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Good Movie that'd also TRUE!!!
10 January 2018
Everyone talks about PTSD these days but this movie shows you the heavy stuff that soldiers have to go through when they get back home from the war. This is a very serious issue that I wish more people would pay attention to. I cried a few different times during the movie. So did my sister.

Also I never have understood all the hate for Amy Schumer, but in this movie she is not very good and almost look like she's laughing during some scenes? I don't know. She should stick to comedy though, it took me out of the movie. Hayley Bennett on the other hand was AMAZING!!!! I want to see her in more!

Watch this movie!
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Iron Man (2008)
Good Start to Marvel!!
20 November 2017
This was where it all started for Marvel and it's actually a pretty good movie when you rewatch it. It's much better than the Marvel movies that are released today except maybe Thor 3 which was surprisingly good.

But this movie still holds a special place for me. One time we even dressed up my sister as Iron Man for Hallloween. Such jokes.
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This movie is INSANE! and I LOVE IT!
20 November 2017
I was told to watch this by some friends. Usually they don't lead me wrong and this one was no exception. I put it on late at night with my sister. We were half tired and not sure we could even get through it but five minutes in when the bed start eating the apple we just laughed forever lol. I mean this bed was hungry! It didn't stop there. It was one classic scene after another.

If you like insane movies about mattresses watch this one! What the hell was that yellow goop?
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Reel (2015)
Good movie! Creepy marketing!!
2 November 2017
I found this movie in the creepiest of ways!

The apparent director of it, this guy named slashervictim666, found me on instagram and asked me to watch his movie. The guy acted creepy as hell and to be honest I wasn't even sure if there was a movie or if he was just a typical instagram idiot.

So he showed me and my sister his movie which plays out like a snuff film that he made. It was pretty funny actually until the end when it got super violent and gory. Like a snuff film.

Movie I would give a 6.5 or 7 and the creepy marketing I would have to give a 10. Super original.

Overall 8.
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
2 November 2017
Me and my sister watched this over Halloween on our Bella Thorne movie fest. She is not actually in this movie that much and it's her best movie of the year. So that sucks. But when she is in it she is really funny!

Lots of gory kills and stuff but it was mostly just fun to see the characters talk and just be funny. I'm going to watch this one again!

Reminds you of the old fun 80's movies!
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Perfect movie! Might not be to others.
2 November 2017
This was one of the core movies that got me and sister into horror movies. I still love Jamie Lee so it's tough not having her in this but we had this and the original as kids and we would watch them both nonstop. It's become a bit of a tradition with me and my sister to watch parts 1 and 4 every Halloween.

I know it's not as great as the original and there's fans who love the 3rd one but to me I have to say this might be my favorite Halloween ever for personal reasons. Don't hate me.
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The Halloween of Bella Thorne!
2 November 2017
Bella Thorne is in a lot of horror movies this Halloween! I think she topped my girl Jamie Lee in one year. She is officially a scream queen.

Of all her horror movies from this year this one is probably the worst. They never seem to get the amityville movies right! A few years ago me and sister binged watched them all on one weekend. I think there was only nine of them then. Anyways they are all pretty bad. Even the original isn't as good as Halloween, Friday the 13th and those other classics.

So I would say this movie was better than a lot of the amityville sequels but not as good as the original. Which still wasn't that good.
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Good for certain people, bad for others.
2 November 2017
The best thing about this movie is the sets. They are insane! But the movie itself is not that good and is not really a horror movie, it's more of a comedy. The main problem with it was the characters talking like hipsters all the time. I actually used to hang out with a group of friends who would have loved this... and I can already bet they've seen it five times already. AT LEAST!

But not a 2 or 3 like other reviewers are saying. The set design alone is worth a 5. If you are hipster watch it, if not, you may not like it.
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Scream 3 (2000)
Not as good as first two but still fun!
25 September 2017
Scream was a classic and Scream 2 was pretty close to it and they are both a couple of my favorite movies. Scream 3 is good. Like you still have the original cast and everything. Just it was starting to become more predictable. Which I guess isn't the movie's fault. Scream 4 was fun too! But I still think nothing can beat the first two movies.
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Brutal! brutal BRUTAL!
17 September 2017
One of the most brutal horror movies out there! It's like you are watching a bunch of tapes from a serial killer. There isn't much plot it's more about going through the different scary scenes of people getting tortured and killed.

