
26 Reviews
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Not what I was hoping for
10 November 2022
This was tedious. It had no message, just women in burkas that continuously morphed into images of war. It was NOT "An exploration of the impact of war on women."

And now to ad the extra characters needed to meet IMDB's extraordinary 600 character limit. When I collect reviews. I prefer that they are succinct because then they say what's needed without going into flowery wanderings.

If you feel that my first paragraph doesn't explain enough, then maybe you should watch the video. As a matter of fact, that might be why the typical IMDB description is under 200 characters - good for them but not good for you.. hmmm ...
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Beast (I) (2022)
Reviewers are being way too picky
10 September 2022
There was a lot of hate in the reviews for this movie. Most cited a lack of realism in how a lion would act. Overall, except for a few oddities, the movie was a good watch. I agree tho, that the girls were too annoying. The younger girl said to the other; "You're always talking!" and that was a big problem.

Worth a watch. Now I need to keep typing to meet IMDb's stupid 600 character limit. Apparently this still isn't enough. Words and more words , and then a few more words. I hope this lets me post soon ...

If they're so worried about word count, why don't they have a word counter with this??

Obviously I don't ever review movies here....
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The rating & topic turned me off, but surprisingly the movie wasn't bad
25 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the uncut version - maybe I don't know enough about this activity, but I found the topic gently approached. The sex scenes I felt were appropriate, not shied away from, yet not over done.

Beyond that is the story content. This could have easily been a story of any 'Beauty and the Beast' scenario - the gentle girl trying to get through the savage beasts rough exterior.

If you want to see another-shade-of-grey, see the movie 'Secretary' (2002) staring James Spader as Mr. Grey. At last check, that movie was rated 7.1 and was much more over the top. (BTW: The 'Fifty Shades of Grey' books came out in 2011 - a possible rip-off of 'Secretary').

I wonder if the bad rating for this movie was due to mixed expectations. For me; the ratings, the topic, and the social commentary all over the net, kept me away for a long time. When I finally did watch it though, I couldn't believe how mild it was, and how it was a rather okay production.

If 'Secretary' gets a 7.1, then this certainly deserves a 6.0.
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Not bad for a slow movie.
18 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I multi-task, so I was busy while watching this.

I can understand why someone wouldn't like this - it is slow. It's one of those 'day-in-the-life-of' movies. Watching it as a side distraction though, the story unfolded. It was an interesting perspective of friends coming back together after they've made their way out into the world.

There's the successful one, the one that got an acceptable job and life, and the drop out. Success isn't all it's made out to be, a drab career can be satisfying, and dropping out may be an honest approach. Or, maybe there is no clear path..

Worth at least the 5.5 it has.
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Worthy of any zombie collection
27 February 2015
Despite the very low rating and the other reviews, this was MUCH better than many low budget zombie movies.

A minimum of 'dumb blond' moments! Little 'bad acting' that one expects. Little of that fake fighting we've learned to expect.

It has decent acting, multiple story lines, a good score, and a somewhat unique story.

If you're not looking for wild zombie action out of the block, then the story builds up in a regular fashion.

Don't listen to the nay-sayers, this one is worthy of a look.

I believe that it deserves at least a 5.0 rating, if not better.
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Zombie eXs (2012)
Not that bad .. if only it had better acting
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's amazing how all of these actors have the same level of barely passable acting skills. You'd think a few could speak a whole sentence without pregnant pauses..

The main characters are likable and the comedy spin is OK if you're not looking for comedy. Special effects are minimal, which is fine.

New twists - it has talking zombies, and it puts up the name of each Ex as they get taken out.

Bottom line, it's actually got a little depth in the story line, an OK under-current of humor, and OK acting for a high-school play. (Much better acting in the out-takes!!)
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Exploding Sun (2013 TV Movie)
A 'B' movie trying to be an 'A' movie
18 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Rated at 3.3 you'd think that this is one step away from a movie made by high school kids. Actually it's pretty good. What the critics are harping about is the science and they may have a point. There are only two real science issues: 1) The unlikely case of the shuttle being able to get close enough to the sun to penetrate it. 2) The relatively itty-bitty tiny speck of their special drive unit being able to have any effect upon the sun.

For the shuttle getting close; that' the one 'gimme' (suspension of disbelief) that all sci-fi asks for. If they'd used teleporters, nobody would have said anything.. They actually qualify this by stating that the drive unit - which is what goes into the sun - is designed to take tremendous heat.

