16 Reviews
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Dredd (2012)
The baddest action flims with one of the baddest characters!!!
30 April 2019
I'm watching this in 2019 and it still is my best action film ever. As one other reviewer said, this is a "Superior Action Movie", in my opinion it is the best, in my top 3, with Crank taking the other spot followed by Predator.
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Probably one of the greatest films i've seen.
14 March 2019
This is one amazing film, two inner-city kids and their struggles of having crack addict mums. Just amazing.
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Bird Box (2018)
This movie is all about the 5G mobile tech.
22 January 2019
Don't believe the hype, this movie is either a strange rework of the man with one eye in the land of the blind OR its about 5G tech which the government will test on you as a population control exercise.

This fillum is CRAP. (Also Sandra Bullock is just all Botox and Pollifilla, sad)
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The Bouncer (2018)
Van Damme delivers again since JCVD
18 December 2018
Van Damme has improved as an actor majorly, he needs to continue this European movie making streak and leave the usual hollywood action crap behind, this is a nice movie with better acting than story but still better then what he has done in the past decade. Watch it, won;t be disappointed.
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Story ok, executed badly and proof actors/names can not make a film.
13 December 2018
After watching the amazing 2016 Disney version of the Jungle Book I was expecting something on par or greater especially with this being two years later, sadly this was such a disappointment visually you wonder what Andy Serkis was thinking when this was released. The CGI was really really bad. The animals looked so.. strange. Balu, Sher Khan, Raksha, all done in such low quality, I mean they could have used The 2016 Jungle Book as a reference but I think egos got in the way and someone thought they did a great job.

The story is ok, but the director, cast, VFX crew did not do this any justice, this project should have been cancelled. After reaching the end of the film I noted that Serkis was the director with a cast of Bale, Benedict, Blanchet it just proved that names can not make a film if the overall quality is low.

Mark my words, if you have seen Disney's 2016 Jungle Book, this is a cheap chinese bootlegged copy done badly.
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Kidnap (I) (2017)
One of the most pointless movies, standard Hollywood crap
25 September 2017
Why would anyone make a film like this? You just don't care for any characters in this film, the script is of a very low quality, so many pointless scenes, not the worst direction but you just wouldn't care. This film is not recommended, but I'm sure someone has paid people off to make give it the current fake rating.

This is a 0 out 10 star film.
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Shot Caller (2017)
Walter White goes to prison. Great film.
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best film I have seen this year. This story is of a Walter White type individual who goes through a few "situations" while incarcerated for a traffic violation, transforming him from a white collar worker into a prison gang leader. In the end it is all about a man who goes all out to protect his family. Great acting, cinematography, score.
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Ozzy (2016)
Worst 2016 animation
23 July 2017
There are no spoilers here as this cartoon doesn't really have a plot. This is a 2016 animation but I swear they have used a 3d game engine from the early 2000's to make this, I actually feel embarrassed for the makers of this. I have seen games with better in play graphics than this rubbish. Best to avoid this.
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A Most unviolent and boring film of the year
21 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how or why IMDb has allowed itself to be hijacked in order to sell/promote films that do not deserve to be watched.

This film was very underwhelming at most, as another reviewer already mentioned, it was a 2hr movie about a guy who wants to buy some property. The main hero also is heavily influenced by Al Pacino and unfortunately he isn't charismatic enough to pull it off. Oscar Isaac is no bad actor, but he is no (the new) Al Pacino either as some people have been trying to portray him as.

This film is boring, not badly acted, but then so are many other rubbish films being churned out of Hollywood. IMDb has become a platform where rubbish films are being bigged up by the industry themselves.
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A disgrace to the term "Gangs" and Tooting Broadway
16 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WOW... where do we start? This film was a disgrace, to Tooting and gangs.. especially the gangs of Tooting.

This story is about a Sri Lanken "gang", which operates out of a estate agents, has maybe 6 members and is being portrayed as some force to be reckoned with. It consists of two bum-fluff henchmen who go around intimidating little shop owners for protection money or they will throw all the crisp packets on the floor. I know Tooting, a gang like this would be eaten up by the other gangs for breakfast. This film is full of bad acting, direction, editing, pathetic fighting.. I don't know what the people who made this were thinking, I would not want to be associated by this disgraceful POS. Anyway... avoid at all costs, or watch it for the laughs, the "twist" at the end of the film was laughable.
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Zulu (2013)
Good story line with great supporting cast
21 January 2015
This was a very good film indeed. The story was OK, set just after the passing of Mandela, the environment was very interesting. The main stars were the cast, nearly everyone surpassed expectations. Forest Whitaker takes the show as well as Orlando Bloom.

Tell you the truth I was surprised by Orlando Bloom,I have seen him in various films and TV shows but this role was completely opposite of what he usually does, I wasn't 100% sure it was him until the credits rolled, well impressed indeed.

I would recommend this film.

It a great mix of action, emotions and hard truths.
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John Wick (2014)
Don't believe the hype!
19 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, many are attempting to show this as the return of Keanu Reeves, I'm sorry to say this is not true. Keanu Reeves never went anywhere and if you want to see a recent film with him that you would enjoy a lot more watch "Man of Tai Chi".

