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Three's Company: An Affair to Forget (1982)
Season 7, Episode 8
Must hold record for Three's Company Misunderstandings
23 April 2021
I don't believe there is another episode of this series who has as many mishaps and misunderstandings like this episode has. This series is known for sexual innuendos and misunderstandings; they thrive on it. However, none of them get cleared up until the end of the episode. Also, not only does it involve one set of circumstances, it involves a second set as well. Both Janet and Jack believe they know they're each dating a married individual. However, at the end of the episode, everything gets cleared up per usual.

It is one of their funnier episodes, especially in the later seasons.
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Bittersweet Trip Down Memory Lane
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When she finds out her old childhood home was going to be torn down, Louise tries to reminisce with George, telling him how the doorknobs in the apartment looked like diamonds to her as a child. "I'd dream I could sell them and buy anything I want." George shrugs off her reminiscing. When she says she wants to go there that night one last time, George reminds her their new furniture was arriving. He can't wait to show it off to the neighbors.

Louise decides to go by herself. She spends the time thinking about three times in her life, as a child, teenager sneaking in late, and as a bride-to-be. (the scenes are shown by different actors).

George comes looking for her and reprimands her for scaring him. (apparently she left without leaving a note). She asks to have one more moment to say goodbye. Before she leaves, she takes off the doorknob off the main door.
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The Fugitive: May God Have Mercy (1965)
Season 2, Episode 25
Did Gerard know?
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is an exciting episode, with lots of twists and turns. I really enjoyed it.

One question I have. Kimble, under arrest and hospitalized for a bullet wound, escapes while down for an X-ray. When he exits the hospital, a linen truck is finishing up loading up laundry. Kimble jumps on before he pulls out but is unable to close the back door. The driver gets out and closes it. A local detective and Gerard come running out of the hospital. They ask the driver if he'd seen an escaped prisoner. The driver says no and gets back into the van. Gerard looks at the van and watches it pull away.

Now why didn't he look in the back of the van? It's plausible he didn't because the driver would have no reason to lie. However, as it's the case here, Kimble was able to sneak on without the driver knowing it.

And the way Gerard looks at the back door...I wonder if Leonetti's false murder confession and saying the one-armed man was a witness caused some doubt in the man's mind.

I haven't watched all the episodes to know if there are times when Gerard was a little less than studious in his attempts to capture Kimble. Or other times when he let something go. I am not sure, but I'm going to keep my eyes out for any other possible examples.
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Mrs. Wiggins has the last laugh
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first skit was Mr. Tudball (Tim Conway) takes Mrs. Wiggins (Carol) to lunch for National Secretary Week because his wife told him to. It is a fine restaurant with a snooty waiter (Korman). A conversation between Tudball and Mrs. Wiggins takes place which is typical of the two of them. She asks where the women's restroom is, goes to find it, and returns only to say she couldn't find it. "All I could find was a door with a picture of a woman on it." The waiter returns and she begins to order. She orders three entrees and baked mousse. Mr. Tudball decides he doesn't want to stay due to the expense. He asks the waiter how much it would cost and leaves the amount on the table. When the waiter returns, she tells him she's changed her mind and only wants coffee. She then takes out a sandwich out of her purse and pockets the roll of cash into her bra.

I don't recall many Wiggins skits, but the ones I've seen recently do not show her other than being unbelievably dumb. I can't recall any other skits showing her to be only putting on an act with her boss.

The second skit has a bumbling man and a woman sitting at a bar, one at each end, the only ones left in the bar. He tries to pick her up but is rather clumsy about it. She tries to tell him to skip all that and that she'll agree to a one night stand. (I'm paraphrasing here). No personal details are to be shared, but as they sit finishing their drinks, little facts slip out. Finally they figure out she's the man's cousin. She pulls her coat over her shoulders and he pushes his chair away from her. They agree they should meet once his wife gets to town.

I personally thought she'd end up being a detective checking up on the man, but this is so much funnier.

Both skits were enjoyable, especially Mrs. Wiggins.
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Mom: Poodle Fuzz and a Twinge of Jealousy (2017)
Season 5, Episode 5
Surprising character development shown.
7 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is one of my most favorite Mom episodes. Not only does it have the most humorous interactions among the characters, it also shows why I fell in love with the Adam character.

