
7 Reviews
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I fell asleep...twice.
16 March 2024
Although an interesting piece of history I was not aware of, this film just did not translate very well to the big screen for me. I found it difficult to connect with any of the characters and I thought all the performances were flat. The premise of the movie was made early on and the rest of the film seemed repetitious throughout. To learn more about the tragedies inflicted upon native Americans and specifically the Osage tribes at the hands of white men is needless to say, quite depressing and disappointing. I'm a big fan of Scorsese and all of the actors involved, but unfortunately was very disappointed on a purely entertainment level.
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The Passenger (III) (2023)
Disturbingly good
24 February 2024
Overall a pretty good premise for a well paced movie but it has its flaws. The opening dining sequence is a bit overdone with the supporting characters barely believable with their interactions. Once we get past that however, the script, pace and acting is all pretty solid. There is good tension throughout the film and although violent, particularly at the beginning, it never seems overly glorified. As other reviews have stated, this is NOT a horror film in any respect. What I liked most about the movie beyond the premise was its underlying message of overcoming fear, guilt, rejection and things that can force many of us to retract into a sad and lonely existence. Not to be overlooked, the cinematography is also excellent in maintaining a dreary mood of small town USA. Definitely worthy of your time and be sure to check out the giraffe in the final scene.
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Hereditary (2018)
More comical than frightening
24 October 2023
I don't understand the favorable reviews for this movie. Unless you enjoy Toni Collette, there's just nothing worth recommending here. Over-extended shots with ominous music just is not scary. There are few if any twists and turns and it's so painful to watch characters do illogical things just for the sake of a movie. For example, why wouldn't a frightened person who gets out of bed turn on a light instead of walking through a dark house in the middle of the night? Gabrielle Byrne mails in a wooden performance but he just had nothing to work with. The ending is way too far fetched and quite disappointing. Worst of all, it's difficult to connect with any of the characters because none of them, especially the kids are like-able and therefore hard to care about what their fates may be.
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I hate movies like this, but....
2 March 2019
Caught this on AMC and was only curious to see Daniel-Day Lewis & MP for a moment but was completely drawn in by the set and cinematography. This film is not for everyone as it requires patience, but the payoff at the end was worth it as the final frames reference other key moments from earlier scenes. I typically hate period dramas with slow pace and excessive dialogue, but Scorcese seems aware of this: scenes are brief with short conversations, mixed with narration, backed with an amazing score throughout (esp. Enya's hypnotic 'Marble Halls), unique camera angles for emphasis and wonderfully subdued performances. It's not a film designed to showcase an actors performance as it is the direction and look of the picture that stand out.

I read a review which criticized the use of excessive camera tricks, weak performances and dull subject matter. Nonsense. Scorcese is not Tarantino. Every fade, cut and camera angle has a desired effect. I felt each actor melted into their character and the immense frustration of Newland Archer build as the film went on.

I did not read the book (nor would want to), and for others who have not, this story is about the struggle of two lovers experiencing the tragedy of failed opportunities and unspoken expectations within a period and culture of strict norms. Regardless of time and place, however, it's a struggle which is every bit as relevant today as it was in 19th century NewYork. A different choice of words, an approach instead of a retreat, a difference of 5 or 6 seconds- all seemingly small things which change the course of our lives.

Is this a masterpiece? Scorcese's best? Not in my opinion, but a damn fine film worth the journey.
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Just OK
18 February 2019
Starts out strong then fizzles. These actors are all too good to be wasted like this. I felt especially embarrassed for Chris Hemsworth. His character's backstory was interesting, but once he arrived at the scene he had little material to work with. It was as if he was in pain trying to carry the dialogue over the remaining half hour. It's also hard to imagine these 7 characters are the only ones at the hotel and are ultimately thrust together without outside invitation. In summary, what starts out as an interesting puzzle turns into a very dark Tarantino-esque finale
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Mercy (IV) (2016)
Poor execution of an interesting idea
18 February 2019
Not well written or executed. The acting was fine, but the characters were not well developed. For example, we just get bits and pieces of conversation. Nothing is ever hashed out, which is frustrating due to the presentation of tension between the characters. Other things just don't make sense. Why plot a home invasion at the rare evening when the entire family (6 and a guest) all happen to be there? Victim one in the woods stabs his perpetrator with a knife then leaves the knife in the body rather than cutting the ropes around his wrists. Another brother uncovers a motorcycle from the shed, and oh my, there happens to also be a loaded gun there as well. One step brother reveals to the other that he and his real brother are cut out of the inheritance-why? what's the purpose? That would completely work against the final twist of the plot. There's more, but hopefully I've said enough to keep you from wasting your time.
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A cartoonish mess
17 February 2019
I was expecting a somewhat decent film, given all the Oscar wins and nominations, but I just don't get it. I mean I get Tarantino, but his shock value has worn off for me years ago. The formula never changes- Overwrite the script, mix history with contemporary themes, excessive dialogue, excessive violence, exploitation of, well, everything, Samuel L. Jackson, over-the-top characters, blood, blood, blood. Poor excuse for a film and more importantly, an embarrassing characterization (I think) of the tragedy of slave history in this country. If you enjoyed Wild Wild West (movie) or excessive violence mixed with tongue in cheek humor, you may enjoy, but if you appreciate quality film-making and a creative script, don't bother with this garbage.
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