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Silly but fun
22 May 2016
I saw this movie when released for television. Considering the title, I expected to change channels pretty fast. What's more, I'm no fan of Daniel Craig. But, surprisingly, I enjoyed it all the way to the end. Of course, it's all very silly and predictable, but such comments would apply to a whole lot of movies out there. I'm actually more amazed by the critics here about the film. I don't know how such a movie deserve a 400 words or so critique, especially if the conclusion was 0 star. I'm told the writers couldn't come up with a good story, or that the actors were so and so Well, it's not Casablanca for sure, or Gone With The Wind. It's just a movie, entertaining, leave your mind in the lobby style and laugh in the wrong places if you must. Bring in the Aliens, the cowboys and the Indians, six shooters, arrows, lances, ray guns and what not. In my opinion all the superheros movies out there are just as predictable and silly. And for once, for all it's worth, I even enjoyed Daniel Craig this time around.
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Longmire (2012–2017)
''It's weird''
21 February 2016
After spending their first night together, Lizzie tells Longmire that their getting together ''feels weird''.

How so? For starter, Walt Longmire is the strong, mumbling type. Has he washed lately? Taken a shower? Even changed clothes? In the first episode, he drops a big fat tear on his shoe after telling a woman of her husband death. I couldn't help laughing. Here's this supposedly seasoned, hardened, clever sheriff crying while announcing the bad news. I nearly stopped watching the show right then and there. But the show wasn't so bad up to that point. So I enjoyed the rest of the season.

Some reviewers have noted the lack of professionally gathering of evidence, like they do on the CSI shows. But this is the back country in Wyoming, and it didn't faze me. It went with the show. The Res and the American natives look real to me. Poverty, racism, drinking, rapes and murders are difficult problems in and around the US and Canadian reserves. It seems that few politicians have the will and funds to take on these problems.

What annoyed me most, however, is the sheriff election sub plot. I thought this thing should be settled in the first or two episodes, but it kept dragging on. With all the murders happening on every episode, you'd think that the election would soon be a thing of the past. After all, in any town with such a high murder rate, the sheriff should quickly be pitch forked out of town by the angry populace.

And then there's Walt tracking escaped convicts through a winter blizzard dressed in his casually everyday clothes. That's nonsense. At least we see him getting a wash in this episode.

All that said, the characters are well played and interesting enough to keep me watching for a few more episodes. But I'm getting bored.
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Chaos Theory of a sort
3 February 2016
I've never been very good at maths but I know enough to agree that maths are the very foundation of science. Everything we think we know in science, physics, chemistry, music, art, engineering and so on can be expressed in mathematical laws.

Unfortunately, the Story of Maths is more often about mathematicians, with lots of anecdotes about them. None of the interviewed people in the story are presented. We simply don't know who they are and why they've been chosen to appear. Names of historical mathematicians are thrown around all the time but I would have liked to see them written on the screen so I could take note of their spelling for further research. Which left me to wonder for whom, what audience, this documentary was made for? Marcus du Sautoy trudges on, seemingly oblivious of his audience, his excitement never shared. After the initially interesting information about mathematics in Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India and Greece, we're left to ourselves in the increasing thin air of calculus, algebra and what not. We're lost long before he even mentions Chaos Theory. The works of great mathematicians are also difficult to follow in time. There's the Seven Bridges problems in the 17th century, I think, then we appear to jump a couple of centuries in the future.

Most mathematicians Marcus talks about are unknown even to the people who live in their home towns.

Sad to say but this series is for the birds or probably more for his students at Oxford who have the advantages of taking notes and asking him questions. What did I learn from it all? I learn that earlier civilizations had discovered many of the the mathematical theories that were attributed centuries or thousands of years later to western Europeans. But that was the first episode.