It's not too too bloody like the Saw movies I think are probably bloodier but this movie is so intense! It actually feels like you are watching serial killer footage which is scary. The mask man in one scene almost made me have a heart attack!

I don't know why more people don't talk about this movie!!
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The Simpsons (1989– )
what can be said that hasn't!!
17 September 2017
We used to watch this show nonstop! We've since had classic animated series like Family Guy and South Park and American Dad and so many more newer ones but nothing can beat the Simpsons.

Everyone always says the earlier ones were better but I disagree there I kind of like it around 2000 and sometimes a bit later. I think every era has great episodes though. Even the new series I still like!
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The Mutilator (1984)
One of the best Slashers! Not seen enough!!
17 September 2017
Everybody knows Friday the 13th and Halloween and Prom Night but if you really want to know what slashers are about you have to go down a bit deeper.

This is one of my favorites from growing up. The thing that makes this different than those other Slashers is by how brutal it is. Like when you think of Slashers you always picture gross kills and nudity and bad music and bad acting and this weird feeling all around it. Those earlier movies I said don't have that. They are actually pretty well made but The Mutilator isn't and it becomes kind of scarier because of it. Like you don't know what's going to happen. I love Ralph too!

Find it and watch!!
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Prom Night (1980)
Jamie Lee Curtis is my GIRL!!
16 September 2017
I love Jamie Lee Curtis!!! Anything with her you should watch. ESPECIALLY if it's a horror movie! She is the classiest of all the final girls.

Halloween, Terror Train and Prom Night are 3 of the best slashers from the 80's. I have seen them all dozens of times each and still get entertained.

Not only do we have Jamie Lee doing her final girl thing but we have the funny old dude from the Naked Gun movies! This is jam-packed with goodness.

Watch as soon as you can and obvi ignore the remake!
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Ignore the HATERS!!!
16 September 2017
I don't know why this movie gets so much hate, it's awesome! It was one of the first horror movies I ever saw on the big screen. Our dad took us to a small festival showing it. It was one of the first movies that turned me into a horror fan for life.

It doesn't have a super-lot of money spent on it so don't expect the Walking dead or anything. But it doesn't matter this movie is just so much fun and fresh and exciting.

And the shaky cam people hate is actually one of the best parts. It works in this movie! Where in other movies it makes you feel sick.

Ignore the haters!!! Watch it!
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A rating of 5.9???????????
14 September 2017
Right now this has a 5.9 on IMDb. This is crazy!

I think sometimes people just click and review things without watching them. Which they shouldn't do. They probably think 'oh it's jason part 4 it has to be bad. I'll rate that a 1.'

This is why you shouldn't review movies or rate them unless you have seen them. This is one of the best Jason movies and you would know that if you have seen it.

What makes this movie so good is Tom Savini is back doing the makeup. He is a god among horror fans. So seeing him and Tommy played by Corey Feldman makes this a hugely fun movie.

It's one of those movies you can watch over and over again.

5.9. Shame on you all. It should be at least a 9.
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Tales from the Crypt (1989–1996)
BESSSSSTT Show from the 90's!
14 September 2017
I can remember the little cryptkeeper dude from growing up but last summer I binged watched through this entire series and OMG was it gooood! I didn't even know it was HBO?

Totally forgot how many memorable episodes there were and how many cool stars from back in the 90s showed up. Like Demi Moore looking super-young or Arnold Schwarzenegger directing?!!

But the best part is of course the little cryptkeeper man talking before and after the episode. He's so cheezey but funny! Like you wish he was your pet or something. I don't know.

But you HAVE to watch this show if you like HORROR at all!
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Halloween (1978)
They don't make 'em like this anymore!
14 September 2017
My sister and I have been watching horror movies since we came out of the womb and this was one of the first horror movies we fell in love with. We would take turns dressing up as Michael Myers and scaring our parents lol.

Point being if you haven't seen this movie yet I don't know how you can consider yourself a horror fan. Jamie Lee Curtis is the best final girl in the history of slasher films! I would recommend you double bill this movie with Terror Train (which is another movie we used to dress up as. We were twisted kids lol).

john Carpenter is a legend among men and this was the beginning of the best horror series ever!

Also Parts 2 and 6 are amazing as well.
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