This film is weak, story wise as well as direction. It seems the director has watched many Michael Mann movies, but still failed on many levels. It seems there were Russian's involved in the film, but were incapable of finding proper Russian actors!?! This film is a average 4/5 stars out of 10, I'm just annoyed that it was all hype/fluff but no substance, this is pissing me off. Looking at the IMDb reviews it seems there is a campaign to make this film look better then it actually is.

The storyline is full of holes. John Wick is the man they call when you want to get rid of the bogeyman, I mean that is how much of a bad ass he is. Assassins/Mafia Dons..etc are supposedly afraid due to his amazing killing skills, so when 3 incompetent masked "russian" gangsters break into his house, kill his puppy and beat the crap out of him... wait for it... to nick(steal) his car, you wonder what sort of super hit-man is this who doesn't even have a decent alarm system or the capabilities to defend himself? Later on in the same house 10+ well armed (supposedly less incompetent) gangsters break into his house again and he kills them all without too much hassle.. so what gives? You are either a bad-ass or a pussy... not sure what the story writers were thinking off. There are other scenes(bath house), where he could have easily killed off the guy who nicked his car and the film would have finished within the first hour... but for some reason misses this guy, but everyone else in the bathhouse is dead.

Anyway, if you have to watch this, do it with very low expectations, you might enjoy it then. This is one of Keanus weaker movies, I would rate the "Bill & Teds" adventures above this one.
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Bradley Cooper is a good actor.
19 January 2015
Just watched this movie last night and I have mixed reaction to it. The acting (especially Bradley Cooper) is very good, the direction is OK especially coming from a 84 year old Clint Eastwood, but the storyline is average. A soldier killing many people and than getting upset when he returns who then keeps on going back to kill even more people. At some point it seems like they are trying to justify killing children in a very roundabout fashion. Some bits of this story are a little far fetched, the main characters seems to be dealing with his inner demons after killing so many people, family issues and a cat and mouse game with the "Iraqi Sniper" he is hunting.

I mean I don't know, I was expecting this film to be a army/SEAL recruitment video but it covers areas that would not go down for recruitment. It hits some harsh truths that the US soldiers have to face, it does not condone the wars or support them, it sitting somewhere on the fence. Everyone would take something else away from this, but it seems this film was made for Americans not the world.

Not to take anything away from Chris Kyle but it has recently come to light that he did like telling tales, not sure what you can or can not believe. At the end of the day it seems it is supposed to strengthen support for US Army (mis)adventures all around the globe without asking too many questions.
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Collateral (2004)
One of the best hit-man films ever.
19 January 2015
I will just repeat what a few others have already mention, this film just oozes class and amazing cinematography with a good storyline without too many plot holes and feels like it could happen in real life. Tom Cruise does have a big head usually but this role suited him to a tee and just proves how good of an actor he is (even though he may be a little strange in his private life). Jamie Foxx also plays his role well, both main characters have a good rapport going on.

Micheal Mann as usual brilliant, some lesser directors with the same resources would have messed this film up.

The ending is a little clichéd but done well, I really felt it for Cruise.
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One of the worst Gangster films ever, the positive reviews are fake.
5 November 2014
What is this BS? The King brothers made this shite as a personal project and it is a bad one. This film has been shot on a camcorder by the looks of it, the lighting is bad, dialog even worse and there are no actors in this film just people who wish they were. The main baddie I think is actually one of the pathetic "king" brothers that made this POS. This "film" should be shown in films school as an example of what NOT to do when making a film. Also the 2 people that have given this POS reviews full of praised seem to be shills or family friends, no sane person would give this more then one star. If you don't want to waste your time its best to avoid this car crash of a gangster movie.
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Wannabe Gangster flick that fails miserably, total failure and a disgrace to Italians.
10 April 2014
This film is the reason I finally created a IMDb account, just so I can warn fellow gangster film fans not be fooled by the title or the cast. The main protagonist is the writer and director of the movie, I realized that in the first few minutes as the titles were rolling, usually that is a bad sign but I didn't have much to do so actually watched this crap til the end... I don't know how I did it. Maybe it was the odd characters popping up every now and then, a couple of them from Scarface and few other big productions, I'm not sure if this was a serious film or a satire... the main character took himself so seriously it was a joke, as people have mentioned, he loved swearing just for the sake of it, most of it was barking with no bite, the Italian that was being spoken was even worse and the stereotypical characters.. LOL.. I still can't get over the "Russians", and if you hear some of the jokes spread throughout the film you will just be cringing.. and one more thing, the main guys hair issues.....enuff said. If you are a aspiring filmmaker or actor and want to see how NOT to do things and maybe have a laugh watch this, otherwise just steer away from this shipwreck.

Ninjaedit: Just went through all the positive reviews for this film, every single one has only reviewed this film only, nothing else. I get the feeling Frank D'Angelo sits down in front of his computer every night, creates a few IMDb accounts and adds a few more reviews. Frank... Well done, you have the system totally worked out.. Gangster!!! LOL
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