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Pretty solid flick
22 January 2021
Very sensitive subject material, but the drive the shooters have in this film parallels that of violent riots we see today. Something to truly consider before getting involved in such radical movements. On that note, this is why hollywood is trying to make it look bad. Don't worry, we can think for ourselves.
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The Watch (2020–2021)
Good Thing This Isn't The Upcoming Discworld Series
5 January 2021
Obvious Green Screen that takes away from the immersion entirely. Over the top acting that is very difficult to attach toward emotionally. Convoluted storyline that is all over the place. Wait for the actual Discworld series that is currently being worked on by Narrativia.
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Ratched (2020)
Not bad, but not great...
21 September 2020
I enjoyed most of the episodes. But for some reason, by the time I got to the last, I felt like it all built up to an unsatisfying ending. I've heard people say that the flame dies out by the end, and never really understood that phrase until now. The show built up quite nice, but the logic and emotion applied to the characters in the final 2 episodes not only felt rushed, but the dynamics at all between the siblings didn't feel organic. Felt more over the top and cheesy. I hope the next season grounds the show again like the first 6 episodes
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
An absolute psychological masterpiece
29 July 2020
This show dives into deep psychological themes exploring the mind of a cannibal and psychopathy, with even newer sciences explored such as mushrooms decomposing corpses and psychedelic therapy. This show is a slow burner that you need to stick with because it just gets better and better and better. Superb throughout and beautifully created and executed. I could not imagine anyone else playing Hannibal other than Anthony Hopkins. I bypassed this show for many years, finally getting around to it by recommendation. Mads Mikkelson (Hannibal) truly took me off guard with an amazing performance that felt very synergistic with the rest of the cast. Everyone feels like a family in this show by the time you reach season 3. I personally cannot fathom why this was ever cancelled it is a real travesty and should be resurrected. I have a feeling that this won't be the last we see of Hannibal though .... You can't end a TV Show just when it gets to the point where the movies started.
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Upload (2020– )
Are these reviews bots?
3 May 2020
Not really impressed with the lead actor they chose, the way he acts is entirely unbelievable, amateurish and slightly annoying. The sci-fi is also really weak with no decent believable explanations with low-budget CGI. Oh well, on to the next.
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Devs (2020)
So far...
7 March 2020
So creepy. Technologies that you would hope to never get involved with. If you like suspense, if you like mystery, if you like the horror of advancing technology - this is for you!

P.S. Sci-fi is an abbreviation for Science Fiction. Any commentary beyond this actuality is just pseudo-mumbo-jumbo.
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Stick to the show...
4 March 2020
Stop writing reviews of other reviews. I miss the old IMDB days before it became overpopulated by critics of critics. The show is great so far, has a matrix type of feel to it - going down the rabbit hole to figure out what this game is all about. Has a lot of potential to be great; only 2 episodes in so it's too early to truly rate this. However, due to the bizarre nature of ratings right now, I have to do the show a favor and bump it up.
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29 February 2020
A few episodes worth of story applied toward a full season...I hope this issue is resolved in season 2. This show, while good, is lackluster. Felt more like an introduction than a full season.
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False: Wasn't originally a sequel to Creepshow 2 nor was it ever...
24 February 2020
I see the top review on here states as "Fact" that the reason this isn't like the series is because it was intended to be Creepshow 3. I looked it up and that is no more than a rumor with no statements or sources what so ever to back it up. The Twilight Zone movie wasn't as good as the series, are we to make up that it was supposed to be a Creepshow sequel to justify it? No.
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Interesting overall rating...
20 February 2020
Why is it that other movies (Looking at the last 2 main star wars movies) can maintain a 7 while most reviews in the user review section are very low, meanwhile, Sonic the Hedgehog has a much higher praise in the user reviews yet has an average score as low as the previous 2 star wars films which did not? I find it hard to believe that this is an accurate overall score. At least Rotten Tomatoes accurately shows it as "94% Fresh" rating for user reviews. I enjoyed the film a lot more than I thought I would and I generally dislike video games movies. And...what do you know? Most written reviews on here agree! Hmm...