I stuck with the series because mathematics is the language of the universe and you can't learn a language without listening to it. Too bad Marcus du Sautoy was only talking to himself.
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
29 January 2016
After viewing the first season, including the 100 Eyes episode, I'm hoping Season 2 will be much better. I found the incessant intrigues and the killings very tiresome. Too many different characters coming and going in the story make them inconsequential. Don't mind the sex too much, considering the sluggish pace of the story, even by my standards. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good slow movie as long as it has meaningful ideas and eventually gets somewhere, but watching this, I get the feeling it will never end, with more of the same dull inaction. The historical atmosphere is excellent but Marco Polo's character has way too much influence in the affairs of state. It would have been much better to have made him a simple observer of the political action and intrigue. As it is, he comes out as a boring cliché of a Westerner in China. I can just imagine how excited I would have been in his place. I like some of the characters, in particular the Arabs who are well rendered. Arabs of that time were far ahead of Europeans in science and knowledge, not the fanatic morons that cause havoc around the world today. The cruelty of the time is also well shown. Even though the courtesans' lives always hung by a silk thread, they were the lucky ones. Those we don't see are the multitudes of peasants working in the fields and back broken. All we see is the tip of the iceberg that still emerges today: the insanely rich people making a few percent of the total population and the rest, the Middle Class overburden by taxes, and the poor, stuck down the ladder. Unfortunately, the story is just that, a story, an invention mostly, but awfully lacking in ideas. Even 100 eyes' wisdom is shallow. Can't understand how so many are rating this series a 10.
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Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
Lots to think about
18 January 2016
Divided in three sections: Religion, 9/11 and the economical system, or should I say the banking system, this documentary is very informative. It starts rather annoyingly though with a cacophony of sounds and pictures of war and whatever. Way, way too long. After over 30 seconds of that, I fast forwarded on Netflix until it got to the crux of the presentation: Religion. Religion is evil, we are told. Completely agree, but I learned far more than I thought I would. Then came the «Truth» about the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. Great stuff. I had more or less accepted the official version, but after what I heard, I realized I have been fed bullshit. The arguments made for the alternate version (whatever it is) are quite compelling. I never liked Bush and Cheney, but what I heard there make the evil emperor and Darth Vader in Star Wars look tame by comparison. On the Central Bank, the third part, my knowledge in this area is less than adequate to judge the veracity of this alternate vision. As a result, I found the argumentation tedious and a tad to pat to be convincing. As good as it is, this documentary would have been much better with about 15 minutes chopped off. But it does make you think, a lot.
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Better than Star Wars
7 January 2016
Saw this documentary for the first time today and though I was aware of the research, it put everything back together for me in the most exciting way. After seeing Star Wars 7 last week, I found Particle Fever far more entertaining. I've read and watched shows about Quantum Physics for decades, so by now, I know the importance of the research done at CERN. I'm also quite thrilled to see women involved in the science. No more chicks piking up numbers from a computer and passing them up to men. Usually, physics documentaries leave little place for them. Not this time, they were front and center where they ought to be. The science part is well done, just enough to let you know what's happening, or not, to keep our interest. The pacing, the insights into the most important mysteries are just right. Some humor as well. I liked the bit where one journalist asked what all the Higgs boson discovery would mean to the ordinary people. No idea was the answer but again, no one knew what the discovery of radio waves could be used for at first, since there were no radio set. Science is about letting your curiosity lose and what happens next is the civilization we live in with cell phones, GPS and WiFi. Who knows where the CERN research will lead to in the next decades. Then there's the Machine itself, this enormous contraption built by men and women from everywhere in the world. And the first collisions happening live and broadcast to every corner of the world. What a Story for the Ages. If you understand what science is about, then you must see this very precious piece of History.
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Ex Machina (2014)
The Greatest Mystery
5 January 2016
What makes our kind of intelligence? Will we ever create something intelligent? And more importantly, intelligent like us? And what is intelligence? How do you define it? Even the Turing Test would not work. Any program written to simulate artificial intelligence could also be made to fool the Turing Test, just like car pollution emissions tests. What about the soul? Do we have one? Do we need one to be intelligent? As we explore these questions, we either end up with simplistic answers or complete incomprehension of what we really are. Science boils down to philosophy, then back to science. Do we even have the mental tools to define ourselves without bias? Can the observer observe himself observing others? Can we go through the mirror, as Caleb claimed to have done in the movie? The truth is, as of now, we don't know where intelligence comes from. Does it come from our brain or with the development of our brain? Or is it out there in the quantum world, for instance, waiting to be accessed by our neurons? A kind of Wi-Fi brain. What makes us human is as much a mystery as the birth of Space-Time. ExMachina does bring an answer, a very human and simple answer to these questions. Duplicity, lies, the desire for freedom or sex, and the means to achieve our objectives exist in all animals and humans are just better at reaching them. If we ever create a machine that really can think, then we don't need to fret for long on how it will find a way out of any situation, because it will still be our kind of intelligence. We don't know any other or even if there are any other kind. Somehow, exceptional as this movie is, it is bound by our own intellectual limitations. When, and if AI is ever created, we may be surprised by the results. How will we know when AI has happened? When machines start telling us to take their job and shove it, or decide to start a rock band or go watch a ball game on a work day. Only then will we know they are us.
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Painfully dumb!
3 January 2016
This is not about making movies anymore, and certainly not about good story telling, or good acting, or anything good. This is all about HYPE, like the latest Bond movies, Star Trek, and whatever Hollywood is dishing out these days. Disney is nothing more than an attraction Park for kiddies and their parents who have to go along for the necessary photo albums. I won't repeat what has already been said, but yes the movie is awesome as a bottom feeder in cinema history. The one star I'm giving it is in compassion for the actors who tried their best to do something with the absence of a script. Sometimes, you can say ''it could have been better''... but not with this one. There is nothing in there for Rey to salvage. All junk not even worthy enough to feed yourself. I'm old enough to remember seeing the original Star Wars in a cinema, the joy and excitement I felt, nearly all of us science fiction fans felt at the time. Waiting in line to enter the cinema, it dawned on me that almost none of the people waiting were born in 1977. Such a pity there was nothing exciting to see or feel for them like we did then. Some have talked about nostalgia. But this thing is not about nostalgia, it's about harvesting the most money possible with hype and trailers and nothing else.


