs to be taken seriously, has to be dramatic or a Oscar nominated movie, sometimes you want to sit down, have a good time and watch a feel-good movie.
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Lindsay Lphan is back!
13 November 2022
I'm so glad to see Lindsay Lohan back in the spotlight, I've been a fan since The Parent Trap and I'm so happy she's been able to bounce back from her woes; I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie!

This UK Netflix title for this movie is "Falling for Christmas" and it summarises the movie perfectly; literally falling (😂), falling in love, falling out of love and its Christmas movie (what more could anyone ask for?

Is it a perfect movie? No it can be predictable at times.

Is it a terrible movie? No, it made me smile, it made me quite emotional at times, it's a heartwarming, charming/feel good Christmas movie.
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Premonition (I) (2007)
Keeps you guessing then breaks your heart.
26 March 2022
I love this movie, I've watched it so many times and it never gets old; it's still as tense and heartbreaking as the first time.

Sandra Bullock/Julian McMahon give excellent performances in this movie, it is well edited and I adore the Cinematography in this movie!
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War Horse (2011)
Absolutely Amazing!
22 March 2022
This movie is criminally under rated, it is by far far be of the best movies I've ever watched, I can't describe in words how it made me feel; it left me with an appreciation for life, it broke my heart so much many times and yet left me optimistic at the end.

This movie also validated the fact that I would've throughly enjoyed the original theatre production.
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Oxygen (2021)
23 January 2022
Oxygen is the Mind Maze that grips you from the opening credits and keeps you guessing!

This is the kind of movie that keeps you on the edge of our seat, keep you guessing but also gives you enough subtle clues/hints that you slowly start to figure things out along with the main character.

Everything about this movie is amazing, Melanie Lauren's performance was captivating; you feel every emotion she is going through. The voice/design of MILO, the cinematography and the suspense!

I really want to see how this movie was filmed because some of the scenes in this movie bend the mind.

Another example of why Netflix's foreign language films are much better than the American rubbish they've been pushing out for the last few years.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Good but disappointing...
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Locke & Key would be a great TV show if it wasn't for the fact that the teenagers have been written in such a way that makes them sound and look stupid.... Why can none of the men in this show fight? Why is it only Kingsley that seems to be able to hold her ground and fight?

Every fight scene the guys and thrown to the floor/knocked out or winded by a single punch but Kingsley can roll down two flights of stairs and still throw a few punches afterwards?!

The Locke children never check where anyone is or follow people they need to. They didn't follow Emily when she went after Dodge, they didn't check if it was actually Dodge they were throwing into the black hole (knowing full well about the identity key!), they didn't follow Eden when she was going back to Gabe... Honesty, they have no common sense between any of them.

Every time the story seems to be picking up, becomimg more intense and enjoyable it's ruined by stupid writing.

I've tried to give the season 2 a chance but I can't watch it anymore, it's just me waste of talent at this point.
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Prisoners (2013)
29 December 2021
Prisoners is one of the most shocking, disturbing, tense and suspensful movies I've ever watched. It is a masterpiece and a masterclass from Director Denis Villeneuve and Cinematographer Roger Deakins. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gylenhall give the performance of their careers.

This is the kind of movie that keeps you guessing with sweaty palms at the end of your seat; I wil be thinking about this one for a long time...

Even when I started to figure out what was going on, the story became more disturbing that I wanted to cover my eyes and ears because I couldn't believe what was happening.

The title is also very fitting, everyone in this movie is a prisoner, either by their own doing, physically, mentally or emotionally.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
11 December 2021
I didn't know Cowboy Bebop was an anime when I first started watching the first episode but I got a feeling that it was about half way through.

I only watched one episode because the dialogue and jokes were so awful, I couldn't watch anymore.

The acting is great considering the actors where given atrocious scripts. The best parts were the costumes, the sets, visual affects and cinematograph.

Thank you Netflix for not giving this show another season.
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Interstellar (2014)
Interstellar Left Me Speechless
3 September 2021
I honestly don't know how describe how this movie made me feel,there aren't enough words to describe how profound, exhilarating and absolutely incredible this movie is.

Interstellar t is one of the best movies ever created, my mouth was left agape at the end credits. I only regret not seeing this in a cinema with an audience.
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The Shift (2009 Video)
iInspirational and Thought-provoking
28 February 2021
I was so lost when I stumbled across this movie... it was truly inspirational, thought-provoking, it changed the way I looked at my life, other people and it enabled me to become the person I've always wanted to be. This song / video is so uplifting and I've recently found it again after a long time! RIP Dr. Wayne Dyer, you will truly be missed!
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I have so many questions...
28 January 2021
This could've been such a great movie... this movie tells you nothing from start to finish. I left the movie with more questiosn than answers: Who is Augustine? What was "The Event"? Why is Augustine in Antarctica? and so many more!

I was very invested in the characters, their determination get back home to earth, Augustine's determination to communicate with Aether and tell them about "The Event", the sets were fantastic, the acting was great but other than that the movie falls completely flat.
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Incredible but I wanted more!
28 December 2020
I went into this movie knowing absolutely nothing about Ma Rainey or the play this movie is based on.

Viola Davis and Chaswick Boseman give phenomnenal performances but honestly this is Chaswick's (Levee's) movie, he stole the movie, his passion and heart were bursting out of the screen!

