
6 Reviews
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Over the Top (1987)
Lincoln Hawk...No, Wait...Lincoln Hawkes?
9 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Finally saw this movie all in one shot, and I have to say.....WHAT? What happened in this movie? HIS NAME CHANGES BACK AND FORTH! Wasn't there an editor here? Anyway, quick description of this movie. Stallone as Lincoln Hawk (in the beginning) picks up his estranged son from military school at the request of his ex-wife. Being a trucker, Stallone takes his long lost on a trucker's journey...where they bond through arm wrestling strangers, thwarting kidnappers and learning the ropes of driving big rigs. Dad & son have their ups and downs on said journey (to the Arm Wrestling Championship in Las Vegas), but Robert Loggia as grandpa doesn't want his grandson hanging around old Sly, who he kicked to the curb years ago to keep him from his daughter....But only one thing is keeping Sly from his dream of starting a new life with his re-connected son. That's right folks...not being the ARM WRESTLING CHAMPION of the WORLD! So now LINCOLN HAWKES (yes his last name changes from HAWK to HAWKES for no reason whatsoever) must win the big cash prize and the respect of his ex-father-in-law by taking the title home. Oh, and he gets a shiny new truck if he wins, too. Pretty sweet set-up, huh? Overall I say this movie is at least worth 1 viewing, mostly for the 80's cheese factor. It's not one I'd really want to watch again on purpose. I can kind of pinpoint the era of when Sylvester Stallone's movie career had gotten on a slippery slope, and it was definitely around this time.
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Is It Wrong To Feel This Way?....Yes, It Is
31 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My brother put me on to this movie. I have to say, this is the first film in a LONG TIME that I can actually feel what the main character is like. Not that I'm going on a killing spree, but his rants. I hadn't seen Joel Murray in anything since an episode of Malcolm In The Middle, and really haven't seen him in a movie since One Crazy Summer. His performance in this made me think, why isn't he in more movies? He is top notch in this movie...He's a sad-sack divorcée, gets fired from his job, and has obnoxious, inconsiderate neighbors. He can't sleep so he watches TV in disgust at what passes for entertainment these days. He is about to kill himself after his daughter is throwing a fit over the phone. Gun in his mouth, ready to pull the trigger with the TV on....he's fed up with the world and it's uncaring inhabitants, until....reality TV gives him another purpose in life. Kill what he feels is wrong with this world. The uncaring, bottom-feeding, do and say whatever I want without repercussions type of people that have spawned ridiculously throughout.....and boy, does he! Some people see this movie as hypocritical, but he does warn viewers in the beginning of the movie..."But I also know that I am no longer normal." Yes it is normal to have fantasies of doing harm to others. Show me one person who denies this and I will show you a liar. It is another thing to ACT on your fantasy and become a self-righteous killing machine. This is where it gets crazy... He kills a reality TV star, AND her parents....with the help of an even crazier teenage girl who talks him out of suicide AGAIN. They go on the run, kill even MORE inconsiderate people on a cross-country journey, and end up bonding in a non-pedophilia type of way, much to the teen girl's chagrin. I had never seen nor heard of Tara Lynne Barr before this movie, but wow....awesome performance from her here. I hope to see her more in the future. Not so much for her gutter-mouth, but man is she a pretty good actress. Get some more good roles and she's got a bright future ahead of her. Anyway the bodies pile up, her lie to him at the beginning of the killing spree catches up and he ditches her. He goes to wreck shop on this movie's version of American Idol. He does so, in an extraordinary fashion. Other than the way she (Tara Lynne Barr) magically appeared at the end, it was a fantastic end to a movie where you knew the main character was just really on his own personal path of self-destruction. Loved this movie, didn't know that Bobcat Goldthwait had this much anger inside!
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Too Cool For School....HYPE!
