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Very fun tribute to the original Dragon Ball
2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Moon Animate Make-Up! Video was pretty fun to watch, serving as an inspiration for similar projects where fans of other cartoon or anime shows worked together to make more of these reanimated tributes: While the results are often mixed, it is clear most of them are a genuine work of love, showing a lot of appreciation towards the source material.

It was just a matter of time before Dragon Ball got its own re-animation collab: I for one, feel very glad an episode from the first series was chosen instead of any Dragon Ball Z chapter.

Don't get me wrong; I love Dragon Ball Z, but I often found annoying how many fans tend to skip that part and treat the original Dragon Ball as something totally expendable, despite serving as a proper introduction for the story and the characters.

Even Dragon Ball Z Kai, often branded as a "faithful" adaptation of the original manga basically reduced the original series into a quick recap on its first episode, in order to get into "the good" stuff, which is a very silly approach, since most of the fun from Dragon Ball is the whole journey rather than the destination.

I kinda wish people were able to appreciate Dragon Ball more as Goku's Journey instead of only wanting to see more super saiyan transformations and more of Frieza (Nowadays I'm frankly sick of that character)
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Powerpuff Girls Z (2006–2007)
Way over-hated
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's weird how this show still gets so much hatred even these days. Personally, I feel nostalgic about it, and I wish I had appreciated it more back then.

In reality, it wasn't that bad: Sure, I can see why fans of the original disliked it at first, due all the changes made to the story and setting.

The worst change, in my opinion, was making the three powerpuff girls unrelated in this adaptation, since the family aspect was one of the most heartwarming and wholesome aspects from the original series.

With that aspect gone, it missed a lot of potential for much better stories; but despite this, it was still a decent magical girl show.

Not a life-changing experience, but enjoyable anyway. And it is much better than the horrible 2016 reboot.

I liked how the dub of my country kept almost all the voices from the original show and adapted them into a new context.
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The Goku I want to remember
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's still Goku Day in my country, and while I watch a Dragon Ball Z marathon on television, I'm constantly reminded how great Goku used to be, before being turned into a Peter Griffin-esque moron who only cares about fighting strong guys, supposedly "as Toriyama envisioned", because the wholesome, heroic version we all knew growing up was a wrong depiction, or something like that.

Nonsense. Pure nonsense. White noise from people bizarrely obsessed with "canon" over quality.

While it's true Toriyama never intended to moralize his audience, and only wanted to entertain Japanese kids, his work managed to inspire people anyway, and it keeps inspiring people to this very day.

True, Goku was never "conventionally" heroic. Goku was never "Superman". And plenty of times he acted in a reckless manner.

But he never was the moronic, incredibly annoying character we see in Super.

Goku still had a sense of right and wrong. While he admired Frieza for its strenght, he still knew he had to be stopped, and utterly despised him after witnessing how vile that character was.

This always will be the true Goku for me, not the Peter Griffin Goku who brought Frieza back to life, allowing him to continue his reign of terror with total indifference for the rest of the Universe.

Goku was never a typical hero. But Dragon Ball Super writers turned him into a despicable villain.

Sorry, Mr. Toriyama. But I think I prefer the heroic, wholesome Goku.

The Goku I will always fondly remember in my heart.
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The first and most underrated Dragon Ball Z movie
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Happy Goku Day!

This is the first Dragon Ball Z movie, some sort of "interquel" between the first and the second series.

Brief but very entertaining to watch, it has some really nice, original designs for the villains. Personally I think Garlic Jr. Is perhaps one of the most underrated antagonists from the whole series, with people often dismissing his role in the story due that filler arc between the Namek and Cell saga, but I always found him to be a pretty cool enemy.

In some ways, he predates some traits that will be common in future Dragon Ball Z, Frieza in particular: A seemingly "frail" appearence that hides a great power, and also a power-up transformation, which weren't as common in the franchise back then.

Pretty much like Vegeta and Frieza, Garlic Jr. Also wanted to become immortal using the Dragon Balls. And unlike Vegeta and Frieza, he actually achieve that goal!

A shame that character has faded into oblivion. Personally I think he had a pretty cool lore behind him.
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A weird thing
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In all honesty, the story behind this seems more interesting than the video itself.

