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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Mediocre at best. Way overrated.
17 May 2020
I was very excited to watch "Money Heist" after seeing all the great reviews for it. I was very unimpressed. The show is virtually a 70 hour long heist. Parts 3 & 4 are essentially the same story as parts 1 & 2. I was hoping that by the end of part 2 we were done with the hostages & robbery, but no...It just started all over again but robbing a different target. It was painful to watch.

Now, the flawed story-line aside, the writing was crap. The police protocols were HIGHLY unrealistic. No police in any developed nation conduct themselves this way. ie, shooting into a group of hostages in disguises because you "assume" that the one you're aiming at is the bad guy--The entire show is filled with ridiculous policing like this. It was terrible.

I wish I could get my time back.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Comedic Genius! No Exaggeration-Funniest Show of ALL-TIME!
13 April 2020
Honestly, there's a lot of crap comedies out there. Dumb comedy is the most annoying thing to me. I hate it. Curb Your Enthusiasm is the polar-opposite of that! Its very intelligent, hilarious comedic genius!

Larry David will go down in history as one of, if not THE funniest man in history. Curb is comedy gold. I cant praise it enough. There's nothing that I can think of in the past or present that compares to Curb. Every episode from start to finish will make you laugh out loud. Some will make you laugh so hard your stomach will hurt & eyes will water. Its THAT funny!

I cant recommend it enough. It deserves 10/10 stars.
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28 October 2019
One Strange Rock is one of the very best documentary series' that I have ever experienced. I say "experienced" because that is what it is, a full out experience. From the first frame of episode one until the very last shot, its hypnotic. I knew when I saw that David Fincher was the Director that it would be an incredible docu-series, but he really out-did himself on this. If you enjoy learning about the planet & humanity, this is the ultimate show for you. It blows others like it away. Its so detailed/descriptive & the music/sound effects are AMAZING. It really is like being put into a trance. It invokes deep emotions & answers serious questions about life. I recommend this for people of any age. Its a MUST see!
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
The longer they force this show - the more its reputation will suffer.
12 October 2019
I think I speak for many when I say, this show USED to be one of the greats. I think after season 7 it started going way down hill. I remember everyone being thoroughly entranced & on the edge of their seats by the writing of this show for the first 6-7 seasons. It was excellent.

It has become painfully obvious that this show is being forced & NEEDS to end. All they're doing is ruining a once great series' reputation. Kind of like a once amazing an athlete who refuses to retire & sucks so bad he embarrasses himself.

It feels like greed is the only thing keeping this show alive. Please, for the sake of all one-time super-fans...END THE SHOW!
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3 from Hell (2019)
Feels like I've seen it before. Mediocre at best.
12 October 2019
I'm a huge horror/thriller fan & I really wanted to like this movie. I was a huge fan of the Rob Zombie version of Halloween. Personally, I think its the best Halloween made. I am also a fan of House of 1000 corpses, but didn't like the Devil's rejects as much.

That being said, this movie feels like I've seen it before.. It's just another take on the same story. I didn't think house of 1000 corpses deserved a sequel, never-mind a trilogy. It felt like this was just a new take on the cult-classic Natural Born killers. I found myself just wanting it to be over already after I got 1 hour into it.

If you want to be scared or impressed with a movie, I would not recommend this. Waste of time. 3 stars is being generous.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Horrible, boring & scientifically impossible!
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First - The beginning sequence was the most fast paced part of the entire movie, but was a complete scientifically impossibility. There is no way that you can fall from earths orbit back down to earth by falling off a ladder on a space station. Its not possible! The only way that could happen is if they were still in earths stratosphere, but it was clear they were not!

I guess the writers forgot that there is zero gravity in earths orbit & its impossible to fall without gravity. Thats how astronauts do space walks regularly.

2nd. Theres no fire or explosions in space. There is no oxygen for fire to burn! An explosion is impossible. And an explosion causing an astronaut to fall down to earth from orbit is just RIDICULOUS! You've got to be so ignorant of basic science to believe that.