Reading comments from others that did like the film so much that they feel compelled to defend it from us 'trolls', let me simply say that I can make my own mind on a movie, that I don't need someone to chew it up for me before I go see it or don't. I went in for SW7 with an open mind and a new hope for a really new dazzling SW. Instead, I saw a rehash of old SW movies, no originality whatsoever and really nothing worth sh*t. Some people characterized it as a reboot, or even a Tribute. Tributes are something we see on TV along with 65 car commercials we're usually not interested in. And after six SW movies and more than 30 years waiting, I was hoping for a trilogy that would out stellar the first one. If a number of people are willing to settle for that, for a vapid plot with a Sith Lord that can't control himself and Luke Skywalker stuck up a mountain because he decided he failed as a teacher of the Force, it's perfectly fine with me. Imagine if people on our own planet reacted the same after a failure in their life, there would not be a single mountain top left without a hermit. I didn't want a reboot or a tribute when I walked in the cinema, a wanted a new, I mean new SW, and that's not what I got, hence my acute disappointment and that of many, many others. One last thing, I liked Daisy Ridley as Rey and certainly hope to see her in other movies. I've got some good feelings about her.
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The Wolverine (2013)
Very entertaining.
29 December 2015
I've never cared much for the X-Men movies, though I like many of the actors in them. That said, I found The Wolverine compelling and exciting. A beautiful red haired girl with a samuraï sword cutting up a red neck to pieces, literally; a sweet Japanese grand daughter and lots of ninjas and action. Reminded me of Elektra, which I love and Kill Bill, which I also love. And of course, Hugh Jackman who rules the roost after a well deserved bath and some manicure. He really makes it sound believable. Like others, I found the silver samuraï part silly. Was there really a need to delve into an Iron Man kind of opponent. But what the hell. Show me a man who wouldn't want to be immortal and strong with shiny throat slicing metal spikes coming from his fists. Would do wonder for any weakling self esteem, as far as I'm concerned. But that's what this kind of movies are there for. It releases the brave and courageous inside of each of us. That's what we like about such films. However too many mutants in a movie dilutes the fantasy for me. One is enough, like Elektra, Kiddo in KB and Wolverine. Much easier to root for one do gooder than too many of them. So now I'm waiting for another Wolverine movie. Well done!
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Wheeler Dealers (2003– )
Great fun to watch
26 November 2015
I'm not a typical car buff but I love cars for their beauty and engineering. I've seen most American car shows but have been seriously derisive of how heavy they are scripted. Specious arguments, people getting mad, dropping off the job, bitching about anything. What a bunch of buggers. Wheeler Dealers has none of that nonsense. Looking at Edd, I'm amazed by his good nature and talent. I can almost see myself getting my hands greasy restoring an old clinker of a once great sports car. I know it won't ever happen, but all the same, the wizard makes every repair fascinating to watch. Mike is cheerful and his dealings let us often forget that he has a whole crew of cameraman, sound assistant, and most likely a tow truck or two following him. As negotiations for the used car goes on, it's funny enough to think of the crowd around them.
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Dead Like Me (2003–2004)
Premature Death
23 November 2015
I've been revisiting this show over the last few days and I still marvel at how good it is, and how much we have been deprived of more by its cancellation after only two years on the air. Dead Like Me remains glorious in writing, casting, fun. How much I enjoy seeing these actors grow into their respective roles over two years. The chemistry between them is magnificent and one has to thank the casting department to have chosen Mandy Patinkin as the leader of the group. His personality and acting skills are second to none. Ellen Muth as 'The Toilet Seat Girl' ties all the episodes together with a kind of dispassionate and sarcastic tone that I can't get enough of. Daisy, so flawed and so beautiful, moving softly through every reaping, cheerful, seemingly unaffected. In this world, this alternate world beyond our own, I would love for her to greet me when I move on to the other side. These characters are all good as gold. Every few years, I take out the DVDs and watch them all again, laughing, being moved, enjoying. Perfect 10 for sure. The movie isn't so good, but it closes the series pretty well. There is one thing I find funny with Ellen Muth. I think she's the most beautiful woman I've seen with a sad face. And when she smiles, it's just like a rainbow after the storm. Endearing to the last of my days. The best of the handful TV series I treasure.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