A most revealing interaction takes place when Bonnie (in a wheelchair due to injured leg ligaments) and Adam go to a restaurant for lunch. Bonnie requests a table by a window because "well, you know," and she indicates her wheelchair. When she's told one isn't available she begins to argue. Adam angrily leaves. He tells Bonnie later that he has never used his disability as a means for gaining advantages. " This reveals Adam's integrity.

Bonnie's character development is also shown. However, it's shown in a realistic way. As she helps with caretaker duties due to Bonnie being laid up, Christy discovers her mom has been helping the residents in ways which could be considered outside her duties, i.e. helping them with errands, reading to a blind man. In the same token, however, Bonnie is shown to still have selfish tendencies, i.e. calling Christy to add hot water while she's reading and soaking in the tub, and trying to lie to Christy about being off of restrictions at the end.

Overall, I have grown to love this series for how they find comedy in the normal interactions between people and for showing the process of recovery. The addition of Adam as a character has been a joy to see for it has helped Bonnie develop even faster into a better person.
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Becker: DNR (2004)
Season 6, Episode 13
A Fitting Goodbye
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with studioAT. This episode was warm-hearted, sweet, funny goodbye to a series that was gone too soon and hasn't had more acclaim.

The last scene was especially heartfelt. As the camera fades, it shows John and Chris on the fire escape in an embrace looking out at the street. Other things I loved were: Jake leaving for college in Chicago and thus the rest of the cast said goodbye to him, in lieu of the audience, the appearance of Ted Danson's real-life wife having an appearance and John saying, "I pity the man who's married to her", John looking at patient Nielsen's numbers and saying, "these numbers weren't bad".

I'm glad I've been able to watch this wonderful show in syndication and to develop an appreciation for it.
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Becker: Subway Story (2004)
Season 6, Episode 12
A Touching Episode
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The little old lady who Becker ends up helping is actually on her way to see the monument of 9/11. Her son had died in the collapse of the two towers. In helping her, Becker doesn't know this until the end. I love this show when the tender side of this irascible, most of the time annoying, man is shown. This is one of those shows, because even though John is in a hurry, and have people waiting for him, he doesn't leave the old woman to her own efforts. And in the end, it was worthwhile. I only wish it would've shown Chris' reaction to Becker's showing kindness to the old woman.
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Terrific skit!!!
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This "The Family" skit was terrific but also bittersweet, like most of their skits are. An old friend of Eunice is in town and she and Eunice go out for "lunch", which also included stopping by a well-known dive bar. The best part of this is, after the final confrontation, and Midge leaves, Eunice sits down on the couch after knocking over the card table with Ed's puzzle on it, and doesn't say a word. The most surprising thing happens then. Ed suggests to Mama that they go into the kitchen and fix supper. Mama agrees without an argument. That in itself spoke volumes.

Tonight this skit reminded me of one of Tennessee Williams' plays, and I do believe that's why I liked them as a little kid.
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Family Ties: 'D' Is for Date (1987)
Season 5, Episode 24
A message hidden in a possibly stereotypical episode
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode shows Jennifer exploring her values as to what she'd do in order to be attractive to a guy. She pretends to know nothing about baseball for the classmate she's attracted to who's a popular baseball athlete. They spend almost all their free time together for two weeks while working on the joint science project. However, they end up with an 'F'. He ends up getting kicked off the school baseball team. After confronting the science teacher during the conference between Jennifer, her parents and the teacher, Skip runs off when Jennifer attempts to comfort him.

At the end of the episode, Skip stops by to see Jennifer. Before he can state the reason for his visit, Jennifer hurriedly tells him that she's actually smart and very knowledgeable about baseball. When he asks why she did that, Jennifer tells him he didn't like her until she did. Instead he admits that in fact he likes her but was afraid of approaching her. He thought she'd laugh at him because of his grades. So...lesson of the episode: it pays to be yourself.
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Family Ties: Keaton vs. Keaton (1987)
Season 5, Episode 22
Brotherly Love
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode I don't remember watching, but it has a few of excellent scenes which tug at the heartstrings. It shows how much he has grown.

The episode is about a scholarship competition for employees at the public TV station where Steven works at. Of course Alex says right away that he'll compete in it. However, even with her parents' encouragement, Mallory says she'll not compete against Alex. "Why? I wouldn't win," is her basic attitude. However, with Jennifer's encouragement, she does work on her presentation and enters the competition.