3. The whole movie was SLOW AS HELL except for the very beginning!. I kept hoping it would get better but it did not!.

HATED THIS MOVIE. Waste of time. Do not even both wasting your life and money watching it.
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Skin (V) (2018)
This is Best Picture WORTHY! Better than American History X
9 August 2019
I have been a film buff my entire life. I pride myself on seeing all the best movies before anyone else & I love being the one who can recommend excellent films to friends that they have never heard of.

This movie, Skin is a masterpiece. If you like American history X that you'll love this.Its grittier, darker, & more emotional than American History X..and it really resonates because its a true story.

Not many pictures can make my eyes well up with emotion at the end, but this one did. It makes your heart pound & your heart race from the first shot! If this movie doesn't get nominated for Best pictures at the Oscars that its a rigged system, period!

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Wonder Woman (2017)
Most over-rated, terribly acted piece of junk blockbuster of '17
8 January 2018
The title of this review should serve as a bit of a spoiler as to how this review is going to play out.

This movie is HORRIBLE! I truly cannot understand how anyone with eyes and ears can watch this film and say its "award-worthy"?!?!?!?!?! The acting in this movie is atrocious! I honestly cannot fathom how respected film critics have rated it so well. Their has to be something going on behind the scenes in the movie business for this to be happening.

Let me start with the star Gal Gadot. Absolutely stunningly beautiful woman. No denying that. She is a complete stunner. However, she really is a horrendous actor. The fact that she has nominations for this performance is overwhelmingly shady. I find it comical that instead of training to lose her accent (like most great actors do for a film) they made the entire world that she comes from have her natural, israeli accent. Why?! You can also tell that throughout the whole movie she struggles to match the acting ability of her co-stars. If you want to see how bad she is at true acting, watch her host SNL. enough said.

Im shocked that this movie has garnered the respect that it has. I would rate this movie a 6 at best.
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Fences (2016)
Well Acted, should have stayed a Play!
2 August 2017
This movie was very hard to sit through. It was so hyped up. I thought I was going to be watching another Training day or another amazing Denzel Movie. Fact is, it SUCKED! I hated it ad so did every person I know who has seen it.

This film is suppose to be a Broadway play and a Broadway play it should have stayed! This script has no business being a feature film. The acting was great. Im not taking anything away from Denzel Washington and Viola Davis, but it just seemed like a Broadway play on screen. That's all. It feels like this was just an opportunity for 2 amazing actors to show off their acting ability. Somewhat like Daniel Day Lewis did in "There will be blood", but the fundamental difference between "Fences" and "There will be blood", is THE SCRIPT! Fences is so inferior to the There will be blood. And as good as Denzel is at acting, Daniel Day Lewis is probably THE greatest of all time, Yes, even better than the legends.

Bottom line is this. I feel it was incredibly over-hyped because of all the race-related drama going on in the world. The Black Lives Matter movement, and the "Oscars so white" controversy. It feels like they just HAD to put two amazing actors together and nominate them for the big awards. But it sucked man. It really did. Anyone who says different is either lying to you, or to themselves.

6/10 stars
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Power (2014–2020)
Average Show at best, bad acting detracts from the story.
13 July 2017
This is an average show at best. I sort of enjoyed it..however, its nothing more than average. The acting in this series really kills it for me. Perhaps I would of enjoyed it more if I wasn't constantly having to look away and cringe from some of the acting and asking myself, " how the hell does this make sense?".

The main star is the best actor of the cast. After him, 50 cent is the next best..that doesn't say much.

A lot of things in this show are extremely annoying. eg. Ghosts wife, who the hell calls their husband by his street nickname? Am i the only one who finds that ridiculous? Her acting is so bad it makes me cringe. I find myself having to look away almost every time she is on screen for more than 10 seconds. also, what kind of a drug "kingpin" tells his wife about every single thing happening in his business? Has that ever happened in the history of drug dealing?! I bet not.

The best dramas take from real life..and it feels like with this show it is very unrealistic.. it is just another "drug dealer" show.