Who knows what motivated a French person to do a rather awkward animated music video for some Panamanian song from the nineties. I was there when that song was everywhere on radio and television, being used in several comedy shows from my country...I never liked it, but never hated it either, though I can't help but notice the terrible influence it had on Latin American music, influencing a lot of modern r*gg*t*n trashy songs (Or, as I prefer to call it, mierdaton) which are pure torture to hear and all sound the same. Absolute garbage music.

I also would like to know what kind of criteria Sihem Ouillani to use an alien instead or a zombie or a ghoul. Wasn't the album with that song called "Cuentos de la Cripta"? ("Tales from the Crypt") I see a missed opportunity here.

The things that end becoming popular on the internet for no apparent reason...
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Trash, absolute trash
6 May 2024
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Apparently, it wasn't enough reviving Frieza once (And showing two different versions of his resurrection first as a movie, then as a rather weak arc of this series), but since the writers of Dragon Ball Super seem to love this character so much, they had to do it twice, this time for good.

And the person behind his resurrection was Goku, no less!

When this trashy rating bait move was pulled, I wanted to give the series the benefit of the doubt, but...Nope, the final result was worse than I expected, with Frieza being turned into the "Joker" of Dragon Ball.

Garbage. Absolute Garbage.

Frieza was the scummiest villain from Dragon Ball.

Toriyama designed him as the embodiment of pure evil, basing him on real estate especulators.

Frieza runs a real estate empire that carries out genocidal acts of gentrification, purging tracts of land of their native inhabitants so he can sell their land for profit.

He was shown murdering children with glee.

He tried to murder Gohan. He murdered Krillin, causing so much rage on Goku he became a Super Saiyan by the first time.

But since Goku is "not a hero" who cares only about power, not only he has the "brilliant" idea of reviving a genocidal dictator, but also allows him to got away scott free, ready to continue his ravage in the rest of the Universe.

And since Goku is "not a hero" he simply does not care, and choses to do nothing against Frieza, because he made a promise, or something stupid like that.

Congratulations, I no longer think Goku is a hero, now I think he is just a villanous idiot who should have stayed dead.

Garbage series. Garbage writing.

Even the most basic characterization, any likeable trait was threw under the bus in favor of the most shallow form of nostalgia pandering.

Say what you want about Dragon Ball GT, it never made me hate Peter Griffin...I mean, Goku "not a hero" as Super did.

Dragon Ball Super is an embarrasment to the legacy of that series.

It should have never existed on the first place.
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Golan the Insatiable (2013–2015)
Another fun show by the same creators of Drawn Together
22 April 2024
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I love Drawn Together. I consider it to be one of the best adult animated sitcoms ever made, and it is such a shame it was so short lived, being cancelled before its time.

Being a huge fan of that series, I decided to give it a try to the other show where both Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein also worked, and I wasn't disappointed: Golan is a fun, deranged show with many points in common with Drawn Together, particularly on its use of black comedy.

The titular character reminds me a bit to Captain Hero, being prone to outrageous antics and unpredictable mood swings; I think this short does a better job with the premise of a villain protagonist becoming the father figure of a troubled little girl than the corny Despicable Me movie, being unfortunately nowhere as succesful as that movie.

Shame Golan was even more short lived than Drawn Together. Maybe it was due the ugly animation: While I like the writing of the show, I do have to admit it was pretty bad looking, with most of the characters having a weird appearence and inflated butts. Not as bad as Big Mouth, but not very appealing either. The original story published online used a Tim Burton-esque look for the ilustrations, no idea why such cool aesthetic wasn't used in the cartoon.

Another reason why this show failed was probably due censorship. Since the shows was in Fox instead of Comedy Central, the jokes never went to the shocking extremes of Drawn Together, feeling a little bit more tamed in comparison.

In addition to that, I think most of Fox watchers only want to see shows similar to The Simpsons or Family Guy, and refuse to give a chance to any series that diverts from that format.

Maybe if the show had been in Netflix it would have been a little bit more succesful. Who knows.

The original stories published in Something Awful are pretty fun, try to check them out!
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Dragon Warrior (1986 Video Game)
But Thou Must
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Still mourning the loss of Akira Toriyama.

Looking back at the rest of his work besides Dragon Ball, I decided to check some gameplays of the original Dragon Quest (Known as "Dragon Warrior" in the West), the game which basically cimented many archetypes commonly found in Japanese role playing games to this very day: Several decades later, its influence can still be seen in the most recent Pokemon games or even in some modern "Isekai" anime.

