
14 Reviews
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29 July 2015
Simply terrible. NO other way to describe it. I tend to enjoy B horror movies so I had higher expectations of this movie while knowing what to expect from a low-budget film. This movie was simply awful. All of the actors suffered from varying degrees of amnesia when it came to knowing how to actually act. Despite every character being a part of a couple, when their girlfriend/boyfriends would disappear (as inevitably happens in a horror flick), no one seemed to care. At all. Which was difficult to get past. The "haunting" was never really explained or, honestly, developed. The sound was so poorly done that with my TV at full sound it was still hard to hear. And the plot? Well, instead of genuine scares and plot development, we see a variety of sex, drinking, and gratuitous twerking in the first half of the film when things are fine (at least it saves us from dialogue, but it's still not entertaining). in the second half, when things aren't so great, we see a variety of people working out. Seriously, these people are so fit that they somehow work out the morning after heavy drinking and whenever they get stressed. So basically, you get to watch a sizable chunk of a "horror" flick but it's really more like watching a film on exercise voyeurism.
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Dark Summer (2015)
Worth the time...but use the fast forward button
26 July 2015
So let me start off by saying that this was a decent film in the end. But it DOES take until the end to vindicate the dull hour that precedes it. Fortunately, I don't feel the need to watch what I consider dull or predictable parts of films. I figure that's the joy of watching at home instead of the theater. So you have to know that this is a predictable movie in terms of relationships. It's evident early on that there's unrequited love going on and that is a big part of the film. Since this is the single most obvious part of the plot and for some reason takes up almost half the film, feel free to skip it all once you recognize the relationship. You'll see it within the first 5 minutes. After that is a lot of nothing mixed in with scares intermittently as is expected in a horror film. It's not too gory and there are some decent creepy moments throughout. Why the high rating, you may ask. It's all in the ending! This is one of those rare movies where I didn't see the end coming and that made all the fast forwarding worth it.

Also, other reviewers said the movie was dark. I will say that I did not have that trouble with watching it on Netflix. Platform differences maybe?
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Munger Road (2011)
An unfinished, predictable movie
23 June 2015
So the first things you have to know about this movie are as follows: 1. It was supposed to have a sequel, but financial backing couldn't be drummed up, so it ends without an ending and will never be finished. See here for details as of 2013: 2. It has all the trite expectations of a teen slasher flick with only one redeeming quality.

Now I am a horror and slasher fan, so I don't generally mind these things. But this one was over the top. Listed in no particular order of irritating:

*While trying to hide from a killer and be quiet, all the teens can do is scream at the top of their lungs.

* While running for help, teens run into an abandoned places where there is obviously going to be no help.

*Cops consistently "break up" even though there's no way any cop in their right mind would do such a thing.

*Somehow a very large city has only 2 cops who both work the night shift, and no one ever calls for backup!

*Cops clearly have no idea how to actually handle a gun as one of them could have shot his own head off several times and neither was holding it in a manner that would have involved any aim throughout the WHOLE movie. Even X Files got this right back in the 90s.