I can go on and on about all the annoying and unrealistic things about this show, but I will just leave it at this. The main character shows a lot of potential. I see him moving on to bigger and better projects in the future. As for this show, I really don't think it competes with the better TV dramas on right now.

I would rate this show a flat 7/10.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Excellent, Intense, Funny! Great Film
24 April 2017
This film is so good. I couldn't believe it had such a high rating. Usually you see scary type movies with low ratings, however, this one had a "drama type" high rating..So it intrigued me into wanting to watch it. I definitely see now why it scored so high. This movie is incredible! Its done so well. Jordan Peele really shows us with this movie, how good he can be in the more serious genre. It holds you in suspense and keeps you guessing throughout. It makes you laugh out loud and makes you jump out of your seat. One of the better movies I have seen in a while. I definitely recommend this movie for anyone who likes this genre.

IDE describe it as a urban stepford wives, but instead of white women, its black people in general. It is laugh out loud funny at some points. Its crafted so well. I cant say enough good about this film. Great picture!
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Excellent Documentary. One of the best I have ever seen!
10 April 2017
This doc. Is a definite 10/10. Hands down, no question about it. If you like music, especially if you like hip hop, this documentary will strike a chord with you. If you have ever struggled with any form of addiction, this will strike a chord with you. If you have ever felt vulnerable to your public image, this will strike a chord with you.

This documentary takes you through the journey of Adam Goldstein aka DJ AM. One of, if not THE greatest DJ to ever spin. It shows the rough road from a kid all the way to his death. It shows the true overwhelming power of addiction. It shows more about the human condition than I could ever explain in a few sentences in this review. My number one suggestion is watch this movie! It is an amazing, AMAZING piece of film making. Probably the best documentary I have seen in a very long time.

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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Great Show for first 2 seasons...fell off on 3rd season.
6 March 2017
I have to say Im not really into this show anymore, simply for the reason that the 3rd season was absolutely terrible. I absolutely loved the first 2 seasonsof this show. The writing was great. Excellent twists and turns, great character development and complexities. Just a great, great series. However, the third season was so over were so heavily unrealistic, i might as well of been watching a cartoon. It was very difficult to get through season 3, and i put off watching season 4 because of that for a long time. I am almost done season 4 right now, and i have to say, its decent. Nothing special though. It really makes me wonder if their was a different writing team put in for season 3 and four. This show was a sold 9/10 for me..but now..I would have to say 7/10. If you are not a fan of American politics... you will hate this show.
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Great Visual Effects, Great Acting, Terribly Boring Story.
13 February 2017
I want to start off by saying, the acting in this film is excellent. All the characters are portrayed very well. With that said, the story is horrible. I felt like pulling my hair out after about an hour or so into the film. It is almost purposely confusing and very difficult to piece together. It was more like a math class than entertainment. I feel like because the acting was so well done, and the visual effects were so incredible, I'm supposed to like it but I just can't get there. Now, I have never been a big fan of comic book movies. There are very few comic book films that I find enjoyable enough to sit through. However, I really did want to like this one. Very disappointed with it, but that's not to say that someone who is a big fan of comic movies wont like it. If you are a comic book person, you will probably love this movie, but for anyone else..pass. 6/10
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Bamboozled (2000)
Terrible Movie..Terribly written, hard to sit through.
8 February 2017
First off, My reviews do not go into detail about the movie or what the story is, etc. My reviews are based off of the movie goers thoughts/opinions after seeing the movie. If you want to know what the movie is about, read the synopsis. This is a true opinion review for those who are debating whether or not this movie is for them.

This movie is absolutely ridiculous. It is truly one of the dumbest, most horribly written movies I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through. There are quite a few masterpieces by Spike Lee, but believe me, this ain't one of em. For this movies to have as high of a rating as it does (6.5), there has got to be some sort of biased opinions being given.

Skip this. (2/10)
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Lion (2016)
Unbelievable film! One of the very best that I have seen.
8 February 2017
This movie is truly exceptional. Everything about it is perfectly done. The way the story is told, the acting, everything is outstanding.