While the plot might be a little bit too basic, and despite the fact the limited technology of the era didn't allow to fully display the fun, creative artwork by Toriyama, it still retains an intense, wonderful charm.

Several RPG cliches we often taken for granted (Like for example, the fact the main villain had a secret alternate form during the final boss battle) started here; we are so used to see these kind of archetypes we constantly forget how groundbreaking used to be back then. Alas, the pioneers of the arts not always receive the recognition they truly during their lifetime.

At least Toriyama-sensei did receive some proper recognition and tributes while he was still with us. I know his work will continue having a strong influence in the future, due its unique aesthetic developed through the years, and also due the wild, almost child-like sense of wonder his stories had.

A shame great artists like him (And Kazuki Takahashi and Kentaro Miura) are now gone, while miserable scumbags that keep making this world a worse place (like Elon Musk or Charles Koch ) are sadly still among us. Such is Life, quite unfair.
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Awesome: Awesome Fantasy VII (2007)
Season 1, Episode 13
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How such a short video could be so cringe?

It does not even last a minute, yet it manages to be completely cringeworthy from beginning to end, being completely painful to watch.

I have to wonder if this stupid video is the reason why people often accuses Cloud of being an "emo" (God forbid a male character ever dares to show any form of vulnerability or sadness, even if he has a good reason. Every male character must act like the heroes of those overrated action movies from the 80s)

Terrible. Stupid. Unfunny. Ignorant. Ill-conceived. Waste of time. Idiotic. Moronic. A complete waste of time and (poorly made) animation.

This was so bad it almost feel like something made by the Nostalgia Critic. Avoid at all cost!
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A charming short
28 March 2024
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While there were only three movies inspired by the original Dragon Ball series, there were also two educational public service shorts featuring Goku and his friends.

A couple of elements (Such as Goku and company working as firefighters instead of being martial artists, or Bulma living in an ordinary apartment instead of her fancy futuristic house from the main series) makes me think this is either some sort of alternate continuity, or something staged in-universe.

The imdb trivia says this short takes place in 80s Japan instead of the fantasy world from Dragon Ball, so maybe it's the former.

I mean, I could simply dismiss this as something "non-canonical" and ignore it completely, but I personally think the short was cute.

I personally like this responsible, "wholesome" version of Goku, even if Toriyama himself wasn't particularly fond of it.

I honestly prefer firefighter Goku over the his Peter Griffin-esque version from Dragon Ball Super.
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Ah, Gonzales!
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Chrono Trigger deserves its own anime, in my opinion. The story and the characters are good enough to carry a whole series.

It definitely would need to have the same art-style from the series to work. In fact, it was the Dragon Ball Z aesthetic what initially captured my interest. The

As for its short, it is a worthy addition to the franchise, being basically just a little humorous side story focused in the monsters from the game. Kinda wish the art style was more like the one from the games, but it was okay. It made me laugh a bit.

The little kiwala named Mamo reminded me of Puar.

Personally, I have no interest in Chrono Cross. That game simply does not exist for me.
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The third Dragon Ball movie
28 March 2024
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The third and final movie from the first Dragon Ball series.

A bit weaker than the previous two, in my opinion, but still pretty entertaining.

While the first movies did recycled some scenes from the series, "Mystical Adventure" is more blatant in that retelling aspect.

There were a couple of interesting changes however. The most notorious one being the deaths of Pilaf, Mai and Shu at the very beginning (Considering the effect they had in the atrocious Goku Black saga from the awful Dragon Ball Super series, makes me wish that have happened in the main canon too) and the very cool new setting: Truth to be told, I prefer the Mifan empire than Papaya Island for the martial arts tournament.

Also poor Yamcha, being unable to catch a break. His humilliating defeat here during his fight against Bora due the intervention of Roshi makes me think the writers already something against him. Why did Roshi even do that?

A pretty decent movie, very entertaining, but a bit rushed in a few parts. And despite the small role played by Arale here, it already shows how the story of Dragon Ball was already taking a more serious direction.
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Blue Dragon: The Shadow Comes Forth (2007)
Season 1, Episode 1
A promising start
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In addition to my rewatching marathon of the Dragon Ball movies, I'm also starting to watch the Blue Dragon series, inspired in the game which reunited Akira Toriyama, Nobuo Uematsu and Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy.

From the very first episode, I can tell this is going to be a pretty fun fantasy series. It kinda reminds me of Dragon Quest, mostly due to the very distinctive art style by Toriyama, which I had admired since my childhood.

