
43 Reviews
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Wander (I) (2020)
Really Really Bad
22 May 2024
This movie was so bad, I don't even know why it was published. Seriously.

With the three pretty big name stars in the cast, I thought it should at least be watchable (I love Heather Graham and Tommy Lee Jones seems to always have been in decent movies--not this one).

Whoever did the lighting for this movie is the absolute worst and apparently had no idea what they were doing (unless, if course, they were aiming to make the cast look as awful and tattered as they possibly could). I was like 'What happened to Heather's face?' Then I was like 'Wait, what happened to Tommy Lee's face?' Then I realized it was the terrible lighting. If I were a member of the cast, there's no way I'd sign off on having ANYone even view this, much less letting it be published for the world to see.

The script and storyline jump all around and if there was any direction even being done, it would seem that it was done by the worst as well. This movie is an embarrassment.
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Not The Greatest
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this right after seeing another movie with the same-but-different "weird town" premise. That one was god-awful even though it had three pretty big name stars in it, so when Welcome to Redville started out, it seemed to me that it had great promise--the lighting and filming were "on" and seemed to be done by someone who had the skills for the job (a thousand times better than the other movie I'd just seen). The two main characters were young and cute-ish and I was ready for a hip sort of flick. It all went downhill from there.

I think this movie wanted to be a cult classic, but it just wasn't. The storyline and rest of the cast just seemed to be done and done again, and the main guy started to really get on my nerves for some reason and didn't even seem cute anymore. I probably would've given this one star if I hadn't just watched one that was worse.
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20 May 2024
Although this movie is over 50 years old and very '60s-ish with its depiction of the beat generation vs. "the man", it's amazingly on target for the period of time we exist in right now. New Yorkers will especially appreciate it.

I was 8 when this movie came out. For some reason, I can't remember if I saw it when I was little and even though I now own it on DVD (which was obviously recorded from an airing on TV), I can't remember how I heard about it or where I ordered it from; what I DO remember is that I ordered it online and I WILL search my records for the info, seeing as there are so many people who would like to find it (I'm happy to be contacted about this to share the info).

The whole concept and way of being portrayed here affected me very deeply, I'm pretty much the epitome of one of the "afflicted": almost always happy and the energy I emit affects people to the extent that they want to touch me to "get" some of it--no joke. Sounds super "far out" and corny, I know (but you can be one of these kinds of people too, just find and watch the movie).

"What's So Bad About Feeling Good" is an uplifting flick that can fill you with hope; even though it's dubbed a comedy, serious and dire issues are addressed and you may find yourself re-thinking the way you act and present yourself to the world. In a very pleasant way.

Yes, I think everyone should see this movie at least once--even the corporate and government types, it COULD open their eyes (or just invoke more fear and greed in them as shown in the movie). Our whole world really can change for the better. .
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I LIKED this movie (read below)
27 April 2024
Don't listen to the haters, I don't know where they're coming from (hate, probably, ha ha), but it's not right or fair to give this movie anything below a 6. It may not be a 10, but it's no 4.4 either. I'd say it actually deserves a solid 7, maybe even a 7.5 (that is, if this site permitted raters to use half-stars, which it doesn't, by the way, so I'm really curious as to who determines what these ratings are in the first place and how is it figured/tallied, because where does a ".4" even come from if the raters can only utilize whole numbers from 1-10?) So I put 10 stars up in an effort to get the balance right.

I'd say this is a pretty funny and entertaining dark comedy that hits on present day social concerns and prejudices, along with how people view and handle them, in a dark, kind of twisted, many times ironic and rather comic manner. And it feels pretty real.

Both the cast and the characters they played were great; the dialogue, expressions, and reactions were very true-to-life, I found myself thinking 'Wait, I know these people, don't I?' I especially liked Jamal, he was just spot on with it, his eyes and the looks he'd give... everyone, actually, was seriously on, Jamal just seemed to shine really bright.