The very best of all the Godzilla movies.
7 November 2015
I saw this movie when it came out in cinemas. At the time, I worked for a media company and one of its movie critics couldn't help telling everybody how much he hated it, even writing two pages for the newspapers to downgrade it. Bad actors he kept on saying. Silly! Well, you get the idea. Two whole pages of critics for Godzilla I asked myself? What kind of nut was he? Anyway, I loved the movie. Bad actors? Seemed to me they acted like many youths at the time. Some of my coworkers were just as dumb, including the fore mentioned critic. Who cares anyway? The big star here is CGI Godzilla, along with a lot of pouring rain probably to help hide a few defects in rendition of the creature. They even put a couple of pretty girls, one with red hair and the other with curly blond hair. And there was a cute boy for the female patrons in the cinema. Why ask for more? For me two pretty girls and a big mama monster rearranging the New York skyline made my day. Does anything make sense? Absolutely not! But the writers made a good enough effort to tell a linear story, one that is exciting, often funny and of course, amazing to watch. Of all the Godzilla movies I've seen since the fifties, this one is the very best, much better even than the last over the top remake. Anyone going into that movie believing he/she would see great art has to be profoundly delirious. I went there to have some fun and I came out very satisfied. I give it 10 stars because it delivered fully on fun, and damn the torpedoes.
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The Martian (2015)
Pure enjoyment
4 November 2015
This is a remake of a sort. The year was 1964. The film was Robinson Crusoe on Mars. We didn't know much about Mars then and there was still some fantasy that the atmosphere on the Red Planet would be thick enough for water to be found.The passage of time has made it a classic of the science fiction genre. Fifty years later, we'd think a remake would be atrocious by comparison, like it was for The Day the Earth Stood Still or War of the Worlds and many other classics of the fifties. But this is not so. The Martian is magnificent in all aspects. This time around, we know what Mars really looks like. Ridley Scott has it pinned down pretty well. No standing water. A thin, unbreathable atmosphere. The sun is farther away, thus less light at least for our human eyes. Lifeless world with a bluish-grey sky or orange tint as red oxidized dust fills the atmosphere. Put in a few dust devils and lightning in the distance and you are definitely there, on Mars. The lone Martian has to survive. His crew has left him for dead after an unlikely freak dust storm has forced them to take off. Had to happen for the movie to take off, so to speak. The rest is made of ingenious solutions to survive, not to mention ample use of duct tape. Really, don't ever leave Earth without it. Everything is kind of believable until the end. Of course, so many things would have to go right for the abandoned astronaut to survive that, in most likelihood, he would not. But this is science fiction. Matt Damon puts in a great performance as astronaut Mark Watney and the rest of the cast pitches in believably. I wasn't expecting the movie to be so hilariously funny at times, but it is. The Martian never felt long to me and was enjoyable to the end. The science aspects of it was top notch and made you believe that it could be done. Kudos for the writers. This is excellent work. All in all, the best new movie I've seen in many years.
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Rise of the Gargoyles (2008 TV Movie)
29 October 2015
Not the worst in the genre and not the best. The acting is better and I personally like Eric Balfour. The story is silly but reasonably well written. The visual effects are OK for the few there are. A little bit long at times, somewhat dull toward the end. No surprises. Still, I could stick with it to the end without too much will power. Usually, with this kind of movies, if I do watch them, I can be heavy on the fast forward control on the remote. Those evil glowing eggs are far from subtle. The movie could have worked as well without the glowing. The church looks derelict enough. (Here, I shall refrain from making a comparison with the real organization.) Once you've seen this flick, that's it. No more ever. Not that good.
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Tremors (1990)
A thrill to watch again and again
24 October 2015