10/10 to balance out the bots that are reviewing this with a 1. It's clear that it's not our reviews and I feel like it may be a way to dissuade attention toward the Unusual Mind of Mr. Carrey. Well, many of us still enjoy his work and are supportive of his out there personality. Get over it.
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Kidding (2018–2020)
Gets better and better...and better!
14 February 2020
It is so refreshing to see such an original show shine as bright as this one! It's a drama more than a comedy which is perfect for Jim Carrey at his age with his unconventional way of thinking. Great show with a lot of heart, I thoroughly recommend watching this one; has a lot of philosophical perspectives for us to digest. Season 2 is off to an amazing start, picking up the momentum that ended the first season allowing us to feel the show progress rather than reboot like most shows do on their second season.
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This is it!
9 February 2020
If you want to revive the Home Alone series, make the next film with Kevin as an adult having a family of his own. Make it PG-13, make it about family working together against criminals breaking in, make it a dark comedy - people will enjoy it that grew up with this series. We're all adults now, so let's make it the way it should be made instead of rehashing the same story over and over.
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Briarpatch (2019–2020)
What the?! Binge-watching has ruined weekly regular shows...
9 February 2020
Can we withhold reviews until the season has ran its course? I'm seeing 5-6 star reviews criticizing one episode; why not visit that episode specifically and rate it? We don't know how this show will unfold so there is nothing to conclude just yet. I like the show so far, it has mystery and good acting. Too soon to tell how I will rate it, but for now, it's a 10 to balance out the premature reviews toward the series as a whole.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Great new show
8 February 2020
Reviews about reviews seriously need to stop. There is no reason to review other people's perspectives; stick to your own so that people can see the show for what it is. Each episode gets better, more layers peel away. It's a slow burn, but it's a good time overall. Great choreography, original writer is involved in adapting the story to film, good acting aside from some over-the-top performances by Bode (enjoyed the actor better in It), progressive mystery that keeps you watching. I'm not a bot, I am reviewing this with a 10 because I can already see a lot unwarranted biases that didn't stick with it to give it a solid score. Keep watching, you'll enjoy.
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My Name Is Earl (2005–2009)
Great comedy!
9 January 2020
This, of all shows, deserves a renewal. I know time has passed, weight's been gained and age has set in, but it can be done. We would forgive what time does and enjoy the story for what it is. It ends on a cliffhanger, but the journey itself is well worth the karmic trip.
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No Christ here...
19 December 2019
This is based upon Joseph Campbell's the Hero's Journey, which isn't a tale exclusive to Christian Mythology; the story of Christ is a story of many cultures detailed through many different figures, predating that of Christ. We can't find historical proof on Christ because Christ is a mythological tale of each of us. Rather than breaking this down, those that actually care should research Campbell's work (the same model was used in the original star wars trilogy with Luke Skywalker as the Hero). The ending of this film speaks upon a return of Neo, which means there is more philosophy to explore (quite obvious that these movies didn't cover it all when one researches the source material). This was a conclusion as much as it was a bridge; enjoy it for what it is. When the Matrix 4 comes out, I believe perspectives will change upon this movie.
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Disappointingly average
19 December 2019
You can tell J.J. Abrams had a specific direction for this trilogy and Rian went off the rails in regards to that direction. The third film tries to undo the doing of Rian Johnson's film which in a way makes the overall trilogy feel disjointed. I believe a fan-edit can help correct this mess in the future, combining scenes from VIII and IX to make a coherent story. Having Palpatine at the very beginning didn't feel organic, it felt as if he was supposed to be introduced in VIII and was not, so as a result, tacked on with a rushed first half. I hope that this specific film ends up having a couple hours of additional footage that can convert this disasterpiece into a miniseries that attempts to balance the storytelling - wishful thinking, however. Next time, keep the same filmmaker for the entire trilogy - it may had worked for the original trilogy but clearly does not work in today's reality where mostly everyone is completely divided in perspective.

6/10 - Not horrible but definitely not great.
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Bad reviews
1 December 2019
This is not worth your time. There is truly no payoff to watching this and it goes nowhere at all.
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Watchmen (2019)
Don't listen to people who know nothing of Watchmen's (1986) themes...
14 November 2019
This show is incredibly well acted, produced, and written.

While some people have complained about it not relating to the source material, I don't think those comments have much merit. The original takes place in New York while this show takes place 30 years in the future of the graphic novel in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Some have complained that the show is too political, anti-conservative, and too racial. I wonder if those individuals ever really read the comic, as it was very political for its time too. The writer of the graphic novel, Alan Moore, even started that he wrote the story to be anti-Reaganism, and Reagan is essentially THE template for modern day conservatives. Moore also stated that he was making conscious decisions to make people uncomfortable regarding the themes presented.

Moore also said, "Our intention was to show how superheroes could deform the world just by being there, not that they'd have to take it over, just their presence there would make the difference... From the point where Dr. Manhattan appears, it slowly starts to go downhill from there - everything starts to change. He doesn't take over the country or make people subservient to him, but just his presence there makes everything begin to change. Yet on another level, if you equate Dr. Manhattan with the atom bomb, the atom bomb doesn't take over the world, but by being there it changes everything."

So in that spirit, HBO's Watchmen is on target with the tone and general themes of the original Watchmen. Some reviews have lamented Rosarch's depiction as a white supremacist. He's NOT. His journal being left out in the wild sans the author leaves behind a world that interprets his writings in their own way. By introducing the truth into the world without the author, the readers have gone in their own direction with it. And it goes wrong... just like Alan Moore stated things do in the original Watchmen.

