
17 Reviews
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Future People (2021)
Fascinating, Thoughtful Documentary
2 March 2024
If you're looking for something salacious or sensational you've come to the wrong place. This is a sensitive look into the unintended consequences, good and bad, of rushing into uncharted technology that plays with human lives, just because we can. In this case it is what most people don't give much thought to, anonymous sperm donation.

The subject of this documentary is the connection of the children of one donor - Donor 5114 - to each other after they discover they are half siblings. At first a few of them meet up online, then they, with their mothers, begin to meet in person, a few at first, then more joining in. It's fascinating to see them together, the resemblance between them is unmistakable, while the mothers are all as different as can be.

The strongest part of this film for me was the questions that it raised for these children. Most of them "knew" they were the product of a sperm donor from a young age, but they didn't really understand what that meant until they were older (how could they?). Think about it. How would you feel if you had over two dozen siblings, some of whom you didn't even know? And you were just a kid yourself, trying to sort out all the regular teenage stuff?

Isn't it a good thing to help create a child for someone who wants one? Yes except the children that are studied here over a period of a few years (when they are teenagers) were mostly born to single mothers - there was at least one lesbian couple. So these kids were not only raised without knowing anything about their biological father, they were raised without a dad. I think that added another complication. And the mothers really weren't prepared to help their kids deal with these issues.

Our current culture is changing at such a breakneck pace, so I hope we get more really well done films like this one to show us that maybe we need to slow down a bit and think ahead about the "Future People" and what the impact of our actions will have on them.

Oh and btw, you will fall in love with each of these kids.
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My Fair Lady (1964)
A True Classic That Never Ages
21 October 2021
How many films can be just as fresh and enjoyable after nearly 60 years as they were the first time you saw them? I loved My Fair Lady when I saw it "first run" in the theater, as a matter of fact we had the Broadway cast album and I played it endlessly. So watching it now after many years, knowing every line of every song, and marveling over the sharpness of the lyrics again (as well as the dialogue) was such a treat. And of course, the sweetness of the music completes the musical package.

There is no way a person can watch this only one time and take everything in. For example, during the scene at Ascot you want to look at each of the fabulous black and white costumes, and those wild hats. But if you do, you'll miss the hysterically dry humor of the lyrics.

And speaking of costumes, when Hepburn appears on the stairs in that incredible ball gown, has anyone ever looked more gorgeous in any movie?

They stopped making movies like this a long time ago.
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Touched by an Angel: Chutzpah (2001)
Season 8, Episode 5
Authenticity of Writers Uplift This Episode
29 June 2021
It's a real credit to this series that they used Allen Estrin and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin to write this episode. The story is not that exceptional but the details are refreshingly authentic. I also really appreciate that this series has a universal appeal, not directed solely at any one particular religion.
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Touched by an Angel: The Compass (1999)
Season 6, Episode 2
Great Episode Especially for Memorial Day
31 May 2021
Even though this episode was originally aired in October it was shown on StartTV on Memorial Day 2021, an apparent coincidence because it happened to be in the regular episodic order. But it deserves an annual viewing on this day because it is a wonderful reminder of the sacrifice our military has made for us in times of war, no matter how difficult it was and how scared they must have been. Their heroism must never be forgotten.
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Good Episode Despite Low Rating Number
24 May 2021
I can't understand why this is the lowest rated episode, by far, of the entire series. I have seen, and enjoyed, nearly all of them, and I thought it was as good as most of them, and better than some. Maybe some didn't care for the many flashbacks employed in the story, but I thought the frame was solid and stood well on its own. If you haven't seen it, don't let that low rating number discourage you.
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Beautiful episode that seems more timely than ever
23 January 2021
This episode, and the Part II which must be seen following it, seems to be as relevant today, more than twenty two years later, as it was in 1998. Maybe even more. China and human rights? American companies manufacturing their goods there to sell them cheaply here? If anything, we need this "Spirit" now more than ever. Beautiful performances, especially by the captivating Bai Ling, really sell this.
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Pit Bulls and Parolees: Judgement Day (2011)
Season 3, Episode 1
Best Ending Ever
10 December 2020
Love this show, have just newly discovered it. But the ending of this season opener was unforgettable. Magical.
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True to the spirit of the book
27 November 2020
I just heard an extended podcast interview with JD Vance today before I watched this movie. I was gratified to hear he was pleased with the treatment that Howard gave his material (Vance was executive producer after all, and very involved but still, you never know what these Hollywood types might do) and he especially praised Glenn Close's portrayal of Mamaw. He said she conferred with the family to make sure she got not just the look, but the mannerisms right, right down to the way she held her cigarette.

I had read the book a couple of years ago and was very impressed with it but usually am disappointed in film adaptations. Not this time. Sure, it doesn't portray the entire scope of the book, it can't. It would have to be a 10 part series at least to do that. But I thought they chose the focus well to represent the main ideas. And those ideas are complicated, with no easy solutions to the problems.

