
15 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
It's pretty to look at
14 April 2024
It goes without saying I suppose that the series is beautiful to watch. The acting is solid but the story and some characters are badly flawed. The largest gaping hole it seems to me is the San-Ti travel time vs Human's progress. The San-Ti are apparently much more advanced than humans but somehow, now that they have escaped their destructive world, their progress will go into stasis. Wut? Also, despite the fact that our entire world has looming extermination in our sights a few scientists have trouble disposing of the San-Ti's cohort here on Earth. Wut? There are other holes too that are irritating but you get the idea. If you want to watch a good movie (only an hour and a half long!) about quantum mechanics check out Coherence. It's far more advanced in science than 3 Body Problem.
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Jett (2019)
Very Enjoyable
6 July 2019
Full disclosure: I like the projects that Carla and Sebastian put together. Having said that, this one is a cut above. It's a fun/slick run at a hardcore thief dragged back into the business. The writing is good and quirky, the punchlines & violence come in off-beat timing, and the characters are great. I've seen several episodes now and the show continues to hold my interest. Yes, there is casual nudity, so puritans should probably look elsewhere. But for the rest of us, Jett is a enjoyable fast ride with Carla Gugino on a whole new level. Check out the pilot and you'll see what I mean.
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Witches of East End (2013–2014)
Pilot Impressions
10 October 2013
The show has Julia Ormand... if you're a fan, check it out because she looks great.

The show itself seems to be a light version of similar stuff but not moody or pretentious. The special effects are subtle and at times very slick. The plot seems interesting enough though not particularly new. The actors are, well let's just say some are better than others.

The show is essentially fluff but it didn't bug me. But I'm not sure who the target audience is because the pilot seemed to swing awkwardly from youngsters to adults. At times I felt like I was watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch and then all of a sudden it became an episode of Night Gallery. If they go the Night Gallery route, that would be cool. If they go the Sabrina route they better hire some comedy writers.

Frankly I think it will probably crash and burn ... which is unfortunate because, did I mention, it has Julia Ormand in it.
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Well Well Worth It (if you're older)
14 September 2013
I should start by saying if you're older (say 45 or more) you should definitely check out this movie. It has some lines in it that are extraordinary and it's worth seeing just for those nuggets. This is one of those movies that talks to you at a personal level. I don't want to describe too much of it because that would ruin the whole point.

But, I will say...

The director moves you along at such a perfect pace that you almost feel like you're floating. The topics aren't casual but he hovers over them at just the right height.

The acting is right on the money, it suits the movie perfectly, no one is out of step.

The story moves seamlessly between past and present, you won't feel a bump anywhere. It's true, the movie is multi-layered, but the straight up story is more than enough.

And the ending is perfect for this type of movie.

It really is worth the watch, but as I mentioned you might need to be a little older to really...
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Petunia (2012)
An enjoyable little movie
10 August 2013
I'm not sure why this film gets such weak ratings and reviews. I certainly enjoyed it. Maybe it's because I didn't know what to expect so I just "went with it", or maybe it's because I'm older (>50). Regardless though, it's a good little flick.

It's a quirky story told in a quirky way and it works. Everything (direction, plot, dialogue and acting) is exaggerated just enough to make it teeter near an edge but it never falls off and that gives it a fresh, slightly bizarre delivery. There's no doubt it's a dark comedy but it doesn't feel like one. Creating that sort of mood isn't easy but Christian navigates it well and the actors are right in step.

All in all an enjoyable ride. If you get a chance definitely check it out.
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Not Bad
26 July 2013
This is an OK little flick. It's a low budge movie but they seem to have spent the money wisely. The story was interesting and the acting & dialogue were equally good. It has twists and turns that are enjoyable and the characters were likable (so to speak, considering they're assassins). It has a melancholy feel to it that works pretty well. All in all I can't complain.

My general impression is, if this movie had a massive budget and big stars, the public would be falling all over itself to see it. The fact that it had none of that and was still entertaining makes it a worthwhile view.

If you come across it check it out.
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A Thin, Inconsequential Movie
30 May 2013
The movie is uninspired. Structurally it's solid but from a story telling point of view it's bland. It's so thin that I spent most of my time wondering how far Douglas and Damon were willing to go on the gay thing. It seemed more like they wanted to simply add 'a gay character' to their CV's - neither of them was particularly convincing, nor interesting. Soderbergh might be more the blame though. He knows how to storyboard and block but he hasn't a clue how to empathize with characters and plot.

However, Rob Lowe breaks away from everyone. He gives an inspired performance - it's sinister and funny - but it's too short to save the movie.

Don't bother with this one, it's not worth the two hour run time. If you want to see an actor imitate a star watch My Week with Marilyn, close your eyes and listen to Branagh imitate Olivier, it's remarkable. Then go back and watch Douglas stumble around Liberace - just for the laugh.
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If I Were You (2012)
Worth it
24 February 2013
I have to open by saying I've always enjoyed Marcia Gay Harden. But I was a little worried that comedy might not be her strength. I was happily wrong. She delivers a joke well, very well at times and she carries the 2 hour movie right through to the end. She puts her own style into it too, which is memorable.

The movie is light entertainment but it's not irritating. It weaves it's own little path and pops out the other end with a smile on it's face. This is probably going to sound mean but the secondary characters were neither here nor there and only served as billboards for Marcia to graffiti. Though Aiden Quinn does carve out a few good moments for his character.

But It's Marcia's show and she steps up well. Well worth it if you're perhaps on the upper side of 40 and looking for something light, funny and mostly clean.
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Definitely worth a watch
24 February 2013
Yes, it's is a quirky little flick. And yes, it may unnerve (or perhaps irritate) some viewers. But there is no doubt it carves it's own path, and a fairly unique one - which isn't easy to do nowadays.