This movie is a gem. Seeing it again today, I had to write. Perfection all over and couldn't be redone better. All actors are believable within the story line. Most have their good moments to shine and good lines to say. The story telling is perfect. It builds up slowly from strange tremors in the ground to one man dead on an electric tower to people swallowed whole from under the ground, and eventually the realization that everyone in the town is in mortal danger. The beasts are also perfect. They learn how to hunt humans better and better, and we begin to wonder if they're not smarter than we are. The musical score is great, and so are the sound and visual effects. Great characters, great script, exciting action. Excellent production and direction. We care for these people, even the gun touting survivalists who are perfectly cast in this thriller. Definitely a classic by all measures.
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Vera: Death of a Family Man (2014)
Season 4, Episode 4
A new fan for Vera
16 October 2015
I haven't seen many of these shows yet but this one is definitely the best for me, so far. Lots of new facts springing up along the way makes it enjoyable. English is much easier to understand for me in this episode. Being from Quebec with an excellent grasp of spoken and written English, I have had some trouble with the Geordie dialect. But who knows, maybe I'm getting better at it. This episode is well written, full of twists and turns, so much so that we really can't guess who done it until the end. Actors do an excellent job and I love to see Vera's team busying around doing competent work. In many cop shows, there are often lose ends left dangling. But not here. Everything is tied up pretty well at the end. Definitely becoming a fan of Vera.
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Heroes Reborn (2015–2016)
I'm aghast!
9 October 2015
This is by far the worst series I've ever seen on TV. One psychopath knocks on a door and kills a perfectly good family man. And I hear another psychopath character say something about ''saving the species'' How? By stopping evolution, no less. The most ridiculous thing I've heard in my life, and I've heard a lot of them. I watched the first few episodes hoping the story would really take off. But it ran into the ground for me with that statement. It is cruel beyond contempt. And what are those extreme powers exactly? I suppose I would have to see a dozen more cold blooded murders to find out. Haven't we got enough of those in the real world? No wonder American schools are in the firing line. TV says it's OK to kill those who are not like us, but wait, superheroes are coming to save the day, eventually. I'm actually mad at this thing. I won't use any scathing words like many do on this site but I'm aghast at the concept of this show. This is low life TV. Us against them. The KKK must be fattening on heavy butter popcorn and beer watching this show. Extremely awful.
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Quantico (2015–2018)
Class dismissed!
8 October 2015
I liked the first episode for about 5 minutes. Then it went to commercials and while waiting, I asked myself: WHERE ARE ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS COMING FROM? Did the FBI raid the Playboy mansion to recruit them? And the guys are good looks too. Yeah! Real stuff! Once I realized this, it was all over for me. At first, it reminded me a little of the first episode of Covert Affairs, but it worked in this series because Piper Perabo was the gorgeous girl and the others were mostly good looking normal. But in this show, this Quantico class is far too classy to be realistic. Beauty is no guaranty for intelligence and character. Conclusion: this show is all show and no go, so class dismissed.
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Vera: Protected (2014)
Season 4, Episode 2
Almost need translation
2 October 2015
I love British mystery shows including this one. I only saw two episodes this far including this one. First one aired on PBS had the wrong title episode and this one had none, so I had to find it on the Internet.I understand and write English quite well and can go through a book on quantum mechanics without getting lost, but this British accent is often hard on my ears. With a title I can go on the Web and read the synopsis. Without one I'm nearly lost in the action. I could almost use subtitles to follow the story. That said, I like Vera and her team. Very engaging and enjoyable. Maybe if I watch enough of the shows, which I intend to, I will eventually get to understand this other English dialect.I also had this problem with Morse in the days but not as bad as now. A thought just occurred to me: maybe there is a book of translation on English to English somewhere. Will check on it.
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Grievous soundtrack
2 October 2015