This is the kind of anime show I would have loved and followed religiously during my childhood.

Sure, the plot might seem a bit cliche, but who cares, the series seems fun anyway. I can't wait to see how this story continues!
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The second Dragon Ball movie
18 March 2024
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Sometimes it's easy to forget how utterly wacky, whimsical and unpredictable the earth from Dragon Ball used to be, especially if you are only familiar with the more action-packed sequel.

It wasn't only the talking animals, the dinosaurs or the flying cars, the setting as a whole felt like some sort of magical place where civilization was reduced only to a couple of cities (And even those cities had their own wackiness) with the rest of the world had a certain "magical land" vibe where anything could happen.

For example, here we have a haunted castle guarded by monsters, where supposedly an enchanted princess was imprisoned. Sounds like something straight out of a fairy tale...Of course, this being Dragon Ball, genre conventions are parodied and expectations get subverted in an amusing manner, while at the same time keeping a sense of childlike wonder which makes this very enjoyable to watch from beginning to end.

A fun, original addition to the Dragon Ball world, which makes me miss that "magical" vibe the series used to have. There is still some of it in the recent installments (Even in the atrocious Dragon Ball Super) but it doesn't have the same innocent charm.

Maybe the upcoming Dragon Ball Daima will restore that early whimsical magic.
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The very first Dragon Ball movie
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm currently rewatching all the Dragon Ball movies, in memory of Toriyama.

The first Dragon Ball movie I ever watched was The Tree of Might, which was actually shown in cinemas in my country while the popularity of Dragon Ball Z was at its peak, I saw accompanied with my older brother and cousins.

I kinda overlooked the first three Dragon Ball, which as far as I known, were never shown in the Latin American version of Cartoon Network, focusing only in the Dragon Ball Z movies and specials.

A shame, because these three movies were actually good, fun and unpredictable, despite taking cues from television series.

While there are some similarities here with the Pilaf arc, most of the events are pretty different, with a completely new villain specially created for the movie.

A very fun watching experience, which never feels hurried on, despite the fast depiction of the events and the relatively short lenght.

The characterization is pretty solid. I kinda miss the chemistry Yamcha and Bulma used to had at the beginning of Dragon Ball, with the ending seeming to imply that they both achieved their personal wishes.

Sadly, if you already know the rest of the story, you probably will know Yamcha and Bulma don't end up together, and poor Yamcha never got his wish to get married. (I understand that Trunks had to be born in one way or another, but is still a bit sad Yamcha could not catch a break anyway, with only Puar remaining by his side once he basically disappeared from the series on Dragon Ball GT)

A perfect beginning for the Dragon Ball movie series and its alternate continuity.
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Dragon Ball Z (1989–1996)
Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama (Part 2)
9 March 2024
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The original Dragon Ball series started as a fun, light-hearted adventure filled with many wacky characters. However, as the story progressed, its tone slowly shifted into something more serious, intense and epic, with much higher stakes.

Enter Dragon Ball Z, the action-packed series which introduced millions of viewers into the world of manga and anime during the 90s.

Dragon Ball Z was the first anime to be a worldwide phenomenon, predating the Pokemania.

It inspired countless artists and creators from all the different corners of the world, myself included.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to create my own Dragon Ball-esque comic, based on werewolves which resembled super saiyans.

Modern generations probably will find this series a bit too slow-paced for their taste...But guess what? After a very recent rewatch, I realized the series wasn't as slow-paced as I remembered.

In addition to that, the filler episodes were quite enjoyable, with most of them having a similar vibe to the first Dragon Ball. Those who dismiss them for being "non-canonical" are simply missing the fun ways in which these episodes expand the Dragon Ball universe, in contrast with Dragon Ball Super, which made the setting more boring and limited.

Goku was an amazing character here. A bit simple-minded for some stuff, but noble, brave and heroic. A character with flaws, but never unlikeable or annoying.

I miss that Goku. The Goku I admired so much during my childhood and teenage years.

That was the Goku that inspired people. The Goku people loved.

The Goku I will always remember.

This and the original series were wonderful treasures which I will always cherish.

Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama. Might your legend live on!
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Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003)
Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama (Part 2)
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The original Dragon Ball series started as a fun, light-hearted adventure filled with many wacky characters. However, as the story progressed, its tone slowly shifted into something more serious, intense and epic, with much higher stakes.