The only gentle critique I could even give is that it did jump around a bit, but then that kind of seemed to go hand in hand with the story and characters anyways, so there you have it. I really liked that even though some of the issues being dealt with were intense (e.g., killer cops, racism, adultery), the movie didn't go the ho-hum blood and gore route, but was put together intelligently in a way to have it hit home without the need to smear the viewers' faces in a bunch of hard-core action hype, and thus, making it actually more impactual and driving the point(s) home hard amidst the humour. Check it out.
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Charmed: Exit Strategy (2001)
Season 3, Episode 20
I want to rate this with 1 star and then 8 (no, do not add together)
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved watching this show when it came out and was all gung-ho The Power of 3. I'm re-watching the whole series again and catching things I didn't see the first time around, so here we go.

This was a good episode as far as being suspenseful and holding your interest goes (thus the 8 stars), but I've just got to say something about the whole "evil Cole" and "good Phoebe and sisters" bit of the tale, as the writing gets even more aggravating later (and thus the 1 star).

So we empathize with Cole struggling within himself as a half & half human/demon. He ASKS Phoebe to make a potion to strip him of his powers so he can be all good. He loves her. He goes to hell and back again, literally, trying to be good, helping "the good guys" while putting his own life in danger by spying on "the brotherhood" in the underworld, and to demonstrate his love for Phoebe.

He's doing the best he can and TELLS Phoebe he doesn't know how much longer he can keep on but she tells him he HAS to. Then Cole is blackmailed by Raynor (who's using Cole's father's SOUL as leverage) into going after a witch and her amulet and it culminates with a showdown in the girls' attic.

As Piper and Phoebe are downstairs fighting demons, Raynor shows up in the attic and knocks Leo out with a hell-ball or whatev, as he looks at the witch with the amulet Cole tells him to leave her out of it. Raynor's at Cole's throat as Phoebe bangs on the locked attic door. (With her being Miss Kickboxer-of-demons, why wouldn't she've just kicked the door down?)

So then we see Piper whsk the door with her powers, but it only opens slightly, enough for Phoebe to stick her head in. Raynor's urging Cole to kill the witch. Cole refuses. Raynor asks if she's worth sacrificing his father's soul for.

Now Phoebe hears/sees this, but this is when she goes all holier-than-thou on Cole and condemns him, smashing the power-stripping potion they'd made as he's reaching for it? He did everything he possibly could--even telling her when he couldn't go on anymore, but she made him--and then she won't let him have the potion so he can finally be good when she saw and heard how it went down?! It's just not right writing.

The charmed ones are supposed to be so "good" but they themselves do/have done way questionable things that're just swept away with not much more than a nod, then make severe judgement calls when it comes to someone else, Cole in particular.

In later episodes--SPOILER ALERT, STOP READING HERE--not once, but TWICE, Phoebe is the instigator of Cole and her ending up on evil's side and yet Cole is the one who gets blamed and condemned for it--when it's Phoebe who made both decisions!?!? And everyone else just goes right along with it? What kind of writing is that?

Re-watching episodes may be detrimental to your view of the charmed ones. 'Specially with rewind.
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Hard to Rate
12 January 2024
I found it hard to rate this. If you're looking for an entertaining movie, this really isn't it. If you're looking for a pretty accurate depiction of a family with teenagers that's mostly rather depressing and pretty much of a downer, then this is for you.

Music is a central theme in the movie, making it watchable for me; the soundtrack is well-suited and pretty cool. The movie portrays some authentic teen (as well as the mom and dad's) angst while uncovering each's particular situation they're struggling with. Really good acting on everyone's part, and a good message. It's not at all uplifting. If you're struggling to get through it, at least be sure to fast forward to around 1:23-ish and watch the AA scene, which I consider to be the point of the movie and an important message for all to hear.
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Santa's Little Helper (2015 Video)
NOT Just For Kids
25 December 2023
Okay, so I found this DVD and slipped it in my player just because of what day it is--my cat was about to open a present and it seemed like the thing to do (plus it's the only holiday DVD I have). I fully expected it to suck. But guess what? It didn't! It was not only watchable, but I'd go so far as to say even interesting and enjoyable.

I've got a million better things to do with my time right now, but I signed in to refute the "featured" review here for people who might be about to watch the flick. I don't know why IMDB featured that particular review and I don't know why the person who wrote it thought so little of it (btw, I've got zero ties to anything or anyone in the movie... I'm just a girl and 'tis the season). As far as "Christmas movies" go, it was much better than expected.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
There's Hype On This?
3 November 2023
I tried to get into this show, but...