The ability for the drive unit to disrupt the sun is another 'gimme', but it is explained throughout the movie as a unit that harnesses solar radiation and multiplies it. So IF the unit survived the entry into the sun, THEN it would cause a chain reaction.

Beyond those two points, your critical eye really shouldn't see too much to cut down this movie. The acting is rather good, although corny in a few places. This is certainly not a 7.0 movie but it deserves a lot more than a 3.3 rating. I'll give it a 6.4 - on the edge of a good quality movie, almost worthy of looking forward to seeing again.
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I think people ask too much from movies..
28 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A 3.5 rating goes to those films that have acting from a high school play, crappy special effects,

and a weak story. This film may be a bit slow, but it's not overly so. The acting may not be

Hollywood, but it's rather decent.

The bad rating is probably in part because it's not an action film. This is more a 'day in the life'

story. As they say; 'combat is 90% boredom and 10% shear terror', and so this story goes.

The bad rating might also be because the bad guys story isn't strong and distinct, with each

character not fully fleshed out. This makes the overall story weak. Add in the slow pace and there you

have it..

Generally it was interesting, and it deserves at least a 5.3 rating.
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Mine Games (2012)
A different 'cabin in the woods' type of movie
26 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This has a group seeing pieces of the future, and so, by it's nature, leaves the story untold, as the present turns into the future. Because of this, the story is a bit difficult to follow, but not much more than any mystery, with clues as you go.

The movie otherwise is fine. It's put together with serious effort, with good direction and acting. It moves along at a good pace, and keeps you interested. It's nice to say it has few of those 'dumb blond' moves typically seen in horror films.

The low IMDb rating of 4.7 is probably because it's a weird approach to the 'cabin in the woods' story line. Since there is no specific antagonist (just a hinted at evil), there's nothing specific for the cast to fight against, and so it's hard to root for do what?

Then again, it may be because of the dumb ending. You decide..

Still, I'll rate it at 6.2 until the end, then it gets a 5.9.
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As a Halo newbie...
11 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Being a person who's heard of Halo, but knows nothing about it - this was the movie to watch!! Or, so I thought. It's a miniseries, which allows for all kinds of back-story and exposition. Instead they spend all the time on brief character development in a recruit center.

They come under attack, but since the Halo story hasn't been explained, it's just another sci-fi story. One of the core parts of Halo, so I'm told, are the Spartan's. These are shown in bad pirated video, and not explained.

When the action starts, it's pretty wild, but again I really didn't know what was going on.

Summary: For a Halo fan it's too much about the recruits, and not enough action. For the newbie like me, it was too little background. So, it fails for both potential audiences. Good flick though, for a generic sci-fi. Bad flick for a signature presentation of a iconic name like Halo.

Follow-up Note: If you can watch "Halo Legends" (2010) before this movie, then it will make sense. It fit's in rather nicely as a side story in the larger story.
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Vessel (2012)
Not expecting much, it was a fun 13+ minutes
2 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was not 'Snakes On A Plane' it is 'Tentacles on a plane' at best. There were parts that were similar to other shows, but then again - it was just 13 minutes, not a lot of room for inventive development.

For a 'short' the production was very similar to a full blown movie including some pretty decent CGI. The previous reviewer must have had an ax to grind, or simply was expecting way much from a simple quick script.

I give a a 6.5 for it's entertainment value.

I also give it another line because IMDb insists on it. I also give it another line because IMDb insists on it. I also give it another line because IMDb insists on it.
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Vanishing Waves (II) (2012)
Surreal yes. Realistic not so much.
2 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, in my opinion, fails from the start because it's built upon a false premise; that a scientist would lie about odd results in an unexplored field. His training tells him that every piece of data is important until proved otherwise. Far all he knows, what he thinks 'might be his imagination' could be the answer to what they're looking for! It's his job to collect the data NOT cherry-pick what he thinks is significant.

If this was a test-subject off the street, it might have been believable, but as a team member, with grants and Pulitzer prizes on the line.. I don't think so.

Certainly plenty of successful movie plots have had a scientist break- ranks. Those movies though, get you to suspend your disbelief, by always clearly justifying motivations. In this movie they don't do this, and that's where IMHO this movie fails.

In conclusion: The surrealism of this movie, as with many like it, is hard to get used to. Add in the weak premise, sparse dialog, flat emotional tones, and it was tiresome, hard to feel connected to the characters. I actually had to force-feed myself the middle of the movie, waiting for it to develop. IT does a bit, but not with any shattering payoff...

'Altered States' (1980) and 'What Dreams May Come' (1998) did a much better job with surrealism.

