19 Reviews
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Mischief (1985)
Kelly Preston at her best
6 June 2024
Kelly Preston shows her bush. That's pretty much all you need to know about this one. She would go on to make Space Camp where she doesn't show her bush. Doug McKeon gets to see Kelly Preston's bush, which would be the highlight of his career. John Travolta would go on to marry Kelly Preston's bush. I don't have much else to say about this movie besides discussing how cool it was seeing Kelly Preston's bush. The 80's had some really great bush to look at. The only problem that I can come up with in Mischief is there's only one scene of Kelly Preston's bush. Another two of three more scenes of Kelly Preston's bush and this is an easy 8/10.
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From (2022– )
Lost Ripoff and that's fine by me
16 April 2022
Despite this clearly being inspired by ABCs early 2000s drama Lost, it is quite a bit of fun. There are so many similar themes presented throughout the season that mimic Lost, it is hard to ignore. Heck, even Harold Perrineau is in it. Enjoyed it regardless just like I did with Lost.
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Tubi Hidden Gem
24 March 2022
If you can put aside the disappointig lack of human consumption that takes place, this movie is kind of a trip. I searched cannibal on Tubi and clicked on it. Never heard of it. Total blind date. I figured it was going to suck. Yet there I was still laughing at and with it to the end.. For me, the makings of a quality Good Bad Movie is if if you can both of those things. This movie does that. Btw, The Sargeant is the worst officer ever commissioned anywhere. He does have great hair. His poor men though.
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The least accurate war film ever made
2 February 2022
From the high tops, to the jet fighters, to the m16s, to pretty much everything else, none of this is WWII, but it is. Don't worry about it. Once that little fella falls backwards you'll be hooked. Trust me on this .
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In the Earth (2021)
Had potential but
25 April 2021
1st problem: The virus has nothing to do with anything in this movie other than giving a reason why the cast are in masks.

2nd problem: one could have not paid attention for a moment and have no idea what the point of any if it is.

3rdproblem : the acting was average and the script didn't offer enough to make up for it.