Congratulations to the entire cast who were all excellent, particularly the young man who played the young JD. He really touched my heart.
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Uncle Tom (2020)
16 July 2020
I've been a fan of Larry Elder since his beginning days on Los Angeles radio in the early '90's. I started out as liberal Democrat but I found him engaging, even when I thought I disagreed with him, because his arguments were always so solid. Between him and Dennis Prager, the veil was lifted from my eyes and I learned the truth that I really was a conservative after all. And now, finally, Larry and company have made this outstanding film that hopefully will reach more and more people than even his radio show and TV appearances have. I cannot believe that most people, no matter their color, subscribe to the radical agenda that the Left/Democrats/Media constantly pushes on us as if no other way of thinking is valid.

This film is fearless and encourages anyone who watches it that you are not alone, and you can be fearless too.
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The Five (2016)
Complicated but Engrossing Mystery
24 May 2019
This 10-part series was made for binge watching because it hooks you in with its many twists and turns, you can't wait to see where it will take you next. I didn't even try to figure it out because it was so complicated, and I would have gotten it wrong even if I did try. I really enjoyed this series and highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good mystery story and interesting characters.

Note: Aside from some violence (nothing too graphic) and some naughty language (occasionally thrown in), it won't offend those of us with delicate sensibilities. However, some subject matter is definitely not for children.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Groundbreaking film that doesn't deserve the R rating
30 March 2019
This is a fabulous film. I am not a Christian and I think this movie works even without a religious perspective. As for that bogus R rating, trust me when I say I am the most squeamish person when it comes to graphic images in movies. I rarely see R rated films. The images that "caused" this rated are upsetting because of what is happening - but that's like saying it is upsetting to see someone being shot on screen, which no one gives a thought about. Don't be afraid.

But bring your tissues, you will be moved. I learned things I never knew before, and I thought I knew pretty much everything about this. Congratulations to Abby Johnson and the filmmakers for a groundbreaking movie. Go see it.
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Pitch Perfect Film About a Difficult Subject
12 October 2018
I knew the general outlines of this story, and had high hopes for this film, and it still blew me away! They took an extremely difficult subject and somehow made a PG-13 movie that was pitch perfect. All of the horror is conveyed but graphic images are minimized so as not to make anyone turn away.

By the way, Dean Cain and Zo Rachel make such a great team, they could use their characters to make one of those buddy cop movies.

There is no soapbox preaching here. Just a first rate movie about something that really happened. Go see it.
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Ed and Elvis (and more)
11 September 2017
Such a special episode! Elvis was terrific, and after his last number, when Ed came over to him to say goodbye, Ed made a point of saying what a wonderful young man he was, the nicest of the "major acts" he had had on his show. He was clearly as impressed with his character as his talent.

Bonus includes the introduction of the "wonderful newcomer" Carol Burnett. Plus a lovely torch song by the great Lena Horne.
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Carbon Copy (1981)
See It For Denzel and George
18 August 2017
I was very surprised to see this movie today on a channel that plays lots of familiar movies. I had never heard of this one before, but I figured with Denzel Washington how could I go wrong? Yes, Carbon Copy is over-the-top in its depiction of snooty racists, and some of the comedy borders on slapstick. But if you concentrate on the relationship between the Denzel Washington and George Segal characters, you're in for a real treat. They are truly wonderful together and Denzel, especially considering this is one of his earliest roles, has all the charisma, polish, and depth we have come to expect from him. Bonus points for some really funny lines and a serious point that is made with heart.
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Little Big Shots: We're Back (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
Don't Miss The Last Ten Minutes - Elha Nympha
16 April 2017
Little Big Shots is a fun show, and Steve Harvey is a wonderful host, showing a great rapport with the tiny tots who have various degrees of talent covering a wide range of subjects. And all of them are adorable. But then he gives us someone truly special, 12 year old Elha Nympha, from the Philippines, who is featured in the final spot, singing "Chandelier." I have seen this song done by several talented singers but none were better than Elha's performance. Don't believe me? If you miss this episode check her out on YouTube and see for yourself.

Thank you Steve Harvey for introducing this phenomenal talent to US audiences. We will certainly be hearing more from her in the future.
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The Judy Garland Show: Episode #1.8 (1963)
Season 1, Episode 8
Judy & Liza Performing Together - A Rare And Moving Treat
8 May 2016
Note: The previous reviewer was referring to the December 22 Christmas show, not this one.

If you get a chance to see this episode, don't miss it. Not only are we witnessing the beginning of one great career and the unfortunate twilight of the other (Judy died in 1969), the obvious love between mother and daughter will move you on so many levels. Plus Judy sings one of her trademark torch songs that those of us of a certain generation will instantly recognize, and she is terrific.

Bonus is an appearance by Soupy Sales. He is pleasantly goofy, just like you remembered him.
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A Film For The Ages, And For All Ages
1 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw LotF when it was first released when I was just 11 years old and I loved it then. Over the past 50 years I've seen it about once every 10 years or so, including just now. Each time it seems to get better and better, the mark of a true classic film. The performances, the story, the production, all are first rate.

Others have commented on the remarkable exchange, when Smith's boss calls him "Boy" and Smith handles it by tossing it right back at him. Interestingly enough, this exchange is mirrored later in the film when Smith angrily calls Mother Maria "Hitler." It was a careless remark on his part, but her pain was evident. But did she call her attorney and sue? No, she handled it exactly like he did, when he was being bossy on the chapel construction site, she threw the Hitler word right back at him - with a smile. Well done!

A film for the ages, and for all ages (and faiths). See it again.
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