
8 Reviews
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One of the Greatest Characters Ever to Inhabit TV Land!
19 March 2011
In the mid-1970s, "The X Files" was called "The Night Stalker" (TNS). Now a show that far ahead of its time couldn't exist for long in the mediocre milieu of network television, but for one brief year, we were treated to one of the greatest characters ever to inhabit TV Land.

All week, I would wait for the night the show came on, and if my homework was finished and my chores completed, I could try to talk my way past my mom's objections that "It'll give you nightmares!" (Which it did, but they were a small price to pay.) Now if we're being honest, I'll have to admit that the quality of the scripts (not to mention the special affects) was wildly uneven. But when it was good, it was magical! And even when the episode's plot left something to be desired, the relationship between Kolchak and his boss, Anthony Vincenzo (played to perfection by Simon Oakland), made every minute worthwhile.

If ever a series revolved around an anti-leading man, TNS was that series. Carl Kolchak wasn't young, handsome, or suave, and he worked for a two-bit, perpetually broke news service. A real old-school reporter, he was cynical and hard-bitten, and his prose tended toward the florid. His suit was always rumpled, and his shoes were worn. He always seemed to be in a hurry, yet he always arrived late and out of breath. In any fight, he was sure to get the worst of it.

In other words, he was far from the glamorous, polished hero image usually found in TV's mystery shows. Which made him real! Every week I would root for him to find one--just one--person that would believe his incredible stories ... but just try to get someone to take you seriously when you're talking about vampires or werewolves! Even the cops, staring the evidence in the face, were loathe to admit to anything, even away from the public eye.

Mr. Vincenzo, Kolchak's boss, was always harried and hounded to the verge of a nervous breakdown by the stress of trying to keep his tiny bureau out of bankruptcy while simultaneously pleasing his bosses in New York. All Tony ever wanted was a little peace and quiet, a good night's sleep, and a smooth-running operation. With Kolchak on his staff, however, those were all as rare as high-quality photographs of an alien or the devil.

Long before Moonlighting's conflict-energized dialogues between Sybill and Bruce, Tony and Carl could go at it with the best of them--and always at the top of their lungs. Kolchak usually managed to get the best of his boss, who was always threatening to fire the troublesome reporter "if that story isn't on my desk first thing in the morning!" Instead, he was much more likely to get a 3 a.m. call from the local police precinct, pleading for him to come down and post bail. Because Kolchak's main characteristics were persistence, an open mind, and incredible curiosity--none of which endeared him to local law enforcement. The police brass was always trying to cover up the uncomfortable details that Kolchak was determined to unearth ... and he wanted them to admit things that would get them thrown in a loony bin.

Kolchak is a dying breed. On one hand, TV News was already outbidding print services for talent, and on the other Woodward and Bernstein were about to revolutionize reporting. Soon, reporters would no longer dream of a big scoop on the latest sensational murder; instead, it was to become all about politically themed exposes ... who can take down the biggest politician.

But Carl Kolchak was a great character, foibles and all, and Darren McGavin played him spot on, note for note. So it may have lasted a mere 20 episodes ... but what a show!
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Real Acting, Real Plot, and Hot Sex!
8 July 2008
This film, together with its prequel and two sequels, is the best adult movie I've ever watched. Part 2 is my personal favorite. It actually has a plot, and the erotic sequences are credible within the context of the film. This is not just a lot of people having sex.

In addition, it features some of the best acting ever in an erotically-oriented movie. Raven, in particular, is devastatingly effective in her role. Taija Rae, too, is very emotionally convincing, although Gloria Leonard seems unsure what effect she is trying to achieve.

Erotically, this film pushes all kinds of buttons beyond just the obvious (incest) theme. The set-ups for the sex scenes includes real build-ups of erotic tension, which makes all the difference when the actual sex happens. Definitely worth your while if you like something more than just disconnected sex scenes (though the sex sizzles as well).
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The only soap opera I ever watched more than 1 episode of ...
17 April 2006
Back in 1985, my wife and I were living in Mexico City. Most evening TV consisted of Spanish translations of US shows, but somehow we started watching Los ricos tambien lloran. It was replete with all the standard soap opera hooks: betrayal, pretend friends, evil schemers, and the lovely, innocent heroine.

