
65 Reviews
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Hellraiser (2022)
We have such sights to show you...
6 November 2022
Ok, so I'm a big Hellraiser fan. I saw the original when it first came out, and it blew my mind, an instant all time classic... The second was also, with a reservation or two, but it was still awesome. The third was a let down for me, and the rest were just plain crap...

So, when I heard a new one was coming out I my eyes opened wide and my ears pricked up. After watching it I have to say it's a great movie. I loved the storyline and the new cenobites, and the effects were good as well and the acting was decent. Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with reimagining it, in fact I think it was essential to move the movie forward. All those moaning about it can't be true Hellraiser fans, because in Hell, anything goes. Hopefully they'll make another, because I thought this one was awesome and now I want more...
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What a mess..
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I had put the wrong show on when I first started watching this episode because I wasn't aware Milly Alcock had left, and like WHY did she leave, like she was the best character imo and the one I most wanted to see in the show, so when the new one came on I was totally thrown off and to be honest I nearly turned the tv off I was so annoyed... Having got through the episode I wasn't impressed at all with the new actress, I preferred Milly by far and I will now view the show thinking it's below par to what could have been.

The other problem with this episode was the 10 year jump with new characters thrown into the mix, it just felt like I'd missed a whole season. Proper poor production tbh.
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Night Sky (2022)
15 June 2022
This is a slow burn Sci-Fi story for true fans of the genre, with a great story and so many unanswered questions leaving you wanting more. Great acting and characters, and great visuals/effects when you get them.

The last episode was fantastic and the icing on the cake. Please make more!
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Euphoria: Stand Still Like the Hummingbird (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
9 February 2022
Now and again, but very rarely, does somebody appear on the stage or screen that has something very very special. These people are not just at the top of their game, they exceed the top and shine brighter than all the rest. This very small group of people falls into the category of Legends and sometimes decades will past before another falls effortlessly into this exclusive club, the number of which can be counted on the fingers of one's hands. These people are born to do what they do, their talents cannot be taught or learnt, they just are.

Zendaya is one of these people.
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Vienna Blood: The Melancholy Countess (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
Jessica De Gouw?
13 January 2022
Really don't know why Jessica De Gouw wasn't in season 2 as she had so much depth and mystique about her, a proper shame tbh as she was much better in this role...
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Dune (2021)
Simply awesome, best movie in years.
11 December 2021
I was somewhat dreading watching this movie as I love the book and think the original movie a timeless classic, I've seen it countless times, I love it and never get bored of it. For who've only seen that movie once, the more you watch it the more you love it..

So, because I love the original so much I was worried this one would disappoint. But it doesn't. It is simply breathtaking in every way. That's all I need to say.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Salems Lot MK2
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Very much like Salems lot + a bit of dusk til dawn, and has an old school feel about it, very good indeed!
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The Reckoning (2020)
I enjoyed it
21 May 2021
Ignore the bad reviews, I thought it was pretty decent!
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Fallout 4
16 April 2021
If you love fallout 4 you'll love this! Great movie and I hope they make more.
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6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Brutal ending given that there's no season 4. I think Shadow was underdeveloped, so much more could have been done. We never really understood the extent of his powers, so many loose ends and plots remaining open. Shame as I did enjoy this show....
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21 March 2021
Awesome movie, better than endgame, and maybe the best superhero movie ever, on par with man of steel. Anyways, totally awesome I loved every minute, and nothing like the original, it was like watching a new movie. Can't wait for a part 2!
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Hereditary (2018)
The best horror film ever made
12 February 2021
I've seen thousands of horror movies, but only a very very few come close to this terrifying nightmare of a movie. It's grim, it pulls you down into despair, it takes away all hope, it's unafraid and brutal, it takes no prisoners. This movie has a brilliant story and it just keeps on building and building on the terror until the amazing ending. Turn the lights off, watch it on your own, and despair in its glory.
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Hellmouth (2014)
Acid trip into Hell
6 February 2021
Wow, I put this on and couldn't believe how good it was, like Mandy and Sin City all rolled into one. Can't understand it's low rating, an absolute gem!
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Damien (2016)
Great show, bring it back !
29 January 2021
Really enjoying this, never knew about it until recently and sadly they cancel it, WTF!

I think a lot more people would have watched it, if they knew about it. Poor marketing rather than poor show. Bring it back!
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Must watch
23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A very good documentary not only highlighting depression and mans attempt to overcome it, but also the greed fuelling an industry exploiting the ayahuasca medicine used by shamans for hundreds of years, if not longer, the genuine shamans and people looking to take it to improve their lives by unscrupulous people taking advantage of its newly found status and popularity. Unfortunately, shockingly and graphically we witness the death of a person looking to find himself through the medicine that perhaps could have been avoided.