Enter Dragon Ball Z, the action-packed series which introduced millions of viewers into the world of manga and anime during the 90s.

Dragon Ball Z was the first anime to be a worldwide phenomenon, predating the Pokemania.

It inspired countless artists and creators from all the different corners of the world, myself included.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to create my own Dragon Ball-esque comic, based on werewolves which resembled super saiyans.

Modern generations probably will find this series a bit too slow-paced for their taste...But guess what? After a very recent rewatch, I realized the series wasn't as slow-paced as I remembered.

In addition to that, the filler episodes were quite enjoyable, with most of them having a similar vibe to the first Dragon Ball. Those who dismiss them for being "non-canonical" are simply missing the fun ways in which these episodes expand the Dragon Ball universe, in contrast with Dragon Ball Super, which made the setting more boring and limited.

Goku was an amazing character here. A bit simple-minded for some stuff, but noble, brave and heroic. A character with flaws, but never unlikeable or annoying.

I miss that Goku. The Goku I admired so much during my childhood and teenage years.

That was the Goku that inspired people. The Goku people loved.

The Goku I will always remember.

This and the original series were wonderful treasures which I will always cherish.

Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama. Might your legend live on!

(Note: For some reason, Imdb has two different Dragon Ball Z pages. I assume one is for the English-dub version, but since I'm not sure which is supposed to be the original Japanese version I had to upload the same review for both pages. The English dub version has some differences in comparison with the uncensored dub shown in my country, having a different soundtrack and a different script. I personally recommend to watch the Japanese version instead, or the Latin American dub, which was excellent)
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Dragon Ball (1986–1989)
Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama (Part 1)
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I still can't believe the recent news.

I still can't believe Akira Toriyama is gone.

Well, he might be gone, but definitely not forgotten.

No matter what some might say, his legacy will probably outlast most of us.

And it all started in a simple, but charming manner, with a light-hearted adventure where anything could happen, a tale filled with magic, talking animals, lots of bizarre anachronisms...

The Dragon Ball world was such a crazy place on its beginning. But it was precisely that unpredictable craziness what made it so fun to watch.

As a kid, I was already about the existence of Dragon Ball Z due toys and other mechandising. And I often wondered if those elements (such as Super Saiyans) would ever appear on the first series.

When you are a kid, you want things happen as soon as possible. But as an adult, one realizes how the ride can be at times as more exciting than the destination.

The first Dragon Ball didn't have super saiyans and incredibly high power levels, but it was awesome anyway.

I enjoyed a lot the adventures of little Goku as a kid. I still enjoyed them a lot as an adult, but this joy now will also be accompanied with a bittersweet taste of melancholy knowing the unforgivable pass of the time.

Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama. Might your legend live on!
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Sailor Moon (1992–1997)
The quintessential magical girl series
7 March 2024
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Sailor Moon wasn't the first magical girl series I had seen, since Magic Knight Rayearth aired first on my country.

That being said, I loved both series, and both series were pretty different from each other, despite what some uninformed naysayers from Youtube might claim.

Many people tend to dismiss this series, often claiming the whole magical girl genre was "silly cutesy fluff for babies" until the vastly overrated Madoka series was created.

There were darker magical girl series before Madoka (Like the aftermentioned Magic Knight Rayearth) but there is a lot of sexism toward female lead anime, with plenty sexist men claiming the only reason anyone would watch them was because the "fanservice" (Case in point, the extremely ignorant, annoying and poorly researched review by the Nostalgia Critic)

Sailor Moon itself, despite all the cutesy moments and silliness, had plenty of dark and dramatic moments. At moments it could be just as dark (if not darker) than stuff like Dragon Ball.

Then again, some people is just familiar with the atrocious dub made by DIC, which is extremely cheesy and censored a lot of stuff (Adding also some mandatory "educational" segments at the end)

So glad my country aired a faithful, uncensored dub with good voice acting, and that allowed to fully appreciated this series.

The first season is without doubt the best, with a great characterization, many memorable moments, a fun characterization, and a very beautiful, emotional conclusion. Those episodes made the world fell in love with Sailor Moon, and were the best point of the series.

The alien filler arc was fun too, and added a lot of the good elements from the first season.