What happens next is the scene which shows how far Alex has grown, I believe. While waiting for Mallory to finish her presentation to the judges, one judge leaves the room. With Alex's asking, he tells Alex that he has won the competition. Alex thinks for a moment, looking at the door where his sister's excited chatter comes to him while talking to the other judges, and asks who was second. When he's told it was Mallory, and thinking about it for a moment, he rushes after the judge and tells him he wishes to withdraw from the competition. Later, when a message arrives that she has won the contest, the family is excited. However while the rest of the family is in the living room, Steven tells Alex that the judge told him what he did. And that he was proud of Alex.

It's when Alex hugs his sister and tells her that if, in the future, when someone asks him how it feels to be Mallory Keaton's brother, he will answer, "D*** proud", which brought tears to my eyes.

I believe this episode is a fine example of why this series stayed on the air for so long.
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Black Sheep Squadron: Fighting Angels (1978)
Season 2, Episode 8
An Exciting Episode
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was one of the few episodes which was more serious in mood. The threat felt abnormally high for not only the pilots, but everyone on the island as well. Through a series of miscalculations the Marines weren't able to delay the Japanese attack of the island, and due to a lack of resources, no reinforcements were going to arrive in time.

I don't recall seeing this episode when I first watched the reruns so I don't recall the sad ending. Dottie, the head nurse, the one who had revealed her attraction to Pappy to Samantha, ends up getting killed. It happens off-screen. Pappy receives the news once they've returned. He goes to her body, with a sheet over it, pulls it down, sees her clutching the gold cross he'd given her, and kisses her hand before taking the cross.
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I Love Lucy: Little Ricky's School Pageant (1956)
Season 6, Episode 10
Another fun musical episode!
17 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Little Ricky's school is holding a pageant named "The Enchanted Forest". Lucy is told about it at the PTA meeting and wants to demand Little Ricky have a huge part. However, Ricky tells her this can be a great lesson for Ricky in cooperation. However, the boy who had gotten the boy lead doesn't want to do it, so Little Ricky becomes the lead. Because there are more parts than children, the Ricardos and Mertzes are volunteered to have roles. Ricky is a hollow stump, Fred's a frog, and Ethel's the fairy princess (because she fits the costume), and Lucy is the wicked witch.

The pageant itself is very clever and goes off with only a few hitches. Several children have to be prompted with their lines, and Little Ricky forgets and calls his parents "mommy" and "daddy" instead of their characters' names. The pageant has singing and dancing that the children carry off very well.

I don't recall seeing this particular episode before, and I enjoyed it immensely. I recommend it highly.
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Cute episode
31 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Best part was when it looked like Ben wasn't going to be able to finish his school project due to the store closing before Ben could buy paste because of all the "delays". When they meet up one more time with the two cute girls, the one throes Ben a small container. "Paste!" Ben exclaims.

The ending shows the map of Russia Ben turns in -- rather unique and quite the sight to see.
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Vega$: Love Affair (1980)
Season 3, Episode 5
Dan's in Love
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, even though predictable, was still worth watching. I enjoyed it very much, especially the comraderie of Dan with his two co-workers. Dan meets a wonderful woman and falls in love. Unfortunately, she is a prostitute. At the end, she decides she loves Dan enough to leave the 'business' and marry him. However, in an argument with her pimp, she falls toward the swimming pool, hits her head on a planter, and falls into the pool. While the pimp stands there in shock, his goon fishes her out of the pool. He checks her pulse but she's dead.

It was a twist with what I thought was going to happen. The pimp ends up killing her, but accidentally. And the ending is with Dan and gang going fishing together.
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Murphy Brown: I Hear a Symphony (1997)
Season 10, Episode 10
Olivia Newton-John and Murphy fight it out
24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was nice to see Olivia Newton-John appearing in this episode. She looked great, and she gets the drop on Murphy.

Murphy really wants to win the chance to conduct a symphony, which is one of the prizes at a benefit auction for the Zoo. However, suddenly there is another bidder who drives up the price. Murphy hunts them out, and it ends up being Olivia. Murphy wins the bid at $2000. However, before Olivia sits down, she informs Murphy that she is on the board for the Zoo and had bet someone she could get Murphy to pay to pay $2000.