I don't really understand people who complain about accurate depictions of racism or politics in comic book adjacent media, especially alleged comic books fans. Complaints about "woke" culture and "SJWs" seems silly when we've had characters and stories that have ALWAYS addressed these kinds of themes. Would these same reviewers hate the X-Men because the story is allegorical to racism and/or disenfranchisement of people in society who aren't WASPs? Would they hate Marvel's original Civil War now because it calls out fascism?

At any rate, the show is phenomenal and has been an absolute joy as so much is introduced but not explained as of yet. It is engaging and enthralling and the callbacks and Easter eggs to the graphic novel are liberally sprinkled throughout. Shed the "woe is me" mindset of some white viewers (and honestly, unless you're a white supremacist, there's no reason to feel attacked while you watch) and enjoy! Yes, there are actual horrific historic events that are shown, but how is that any different from X-Men showing young Magneto during the holocaust? Those who are triggered these days by hearing stories told from other groups besides white people really should grow up and realize the World is complex and varied. This is what makes comics so great!

I've been inspired to re-read the graphic novel as a result of the show and I really can't recommend it enough!

10/10 to balance out the insecure, biased, unmerited reviews that keep popping up (reviews are opinion, so it is nice when someone like myself offers a challenge based upon accuracy rather than isolated perspective).
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Watchmen (2019)
14 November 2019
...toward something great. I can sense a deeper plot unfolding which involves our old favorites, along with potential new, from Watchmen. I rate this a 10 because nobody seems to be giving this mysterious build-up a chance. Let's see how it plays out because like many shows before it, it could surprise us all. Great cinematography, great acting, interesting plot mixing old and new. Excited to see what may come out of this introduction we have thus far.
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Heavy Metal 2077
26 October 2019
Absolutely fantastic! A must-see for all Sci-fi fans, with short stories ranging between 7-17 minutes in length. A great spiritual successor to a cult series; thank you Tim Miller for resurrecting the this spirit!
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Treadstone (2019)
A fantastic series so far...
23 October 2019
To keep it spoiler-free, short & sweet, since there are other detailed reviews:

Season 1 of Heroes meets the Original Bourne Trilogy with a Nuanced Narrative akin to that of The Wachowski's Sense8.

Multiple storylines weave together an interesting plot of the organization belonging to the Bourne series; Now we get to see the others that were spoken of in the films. If you enjoy the Bourne movies, the complex-emotional storytelling of Sense8 and thought Heroes Season 1 was a good season, you'll feel right at home with this show.
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Raising Dion (2019–2022)
Ignore the hate; Great FAMILY Hero show
5 October 2019
All of these 5 or below reviews are all spoiled by mature shows. This is a family show, which when considered as such is amazingly executed. Give this show a chance.

8.0/10 (Rated 10 to balance the overall review as people are rating this show in comparison to other hero shows that aren't for children as well as adults)
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Midsommar (2019)
If you don't care to understand, you won't.
27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nine sacrifices; Nine-day festival; 90-year cycle.

It is Dani's 27th Birthday and her path of becoming May Queen awaits... 💀🌻 For those interested in Paganism and Psychedelics, this is a movie worth exploring...yet, be warned: There are disturbing scenes, so don't watch this as a family movie. To make this story simple: it's about a breakup between the two main characters.

Dani and Christian are the two I speak of, with Christian wanting to let her go because they have been dating for four years and he hasn't had sex with her. However, Dani is suffering from major PTSD with her family being dead. He and his friends envision him going on a trip to Sweden to meet women of the area, however, once Dani surprisingly finds out of his last minute decision to go, she feels uncomfortable. As a result, Christian ends up inviting her along with him, feeling guilt for his decision. Upon arriving, that is when his truth of how he feels unravels and the path of releasing herself from this callous individual (along with those that supported his perspective of selfishness) begins.

Those that desire a survival-horror movie based upon these themes, this is not your kind of movie. This is an abstract movie with hidden symbolism and emotional meanings; e.g. at the ending, there is a burning of a building, which represents the burning of attachment such as us burning boxes of materials to let go of the pain involved in breakups (don't worry, there are many other spoilers I have not shared that are worth looking out for). I feel this is necessary to clarify as those that don't like this movie simply didn't understand the overarching abstraction, thus label it as meaningless.

The meaning behind this film is to articulate complex emotions through that of paganism, which at its root is about feeling and embracing the interconnection of human emotion tied to nature. Those that claim this movie gives paganism a bad name, it's not meant to represent a specific pagan group - it's meant to represent an abstraction of our typical pain in society; e.g. as every person involved in this commune feels pain together, it directly represents our need to express and relate pain with each other in our society. In the end, these are typical reactions to abstract filmmaking, so if you're into deciphering messages, don't let short-sighted perspectives fool you - this may very well be your type of film.

Director's Cut will be released in Theaters on August 30th, which adds 30 minutes of scenes to the story.
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20 August 2019
If Kelly's work was understood by common people, he would be making films on par with Christopher Nolan. His writing is very multilayered which requires some deep introspection. Unfortunately, his time is ahead of the curve and will be appreciated down the road.
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