Trouble starts with the R season, which starts feeling a bit repetitive, adds an unnecessary breakup arc between Mamoru and Usagi (Apparently because one of the writers didn't like Mamoru) gave a very unlikeable characterization to Chibi Usa and removed some of the best moments from the original manga. (On its favor, the anime at least removed some umcomfortable subplot aboout Chibiusa having a rather creepy "crush" on his father from the original comic)

The S season is often considered the best one, but personally I found to be quite uneven, mostly due the fact it couldn't decide if it wanted to be dark and serious or just silly, with Sailor Uranus and Neptune often talking how "dangerous" and "terrible" the villains were, while in reality very few of them were genuinely threatening.

It also started the trend of the Sailors spending more time fighting each other than the villains, with Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune being given a very unlikeable, almost villanous characterization, often looking for conflict without any reason. (And sadly, this becames worse in the Stars season)

The Super S season was pretty good in my opinion, and a huge improvement over the R and S episodes. People often dismiss it for being "too silly" without giving a chance, but it feels more balanced on its tone, had plenty of fun moments, made Chibi Usa more likeable, and give more screen time to the five original sailors, which were starting to have a more reduced role.

It was pretty enjoyable from beginning to end. Pretty underrated in my opinion, having a better balance between the lighthearted and dark stuff.

Stars, the final season, started pretty well with a six episode mini arc featuring the villain from Super S, which actually made me think the series was going to take a darker route, but instead of that, it turned out to be very formulaic, repeating and exacerbating the worst elements from the Sailor Moon S episodes (Pathetic villains, the sailors spending more time fighting each other than the enemies, an underwhelming final battle)

There were a couple of decent moments, but I consider Stars to be the worst Sailor Moon season, with Toei going full Dragon Ball GT for what should have been the climatic part of the series.

With all its highs and lows, I still love this series nonetheless. It did a pretty good job turning the sailors into very likeable, fun characters, had a great soundtrack and artwork. It success was pretty well deserved, and its iconic status is undeniable to this very day, no matter what the haters might claim.

Long live Sailor Moon! The most beloved magical girl from all time!
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Watched for the memes
4 March 2024
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I must confess I watched this for the memes only.

Despite being gay myself, and also a big fan of animation, many gay themed animations tend to be a bit too goofy for my taste, And I often found them hardly arousing at all.

This is not the exception, and I guess the bizarre animation moments and designs were the reason this short reached its memetic status on the first place.

I know, I know: This probably made without any budget, so technical limitations are perfectly understable.

Weird how the Roddy Ricch song everyone associates with this never plays in the short itself (which instead uses a public domain vintage song)

I personally would love to see a gay animation inspired by the works of Satoru Sugajima, Steve McIsaac or Logan Kowalsky. There are many great gay erotic comics with an excellent artwork, but it seems gay erotic animation has a long way to go yet.

And no, AI garbage won't be a solution, it only will produce low quality stuff.
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Shrek (2001)
4 March 2024
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While Toy Story is often blamed for "killing" traditional animation, I think Shrek had a bigger effect on that. After Toy Story, some traditionlly animated films had success and critical acclaim, but once Shrek became such a great hit, audiences started favoring CGI films over 2D ones

Shrek put Dreamworks on the map, and everyone wanted to produce the next Shrek, even Disney itself. Formulas, characters and even jokes were copied in other films with more and less succes.

Shrek itself started to lose steam after its third movie, and Disney eventually returned to the musical fairy tales with great success in the next decade (Though it seems Wish has killed the genre once again)

I must confess I never had a very strong enthusiasm about Shrek. I never hated any of the movies, but I wasn't crazy about them either. Maybe it was the dub it was shown in my country which made the donkey extra annoying and unfunny, but in retrospect, I was never a big fan.

In many ways, the first movie feels like a product of 2000s culture, with the typical references of that era (Having the obligatory Matrix parody), fart jokes and similar stuff.

It was okay for the time, but in many ways, Shrek has aged much worse than the first two Toy Story films: Seriously, I rewatched these movies recently, and while the CGI is clearly dated, the plot was still fun, endearing and charming.

Another reason for my recent disenchantment with Shrek is my increasing distaste with Jeffrey Katzenberg, producer of this movie. Especially now, with his grotesque claim of wanting to make AI garbage take over 90% of the artists jobs from animated movie.

Honestly, such open disdain for the hard work of animators reveals he never cared about the medium at all, and that just sees them as a mere tools.

But that won't be the first time that guy did something similar. Remember what I say about Toy Story? Katzenberg worked in that film too, continually pushing Pixar to make the movie "edgier", turning the characters we all know and love into unlikeable jerks.