Okay, so Reese Witherspoon is great and, for the most part, one can rely on the fact that the things she opts to be in are generally better-than-decent shows and flicks. That being said, yes, she's better-than-decent in this. The storyline, although nothing unique or anything that would actually wow you, didn't suck.

So what's the problem, you ask? Well, to sum it up: Jennifer Aniston. I wasn't much into Friends when it was on, but I have seen a number of episodes and she pulled off the role she was playing just fine. In this show, however, her acting was so bad, I just couldn't get past it--for me, it just overshadowed everything else.

Not sure how she got cast for the role, but wow, what a mistake.
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Zola (2020)
Crazy Hard-ish-core Fun!
3 November 2023
This is a movie likely to be, if not already, a cult classic--I liked it a lot.

It's a little hard-ish-core at some points, but hey, you go in knowing it's about a couple of strippers on a road trip, so that should be pretty much expected, and if you're turned off or offended, I'd say that's on you.

That being said, Zola has a solid storyline and, as the mood swings from light romping fun to sexual intensity to the dark hard corners of stripper life and back again, this dark comedy will hold your interest. The characters all have very strong personalities that the actors portray very well. I liked seeing how the friendship of the 2 girls morphed and developed through their trials and tribulations and as questions of trust arose. It's also got some great befitting music and when the soundtrack is on, I for one am happy.

Zola may not appeal to everyone, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't made to either--those who are down with cult classics will enjoy.
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The Librarians: And the Tears of a Clown (2016)
Season 3, Episode 5
Worst Episode Ever!
13 August 2023
First, I just want to say that I really love this show--that is, except for this episode and the 2 that follow this one. What a total disappointment!

With a show like this, one comes to expect a certain kevel of quality in the writing and storyline. I have no idea what happened or who wrote this episode (and the 2 that follow, to boot), but it's like it was written as filler, to entertain those without a brain; nonsensical, goofy, and verging on complete idiocy, I couldn't even watch it (or the following 2)!

How a show can go from the compelling and intriguing storylines of all the other episodes to these that are pretty much complete drivel is beyond me. Now I'm on the fence as to whether it'll be worth my while to even check out season 4...

Again, what a complete and utter disappointment.
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House M.D.: Two Stories (2011)
Season 7, Episode 13
Best Ever!
29 July 2023
This has got to be THE best and funniest episode of "House" ever--I just re-watched the episode for maybe the 9th time, lol.

With multiple and intersecting storylines going on (that are woven together most excellently), we get to watch how some people--from kids in school thru to House himself--deal with the relationships in their lives, including, of course, their love interests. The regular hospital bits are there too, but the focus is on school. I'm not sure what grade the kids are in, (maybe 6th?) but the principal's office and playground scenes are hilarious; the characters/actors are very true-to-life, and this episode left me totally reminiscent of my own days gone by.

Whoever wrote the episode is one most awesome writer--clever, inventive, and pretty much brilliant. I hope they won awards and/or were recognized and compensated for their genius! (And no, I'm not some friend of the writer, I don't even know their name, but I'm going to find out after I submit this because I'd like to check out whatever else they've written.)

Need I say I highly recommend a watch, at least one time!?
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Tame, Lame, and... Sam Claflin(!?!)
11 March 2023
I love almost all rock band movies/documentaries (usually even the ones telling the story of a band I don't particularly like) so I was happy to see IMDB advertising for a new series based on a rock band and eager to check it out.

Gotta say, whoever was responsible for Sam Claflin being cast as Billy Dunne, well... either they have not a clue or they owed the guy big-time for something or other--a worse pick may exist, but I can't think of one at the moment. The guy's not only too old for the role, but he has no rock star charisma whatsoever. None. So I say, "Hey, casting director! If you'd've cast a guy who looks like someone that rocker chicks'd actually swoon over and wanna hook up with, you might've made the series watchable!" Sad for the rest of the cast because everyone else was great and believable in their roles, with Riley Keough coming off as pretty compelling.