And the song Murphy directs the orchestra in performing? "Respect" by Aretha Franklin.
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Murphy Brown: From the Terrace (1997)
Season 10, Episode 11
Surprisingly heartwarming
24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In typically sitcom fashion most of the cast gets stuck on the terrace the day before Christmas vacation. Kay had encouraged her team to come out and enjoy the winter scene. However, the door locks behind them and no one else is left in the office.

Across the way there is a couple who are in the middle of breaking up, the man packing. They wonder what the group of people across the street are doing, but they return back to their arguing.

The real heartwarming part of the episode is when the FYI team wonders what, if any, deeper meaning to their being locked out is. They never find out that the couple who was on the brink of breaking up make up instead.
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Loved the finale!!!
24 July 2020
I only gave this episode (or part of the episode, seen in syndication cut up), a '7' because of the clown finale. I've only began to watch this show again due to it now being available in my area. As far as my memory goes, this finale is one of the best musical bits they've done. It was hilarious!!

The beginning sketch with William Christopher from M*A*S*H with an actress who I couldn't find info to identify was fairly fun. However, the sketch based on "The Seventh Veil" felt off to me. (might be my mood, and the fact I've never seen that movie).

Again, I'll give this episode another chance, but mainly because of the finale. Again, that skit was FANTASTIC.
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Gimme a Break!: Nell's Secret Admirer (1987)
Season 6, Episode 13
a touching episode
27 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Earl calls the restaurant to tell her he got cold feet, they end up talking. Eventually Nell reveals that in high school she had self esteem problems because she never lived up to her parents' expectations (for some reason not revealed) and she hid her hurt behind her jokes and singing. Contrary to many opinions, she had spent her evenings at home alone instead of out with friends.

A very touching episode in this reveal of her vulnerability which I don't recall being explored before. And at the end of the episode? Earl does indeed arrive at the restaurant.
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Murphy Brown: Rage Before Beauty (1992)
Season 4, Episode 21
Great episode
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this episode. It was fun, but also made some points that are still relevant today. Unfortunately, appearance continues to be a large factor in show business as it did in this episode.

Spoiler: I really enjoyed the ending. Murphy is in the bathroom stewing over the fact that most calls about the previous night's show and her interview were about how they hate her hair and not her interview. Suddenly she reaches up -- and pulls off a wig. She throws it in the waste basket and walks out.
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That Girl: Break a Leg (1966)
Season 1, Episode 10
Cute episode!!!
16 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was interesting to see Sally Kellerman in a TV role, and to see Ann so excited about being an understudy on Broadway. Unfortunately the show opened and closed in one night. Sally did a great job as her friend who had first suggested Ann to be her understudy, then grew to regret it because of the unlucky things that happened. It was fun to see Dabney Coleman so young and with hair. (I only recognized him at first by his voice).
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It's a Living: Sweet Charity (1987)
Season 5, Episode 4
A fun episode!
11 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Even though it was a little campy I found this episode to be fun and different in tone than most of the other episodes. To earn money and experience Dot takes the job of directing a children's play being put on for charity. It's to raise money to send underprivileged children to camp. The play is a musical "Little Red Riding Hood".

After dealing with many other small obstacles the entire cast comes down with chickenpox. After some coaxing, the other waitresses agree to act in the play. Sonny volunteers as well, but Nancy only agrees after Dot promises to pay her a hundred dollars. The play goes off without a hitch until near the end when Sonny trips backstage and falls out the emergency door. No one knows where he is, but he is due on stage soon as The Woodsman. Nancy as the Big, Bad Wolf and Ginger as Red Riding Hood try to stall on stage as long as possible when Ginger hits the Wolf over the head with a lamp. The curtain goes down and comes back up to reveal Nancy remains unconscious on the floor while the rest take their bows. I found the two songs within the play to be fun, for a children's play, and the additions to the fairy tale fun.
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Christmas Matchmakers (2019 TV Movie)
The ending is fixed for future viewings
15 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie. Its plot is simple, like other such movies, but I did enjoy it, even though it reminded me of a Netflix movie.

Re: the ending, luckily there were no such problems as the next program mistakenly beginning before this movie ended. It ended with the two couples happily dancing on the rooftop after exchanging gifts.

I hope the other reviewers have the opportunity to catch the ending of this movie in future airings. I think it's worth the effort.
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