I give it a 6.0 for imagery, and 5.5 for story development = 5.8
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Lacks character development & continuity
29 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how this rates as high as 5.7. A rambling, incoherent mess .. Actually. underneath the lousy story development. there does seem to be a quite complicated story. The problem is that you're left with only badly constructed fragments as you move along. IMHO it has bad character development, an unclear plot and barely decent acting. A lot of the elements are just left, with little or no explanation.

The main character Ellie Parrish is shown to be just a crash survivor but the description says she's a 'rookie journalist' - which isn't truly suggested until 35 minutes into it. Also it isn't until then that we see her show ANY reaction to the fact that her husband died in the crash.

Since you don't get a real feel for who these characters are, or what they're goals are, it's hard to follow. The story wanders giving it an unfocused series of side events. The acting is stilted and drags between the characters and the scenes.

I've seen other movies of this quality - generally westerns - that are rated at about a 4.2, so that's what I'm giving it. It's too bad - they probably had a well written story, but failed to flesh it out properly.
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A cute zombie (not for kids) movie
3 January 2013
It may be a cartoon but - IT'S ABOUT ZOMBIES! A little parental review would tell you that it's not really for kids.

If you like zombie movies, this is a cute step to the side, in a childish vein. Zombie movies are seldom rated high, so to expect a Hollywood block buster is unrealistic.

Folks, it's a fun romp. I give it at least a 5.0


Another line for IMDb

Another line for IMDb

Another line for IMDb
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Dredd (2012)
Judge Dredd's Son in another city
22 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
For those that read the comic series, neither this nor the 1995 version is a perfect fit. For those who just know the movie, then this is NOT Judge Dredd.

This is not the same city, and it's not a convincing repeat of the same character, Judge Dredd.

This would have been a GREAT sequel to the 1995 movie if they would have just done 2 things:

1) Display the city in the same way as the 1995 city: futuristic buildings and traffic.

There was no reason to present a different look, and actually instead of looking 'futuristic' it looked like any run down city with modern traffic (low-budget?). Also, since the bulk of the movie is within the mega apartment block - the change in city-scape was not even a needed 'artistic interpretation'.

2) Dredd introduced as 'the son of' would have allowed for any oddities between the two actors, Stallone and Urban. They try to pass him off tho, as the same man, but he comes off as another excellent Judge (possibly of the Dredd clan) but NOT 'THE' Judge Dredd.

Final Note: This does seem to be the American version of "Raid Redemption", but despite that (and my objections), it was a good movie.
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Branded (2012)
A movie for thinkers
26 October 2012
This is a strange one folks, but just strange enough. On the surface it seems to be railing against the institute of advertising. From just that level, it is a bit flat.

On the level of sci-fi, one can see the suggestion that the brands are alien monsters bent upon domination of earth. We have been bought and sold to feed their needs.

Underneath this though, is a much deeper message - one of our own personal consumerism. In the West we believe that we are free, but this movie, using a surrealistic approach, questions that for us. It's been said that you can get addicted to anything, even your favorite soda. So, what are you addicted to? Where have you, moment by moment, given up your life?

Will you like this movie? Not if you just want to sit back and be entertained. It does have a decent plot, and good acting, as well as decent CGI. What it doesn't have is an easy to swallow, cookie-cutter script.
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Alien Dawn (2012)
Better than rated
17 October 2012
Expecting a crappy movie to watch - as mindless background noise - I was happily surprised. Think 'made for Sy-Fy' and you'll know what to expect. The CGI is cheap, but not as bad as expected.

It seemed to me be a cheap knock-off of 'Cloverfield' mixed with 'War of the Worlds'.

I think the big gripe people have with this was the lack of big-battle drama. Instead we have a small group of people just trying to survive. The acting and dialog unfortunately is so real that it's annoying - lots of frantic yelling at each other in confusion and desperation.

Actually, other than the obvious low budget, this was not that bad - give it a chance.

I rate it at least 4.0
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Not all that bad if watched with the original
23 September 2012
For two years this, and the original, sat on my shelf, because of the previous review. The movie isn't equal to the original, but it follows well enough.

Melinda Clarke, although not a top name actress, has been on screen plenty of times. She's a decent actress, and has model quality beauty (which she plays in the movie!).

The 'Fabio-wannabe' is a second rate actor. His counter part in the original was charismatic, where this guy is overly dramatic. His acting reminds me of a soap opera actor. A lot of this had to do with the director, blocking out cheesy scenes.