So what't the good part, the story development is well done and atmospheric. We flip back and forth from the teens (whom we obviously know are in danger) to the cops who bit by bit give the story of the killer. It was atmospheric as well and lacked the overdone movie style of giving the whole story of the killer near the beginning so that all viewers have to wait for is the inevitable deaths of most of the cast. This slow development, rather like a breadcrumb trail, allows the viewer to become involved in the story so that the irritating qualities of the teens can almost be passed over.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
One of the best movies I've seen in years!
24 May 2015
I don't tend to give unqualified praise often, but this movie was amazing. It was wildly atmospheric right from the start and while the images/ideas were very disturbing, it was never too gross to watch (which is a big hang up for me - I shouldn't want to close my eyes while watching a movie). But do be warned that the ideas are truly disturbing. This is particularly true if the idea of family violence is bothersome to you (my husband, for example, won't watch anything where people have to see/hear loved ones die). If you can get past that, you will be well rewarded. Ethan Hawke is amazing in this film as he vacillates between washed up, downtrodden middle aged writer and hot on the trail of something big alcoholic. He is so captivating that at a certain point you actually forget/don't care about the possible danger he puts his family in. And that makes the climax all the more enjoyable. Furthermore, this is not a film that is full of those ridiculous moments that horror movies are typically known for. Characters in this movie make exactly the same choices that I would reasonably make in such a messed up situation. It was quite refreshing to not have to spend most of the movie thinking that the characters are going to get exactly what they deserve for being so dang stupid. In fact, the only real issue I saw in the film (and it did bug me a lot), is that the whole premise is that in their new home Hawke finds an old school (50s-60s) reel projector with home videos. Even as a 40 year old man, the odds of knowing how to so skillfully work the old projector (not to mention hand splice the film) is a bit out there. Particularly since he sows no penchant for film in his every day life as a character. But perhaps that's just a back story that was never written in. I was certainly willing to overlook it given how truly terrifying the rest of the film was. It was worth every minute.
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The Pyramid (2014)
This movie gave me split personality.
20 May 2015
I will say that the plot of this movie is good. In fact, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. I love Egyptian history and there was plenty of it (and to my rudimentary knowledge it was well done and accurate as well). However, I am not one who finds people writhing in drawn out agony appealing. Only one scene was horribly graphic, the rest was really all pretty tame, but the scenes are drawn out and (a bonus in a way) the actors are actually good. So I had to fast forward through much of the movie. Which actually made me sad because I didn't want to miss any plot. A 5 out of 10 is massively appropriate because I hated the torturous deaths that took WAY longer than they needed to (and really, I think scientifically none of the things that happen to the people could possibly hurt for that long because we'd go into shock). But the plot was excellent. And as an added bonus, the found footage documentary style was actually integrated into quality traditional movie filming amazingly well! Must go call Dr...unsure what to think.
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The Mirror (III) (2014)
A plot that's been overdone, but this one's worth a watch
20 May 2015
This is one of those movies that I had low expectations going in to. The plot has been done and done..and then overdone. However, this one (with an admittedly poor attempt at a new plot line) does very well.

This is a found footage movie, which I never feel is quite advertised enough as is often a surprise. If you hate found footage, this will have the same things that you hate. While the movie is good, the footages existence is often explained by nonsensical plot devices to account for a camera being in a certain place at a certain time. If you can get past that typical failing in a found footage film, you will enjoy this. The tension in this movie is ever mounting. And it starts with three happy roommates having a good time, which makes the movie's plot progression enjoyable. Unlike other movies of this nature where the cameras only show up after bad events begin to occur, this footage begins when things are going dandy (which is well explained in the plot). And that makes the sudden turn, when it inevitably happens, all that more intense. And, as most horror fans can attest, I am rarely surprised in a film anymore. This one surprised me once, and that's really quite exciting.

In terms of gore, this movie is a 2 out of 10. A point that I truly appreciate as fear and disgust are two decidedly different things. There are a lot of sound effects, but the director put all the money from the low budget into quality lost footage (the film quality is Paranormal Activity level - not the grainy, shaky kind often found in this sub-genre) rather than intense gore FX.

I only gave this an 8 out of 10 because of the decidedly BAD decisions these college-age kids make near the end when the situation gets intense. As that sort of nonsensical behavior is expected in movies like this, I tend to not knock a review down for it. But this was excessive. I won't spoil it because the rest of the movie is good, but I will say (and you'll know when it is) that there was one scene where I literally screamed at the TV for these people to make better decisions..and then it happened several more times in an escalating downward spiral in the last 15 minutes. Fortunately, I enjoyed so much of my time leading up that that moment that I still don't regret giving it to this movie.

