
46 Reviews
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The most evil & vicious deadites you'll see!
22 April 2023
This is without a doubt the most evil and vicious deadites you'll see in the Evil Dead universe! From the first scene I was hooked, there's no slapstick Sam Raimi, Brice Campbell humour but it never was going to be hence the reboot. The settings were superb the cinematography was on point and the gore levels are up there! The book itself looked amazing I honestly wanted more time in the flats! I don't know where they're going to go from here but I honestly feel they'll struggle to top that. It's obviously not as good as Evil Dead 2 or Army of Darkness in my opinion but saying that, it has the title of Evil Dead but they're completely different horror movies! There is still some throwbacks to the originals. I honestly can't recommend it enough, go see it. It's groovy.
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Air (I) (2023)
A pleasant surprise from someone who knows nothing about basketball
12 April 2023
A pleasant surprise from somebody who 1.) Doesn't wear Nike and 2.) Doesn't know anything about basketball. I'm from the UK so it's football and Adidas trainers for me but I went in to the cinema with fairly above average expectations. It's been getting fairly good reviews and the word of mouth has been impressive. The casting was excellent! Matt Damon is Matt Damon he rarely plays any other character but he has a gut and tbf he looks older. Affleck is a great director and I'd maybe go as far to say is he is a better director than he is an actor. It's not just a watch once film and that's it. I honestly think I'll give this another watch in the near future.
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Better than expected!
8 April 2023
I honestly went in their with really low expectations. I walked out of The Devil in Me as we've seen it all before it's the same formula and nothing ever will live up to the original Exorcist. I think I can name 3 good exorcism movies. The Exorcist, Exorcist 3 and the Exorcism of Emily Rose. The plot really gets moving fast! There's no real character building but what I will say is Russell Crowe really does play the part well. It's a mixture of a great performance and a parody..whatever it is it works! It doesn't really do anything new, we've seen it all before but for some reason or another this was better than expected. Give it a watch.
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65 (2023)
Easily had more potential
11 March 2023
Easily had more potential than what was served up. I was really looking forward to this when I seen the trailer but this had next to 0 thing that did attract me was Sam Raimi was producing so instantly it got my attention. The CGI is so mixed one minute at the beginning it's like watching the BBC walking with Dinosaurs program that was released around 20 years ago but the CGI middle to end is good? It's like they kept the budget for the big finale but there isn't a lot of Dinosaurs in this, so if you're going with tye expectations of seeing a lot of Dinosaurs you won't get it. There's a period in the middle of the film were it just sort of trudges on with not much happening. I personally would watch it again but I won't be in a rush to and I'm highly disappointed they didn't do better in every department..story action and CGI.
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Best film I've seen in Cinema since TopGun M
5 February 2023
What a great surprise, I was expecting the usual cash and grab and seeing this is the sixth installment in the Shrek Universe i thought we could be getting a bit stale but clearly I was wrong. The visuals are stunning, the voice cast was superb and the score was magical. It hasn't created anything new, it's the usual quest mission but when the films gets going it has a great dark tone in it. Death played by a wolf is genuinely haunting and I loved every single scene he was in. Its a different Puss you see here, he's vulnerable and on his last life. There is some great humour for the adults more so than the kids but it's a great spectacle that must be watched on a big screen. I honestly I can't recommend it enough. Superb!
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Doesn't feel like a Halloween movie!
16 October 2022
I honestly feel like they should've made a series titled "Haddonfield" and followed the Corey story with that. This doesn't really feel like a Halloween film imo but I've seen a lot of people saying this is the isn't! It's not great but it's not Resurrection or Rob Zombies Halloween 2 those are awful movie's! While I feel like the 2018 Halloween is the 2nd best (OG being the best of course!) It definitely took a massive plunge when Halloween Kills came about, all hope was gone! I personally think that Ends is better than Kills but the continuity of following from 2018 just doesn't fit with this movie.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Tarantino/GuyRitchieesque a fun "ride"
27 August 2022
A film most definitely inspired by Tarantino and Guy Ritchie. I think my fair assessment would actually be 7.5/10 but seeing as that isn't an option on imdb a 7/10 will suffice. I did go in expecting to enjoy but I actually enjoyed it more than I initially thought, there's some great cameos that pop up and Brad Pitt is still a great star after all these years! There's some great action sequences, a little too CGI heavy at times and a lot of fast paced camera and cuts but over all great shots. There's a lot of twists and turns from the minute the film starts and everything is connected in the end. It was definitely worth a cinema visit.