As far as the story goes (I made myself watch 3 episodes), it seemed pretty tame and lame, bringing nothing of much interest. I might've finished the series anyways, had it not been for one of the main characters being so hard to look at; both he and the casting director should've known better.
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The Last Duel (2021)
21 November 2022
Against my better judgement, I opted to check out this flick simply because I like Ridley Scott and, up until now, haven't been let down by any of his works that I've seen.

I didn't/couldn't watch the whole thing and only very excruciatingly painfully got through maybe the first half hour or so--it was so boring and bad though that I felt compelled to write a review/warning.

Apparently made for, about, and by guys, this might appeal to the testosterone-overdosed jock-set and or militaristic-type war-mongering male--you know, those who might've "enjoyed" watching/being a Roman gladiator and/or maybe guys who are just into guys? Nothing there to grab or spark the female interest, not even by way of eye candy. Boring and pointless.

I didn't expect much from the rest, but I did expect something a little more intelligence-driven from Ridley. Oh well.
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Slumberland (2022)
20 November 2022
Good story, good humour, good acting.

Interesting enough to hold my attention most of the way through (just maybe slightly a bit too long, which is really the only gentle critique I have).

Unique to the film, I thought, is that all of the characters were very likeable--something that's refreshingly feel-good and hard to find in anything you watch today. Even the "antagonist(s)" turn out to be likeable and I really appreciated that! I did cry just a little (not from sadness, but from being so moved).

All in all, a good Sunday afternoon watch for anyone, from grampas and grandkids, to boyfriends and girlfriends (or whichevers), or just by yourself--if seeing this was a potential beau's idea of a first date, he'd get a second. Just sayin'... 😉
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Woke (2020–2022)
A Serious Funny Show
23 April 2022
I'm a Single White Heterosexual Female Living in San Francisco (yes, I'm taking on the format of the "Top Review" here) and I think this show is pretty damn funny, many times totally, ironically, and sadly capturing the essence of life in SF ala 2022 for sure.

Season 1 episode 7 was especially SF-on and the bus scene hilarious. (Disclaimer: Nothing at all against Kubby, I love all animals, most are cooler than most humans, but it was the SF humanoids' reactions that were so spot on and so sadly hilarious in this episode.)

And the actors and everyone else involved in making this show do a great job.
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FBI (2018– )
Unable to Watch
23 April 2022
The soundtrack for this show is so contrived and dated, it makes it virtually impossible to even watch... just saying... check it out for yourself, you'll see what I mean.
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Firebite (2021–2022)
Cool Vampire Show from The Outback
4 March 2022
Australia, awesome sound track, vampires, and vampire-hunters... who could ask for anything more?!?

The acting is fine and the sets are really pretty well done. So it's a little slow or odd here and there and so the "special effects" aren't the kind that cost $3 million--who really cares? It's not that kind of show (which the low-raters would realize if they were cool, but they're not, so don't even worry about their comments).

Did i mention the music? I'd watch it for the interesting and compelling soundtrack alone and want to specially thank Dan Luscombe, Gareth Liddiard, Michael Darren, Jemma Burns, and Leyla Varela (who most likely go unnoticed or under appreciated but who matter hugely): THANK YOU!!! (No, I have no connection with/don't know them, it's just hard to find new shows that feature sounds that are appealing and when I do find one, I very much appreciate it).

I predict this will be a cult classic (if it isn't already), so if you're down with that sort of thing, go make some popcorn and check it out.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
My Latest FAV Series...
6 July 2021
These are my people, if only I could find them on this planet!

Young, fun cast of interesting magickal (human and non-human) characters delivering smart-as-a-whip quips in a very entertaining manner. Based on the book(s?) and very well-written.

Warning: May be addictive, I can't seem to watch any other show now, so too bad it's done--down to watching re-runs now.

Seriously, this is a really good show, 'specially if you have a brain.
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6 July 2021
Hidden gem I almost missed, WATCH IT!

Don't listen to the haters with no taste writing the crappy reviews, this is the funniest f---ing flick I've seen in awhile and even touching at tomes. If you happen to be relationship-challenged (which, admittedly, I am), pop this in and start relating and laughing.

