21 Reviews
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My Norwegian Holiday (2023 TV Movie)
A Wonderful Surprise!
2 December 2023
It is always a great experience to be totally caught by surprise with a wonderful movie. MY NORWEGIAN HOLIDAY is just that! Generally a movie depends on its leads to carry the film. Not in this case. Rhiannon Fish and David Eisendoorn are extremely charismatic and play well together, both giving wonderful performances. They are supported beautifully by the remaining cast, headed by the wonderful Deidre Monaghan (as the Grandmother) and Karen Connell. But the remaining cast shines as well.. The beautiful city of Bergen is used beautifully. The Norwegian Christmas customs are highlighted, so it becomes a learning experience to see what they do differently. Hallmark has hit the bullseye with this one. A sequel should immediately be put into production, to continue this wonderful story. The film is well-written - but it is the acting of the two leads, and supporting cast, that make this movie special. Enjoy!!
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A 'real' love story.
5 July 2023
I came upon this little gem one day on You Tube. It turned out to be such an emotional experience. What unfolded was a 'real' and genuine love story. It was told simply. However, it features two superb performances by the two leads, Christian and Ty. Their scenes are pure magic, coming across so uniquely. It was amazing to watch these two actors in their scenes together (basically the entire film) because their eyes tell the story. The way they look at each other, the way they gently touch each other, the way the one looks after the other - amazing work by all. There is talk that this film could become a series. I hope that happens because these two characters are so interesting and you want to know what will happen next in their lives together. A must watch.
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Essex County (2023)
A Fabulous Series
29 April 2023
This review could be very brief. Why? Because one word would be enough to indicate my thoughts about this series. That word is "superb". Lemire's graphic novel has been lovingly tranferred to television. The entire cast is quite extraordinary, led by the Canadian treasure Molly Parker. Each character is so well defined and expertly played by the actors. But it is Molly Parker that provides the foundation for the others. Her face is so expressive - she does not require dialogue to show her feelings. This is magnificent acting. I live in Essex County in Southwestern Ontario, so I know that it is not filmed here. I believe it was filmed in the North Bay area. However there were numerous references to local places in our county. So the producers are forgiven! I sincerely hope that the CBC renews this treasure for a second season. It may start slowly, but I guarantee that you will fall in love with the story and characters.
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1 April 2023
Stanley Kubrick is quite simply the greatest director in the history of cinema. This magnificent film is beyond description. It is one of the greatest 'comedies' ever made and contains, in my opinion, one of the greatest performances ever filmed. To say that Peter Sellers is superb just doesn't cut it. He is simply magnificent, in more than one role - each one is perfection. I remember seeing this movie one day in High School. Being a teenager in the sixties, we were not accustomed to this type of movie - and we didn't get it. Years later, on viewing the film (the first of several times), I realized that I was watching one of the 'great' films. Sellers is brilliant, but so are most of the other actors in it, with George C. Scott and Sterling Hayden standouts. And then there are the many famous lines contained in this brilliant achievement - quotes that are now part of our culture. But to see the great Peter Sellers in action is simply one of the great experiences of life. Kubrick only made a few films. BUT each one is unique and of great importance. He never won the Oscar for his direction for any of his films - yet, each film was one of the best made in its year. What was more groundbreaking than 2001? What was more beautifully filmed than Barry Lyndon? What was more controversal than A Clockwork Orange or Eyes Wide Shut? He was simply the best.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Gabriel Basso Shines!
25 March 2023
This series is highly entertaining and a great watch. It is so nice to see a simple story, written beautifully, and acted so well. It is great to have Gabriel back in a series. He was fantastic as the son in The Big C with the fabulous Laura Linney. Now he leads this series and does a terrific job at it! It was great seeing a series that didn't spend 30 minutes with its setup, explaining how characters got where they were. This was taken care of quickly, basically through simple talk between characters. So welcome back Gabriel! Long may this fabulous series reign! I hope Netflix is listening to these positive comments.
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RRR (2022)
What a major discovery!