When he finally saw the result of his idiotic ideas, he threw the animators under the bus, blaming them fully for the poorly received story reel, which almost caused the cancellation of the first Toy Story movie.

Fortunately, Katzenberg was fired, and the animators were allowed to make the movie they wanted, which turned to be a great success. Still, Katzenberg was still allowed to have his revenge against Disney on this film, mocking Disney and Michael Eisner.

In retrospect, knowing how terrible was Katzenberg was to Pixar workers, and how terrible is against modern Dreamworks workers if he is so eager to replace them with souless AI garbage, makes me wish the Shrek franchise had never been succesful.

I seriously loathe him, and I also loathe the annoying techbros who are now claiming animators and artists will be "obsolete" thanks to their garbage apps.

Can we invent an app that makes that awful obsolete? I mean, they always were a worthless bunch but I am frankly sick of these knuckleheads and their total lack of understanding of art and entertainment.

Amazing how Katzenberg turned out to be the real life equivalent of Lord Farquaad.
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Thanks for everything, I.Sat
29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A clever little stop motion animation I have the chance to discover than to the block of shorts from the Argentinian channel I. Sat, dedicated to indie and arthouse films.

Thanks to I. Sat, I had the chance to discover the works of Don Hertzfeldt, Bill Plympton and other indie animators as well. For me, it was almost like having the defunct channel Locomotion again.

In addition to that, I. Sat also allowed me to see by the first time some Adult Swim series that weren't shown in Latin America, like Moral Orel, Metalocalypse and Superjail!, which cheered me up on several ocassions with its bizarre humor.

It also allowed me to see some anime series like Mononoke and Gintama.

While it is true the channel went downhill on its last years, with the channel no longer showing shorts or animations, I am still sad about the channel ending on this very day.

Thanks for everything, I. Sat. It was a very wonderful ride.
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I'm glad I had the chance to discover this series
29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered this web series thanks to an Argentinian channel named I. Sat, back then when that channel still had a block of shorts, many of them animated.

The stories featured in this series were very simple, but very relatable. I liked a lot the way in which Lev Yilmaz shared experiences from his everyday life, as well as some stories from his childhood.

I remember waiting eagerly for every friday night to see many new animated shorts, back then in a time these weren't still available in Youtube. And every time an episode from this episode appeared, it always put a smile in my face, or made me think about several aspects from my own life.

I'm glad to see this series still continues being updated in Youtube, but sadly, the I. Sat channel will end its transmissions today. It is true the channel went downhill on its last years, but it's sad to know it will be gone soon, as it was part of a very happy period in my life that won't come back...
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Laid-Back Camp (2018– )
The last anime to ever be aired in the Latin American version of Cartoon Network
9 February 2024
The Latin American version of Cartoon Network used to have plenty of great animes back then, which were just as part of the regular programming schedule as Dexter's Laboratory, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy and Codename: Kids Next Door.

Anime shows like Dragon Ball Z, Rurouni Kenshin, Corrector Yui, Card Captor Sakura, InuYasha, Yu Yu Hakusho were also part of my childhood.

Sadly, now all the anime is completely gone from Cartoon Network. And people now assume all anime is automatically aimed at more mature audiences, despite the existence of several anime aimed at kids. Not even Dragon Ball was safe, despite its long presence as one of the most beloved Cartoon Network series.

Laid Back Camp was the last anime ever shown in the Latin American version of Cartoon Network, as far as I know. A slice of life series, opposed to the action series and magical girl shows usually shown in the Toonami block.

It was a cute series. Not great, but watchable.

I really miss seeing anime on Cartoon Network.

Hope Toonami ever returns one day...
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David Zaslav deserves scorn and derision, not a tribute
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
David Zaslav is the worst thing that could ever happen to Warner.

All his decisions up to this point have been nothing but garbage.

And this cretin wants to buy Nickelodeon?

If that ever happens, he probably will put all classic Nicktoons in a vault and then delete all copies as part of some tax-off resulting from his incompetence.

He claims HBO Max lacks "family content" yet he wants to delete Coyote vs Acme without even watching the movie, waiting until the very last moment to cancel the release date.

You know what I want? I would love to see him parodied in an animated film. Just in the same way Michael Eisner was turned into Lord Farquaad, Zaslav deserves to be portrayed as a Looney Tunes villain.

Zaslav is the absolute worst. How come he hasn't been fired yet?
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