Levee and Ma Rainey are exact opposites of each other, they both struggle dealing with white people in the North (for obvious overt reasons) but they both deal with their situations in different ways. The stark contrast between Ma Rainey (and her band) in the South America/North America are heartbreaking, honestly portrayed and incredibly captured through montages and monologues by Levee/Ma Rainey.

I loved this movie, it left me speechless wanting more... I can't help but feel that I wanted to see Ma Rainey's background in the South, I want to see where she came from and how she became the "Mother of the Blues", I wanted to se more of Ma and her band in the South to give more of a contrast to the North.
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Fantastic Movie!
1 December 2020
I honestly do not understand why so many critics hate this movie?!

This is a fantastic movie about overcoming struggle, overcoming adversity, dealing with and eventually overcoming addiction, fighting for the people you love, tough love, letting people in when they are willing to help you and creating your own path.

Ron Howard's use of flashbacks and flashforwards to complete J. D. Vance's timeline worked perfectly and never felt confusing or out of place. I cannot give enough praise to Glenn Close, Amy Adams, Gabriel Basso and Owen Asztalos - they all have incredible chemistry on screen, they gave amazing performances and really bought the real people of this story to life.

This is an emotional, heartbreaking, honest movie and it is one of the best movies I've watched in a long time.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
So much potential
30 November 2020
Honestly, this show has so much potential but there are so many things about it that annoy me, especially in the last episode. The plot holes, the complete lack of awareness by the teenagers and they don't even explain the origin of the keys. The filming locations are great and the visual effects are very impressive.

Locke & Key was originally written for HBO and Netflix made the writers completely re-write it; so that does explain a lot and I don't understand why Netflix would do that.

Saying all of that, I hope it does get a second season and I hope the writers do a better job and go into the origin of the keys and the teenagers eventually realise their mistakes in the season finale. Locke and Key has been picked up for a second season and is in the process of being filmed; I really hope they give more information about the origin of the keys with the use of flashbacks or complete episodes dedicated to it.
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Finding Dory (2016)
Pixar has done it again!
1 November 2020
Finding Dory has the perfect balance between flashbacks, callbacks, emotion, adventure and running jokes; that doesn't get boring or seem like they are dragging on for too long. This movie and it's characters made you believe that you were helping Dory find her parents and you believed that you were part of the movie. It is a beautifully crafted, movie with incredible cinematography and direction - I could clearly see the amount of time and effort it took to get this movie made; I'm very happy that they waited such a long time and didn't rush in with a sequel that would've been very disappointed; but maybe they shouldn't wait so long next time.

I could not review this movie without mentioning the performances by all of the voice actors; especially Ellen DeGeneres' as Dory; I say performance because the amount emotion and strength that went into was incredible. She made you feel every emotional Dory was feeling, whether she was happy or sad or crying at times. Ellen DeGeneres has said in many interviews that she was actually crying while reading certain lines and I felt that throughout some of the most key scenes. Her performance is one of the best voice performances I have ever witnessed and I honestly believe that she deserves an Oscar nomination for her role as Dory.
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After Earth (2013)
So bad...
28 October 2020
I watched this movie on TV, it was about half-way through and I couldn't even finish this movie.
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Game Night (I) (2018)
I love this movie!
21 October 2020
I don't know why this movie has been rated so harshly... I love this movie so much! It's crazy, funny and genuinely scary at times as well! Jason Bateman and Rachel Adams are standout performers in this movie, the are hilarious and they have incredible chemistry! The way this film was filmed / edited is so immersive and is unlike anyting I've ever seen; I still can't determine whether some of the birdseye view scenes were real places / sets or if they were filmed using miniture models! This is one of the movies I regret not seeing in a cinema!
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Batman: Hush (2019 Video)
DC at it's Best!
17 October 2020
DC's animated cinematic universe is so much better than their live action cinematic universe. As a person who has also played the Batman Arkham videogame series, this Hush storyline is so much more satisfying and makes more sense. I love everything about this movie!
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23 June 2020
As a person who loves and respects history (the good and bad), I was very dissapointed this movie. The pacing is completely off; the film spends too long getting through the most boring parts of the movie, then rushes through parts of the mort important moments and there are moments that make no sense whatsoever. But saying all of that, the cast were great and the directing was good!
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Absolutely Amazing!
6 April 2020
This is by far one of the best written, directed, scored and acted tv shows I've ever watched. Every single episode is full of suspense, surprises with constant twists and turns!

OZARK is a must watch, it is gritty, terrifying and by far the best tv show Netflix has ever produced. It deserves every award and nomination it gets!
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Dissapointing with so much potential!
6 March 2020
Honestly, this show has so much potential but there are so many things about it that annoy me, especially in the last episode. The plot holes, the complete lack of awareness by the teenagers and they don't even explain the origin of the keys.

Locke & Key was originally written for HBO and Netflix made the writers completely re-write it; so that does explain a lot and I don't understand why Netflix would do that.

Saying all of that, I hope it does get a second season and I hope the writers do a better job and go into the origin of the keys and the teenagers eventually realise their mistakes in the season finale.
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
I wanted to like this show - OMG it's terrible!
19 September 2019
I don't usually write negative reviews but this honestly one of the worst shows I've ever watched...the only good things about it is Cress Williams who plays Black Lightning he is a great actor and he is the only reason I got through season one!

The other actors are awful, the fight choreography is terrible and the visual affects are abismal. How did this show get a second season!
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