The soundtrack is AWEsome, the characters are very 'real' people, and the actors/actresses portraying them are spot on. The only critique I could possibly come up with is the dance scene that pretty much copies exactly the dance scene of another flick (which they do make reference to later, so I suppose it must've been intentional).

Oh, and--hope it's ok to say this here--if you're an orgasm-less chick (or with a guy who hasn't been 'getting you there'), at least watch the first 11-1/2 minutes (together if possible), you'll be so happy you did.

Highly recommended, go for it.
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Grimm (2011–2017)
Mythology Or Reality
7 February 2021
One of the great things about this show is the way mythological tales are told in such a plausible manner as to have one believing in the reality of it all; and after all, aren't many, if not most, myths based on reality?

Whether you're a believer or not, the solid tales, great cast, and just the right touch of humour will have you hooked. Warning: May cause binge watching!
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
10 September 2020
"Don't believe everything you read," is how the saying goes, and I say any negativity written about this movie must have been by the hand of negative people.

Granted, I do love all that is Egyptian. That being said, I just re-watched this flick (again!) and was telling a friend I thought it was maybe one of the best movies ever made... I had to look it up online becuz I couldn't for the life of me remember the director's name, tho I knew he'd done Garage Days as well--another really cool flick, btw--and I was horrified by what I saw written about GoE. I had to actually double-check that it was the same movie. I have no idea where these people could be coming from.

Everything about GoE was good, if not great. I'm not an action- or special fx-driven viewer, but what was presented in that respect was well done too. The attire of the cast was so outstandingly striking that I spent a long time trying to find out who the designer was. So okay, I guess there was one thing lacking in that after reading the credits over and over, the titles given to the wardrobe people still left me with no clue as to who actually designed the clothing (so if anyone reading this can decipher it down to a name for me, I'd really like to know who it was that did such a good job). And that's about all the "negativity" you'll get here. Maybe the "bombing at the box office" has more to do with cool people opting to watch at home instead of paying $20 to not be able to pause to go to the bathroom or not be able to have a smoke or drink than it has to do with the movie itself, that's the only thing I can figure.

Go watch it if you haven't already, it's such a cool flick.
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The Dirt (2019)
worth a watch
12 August 2020
Not a fan of motley crue by any means, i still give this an 8-star rating... it's a really interesting story, especially if you're a musician, so i expect actual fans will give it a 10... worth a watch if you can get past axel and vince, mick says some funny stuff and tommy's fun to watch--not funny like "tommy lee goes to college" but like i said i found it really interesting and it was done well
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Yes, God, Yes (2019)
7.5 is the rating
12 August 2020
Pretty fun movie... a teenage girl becoming aware of her sexuality is a confusing time, and getting "guidance" from the religious sect makes for a hilarious-at-times flick while simultaneously showing some seriously sad hypocrisies of the christian set which, hopefully, those watching will be able to see and learn from... all in all, a good short watch
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Australia (2008)
cool flick
12 August 2020
I've watched this 4 times since finding it on dvd, so that in itself should tell you there's something fishy going on with the low-raters...

it's got a good solid story (evoking some intense emotions!), nicole kidman, and the cutest little boy ever... learning some things about the aborigine people's ways held my interest as well... a bit cheesy on some of the music, but other than that, it's good to go, so go have a watch...
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The Slap (2011)
Interesting Presentation of a Controversial Topic
25 June 2019
First, there are 2 versions of this mini-series, and I highly recommend this 2011 Australian version over the 2015 version. This one is somehow far better. (I've been watching quite a few shows coming out of Australia lately and they all seem to have a special something that rises them up above others--all the ones I've seen have a very unique take on things, be it subject matter or the views and lives of the characters they present. Quirky, interesting, and very original, I'll say for these Aussie productions.)

That being said, get ready for a truly intense mini-series. This show manages to bring out fierce emotions in even the meekest of people, really riling you up no matter which view or whose side you take--and you will take sides, believe me. And if you think you're all on board with one of the characters after watching the first episode, be sure to tune in for the next of the series as each successive episode will focus mainly on one of the other characters, allowing you to slowly get to know what life is like for each one, and as their deep dark secrets are slowly revealed. Not a sit back, relax and fall asleep thing by any means.
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