Lion really resonates with you for a while after seeing it. The story is an epic tale of how one tiny decision can change the course of your entire life. The acting is impeccable. It reminds me a lot of Slumdog Millionaire, however, the story could not be more different. Lion is the true story of a boy who begs his brother to go to work a night shift with him and he falls asleep at the train station. When he wakes, he finds that the station is deserted. He goes onto the train in the station and falls asleep. When he wakes up the train is moving and does not stop for 1600 Kms. By the time he gets to the destination, he does not know where he is, where he is from or what his mothers name is. He is eventually taken to a center for street kids and is one of the very lucky ones who is adopted by a well-to-do Australian family. When he grows up he decides to look for his real Mom and tracks down the place with Google earth.

This movies should win Best Picture at the Academy awards. I personally think that ion and Hacksaw Ridge are the best of the year. 10/10. Definite watch!
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Extremely Slow & Boring!
5 February 2017
I have watched every movie nominated this year in the Best Picture category for the Academy Awards. I have to say, this movie should not even be nominated. I almost fell asleep watching this incredibly boring film. Its slow, it drags on and on and on and on. By the end of the first hour I wanted to turn it off, but i forced myself through the rest. There are a few very good films this year that are nominated, however, Manchester by the sea is not one of them. Aflecks performance was very good, but the competition that he is up against this year is head and shoulders above him. I go into every movie with an completely open mind, unbiased to any reviews from critics and in my opinion, this movie sucked. Period.

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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Unbelievable piece of film making. Truly resonates for days after.
30 January 2017
I just watched this movie last night...and still this morning, I am speechless!

What I think truly separates a good film from a great one, is "resonation". If you find yourself thinking about a movie that you watched for days after, you know you've watched a GREAT film. This movie is the epitome of "excellence". I will be so mad if this does not win best picture. I have finished watching all the best picture nominees for 2017, and none of the other nominees even come close to this film. If Hacksaw ridge does not win, then it is simply a tragedy.

I promise you, you will absolutely LOVE this film if you are a real movie person. Cant say enough about it. Unbelievable!
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
Slow and confusing..Writing SUCKED!..expected A LOT more!
14 January 2017
I expected so much out of this show. The premise sounded excellent and the actors were great, however the show left much to be desired. This series had the potential to be a phenomenal fantasy series, but for lack of a better SUCKED! I kept expecting things to happen, the characters were complicated and confusing, the story didn't tie characters together was just extremely disappointing. I watched every episode of every season, thinking that it would eventually give that "ah ha" moment and change my opinion, and it never happened. The problem with this series is not the acting, or the cinematography, because both were impeccable. The real problem lies in the writing. The writers of this show should have been replaced after season one. it was a total failure in my opinion, and I really wanted to like this show. All said, Penny Dreadful is a solid 5/10 stars. It only is that high because of the acting. Do yourself a favor, skip this one.
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Taboo (2017)
Excellent series premier!
12 January 2017
So...I just watched episode one of taboo on fx, and I am extremely excited too see where this show goes.... So far, it is excellent. I read a lot of reviews commenting that it " was slow" or " starts off very boring", but I cannot disagree more. This series is very clearly a very complex and detailed story. I can't say enough good things about Tom Harry's performance. Tom hardy is one of the very best actors of the decade, hands down. His acting is extraordinary. There are very few shows that hold The viewers attention the way that taboo does, and this is, after only one episode. Can't wait to see what happens next! This is a great start to 2017 for television, and I can only hope that more shows come out this year that are the caliber of Taboo.
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Dirty Grandpa (2016)
Probably the funniest movie I've seen in a decade at least!
8 August 2016
I have been having a LOT of bad luck with movies lately...have not been able to get through anything since The revenant.... As for comedies..there have been some absolutely TERRIBLE movies out recently..BUT I assure you..this is NOT one of them! THIS IS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER! I promise you, if you are between the ages of 16-35 (and some cool older people :P) you will LOVEEEE THIS! DENIRO IS Absolutely hilarious! and Efron is so awesome as a prude lawyer... so good! a tiny bit cheesy with the love story tie in..but over all.. freaking funny man! gut wrenchingly funny! Watch this movie, but not with anyone too young..fair warning.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
One of the greatest achievements in cinema in my lifetime!
27 April 2016
If this movie is not a perfect 10, then I don't know what is. This movie was nothing short of a masterpiece! When I think of the greatest movies of all time, I think of pictures such as: The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Shindlers List, The Departed, There will be blood...For example. After seeing this film, I do not see any possible way that this picture is not in the top 10, or even top 5 greatest cinema masterpieces of all time!