19 March 2023
We watched the Oscar show last week and witnessed the performance of the song from RRR. It was overwhelming and spectacular! So, we searched out RRR here at home and watched the entire movie last night. WHAT A THRILLING EXPERIENCE! I had never seen anything quite like this. The movie has everything - spectacle, action, music, dancing and singing, drama - and the list goes on! The three plus hours of its running time flew by and we finished it wanting more. Hollywood could learn alot about exciting film making from the Indian Film Industry. Now a few questions... Why was this film not nominated for quite a number of Oscars? It should have been the Indian entry in the International Film category. What about other Oscar nominations - for cinematograpy, costuming, music score, film editing etc.? We have decided to search out more Indian films available to us. It must have been a wonderful experience to see RRR in a theatre on a large screen. We highly recommend this fabulous, exciting movie.
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Another Excellent War Film
28 January 2023
There is so much that can be said about this excellently-made German war film. Suffice it to say that everything in this film is superb. However, one drawback is the subtitling. The subtitles had to be read quickly and thus made you have to look away from the stunning visuals. I would like to suggest to the producers that they issue a dubbed version of this film. There are many secitons of the film that require to subtitles so it should be an easy task to dub it. I realize that many do not like dubbing, but if it is done well, you don't actually notice it. If dubbed, the viewer would be able to appreciate the stunning visuals and magnificent acting in the film. It truly says something about the Motion Picture Academy that this 'foreign' film would garner an amazing 9 nominations. It deserves each of the nominations as well. There have been a number of great war films made in the past few years, with '1917' and 'Dunkirk' leading this list. Now we add 'All Quiet on the Western Front' to this distinguished list.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
2 January 2023
This movie is a masterpiece! That pretty well sums up my review. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen of this 3 hour plus film. There are a number of truly spectacular scenes that are dazzling and made me wonder how 'they did it'. Margot Robbie is sensational as is Brad Pitt and Jean Smart - well actually everyone is great! The colours are dazzling in this beautifully filmed love letter to early Hollywood. If you are a true lover of cinema, this film is for you. It is an education about early film making and the transfer to sound movies. The use of Singin' in the Rain is marvellous as well. Damien has done it again - a cinematic masterpiece about Hollywood. I pray the film garners as many Oscar nominations as possible. 2022 has given us some truly great films. This one is added to my list that already includes The Fabelmans and Elvis. Congratulations to all involved in this film.
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18 December 2022
Well, my reaction to this way over-long movie was exactly as I figured it would be. This is worse than the original. Avoid at all costs. The first was a major disappointment and over produced. This one is worse. It is a result of the swollen ego of its director and producer. Younger people often complain about a movie being 'too long', unless it is one of those superhero movies that can go on and on and on. Well, this one does - way too long for a movie so short on plot. However, watch the box office take of this turkey since the younger crowd seems to think that this is classic film making. Avoid. Avoid Avoid.
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Fabulous Entertainment!
9 November 2022
I first saw this wonderful film at the Capitol Theatre in London Ontario in December 1962. My cousin loved it so much that we stayed and saw it a second time! Jumbo is magnificent entertainment with a top notch cast. Doris Day was probably the finest female singer of her generation and one of the most popular actresses. She shines in this film., Every song she sings is memorable - listening to that voice of hers is so memorable. Stephen Boyd does a very good job in his role, playing it perfectly (not wooden as some say} Jimmy Durante and Martha Raye are outstanding, and show why each had a tremendous career. The songs by Rodgers and Hart are beautiful and all are sung to perfection. The opening number of "Over and Over Again" is truly spectacular - and it is followed by one great song after another. The cinematography of this film is extraordinary - beautiful vivid colours fill the screen. The greatest compliment to give this classic is that it is perfect family entertainment. I have seen it countless times over the years - yes, one of my all time favourites. Get your family together and enjoy this classic - watch 4 great stars who shining like the brightest stars in the sky!! I proudly give this classic 10 stars out of 10.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
26 February 2022
Just a short review: this series is a winner. Beautifully acting and extremely well made, just like the series Vikings. It caught immediately in the first episode and hasn't let up yet! Well done!
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Reacher (2022– )
This show is a gem!
6 February 2022
Alan Ritchson has achieved something quickly as Reacher in this wonderful series. He has made Reacher a truly memorable and interesting character. When he walks into the room, everyone notices. When he decides to take care of things, he does that, and always with a fine comedic side to it! This is great acting, which is not easy in a series such as this. Yes, he fits the part physically, with his superb body always being shown well. But watch his eyes when he is not speaking - this is a pro who knows exactly what he is doing. I look forward to many series of this excellent series. Bravo to all involved.