But it was so much fun! I don't think we missed an episode the whole time we were there. The suspense was maintained without going over the top, and we couldn't help but tune in and root for Veronica's character to get all that someone so good-hearted truly deserves. We'd scream at the TV when her naivete led her to trust the various no-goodniks who were out to take advantage of her, but we just hoped against hope that in the end, fate would deal comeuppance to all those who tried to sandbag her efforts to make a life for herself.

I've never watched more than a few minutes of any other soap opera, Spanish or English, but we thoroughly enjoyed this one.
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The Terminal (2004)
Humor, romance, and a character you can care about ...
18 March 2006
Anyone who's ever felt totally out of place should be able to identify with Tom Hanks character in this film. Yet against all odds, Viktor Navorski proceeds to show us that a good heart, integrity, human ingenuity, and persistence can (almost) conquer all.

Determined to scale the twin peaks of bureaucracy and the female heart, Viktor's naive honesty and innate goodness give him a fighting chance as he battles the petty, foolish side of human nature. Before long, I was rooting for him on both fronts with all my heart.

I found the humor subtle and fun, and the growth and evolution of the main character compelling. I also enjoyed the supporting characters, and even the "bad guys" were interesting and multi-dimensional. A very enjoyable evening!
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Just a lot of fun!
20 October 2004
I'd never heard of the movie until I saw the first few minutes on a demo at the store, but it looked like fun, so I took a chance. I was not sorry at all! The filmmakers managed to pack more laughs and enjoyment into their film than others who've spent much, much more.

I found P&P to be an unpretentious and very enjoyable couple of hours, and I have since recommended it to several friends. Our teenagers have also lent it to their friends with favorable responses.

The characters were sympathetic and fun (even the villains). The cinematography was creative and interesting. The costumes and scenery contributed to the overall effect without being obtrusive. It is amazing what they could do with such a limited budget.

I know I keep using that word, but the whole thing was just a lot of ... fun!
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It's all about the Blondes!
27 June 2003
This was the first adult film I ever saw, but it's memorable for more than just that reason. It contains the hottest collection of cute blondes of any movie from that era. If you like slender pretty blondes, this movie has them! Shauna Grant was as adorable as ever, and Danielle and Joanna Storm add bonus points.

Technically, the film was well made, with lighting and sets adding to--rather than detracting from--the movie's appeal.

The plot is more than a little silly, but unlike some adult movies, it at least gives a credible pretext for the sex scenes. Without going into detail, the ending seemed contrived and less than satisfying, but I'd still recommend this one.
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My All-Time Favorite!
27 June 2003
This film, together with its three sequels, is the best adult movie I've ever watched. (Part 2 is my personal favorite.) It actually has a plot, and the erotic sequences are credible within the context of the film. This is not just a lot of people having sex.

In addition, it features some of the best acting ever in an erotically-oriented movie. Raven, in particular, is devastatingly effective in her role. Taija Rae, too, is very emotionally convincing, although Gloria Leonard seems just a little unsure what effect she is trying to achieve.

Erotically, this film pushes all kinds of buttons beyond just the obvious (incest) theme. Definitely worth your while if you like something more than just disconnected sex scenes (though it sizzles in that respect also).
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Babylon Pink (1979)
Hot! Hot! Hot!
27 June 2003
Right from the opening scene, Vanessa Del Rio and her fellow cast members sizzle. Of course, for pure volcanic erotic heat, nobody can match Ms. Del Rio, but the rest of the cast does their best--and it's pretty good. This wasn't called the "Golden Age" of erotic cinema for nothing.

Sexy costumes, sexy girls, and sexy scenarios underlie the enthusiastic performances by Arcadia Lake, Merle Michaels, and Georgette Sanders, who look and act like real people instead of the plastic and silicone stars favored by today's producers.

One particular strength of this film is the way each fantasy episode is set up, engaging that key erogenous zone--the mind. You won't go wrong with this one.
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