And it might interest you to know that's it really IS based on a "true" story. See link:
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This review contains only a spoiler that warns and does not ruin plot
9 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Poorly marketed! Mostly because (Netflix at least) did the marketing as a horror documentary. NOT SO! In fact, The most horrific thing about this was the real life crime photos (some massively disturbing of recently raped teens complete with legs spread) that they insisted on showing regularly. Unlike the Jack the Ripper photos, these were not blurry and while they weren't blood and guts material, I could have lived the rest of my life without seeing a photo or a raped and strangled 15-year-old in the pose her attacker left her in.

The movie bills itself as "getting to the bottom" of the real crimes that inspired urban legends. As a lover of urban legends, this seemed right up my alley. What it really turned out to be was about 5 minutes of facts stretched into 20 minutes segments that involve the following contrived, poorly done techniques: * knocking on doors in the neighborhoods of the crimes and telling people the true story of their street only to cause fear in 80 year old women who are retired and happened to be at home *Lots of shots of people driving around pretending they are talking about something that hasn't been scripted but clearly has been based on the 0 reaction of the other party these people clearly aren't actors but were forced to give an attempt) *Countless lines of empty dialogue that ends in exclamation points (a la Amittyville Horror - novel form) but actually says literally nothing *More shots of people walking and having contrived dialogue that adds nothing to the plot (think, "this could be the tree where she was killed" uttered in a FOREST full of trees) * A "researcher" on cast who is supposed to validate what's being said but is clearly a grad student who is being paid to waltz about in inappropriate clothing (for the task - who wears heels and/or wedges to traipse about the woods?) *Starbucks marketing to the MAX. Now, they may love Starbucks, and that's okay. I drink Starbucks myself. But I have to wonder why it's in EVERY shot while they are in the car. The saving grace is that they don't drag the logoed cups out into the woods. (The stunning part of woods walking was reserved for the heels.) *Ridiculous timing. Am I supposed to be scared because they chose to "investigate" the forest where murders happened at night? Do they think I'm really dumb enough to wonder why they didn't go in the daytime when they could see instead of going to Starbucks? Anyone mounting a genuine investigation would do so in the freaking daylight. * LOTS of conjecture. In fact, only one of the four segments shown actually had a clear cut end. Now, I know urban legends are legends for a reason. But a film that professes it will get to the bottom of the true crimes behind the legends better damn well deliver SOME facts at least. Nope. Not here. The only firm facts delivered were in those of the case where the killer was executed for his crimes. But even then it's obviously not clear since he died professing his innocence (but at least they had the forethought to pause the footage of interviews with him on shots that made him look crazy because he was mid-word or mid-smile. Who looks sane in that pose?).

The best thing is actually the montage of horror movie clips that show how the urban legends developed in pop culture. Which really means that the best parts of the film are ones that the film makers didn't actually make.

The only positive I can think of is that one of the four segments was on a crime (the babysitter one) that took place in Columbia Missouri - a town not far from me. So that was the only thing that kept me watching past segment 2. In fact, I had already reached for the remote to stop it when I heard the phrase "Columbia, MO" and so continued watching. At that point, though, I had already dug out the trusty laptop to mess around on. I didn't watch hardly any of segment four, but at that point I figured I was already invested and so might as well continue (and that investment might have been really to the website I had started shopping on by that point).
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Playback (II) (2012)
Not perfect, but worth the time
9 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with genuine expectation given that I've nurtured a crush on Christian slater for the last 17 years of my life. And here I was not disappointed, though there were flaws.

Firstly, the story itself was predictable. It was clear what was happening and why throughout most of it. And there were huge inconsistencies. Maybe I just don't get it, but I find it horrendously unbelievable when I Watch a film where a cop does something so dreadfully stupid that if he got caught he would go to jail where the horrors that await him would be worse than the horrors of whatever he's living through in the horror flick. I had a hard time getting past that. In fact, that's the reason for the average rating. Because, in large part, if it hadn't been for that plot issue, the rest of the movie would have fallen apart. But I suppose we viewers are supposed to think that reality is just as odd and unreasonable.