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A very good Christmas Movie, but...
25 December 2020
This was a very enjoyable Christmas film, with two delightful leads. But they are using the famous Ft. Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba as the hotel in the plot. Why must they pretend that they are in Chicago? Let the story take place in Winnipeg! Are Americans so self-absorbed that they wouldn't accept a story that actually doesn't take place in their country? What difference does it make where a story takes place? A word to Hallmark: stop trying to fake your locations. If you film in Canada, let the story take place there!
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Upload (2020– )
Two Stars Shine!
1 June 2020
This series was a major find and a total delight. Why? First, its two stars, Robbie Amell and Andy Allo, are absolutely sensational. They both possess tremenedous screen charisma. Robbie Amell deserves to become a major star in particular, because of his authenticity and nice guy characteristics. Andy is a major discovery. The show is truly unique, and succeeds because of its stars and the fabulous writing. This one is not to be missed. I am so glad to see that it has already been renewed for a second season.
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Messiah (2020)
Shame on Netflix!
29 March 2020
I just read the article that Netflix has decided against a second season of this amazing series. Why on earth would Netlfix basically cancel it? Let us hope that another network picks up this amazing series so that the story can be continued. When I see all of the mediocre materail Netflix currently is producing, I am stunned to see they are dropping this ground-breaking series. Shame.
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Messiah (2020)
Remarkable and Memorable
16 January 2020
This review will be very short. This series is one of the most remarkable that I have ever seen. It grabs at the very beginning and does not let up through the ten episodes. The acting is outstanding, and the production values are first rate. Whether you are a believer or not, you will be held captive by the intensity of each episode. The final episode is truly remarkable, and will leave a definite impression in your mind. After viewing the entire first season, I find myself still thinking about it. But, as said, it is the final few minutes of the last episode that are memorable and truly television at its finest. I look forward to the next season to continue this amazing journey.
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A wonderful surprise.
26 October 2019
I have just spent a couple of hours watching one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Kevin Costner has always been one of my favourite actors. but to witness this fabulous performance by him as Enzo is truly an amazing achievement. The rest of the cast is very good as well. I was not expecting such an emotional experience while watching this film. Bravo to the entire team who put this gem together. It is now one of my favourite films.
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A Perfect Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Perfect in every way!
4 October 2019
This is a delightful Christmas movie with a wonderful cast, particularly the two leads. It is nicely written, and, as mentioned, the two leads sparkle. It would be nice to see a sequel, the further adventures of the family!
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Outlander: Providence (2019)
Season 4, Episode 12
Breathtaking episode!
30 January 2019
This was the best episode of fantastic series yet! To think that Jamie and Claire, our fabulous lead characters, were not even in it! This shows how well written and acted this series is. The final torture scene in the Mohawk Village was breathtaking in its power and emotion. I have never seen a TV show have such quality of acting, sets, and the use of music as this one. The entire season 4 has been a wonderful experience, with wonderful character development and superb acting from all cast members. Why this series has not won a truckload of Emmys baffles me. Bravo to the entire production team, and especially to our beloved actors!
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5 November 2017
This film is magnificent in every respect. Timothee turns in an amazing and memorable performance as Elio. Armie is equally good. I hope that this amazing film garners the Oscar attention that it deserves. There are many powerful, yet quiet, scenes in this film. The last ten minutes of the film are powerful, and who knew that a great scene would unfold before your eyes as the credits roll. Watch this.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Tremendous Series!
26 August 2016
I just finished watching the 10 episodes that make up Part 1 of Season 4. Each episode was excellent. However, the last episode was simply fantastic in every aspect. VIKINGS is just as good, if not better than GAME OF THRONES. My complaint about GofT is that there is little plot advancement during an entire season. It is a great show to look at and enjoy. However, VIKINGS has progressed beautifully during its 4 seasons, with the 4th being definitely the best yet. This is great film making - notice I said film making, since each episode is like a movie on its own. Great acting by the cast and wonderful special effects highlight this tremendous series. Bravo to everyone involved!!
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