
15 Reviews
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Don't Look Up (2021)
What an embarrassing backfire
13 January 2022
This was supposed to make fun of the right wing but it only demonstrates how ridiculously desperate Hollywood and leftist nuts have become at attempting to venerate themselves as the good guys! There were a couple laughs, mainly at the absurdity of the entire situation, but it belongs alongside most of the other woke excrement, with these holier-than-thou idiots' names on the front label!
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Encanto (2021)
13 January 2022
This was a mess! Discombobulated story, open holes, irritating characters, useless material, junk. This should have been released on streaming instead of Luca or even Raya! But Disney is a money machine and doesn't seem to care about what it releases anymore as long as they fill seats. Just another in a long, long line of Hollywood wokeness.
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This movie should be destroyed!
17 November 2021
This movie is TERRIBLE! I don't know why others found it to be worth anything over one star, but they must not have watched it. It has horrible graphics (like it was created using a computer from the 90s), a weird story, creepy animation, everything moves dreadfully slow, and the voice acting is godawful. I can appreciate oddly made films, but this was trash.
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Seaspiracy (2021)
22 August 2021
Yes, we all know how humans are the bane of the earth. Our actions are taking a toll on nearly every blessing this beautiful planet has given us. Yet it is another matter to make unfounded "scientific" claims. The directors/producers have recently been called out and responded with the statement that "they are NOT scientists, nor do they claim to be..." This sounded pretty dubious to me and when comparing the film's claims with other ACTUAL scientists' findings on the subject, I'm not wrong.

This is another example of the great film industry twisting facts for the sake of donations, political corruption and scare tactics.

The only positive result of this is the fact that it just might be enough to make you uncomfortable about the next plastic bottle you drink from or the next grocery product you buy for your family's consumption.
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Fearless (2020)
Sorry Netflix... NO 1up! GAME OVER!!
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Vanguard has some of the worst movies ever released (with a few paltry exceptions)... why Netflix thought it was a good idea to 'recruit' them is beyond all rational thought. The animation is below subpar and lifeless with no use or knowledge of lighting/shadows and the backgrounds are terrible! EVERYTHING about this screams bland and juvenile, bad fat jokes delivered by even worse timing and acting. Yes, I realize that this is an animated film, but even children deserve standards. So, Reid is about everything you'd expect from stereotypical high school kid that plays video games ALL DAY- bumbling and awkwardly flippant. As for the girl, another stale and shallow role involving a kid too future-focused on grades and college and red lobster crabfest, as if a single bad "group/partner" assignment will bring a teachers' pet's perfect gpa crashing down - so long collegiate career- just so she can make a difference in the world. Additionally, WHO schedules TWO BATHROOM BREAKS an HOUR?? Does she have Crohn's or ibs? Maybe just cursed with a baby's bladder? She certainly has no maternal instincts, as she NEVER spends time with the babies. At least the government doesn't have a clipboard-toting, loud-mouth, hnic to make sure nothing goes wrong! Wait, I spoke too soon... maybe they should switch back to having a narcissistic general with a southern accent in charge! The only bearable figures here are the characters that have zero speaking parts. Nonetheless, despite the danskin-wear, the babies are still only borderline endearing... AND WILL SOMEONE FEED THEM ALREADY??!!
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A movie that tells me octopuses are smart
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to seeing this, only to realize that everything DIES... Even the guys married life! All I heard during this movie was HIS VERSION... "I" thought, or "I" wanted to... in the preview it mentions his son, what a laugh!!!! He should have rewarded this beautiful creature who trusted him with security. Months of gaining trust from an amazing creature to repay it with no protection, it is WITHOUT DOUBT HIS FAULT!!!!
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Where did THIS lucky find come from??
30 June 2020
I dug this up a little while back and now that I heard the great news that Netflix is adding it this month, I figured I'd leave my review. Despite its obscure release and generally insignificant existence, this movie was particularly impressive. The voice cast was perfect, animation nicely fluid and colorful with an entertaining story. Of course, there were the couple random scenes where you felt, 'What are they thinking?' Or 'Why didn't they just do this?' But all in all, it was a delightfully amusing film that I enjoyed watching (along with my nephews/niece ranging from 12 to 5 yrs). They thought the hamster bit was hilarious!
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Happy Feet (2006)
Weird and CREEPY
4 June 2020
This movie is NOT for kids. It's off-putting and the penguins songs are supposed to be enlightening or perhaps feeling... but the ooohhhwaahhs just came across as disturbing.