In terms of scares, this one hits as average with some blood and shots that make you jump and such. Nothing overly special, but it IS engaging overall. Mostly because the premise was not one I am accustomed to (which says something from a person who watches as much horror as I do).

Overall, this film is entertaining and worth a try. After I watched it, I still left it in my Netflix queue so don't forget to watch it again.
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Housebound (2014)
Much more than I expected
9 April 2015
I left this one in the Netflix queue for quite a while. It has a low 2 star rating (as of now) on Netflix for some reason, so I didn't want to waste a perfectly good horror movie night on it given that I get time to watch them (though I love them) so rarely. So instead I watched this on a weeknight when I didn't have time to watch the whole thing with full expectation that I wouldn't want to finish it so it would be no loss. Instead, I stayed up much later than my bedtime and thoroughly enjoyed it!

The acting, as I have read in other reviews, was very good. Above par to say the least. This, I assume, is the benefit of a not young cast. Breaking the tradition of the teen aged cast, the youngest member here is in her mid to late 20s and they range all the way to what I would guess to be 60s. And it shows. This is particularly important as the film is slated as a horror-comedy (the only reason it made it into my queue to begin with as I love that genre). I will say that whereas other horror-comedies tow the line of almost making too much fun of themselves in an attempt to break free of the subtle Wes Craven style film, this one does not. Never once did I find the comedy contrived. Instead the film relies on the comedy that IS present in every day life. And therein lies the true pleasure in it. I could actually put myself in the main character's shoes (or whichever character you most relate to, I assume). I even took the time to look up the main character's filmography, which was depressingly short.

For a change, it was nice to see a movie that was not full of plot holes and only once left me wondering what the f*** this character is thinking (and I believe that that scene was supposed to make me feel that another score to the positive in that case).

Additionally, I was worried about the unrated version I was watching given that I tend to eat my dinner when I watch. As I have admitted in all my horror movie reviews, I DON'T do gore and take serious issue with the fact that horror and gore have become synonymous (tirade to continue in other reviews). This movie was never once unwatchable until the end when it did what most foreign films do (think Shaun of the Dead or even Hot Fuzz) and then it went over the top. But it does so in a fashion that is both obvious (so you can avoid it I didn't watch it) and humorous (I heard it and still sniggered).

The plot is well developed. Again, a jewel in an age where films tend to rehash same old plots. I don't mean to say it's totally original, but instead it's an interesting mash-up of several classic horror movie types that have preceded it (and really, is anything totally new anymore?).

So in summation (if you're still reading), this is worth your time. So don't be like me and think you will tire of it halfway through and go to bed on time. Be prepared for the full nearly 2 hour runtime. Never once did I wish it shorter.
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Well worth the time...
3 April 2015
I watched this movie with no expectation of a good time. Like most people who might read this, I am a huge horror fan and viewed this as a knock off in a genre of found video that has been far overdone already. And it was one with a new cast and low budget. In fact, I only gave it a try because it was a weeknight and I expected to fall asleep and Netflix had 4 out of 5 stars on it. It was surprisingly good. Though the acting and pot left a bit to be desired at times, this was genuinely a movie that outdid its predecessors. The film actually shows you what you should be afraid of rather than just have the camera shake a lot so you see nothing but dark when you are supposed to be scared. And it was well done so it actually worked - a pleasant surprise. I will say the plot was amazingly predictable, but then again, aren't they all. (Still waiting for a new move in the genre.) Overall, it was well worth the time and was not a gore fest. All of it was watchable - even with dinner.
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The Mine (2012)
You get what you ask for
2 January 2015
And it's pretty clear from the initial scene that this is a B movie all the way. Though the rating should give it away with only a PG-13. In my experience, new movies with high budgets tend to go in for gore, which means an R rating. However, I love B movies and the hokiness that comes with them (and find fear is not based on disgust), so I gave this one a try. The overall movie was decent to be sure. There were the typical stereotypes (dumb jock, cool jock, comical Indian, dumb blond, smart blond with short hair) and they were done well-ish. Though I will admit to finding every joke made at the expense of the Indian guy a bit much within the first 5 minutes of his appearance.