31 July 2013
This was a very hyped-up movie on the internet, yet the TV promotion was very low key, at least from what I've seen. Guess there was a reason for that now...Let me just start off by saying that all 4 female leads looked great....That's about all I could say about them. The acting was terrible. The playfulness between the 4 of them was rather annoying (LET'S ALL DO HEADSTANDS FOR NO REASON). The whole "Gangsta Wannabe" vibe was just sickening and overdone in my opinion. The repetition of lines was just way, way too much. Seriously the only 2 people who seemed to actually have dialog in this movie were James Franco and Selena Gomez. To me this seems like it could have been cut down to 3 minutes and made into a music video. To the people who have griped about the editing in this movie, after seeing it I absolutely agree with all of you. It's just a mess. I got pretty sick of seeing things out of order, or seeing James Franco smiling at the girls while you hear him speaking to them all out of time-frame. One more thing I have noticed is that if you don't like this movie and let it be known on the internet, that you will be pegged as an "MTV Generation Lover" and that you "Just Don't Get It." I for one am not an MTV head, and I DO get what they were trying to say in this movie. Instant gratification and living the wild life will send you into a downward spiral. To me it just seems that Harmony Korine could have actually written more than a 3 to 4 page script and not have done this movie in such an MTV type of style.
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Meatballs Meets Friday The 13th
11 July 2013
Before I go on about this, the ending of this movie was spoiled for me years ago before I had seen the entire thing...Family tragedy displaces young girl. Camp Time!.....where everybody is a moron. Really, just horrible people all around for the most part. Short shorts galore in this movie. Really reminded me of how bad fashion in the 80's was, especially early times. Offensive to the eyes pretty much.....anyway we have young girl & her overprotective cousin in camp dealing with jerk after jerk....Oh and there is a pedophile in the mix that a guy just laughs off when said kid diddler professes his love for banging kids. No joke, I wonder if this was just the norm back in 1983....and it frightens me. More than the rest of the movie....Kids end up being A-Holes...then dead. Now that is standard procedure for these type of movies. Stabbings, beatings, bee-hive assaults and curling iron sodomy abounds....OK, going a little bit crazy with what you're doing, creators of the movie. Not much gore but the way people are getting offed...Pretty hardcore. Hey now, though...the ending. The ENDING! One word to describe it. Disturbing.
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Don't Let Your Kids Go Out Into The Woods With Kevin Bacon
10 July 2013
This was a movie I had watched many times at my uncle's house during Easter or Thanksgiving family gatherings over the years...decades ago. So when I had seen that it was on demand for free on my TV today, I thought-"Why not?" As much as I like the movie, certain things just really bothered me about certain aspects of it. Even back then to this day. Kevin Bacon swears on his methods, yet is pretty reckless as a supposed mentor of the kids he takes on this trip. He teaches "Survival",yet punishes a great survival tactic (because he felt upstaged). Yes I understand the arguments of "teaching his way" and "listen to authority"...even his "don't destroy the wilderness" philosophy. For him to endanger the lives of these kids whose parents have trusted him just from a single slide-show of what they'll be going through is just irresponsible of them, and I don't know one single parent who would agree to such a thing.....but then we wouldn't have this movie now, would we? After many years of not seeing this,and seeing it one more time I have to say I still like it though. Definitely a good 80's flick to catch if you get a chance.
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Backyard Dogs (2000 Video)
What In The World Did I Just Watch?
22 June 2013
Seriously, I have to give this thing at least ONE star?.....OK, anyhow I just watched this on Netflix. Yeah, I made it through the whole thing. I think I deserve a medal of some sort for doing so. This movie was absolutely atrocious...Terrible acting, terrible story, terrible rap-metal soundtrack. I'm a big fan of pro wrestling, and I cannot defend the making of this movie in any possible way. How much did they spend making this abomination? I'd say $50 to $50.99 is a pretty good guess. Bree Turner is a pretty hot number, but come on. A hot actress will not detract from the point if you make a movie that looks like dog crap captured on film. And yes, dog crap does play a significant role in this movie. I am not kidding....
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