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Sloppily Knitted Strangeness
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love computer animated films and I'm in my 30s... But this was terrible!! It would have been funnier if they had tried "orphaning" themselves by implementing some of the weapons installed for the house hunters on their parents instead-kinda like a Home Alone VS The 'Rents! The mom & dad were just disturbing to watch and the moustache-hair knitting was not nearly as funny as it could have been. Nanny was obnoxiously loud while being way too cheery about the appalling child abuse situation and I didn't find the Barnabys creepy in the least (but that baby WAS a straight up alien)! Nearly everything the movie claimed about itself turned out to be the complete opposite! It had a happy ending, although Ricky Gervais's perpetually oh-so-arrogant sarcastic voice had introduced {far too much in a Lemony Snicket-style} the fact that it wouldn't! The Barnabys WEREN'T creepy; the kids were supposed to be smart, but couldn't cook their own food?? Somehow the fascist child orphan service allowed them to be adopted by Nanny and Willy Wonka-ripoff-dude without ever knowing whether their parents actually died in the Alps (they didn't by the way, until the very end when they were eaten by sharks).
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Another Enjoyable Asterix film
24 May 2020
Entertaining story, a bit darker than Asterix: Mansion of the gods. The Jesus druid was especially funny! The multiplication of the bread was a cute touch. Although I think they missed a huge chance at an even better joke. For a village of people who eat mackerel nonstop, they should have had the dru-ish Jesus (yes, I said it!) multiply fish as well. With a combined "HOLY MACKEREL!" thrown in by a crowd member, it would have been the pièce de résistance, rounding out the bit nicely. He didn't get a name either, and for a movie with Demonix (English version), Geriatrix, Magnetix, Antibiotix, etc., something along the lines of Crucifixus or Christianix would have been clever. Altogether, an amusing film for a slightly more mature audience.
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City of Ember (2008)
Directed poorly; waste of spectacular sets, impressive costumes and strong actors.
26 January 2020
I wanted this movie to work but I think that it was sloppily directed. The things that stood out were not huge, but it seemed that a more experienced person would notice those random scenes where something was off or awkward, especially when having to do with the stories main points. It's a shame because I loved the grittiness of the sets as well as the costumes! All the artistic directors did a magnificent job with this! The acting was solid and believable. If this movie had been handled more precisely, I think it would have been amazing. I also believe that we'd have the sequel film!
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Totally immoral+teaches thievery and bad manners +poor acting
23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The kids are lying, ungrateful, BAD PEOPLE! How they didn't end up in juvie at the end is beyond me. False fire alarms, STEALING, SCAMS, ETC. Not only that, these kids are NOT heroes, but the most ungrateful little cheats! True, their foster family IS sub-par, but it is their 12th!! So what happened with the first 11? My thoughts are that the children, not the adults were to blame for that!! Lisa Kudrow said they have a time for dinner, and if it's missed, no dinner! Good for her! Also I kept thinking if that was my dog, and they'd accidentally slipped their collars and went missing, I'd like to be able to call the local animal shelter and locate them ASAP! I'd rather them be safe, warm, & fed than on the streets or in the hands of misguided youths! These idiot kids didn't think anything about that fact when they were "saving" the animals. And when you save any animal (canine, feline, or even human), you take it to a place where it is better off than it was before. That nasty, condemned "roach motel" is not much better than a trash dump!! I realize that it is a movie and the dogs weren't starving but even so, most of the dogs were probably just lost, not homeless! Don't let your kids waste 1.5 hours of their lives with this movie!
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Better than the first!
16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hilarious all the way through! Could not stop laughing during the bathroom scene! I liked seeing more of the pigs. Not a highly clever or deep storyline but it's decent for an animated movie. I would have given it a 10 but I didn't like Zeta. Her voice is just ear-grating. Also I couldn't believe Debbie was actually her daughter, the way she was treated. Zeta should have been a heck of a lot nicer to her own daughter!
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3 December 2019
CORNY, CHEESY, HORRID ACTING! (Although the cast is full of great actors) Obviously this has been out for a long time but I was bored and it was on at the time so.... ugh! I cannot believe I was able to sit through this annoyingly absurd nonsense! Normally I don't leave feedback but I felt compelled to warn others of this utter waste of time. I think I may have laughed once at some obvious joke but the entire thing was cringeworthy!
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Surprisingly enjoyable
11 November 2019
I had never heard of this before watching. I expected another low budget, no talent, weakly animated dud. Although not terribly clever and somewhat predictable, the computer animation was solid and smooth, the characters were likeable and the storyline was entertaining. Altogether a charming movie. SIDE NOTE: I don't understand the entertainment industry's need to appoint a red (or in most cases ORANGE) haired main character in practically every animated movie created. At first, it may have been trendy but now it's just tired and stale.
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