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Nope (2022)
Cinematography Great, the rest awful.
18 August 2022
It looks absolutely stunning from a cinematography point of view but my god this film is long, boring and an anti climax would be putting it lightly. I can now safely say I'm not a Jordan Peele fan, Get Out, great film! Us was laughably bad and now this..1 out of 3 isn't a great return. There's a story within this film about a chimp...why ? I had to search the reason on Google when I left its just another absolutely pointless act in the film..Well I say that the chimp scenes actually were by far more interesting than the rest of the film but in no way does it actually have ANYTHING to do with the movie. Kaluuya is the stand out in the film, Keke Palmer is beyond irritating from the moment she steps on screen. I honestly can't explain what a pile of trash this film is..if it weren't for the cinematography & Kaluuya I'd have given this a 1.
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I seen it coming, I'm a great detective.
19 February 2022
I figured out fairly quickly tbh, the costumes looked great the acting was great but there's one gripe that is starting to really annoy me in film's...horrible horrible CGI, it's so lazy now you can literally see they're standing infront of a screen in some studio back lit uts rather off putting imo. I didn't think we needed a back story to the moustache if I'm being honest and there's a couple of "woke" bits shall we say.
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Uncharted (2022)
A film of 2 halves
19 February 2022
It's pretty much common knowledge how video games getting made into films are 99% of the time underwhelming and this is no exception. I felt like it was all miss cast, everyone felt so unbelievable. CGI over kill I'm starting to think CGI is getting worse, you can literally see they're standing infront of green screen now hollywood could do with putting a bit of effort into their films. If this had no attachment to the game it still feels like an Indiana Jones knock off, of all the great games out there that COULD be turned into a GREAT film I didn't think uncharted was ever going to be it.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Not bad not great
13 February 2022
Good old horror film with the usual clichés and the same old "you'd never go in there or do that" but here we are! I really enjoy them film up until probably the last 20 minutes if truth be told, I liked all the investigation side of it but ut goes downhill toward the end. Ethan and Tracy have 0 chemistry..awful actually!
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Midsommar (2019)
Another arty fatty horror
10 February 2022
Is this what they class as a horror these days? Arty farty drivell that not only has inspiration but down right theft from The Wicker Man. It starts off pretty good infact I'd maybe say tye first 30-40 minutes are watchable after that it just turns into nonsense. You'd have left a long time ago when cast members start disappearing but no..let's stay no questions asked. Utterly foolish and ill say again THE WICKER MAN.
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The best of the bunch
7 February 2022
For me Ehren was the was the man who Stole the show, that honey scene had me in tears for laughter! Great to see the guys back together. I seen this and Moonfall in a double bill, one was £10mill budget movie and the other was £146mill, and I know what one I by far enjoyed!
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The Last Duel (2021)
Best film of 2021
29 December 2021
I wouldn't say it's been a great year for movie's but I really enjoyed this, great cast great acting and direction. I could actually watch it again! Driver and Damon are spot on and it took me a while to actually realise who Affleck was in it 😂 I personally would put this as my best film of 2021 hopefully next year will be better in terms of quality but I won't hold my breath.
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In my world.. the real world this movie doesn't exist.
27 December 2021
How they made a $200 million movie look so cheap is beyond me. The amount of flash backs to the trilogy is agonising, I mind seeing Fishburn saying he wasn't asked to return..Well lucky him he "dodged a bullet" in my world the real world this movie doesn't exist.
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It felt cheap.
18 October 2021
So I really enjoyed the 2018 Halloween I thought we had turned a corner until I watched this..just another Halloween same old same old they basically took the script from Halloween 4 with the community rounding up, we've been here before..Myers goes on a rampage granted some of the kills are great but it's totally away from the OG of just lurking in the dark, he can now just appear anywhere in the space of 2 minutes. Another thing I'd like to add was how cheap it all felt, the acting was well below par. I'm hoping Green ha something special for the 3rd one to have any chance of saving this trilogy.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
The strangest soundtrack.