I'll start by saying that it's a very funny movie at times - in an awkward sort of way. And I enjoyed it just on that level. But after it was over it I realized it had a much more impressive affect on me.

It probably won't be obvious until the end that there was a lot of care put into the direction and dialogue of this movie. Characters who on the surface seem broken and wayward end up being not much different from you and me. Their delivery is different but their longings are the same. And the director did an ace job of making that point. It's done subtly and he timed the peeks into each character's nature perfectly. It really is a very skillful little movie.

If you come across it, check it out, and don't abandon it after five minutes because it seems too odd. It's well worth the run and I'm pleased I saw it, almost thankful actually.
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Hunted (2012)
Solid Action Espionage
11 October 2012
I've only see the pilot but it was a slick, fast-paced piece of work. They wasted no time getting into the story (stories) and to cover that amount of info in an hour without confusing or tiring the viewer was impressive.

The story centers around a gal who was special forces and is now part of a private sector (counter)espionage team. I won't get into any more details than to say she's hardcore.

I also have to say that I've always liked Melissa George, she can act and she does a believable job in action sequences too. She perfectly suited to this type of show, and the show works because of her.

The rest of the main cast, though largely unfamiliar to me (which means nothing), are clearly pros as well. They carved out their niches in the short time allotted to them and it's always a treat to have a strong supporting cast.

The show is definitely worth a watch.
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666 Park Avenue (2012–2013)
um... unfortunately standard issue
4 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've only seen the pilot, so in fairness to the show it may take on a more creepy vibe as it develops. But so far it seems pretty much like boilerplate stuff. They laid out the game board quickly so you know who the evil folks are and who the victim folks are/will be. There's not alotta guess work necessary to figure out what going. It could be that they wanted to shoot out of the gate quickly but that approach kinda killed any ghostly horror aspect of the show (it seemed predictable and familiar).

The main actors are pros though, and they do a good job with what they've got but I have to say Vanessa Williams gets a few extra points for playing a sinister character very nicely... just the right edge. So if the writers beef things up a bit they've got a cast that can easily run with it.

All that to say: the show was pretty to look at (nice direction); the building (setting) is big enough to handle a whole bunch of new stories; the main actors are very capable; the writing (dialog) was standard issue; the story (plot) was mediocre to weak.

I have a creepy feeling that 666 may decay into a melodrama about the devil... which I didn't think possible until now.
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Wonderfalls (2004)
8 years later and still enchanted
8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this show until recently when a friend lent me the DVD set. Despite eight years it remains refreshing and unique.

Funny (actually at times it's extremely funny), sensitive, unpredictable, and totally endearing. The cast do an extraordinary job. It's the type of show that could easily go off the rails but each actor reins it back just enough to make the show balance perfectly at the edge... and the result is an absolute joy watch.

Caroline Dhavernas shines. She brings so many believable qualities to Jaye that at times I wanted to scoop her up and hug her... which of course would have made Jaye furious... and therefore all the more real. Dhavernas manages to carry Jaye from a cynical, determined underachiever to frantic guardian angel with so many perfectly placed steps that the change seems natural, expected. Dhavernas doesn't abandon Jaye basic character, she matures it beautifully into the new Jaye. It's a great piece of work. One of my favourite scenes comes towards the end of the series when Heidi rummages around Jaye's trailer and sees all the muses tenderly arranged in a semi-circle at the end of the bed... very touching.

Needless to say I adored the thirteen episodes. If you get a chance to see Wonderfalls I highly recommend it.
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It was OK I guess
17 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's always good to see Parker Posey, she's a solid actor and an excellent comedian. And Kathryn Erbe steps up in this one too. Then there's Jay Harrington (which made me shed yet another tear for Ted).

Despite those strengths, the movie isn't quite up to snuff. Posey does a nice job and she can skewer Hollywood's vain actors like nobody else. But the main plot seems to move along in completely different lane from Posey's. The flick saunters along almost like an old style Disney Sunday movie. There's nothing wrong with that except for the fact that they've got Parker doing doughnuts around it. The two don't mesh easily and the finale is, well let's just say, inexcusable.

Needless to say, I was disappointed. Not because I'm a Parker Posey fan and this one didn't pan out. The problem was, the actual movie was a bit of a wet blanket... so much so that it didn't have the brains to make use of Jay and Katheryn properly.

But what do I know, maybe I missed the point and it was merely a cash grab - considering all the credits at the beginning went to the producers.
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The River (2012)
Fast paced
15 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This show is certainly fast paced, it shoots out of the gate and maintains it's velocity. If you like that sort of thing and are willing to go with the premise, you'll enjoy it.

Personally, I can't easily accept the witchcraft & dark forces embedded in this story. I'm not sure why though because generally I don't mind that sort of thing. It just seems the show is a little over the top and i think it may have to do with how quickly the characters believe in the supernatural and even quicker, how they cope with it.

As far as acting goes, no one really shines in the show. Which is a shame because Greenwood is a topnotch actor (as is Kretschmann). But apparently there's not much to cling to here.

Anyway, if you enjoy watching race cars go through of gauntlet of sinister forces, here's your fix, enjoy.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Crisp and Engrossing
8 October 2011
I've only seen the pilot but it was exceptional viewing. Not for children though.

If they continue to allow the writers and actors to flex their muscles this show will shine. There is a professional quality to Homeland that I haven't seen in a long time. The direction was subtle but commanding, the actors were ace, and the writing was poignant without once hinting at the maudlin.

Hopefully the studio won't cut the creative/professional legs off this one just as it starts running.

Very engrossing stuff.
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