A forgotten war for sure, but one that made the difference between Canada and the US, which is a lot to say about its importance. Two countries in need of heroes; natives that had to chose one side over the other and who would lose whatever their choice. All this historical significance bathing unfortunately in a soundtrack that too often overcomes anything that is said off screen. I really wanted to know more about what happened but every time there was a voice off screen explaining something, there was that insipid background music marring it all. And I struggled on, painfully trying to adapt my hearing to what was said above the obnoxious music. Sad to say, this kind of thing is frequent in documentaries, even good ones. It's as if there was competition between the sound effects and the story being told. The series The Civil War should be an example for producers: if you need to put music, at least make it uplifting, or sad, even joyous, not this syrupy hodgepodge we get in this documentary. And give us some quiet moments, perhaps nature sounds like the wind in the trees, the sound of rain... A few seconds of silence even, some time to reflect on what we see. All this I'll get eventually when it's translated into French. All that crap will be thrown out and we'll certainly get a better soundtrack, one where we can actually hear what is being said.
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Limitless (2015–2016)
More idiot than savant!
30 September 2015
I liked the show at first but after the third episode I'm out. The main character is way too exuberant and attracts far too much attention to himself. He has an obnoxious desire to shine all the time which really makes him an ass. Such a disappointment. Could they improve the pill to make him more believable? Even Cinderella had enough sense to get out of Prince Charming's castle before midnight. Doesn't he realize that when midnight comes, he'll be is old self again? Imagine what a good actor, someone like Patrick McGoohan in his younger years, could have done with that role. There must be an actor out there who could have done better. The writing could be better as well but you can go so far within the concept of the show. I didn't see the movie so I can't use it as a comparison. That said, the TV show should stand on it's own and clearly fails. Jennifer Carpenter is wasted. Then again they're all wasted.
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Megaquake 10.0 (2011 TV Movie)
Simply unwatchable
23 August 2015
There are good documentaries and awful ones. The latter in this case. The giggling, out of focus camera; the extreme quick cutting and weird shots of colours make it practically unwatchable. When you talk of jerks making movies or documentaries, this is it. Too bad because in the few minutes I suffered through it, I learn some interesting facts, like how many quarters you would have to pile up to represent the energy spent by a magnitude 10 earthquake. One positive thing, the off screen lecturer could be heard well. Too often, those guys get lost in the ''sound environment' of a documentary. Fortunately in these cases, I know they will eventually be translated into French and they'll do away with that noisy crap. In the case of Megaquake 10, unfortunately, any translation won't work. Do the producers watch the results when they are finished filming? Do they care if people watch them or not? Or are they just painfully stupid?
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The Philadelphia Experiment (2012 TV Movie)
Good movie with fast forward remote
12 August 2015
I've seen a lot worse than this movie. It's sort of a remake of the old movie of the same name which was definitely better and more engaging. Still, it's visually gorgeous to see the destroyer fall from the sky. To add my own cliché to the movie's, I'd say they built them destroyers well in those days. Unfortunately, the movie is marred by the usual government killers trying to hush the whole thing down with bullets, which is ridiculous when the famous ship happens to fall down on the roof of a skyscraper in the middle of Chicago. It would have been nice to see a movie without this military idiocy let loose. Don't we have enough already in the real world? They could have done a better story with this but decided to go with the tried and wrong. Of course I knew from the start that the bad guys (and girl) would be dealt with and that the good guys (and gorgeous blonde)would make it through. The action is constant, though tedious at times. But we have one of the greatest inventions of all time: a remote with fast forward speed command.That helps wasting time faster. Still, I give it a 6. I have a strange nostalgia for old warships, even if I've never been on one.
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Tut (2015)
Tut who?
22 July 2015
I'm sorry to say I got bored watching this TV movie. Very predictable. The only thing we actually know about the boy king is that he was young when he kicked the bucket. I got the impression of a B movie like Scorpion King, though a bit better.