11 September 2021
This would've been the worst film I've ever seen in the cinema if it had not been for seeing Candyman 2 hours early. From the opening scene I knew right away this was going to be below average but I never expected it to turn out so bad. Whoever was in charge of the soundtrack should never work in film or TV again. It almost felt like a film that was made by Channel 5. Turned into a joke by the end one this that was good was the chase scene and the stunts bar that a really bad film.
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A below average version of Edge of Tomorrow
11 July 2021
I mean they almost stole the name, I don't know the history if this was a book or whatever all I'm saying is its a below average version of Edge of Tomorrow. Streaming platforms have almost nailed the original series aspect(almost) but the films..nah, I think I can actually spot a streaming film now, nowhere near good enough for cinema but to good(bigger budget) for a straight to cable.
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Boring, why is the DCEU so bad?
20 March 2021
I don't know where to it better than the 1st take? I wouldn't say so, you could say for arguments say that the plot is nowhere near as messy but Iean other than that, it's just boring. Overkill on the cgi that looks horrendous BTW, I mean now that WB added an extra £70million to get this cut finished the total budget is around the £370mill mark...INSANE, I've seen better cgi in the early 2000s..I'm not a Marvel fan boy or a Synder hater. I loved 300, Watchmen I actually liked BVS( Ultimate edition) but this film is a can they get a group of the best hero's in 1 film so wrong I don't know. This needs fixed and I mean the DCEU, I love the fact its more aimed at adults than Marvels happy meal films but fix it. I'm not one for remakes reboots call it what you will but please get the dceu fixed, everything from Suicide squad to this has been below par and on paper they could be great films.
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21 August 2020
There really is no comparison between this and the fast food Marvel/DC films. One is a masterclass in writing and direction while the others are terrible over use of CGI and a forgettable popcorn flick. End Game infinity war whatever isn't a touch on the first 2 in the Dark Knight Trilogy and that goes for some of the garbage DC has been responsible for aswell. Snider maybe wants to take a look in Nolans book and stop the over indulgence of CGI we all know the actors are on sound stages you're not fooling anyone.
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Been there bought the tshirt
21 August 2020
Its the same old seen it a million times before, while being better than the first not being close to the second Annabelle. It's how many times are we going to see the same thing ? I personally thought while maybe not being the most original Annabelle 2 was a breath of fresh air considering how poor the first film was, for me it's like they have tried to cram in as much as possible in the hope of making a good scary film. I will give the suspense factor it had a few scenes but over all I don't know how many times directors/writers are going to play it safe and use the same old's becoming very dull.
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The batsuit has nipples, why?
17 August 2020
This film will leave you feeling frozen..not so bad it's good, it's so bad it's beyond terrible..the acting is horrendous by everyone in this film..Arnold got £25million for this film LOL, I get Joel was trying to make a campy cartoonish film but why? Nobody wanted it clearly..always up there with the worst films of all time.
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Project Power (2020)
It's nowhere near as bad as people are saying.
17 August 2020
Would I be disappointed if I went to the cinema to see this? More than it worth a watch on Netflix, yes. It's the usual plot everything is so predictable I wish they had shown more of the super powers you could get from the pills but it's not disappointing on the same wave length as Bright for instance. I sometimes think Netflix have nailed their shows and their films aren't great, and part of that is true..on a whole Netflix only really has few great shows compared to how many they're beginning to churn out, where the films are slightly (and I mean slightly) are getting better..They need to get back focusing on their series and films and chosing more wisely it's all good and well having 40 shows coming out but when 1 or 2 are only half decent it seems rather pointless.
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Super (I) (2010)
I actually really enjoyed it....and Ellen Page :O
4 August 2020
I held off watching this because I got the impression it was a less superior version of Kick Ass(released around the same time) I have to say I really enjoyed it and I'd like a special mention of Ellen Page, I don't think I've ever watched something and went "she was great in that" I always find her boring to watch but she was probably the best actor in this, brilliant.
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Hereditary (2018)
A great modern horror movie
20 June 2020
I think people when people think horror..they think of Hellraiser, Nightmire on elm street, because the bashing this is getting is ridiculous. Real horror, the horror of loss and depression..struggling to live with grief. Not all horror movies need to have blood and gore! Toni Collette runs the show a fabulous actress that almost turned the role down. It's not perfect as most I would agree the ending is abit meh but that doesn't mean this isn't a great film for me it's a horror film along the lines of Rosemary's baby it definitely has that inspiration behind's a must watch and I think it will be appreciated more in years to come!
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