The sex scenes are not as racy, or as artistically done. Considering the nudity in the first, I was surprised that this lower budget version had much less, and didn't start until nearly 40 minutes into the film. They even had a 'wet t-shirt' moment available under the water fall, and didn't.

Overall, if watched back to back with the original, the continuity allows for a decent movie, with a decent story line. Watched all by itself though, there isn't enough quality directing or acting to say it was nearly as good.

I give it at least a 5.0 instead of the 2.2 it had. 2.2 is no acting, no directing, and no story - far from the case here.
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The Installment Plan
17 September 2012
The first three movies in the series; Resident Evil (2002), Resident Evil - Apocalypse (2004) and Resident Evil - Extinction (2007), were all distinct movies unto themselves. 2 & 3 may have rode on the back story of 1, but still they could easily be watched separately.

4 & now 5; Resident Evil - Afterlife (2010) & Resident Evil - Retribution (2012) are installments, each leaving off with a cliff hanger. They both (IMHO) aren't good enough to be stand-alone movies, but together they make for a good set.

Unfortunately we now have to wait another - what - year or two, to get the next installment!? I just wish they had the next one in the can, ready to release at X-Mas. It would have made this movie much better for the anticipation.
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War of the Dead (I) (2011)
A bit of a different twist
31 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Bad reviews aside, if you're into zombie movies, then you'll find a nice spin to this one. First of all, it plays out as a real WWII movie - the action, drama and dialog are all what you'd expect from a basic WWII movie.

Of course though, there are Nazi zombies to fight. But the nice twist on the zombies is that they are fast-movers, and relatively intelligent in their attacks.

As far as low budget, it seems pretty high budget for a zombie movie. In the trivia it even states that this is the "Most expensive film ever produced in Lithuania." Now that may not be saying much but, the trivia also states that "The film's original title was 'Stone's War', but was changed to 'War of the Dead', after Stan Lee had suggested it." So, if Stan Lee gave it the nod, and if the Lithuanian's spent their national budget making it, it's worth a look see.
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Osombie (2012)
Too Good For The Genre
21 May 2012
I know it must sound strange to knock a movie because it's "too good", but this not a 'Resident Evil', 'I am Legend', or 'Walking Dead', it's just a regular zombie romp. With a name like 'Osombie' though, this should have been a 'B' movie and a joke, using all of the standard zombie crap we've all come to love/hate.

The acting was very good, as well as the story line. I really enjoyed watching it. It could have been much worse though, and got itself put into the zombie-hall-of-fame i.e., 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Zombieland'. {IMHO}

.... IMDb wants more lines ...
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Interesting approach, but bad accting
7 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you look at the review on IMDb you would be certain that it is a superbly done drama, or at least well done. Instead the initial scene has the 'hero' talking with his wife, and it seems like a high school play. The guy is trying to act well, but he just doesn't have it in him. The whole movie is about a court action against the Devil but the lawyers do not act like lawyers but prima donnas. There are also many legally questionable points and some blatant incongruities.

It is an interesting topic, and it could have been a powerful movie, if the acting wasn't so amateurish. Of course the legal oddities could be fixed by just following formula staging from any standard courtroom drama.

I give it a potential 7.0 for story line, but a 3.5 for execution.
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An interesting look into Cuba
5 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a professional documentary, but then again, it's not like the other reviewer states; that "..this movie is about some guy visiting Cuba to get laid..". Despite a lack of in-depth research, the guy does show a decent interest in what's going on.

A few interesting points are, you are likely to have trouble walking down the street at night with a woman. You can't just claim that she's your 'wife' - you have to have a document to prove that. The one girl states that they just live to eat, that they are like animals, with little hope.

Surprisingly, there is little nudity, and some actual revealing points about Cuban life.

Nothing great here, but also nothing really terrible about this 31 minute 'documentary'.
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Collision Earth (2011 TV Movie)
Not bad for a B-flick
19 March 2012
This is not brain science folks! Obviously this is less then great. If it was an academy award winner I'd be tearing it apart too, but it is what it is - a made for SyFy movie!

Of course there are a lot of problems with this movie from bad CGI to scientific errors (in a science based film!). Depite all of that, the story was original, and the drama kept the movie going.

If your looking for a good movie to watch choose "Armageddon" (1998) or "2012" (2009). If you just like watching an OK flick, this one will do.

-- They want -- 10 lines of text -- for a complete review.. ? -- No wonder why there are so many 'books' written here. -- OK that should be enough for them ;o)
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Summary ...
15 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parent's lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her.

Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted.

The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!
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