There were much more important pharaohs in ancient Egypt, very successful warrior ones. Why not do a story about Tuthmosis or Ramesses II to name the most powerful of them. At least these two left a large imprint in History. Ramesses II for instance lived over 90 and had scores of children. He fought the Hittites at Kadesh (near the Lebanese/Syrian border) and came up with the first known peace treaty in History. Just think of the possibilities of such a series. That would have been something to see. Instead we got a soap opera in the sand.

When you go after a story, make it count, think Patton. Make it worth our time. Forget the boy.
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
A delightful movie.
19 July 2015
Mr. Holmes, played by Ian McKellan is a wonderful movie to watch and enjoy. No CGI, no high pace action, no guns or superheroes. Just superb acting and an excellent script. The great detective is seen in his waning years, losing his memory and on the edge of senility. And there is this old case that bothers him and that forced him to retire. He knows something went wrong, but he can't quite put the finger on it. Nevertheless he tries to write the story as he recalls it, not with the embellishments as his old friend Dr Watson would have done.

Holmes lives in the English country side tending to his bees with housekeeper Mrs Munro (Laura Linney) and her son Roger (Milo Parker). Roger is a smart boy and likes Mr. Holmes. Soon his keen young mind helps Mr. Holmes remember the ins and outs of that last forgotten case, much to the dismay of Mrs Munro who has some self righteous feelings about the old bachelor.

The story develops slowly and allows us to enjoy the acting of all three main characters and the slow progression of the case as Holmes himself is slowly losing it.

I had quite a pleasant experience watching it with my niece. A perfect day and a delightful movie.
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