James continues his journey and meets a true shaman, Pepe, along the way, who's eventually shunned out of his community for genuinely helping people, whilst western NGO's and shady Shamans move in for profit and greed, exploiting the medicine, indigenous peoples and those seeking answers to their problems.

For me James's story played second base to the exploitation that's going on over there. Thousands of people each year searching for answers to who they are spending good money to seek them out are being bombarded by shady shamans and NGOs that do not really care about who they are and what they're after, merely profit. As such the industry booms and the real shamans diminish, only to be found deeper and deeper in the jungle far from accessibility. Capitalism's grip for wealth strangling the true meaning out of shamanism and spiritual growth by fuelling the greed for more and diluting the quality of those undertaking the ceremonies. Pepe, one of the 'good genuine ones' sadly is a part of the collateral damage caused by an industry destroying that which it claims to represent. Thankfully James gains experience and recognises who the shady ones are, thereby avoiding a dark fate, and it was good to see the transformation of who he became at the end.

I would recommend anyone wanting to experience the medicine watch this video first, as it's a real eye opener.
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Reminds me of the good ole days
23 October 2020
Wow, love this show and I've only seen the first episode. Reminds me of what I used to be like, not playing chess tho lololol....
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The Third Day (2020)
Some people just like to think they're pro critics
17 October 2020
Some people have delusions of grandeur, they like to think they're the next big movie critic or worse a wannabe celebrity net critic, and it's just so transparent.... I think they pick out things to pick on, to try and make themselves feel important or to massage their feeble egos.

Look, this is a good series and every episode has been great. It's got mystery, keeps you guessing, has an aura of menace. Just watch it and enjoy and pay no attention to what anybody thinks, other than YOU.
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The Third Day (2020)
Wicker man vibe
15 September 2020
Only just seen the first episode and really enjoyed it, it reminds me of The Wicker Man / Midsommer. So if your into that sort of thing give it a go!
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Kill List (2011)
Underrated cult classic
29 August 2020
This movie is way underrated, but it's way up there with serious top draw brutal movies. I think many people don't like it due to the ending, but you have to bear in mind not all movies are supposed to have run of the mill happy endings and this one certainly doesn't disappoint. I also think it doesn't have a particularly high rating because many people are unaware of it, and you either love it or hate it. Brilliant! Bring on another!!
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Awesome show!
28 August 2020
Couldn't stop watching from start to finish.....!

NO MERCY Cobra Kai kicks ass, so much better than the snowflake Miagi dojo! Bring on more seasons :-)
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John Carter (2012)
Love this
25 August 2020
This movie never gets old, amazing story and characters and a Martian princess to fall in love with. Come on, make a sequel already
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Project Power (2020)
Can't understand the bad reviews......
17 August 2020
Loved this, great idea to have a pill that generates a random power..... could've been made into a series.

Where can I get one !
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Amazing show
15 August 2020
I never knew anything about this show before I watched it, in fact I only bothered watching it because I'd run out of things to watch, and I'm not in the habit of watching superhero series as they're always the same type of thing....

But am I glad I watched this! I gave the first episode ago, and thought ok its not bad and then it just got better and better and better. The story lines are very original, the cast are fantastic, it is beautifully shot especially on a HDR TV, it's fun, has some romance, violence, surprises, twists n turns, it has it all. Brilliant, I Really hope they continue !
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Harmony (I) (2018)
Good movie
1 August 2020
I really enjoyed this movie, very original. Tragic and sad to learn at the end that Jessica Falkholt died soon after this movie, and bizzare that the circumstances resemble similar circumstances in the movie for one of the characters.....
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Cursed (2020)
It's ok, but has issues....
25 July 2020
Yeah, this ain't a bad series but it does have issues.....

Firstly, the lead female is pretty fit, but instead of having her dressed up like Xena - the warrior princess kicking a##, they've got her dressed up like a wholly mammoth who doesn't really know what to do at times.....

Secondly, Yes, lots of 'wokeness' going on.... forced and in your face wokeness.....

Thirdly, this show reminds me of after school kids tv. The 'gory' bits are few and far between and when they do show up they're pretty amusing, like kids tv amusing, sorta like Narnia with a bit of blood, but not much....

They could have done much more with this show.... Shoulda had some brutal bi#ches in it doing some 'Witcher' brutality with 'GOT' Naughtiness, and Xena outfits and 'Spartacus' gore, but instead you get, well Sorta kids tv.....

Having said all that, it's watchable-ish.....
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