The real problem was in plot development. It was one of those where the writers clearly were unsure how to end the film after they gave an actually well done and surprising twist. They do play with time so separate events overlap at the end so you get numerous perspectives and that was really well done and entertaining. But the plot itself just sort of ended without a nice tie up. If that doesn't bug you, then give this one a try. However, I will warn you that you ought to keep the remote handy for fast forwarding in the beginning. The character development is long and since the film takes place at Halloween, viewers are forced to watch a montage of five minutes (but felt like an eternity) of two girls trying on costumes. Unless they are drag queens (and they aren't) there is no realistic way for two average white girls to have that many current Halloween costumes. It that sort of unbelievability that kills a B movie since they have so much less to work with. I relied on fast forward to take me through and I wasn't totally disappointed that I did continue on.
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Killer Movie (2008)
Hands down one of the best horror movies made...if you know what you're in for.
2 January 2015
Let me preface with the fact that I rarely give a 10 to anything. As a person with 2 English degrees, I have sort of been formally trained to be overly critical. This movie is worth your time. I can't even count how many horror movies I have seen in my life, but this nearly tops them all. BUT, you have to be aware that you are going into a movie that is clearly designed to function as both a horror movie, but all also functions as mockumentary for both the horror genre and reality TV genre. So, yes, it does make fun of itself rather in the way Scream does or the later Friday the 13th movies do. And it's every second a delight. Also, it's truly watchable start to finish. Rarely can I make it through a full horror movie without fast forwarding a bit. I don't dig excessive gore and find it more revolting than frightening, but this movie doesn't rely on gore to be successful at giving scares. While it isn't a film that will give you nightmares for weeks, it is one that it thoroughly enjoyable on several levels and is very much worth a watch so long as you aren't expecting a flat out slasher.
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Dream House (2011)
Not at all what was promised
1 January 2015
Firstly, this was completely marketed wrong. It claimed very clearly to be a horror film and instead quickly turned into..I don't know, the movie that wanted to do too much? Craig's acting (and abs) is the only thing that saved this 90 minute dump bucket of side plots, red herrings, poorly dropped foreshadowing, and mostly weak character development. Despite the attempt made to create a deep, multi-layered mystery (not the horror promised), the films fail in creating any suspense given that within the first 35 minutes the whole plot is clear due to the aforementioned poorly done foreshadowing. And the characterization could not be more inappropriate. Before the 35 minutes were up that it took to see where the plot was going, I had already given up on any sort of realism in the film given that apparently in this alter universe average, middle age men who never exercise somehow all look like Craig's Bond character and the same can be said for his wife and neighbor. I would advise skipping this one and seeing Craig's good acting (and abs) in something better.
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Don't Blink (2014)
Perfect and flawed all at once
22 December 2014
I profess myself a horror movie junkie. Especially for atmospheric, stereotyped, low budget movies. This meets all requirements. Rather than relying on blood and gore to frighten, this is all about atmosphere and watching closely (in fact, I had to rewind and watch one scene all over to see what I missed the first time). Typically, I don't balk at horror movie stereotypes (after all, the simplicity of the genre is part of its charm), but here they The director gave characters who were clearly mid to late 30s the typical stereotypes of young twenty-somethings. That took a bit of getting used to, but if you can ignore it, then the atmosphere and mystery and tension are all well done. The main reason for the 7 is the huge omission of why we watch movies. There is a reason there's a nice plot triangle (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, conclusion). I was thoroughly involved throughout the falling action...and then credits. What? It seems laziness and, in a way, a waste of my 90 minutes when a full part of the plot structure is omitted.
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