The Revenant was a true testament to a mans will to survive and the power of revenge. There are so many good things I can say about this movie, but I will keep it short. There is no way that this film should have lost to Spotlight. Spotlight was a very good movie, not taking anything away from it, however, I think giving the Oscar to Spotlight was more of a "politically correct thing" to do for the Academy. Yes,, Spotlights subject matter was more close to home for the average person and yes, it is a remarkable story of breaking the lid off of the power of the catholic church, but there is NO WAY that if you want to watch a 2 and a half to 3 hour movie...that you would choose Spotlight over The Revenant. There is no comparison when it comes to entertainment!

Long story short, The Revenant, 10/10. One of the best films I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Must see and will go down as a classic throughout the generations to come!
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
SPEECHLESS! -- Addiction describes it best!
3 February 2014
I don't know what to say about this show.... there are not enough words in the English language to describe the amazing-ness of this television series! I didn't ever watch this show when it was on the air...because I didn't wanna buy into all the hype..... i was stuck on my usual shows like "Entourage"..."boardwalk empire"..."homeland"...etc.. and not taking anything away from those shows...i LOVE those series also....but something about Breaking Bad is just... different. This show hits a nerve.... it is entertainment from minute 1 to 60....the writers of the show are nothing short of genius! I'm currently not even finished season 4 yet..but I have been watching them all back to back since season 1....and it is literally the only thing i want to watch. Addiction to the show is an understatement. I'm telling you right now...if you have gone this long without seeing this show... do yourself a favor and buy season 1.... make sure u watch AT LEAST 3 episodes in a row.. (that's the usual number that I find it takes to get into a new show)...and I guarantee you...YOUR HOOKED! Like the meth in the show....the show is the addiction!

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Lone Survivor (2013)
Great piece of film making. Spectacular portrait of real life Heroes!
22 January 2014
This film is a heart wrenching, fast-paced thriller. The only bad thing about this movie, is that fact that it is true. These men are the absolute toughest men on the face of this planet...and this movie portrays true life heroes, who make the right moral decision..and end up paying for it with their lives. The film is extremely sad to watch...its one of those types of movies where the most macho of men will probably shed a tear or two. Spectacular film of the best military movies of the past decade. I absolutely recommend this film for anyone to watch...just be ready for a harsh dose of reality. This movie is very inspiring... if you watch this movie and don't appreciate it, than you don't have a soul! 4 stars... wondering why it wasn't nominated for any awards?
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Best movie I've ever seen.... an UNDERSTATEMENT!
30 December 2013
i like to think of myself as a "movie connoisseur". I like good movies..and good movies only! I cant stand most of the garbage that's been put out recently. But this movie....this movie right here is hands down... THE BEST F'IN MOVIE i have ever had the pleasure of watching! From the very beginning to the very end...this picture is riveting! I absolutely LOVE all things Scorsese... from Mean Goodfellas..and even Hugo for that matter.... but this is an absolute EPIC! I would go as far as saying that this is the greatest movie I have ever seen. Better that Casino or Goodfellas...I cant say enough about it.

Motion Picture masterpiece. Leo is INCREDIBLE and just a joy to watch. Jonah Hill...excellent. The two together just work so well. Even Matthew macounoughey's small part was great.

It puts the movie "boiler room" to shame! This movie is friggin brilliant! I love it! and I cant wait to see it again!

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