Good thing :some cool psychedelic scenes if you and your buddies get stoned and stuff.
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Managed half of it.
23 February 2021
After an hour my 14yo daughter told me the movie was boring, the characters weren't t interesting, and the leads have no chemistry or charisma. Then she opened her laptop and played Sims for awhile. I asked my 17yo daughter if she wanted to watch the rest. She said "nah, I am going to do some homework." So I shut the movie off, made some English muffin pizzas for all of us, and I spent the next couple hours watching food reviews on YouTube.
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Joe Pera Talks with You (2018–2021)
The Upper Midwest Done Right
20 February 2021
Joe Pera and his daily travails in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan deliver some of the funniest heartwarming moments I've seen on TV in a long time. Joe hits life in the Upper Midwest out of the park. Seeing him walk out of Tadych's Econofoods during the grocery store episode had me smiling from ear to ear. Was just at Econofoods today! Anyway, whether you're from the Upper Midwest or not, listening to Joe ponder life is good for the soul. Enjoy. Available on HBOMAX
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No ratings over 6 are real. Impossible.
3 January 2021
Pretty much everything about this movie is cringe. The Chris Pine's cashed in acting performance. The Donald Trump transformed wishing rock villian (yes, exactly). The uselessness of Cheetah. The Ronald Reagan impersonator. The lack of actual Wonder Woman scenes. The terrible script. The cheesy cgi. The reversal of everything that Donald wrought. Honestly, I can't think of what the positives are in this. The 9 and 10 rating reviews either didn't actually see the film or they're on drugs. There's no other explanation. I wish this movie sent into the dustbin of forget. I won't be rescinding.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Potential not realized
31 December 2020
The first few episodes were interesting despite little realism to any of it. The acting is solid but the characters are rather dull, cliche, and uninteresting. Too much is revealed too quickly as if they didn't expect a 2nd season. By the last few episodes, I found myself looking at my phone as often as I was the television. Not a bad effort, but a lot was left on the table and much of the surprises were rather predictable. It's not bad, but it's not memorable.
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A rare 10 from me
25 December 2020
Watch it every year. Alistair Sim is the perfect Scrooge. Timeless classic that never gets old. Transforms you straight back to Victorian England
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Ultimately, it doesn't work.
25 December 2020
The first few episodes are decent and well written. But, it really gets tedious during the last few episodes. I stopped caring about the characters. Tic could live or die. By the end, I simply didn't care. At some point, you need more than bad white people to keep a story going. This just becomes a convoluted tiresome uninteresting mess. Jordan Peele and JJ Abrams continue to deliver average forgetable content.
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Thought it was funny
7 October 2020
My teen daughters and I were laughing the whole time. It's totally stupid mindless fun. Will certainly become a Halloween favorite for years to come.
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Come and See (1985)
Scenes are burned into my memory.
29 September 2020
Certainly one of the most emotional two hours of filmmaking you'll ever experience. A true masterwork. If film schools aren't teaching this, then they are doing a disservice to their students. One last thing, I do not believe this is anti-war film. I have seen countless reviews suggesting it is. It never crossed my mind during the entirety of the film that Klimov's message was a pacifistic one. Regardless, this is probably one of the 20 best movies ever made. A true must see.
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Messiah (2020)
Too hokey to be taken seriously.
16 January 2020
This will make fundamentalists all along the religious spectrum annoyed, but not overly insulted or angry. The story, so contrived and borderline ridiculous, that it is near impossible to get too angry at it because it's cringey af. Of course it's got its leftwing dialogue to satisfy the woke All the bad people or those shown in a negative light are white men. Everyone with brown skin are righteous sympathetic figures. Even if you get past the obvious leftwing bias, the storytelling isn't very interesting or convincing. None of it feels real. The "messiah" doesnt perform any function that a Las Vegas lounge act couldn't pull off. David Blaine performs more impressive feats. People aren't stupid enough to believe a sideshow magician can be the savior of the world. It's going to take a much better PR team than this.
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Crown Lake (2019– )
A show about nothing
11 January 2020
We got to the 7th episode and still had no idea what the point of any of this was. The show has absolutely no direction. It just seems to wander around like a blind dog. None of the characters are likeable. If anything, the girl who's supposed to be the antagonist is probably the most sympathetic member of the cast. They keep telling us that something isn't right about the school, but there's nothing that happens that enforces this idea at all. It's just some chick reading a diary about stuff to do at the school to fit in, but everything she does fails to accomplish that goal or has no bearing on anything that's going on. Everything that could build some drama and mystery is quickly resolved and has no function past that sequence in the script. Almost nothing that happens makes any sense or advances the narrative in any way. 7 episodes in and I cant recall a scene that takes place in a classroom. It's a school without education, apparently...and how is Junior's Coffee look exactly like it does on Chicken Girls, which, for some reason that escaped us, takes place 25 years before? Why this show takes place 1994 is beyond us. It could have been 2004, 1984, 2014, whatever. It didnt make any difference. Other than one girl with crimped hair, a reference to grunge and Janet Jackson, and an old cell phone, you'll have to really dig deep to understand why this is 1994. Anyway, this show is utter crap. Anybody on here giving this a high score are either developmentally challenged and would be entertained by banging their head against the wall or simply lying...or, even more likely, both. At least one can take solace in knowing the episodes are like 12 minutes long...but who cares? This would suck if they were 90 minutes or 5. Don't watch this and put off death a little longer. The choice is yours.
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You'll come around.
23 December 2019
A facebook page called Bad Prime Movie Review did a quick write up on this series, so I decided to check it out....And Yeah, pretty much everything said in these docs is absolutely ridiculous. But yet, somehow around episode 5, it kinda started to make sense, and I could only shake my head. So yeah, these documentaries are some of the dumbest, most entertaining, I've ever seen...and yes, a couple of bong hits couldn't hurt. Definitely worth a watch.
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The Four (2012)
Erie Pennsylvania may never recover
9 November 2019
This is absolutely awful in every imaginable way. Terrible sound, useless dialogue, confusing incoherent plot, grade school CGI, and actors likely found in local bars. Erie should hang it's head in shame. By the way, this is a 60 minute film with 15 minutes of credits at the end. If you hang around until the end of the credits you get some nudity. I guess it's the least the director could do for anyone who makes it through the whole movie.
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One of the best movies of 2019
7 November 2019
A former Google employee, along with his daughter, build a teleportation prototype with the intent of transfering from one chair to another on the other side of the room. Seems like a simple enough premise, but then the film gets rolling and the cringeworthy insanity begins to unfold. I am not going to say much about this movie. My score above tells you what I think of it. The director, Mol Smith, told me he made this for £7000 and you can see from the make shift cgi, lowkey animation, minimal sets, and amateurish camerawork, that he's unlikely to be pulling our chain. With that being said, I believe he's made a great indie that may be the best film I've seen all year.

The Wtf moments don't let up the whole film. From beginning to end you are going to be questioning the mental stability of the director. Did he do this just to make people squirm? Just for the shock and the mortification of it all. I don't really know. But when you set aside the obvious shudder inducing creepiness and, keep in mind, that he produced this for nearly nothing, you are left with an incredibly compelling narrative and a total mind plot twist at the end. Plus there's lots of naked women if you're into that sort of thing. Anyway, I love this movie. This should be a future cult classic.
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Triumphantly Awful....
10 October 2019
One of those rare terrible movies that deserves to be seen. View with a group and enjoy the spectacle. This will be a cult classic.
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