
19 Reviews
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Definitely worth watching
26 December 2023
I don't know why the bad reviews, the only problem I had with this movie was to give it a 8 or a 9. Excellent story, refreshing Christmas movie, finally watched it in 2023, been wanting to, really good acting from Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Michele Yeah and a lot of others as well as of course Emma Thompson as usual. Really makes you think, which is good as some people don't do that, funny and sad, had it all in my opinion. I would definitely recommend this movie, but have some tissues handy. Good lessons for us all to remember! I will probably watch it again even though I know the ending because it is that good. Also love the way it was filmed and the London scenery as well.
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Elvis (2022)
Should be up for awards for sure!!
11 July 2022
While the movie is a bit long for some I agree, everything was important for the story being told, probably could have been even longer. Perhaps a few minutes here and there could have been edited out but overall it didn't feel like over 2 and a half hours. I wasn't a huge fan of Moulin Rouge by Lurman, though so many of my friends were, it was okay, but a bit silly sometimes. THIS MOVIE IS NOT like that one, yes a bit like a circus but that WAS the colonel, who was telling the story! Quite the story it is, about the abuse of Elvis by "Colonel Tom Parker" played so well by the great Tom Hanks, and Austin Butler should definitely get an Oscar for his performance, he was AMAZING!! I realize there was a lot of artistic license taken for dramatization, but still the story remains true to the craziness of the business and using the artist for your own gain. Unfortunately some of the social issues shown are still relevant today, USA has a LOT of hatred/predjudice still, which is so sad as we are all of the HUMAN race. And the greedy, money loving Parker reminds me of a few leaders/politicians from that country and others. Some of us white people are pretty horrible! Elvis tried to look after everyone, was unbelievable talented, and was definitely taken advantage of. Everyone should see this on the big screen for Butlers performance alone!!!
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Really Well Done
29 December 2020
Not sure, again, why all the hate out there, but seems there is a lot of it out there unfortunately. Really compelling story about a family and all the things that can go on.... in ANY family. Some parts are difficult to watch because it really happens, things we pass on to our children, traumas, addiction, violence, this movie depicts it well, and doesn't pretend it's not happening. Great acting from all the leads, should be some nominations here, but also form some of the younger actors as well. I really can't criticize anything about it, but then I am also a positive person, Ron Howard did a fine job of directing as always. A good message of never give up is portrayed, as well as family is so important. Definitely a must see.
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Really good watch
25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know this movie has been criticized, but EVERYONE'S a critic, especially on the internet! I really enjoyed this movie, and I think my husband did as well, the scenes at sea were pretty darn good, similar to "The Perfect Storm". Casey Affleck and Chris Pines performances were really good as usual, and so were many supporting actors such as Abraham Benrubi ( from ER fame) Ben Foster, whom I saw in NYC at St Ann's Warehouse theatre in the round, in Streetcar Named Desire with Gillian Anderson (it was amazing and you were great Ben) as well as many others. The fact it was based on a true story was pretty amazing, how brave (crazy) those guys were to venture out in that storm but WOW, they saved them, or most of them, don't want to spoil more! Definitely worth watching and waffling between a 7 and an 8, so you should see it, even if just for the true story alone, I hadn't heard of it before the movie came out!
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WOW! Ignore the haters
18 October 2020
Finally got to watch this series, and boy was it worth it!! Really good performances by most actors, especially Kerry Washington, Reese Witherspoon and the young actress playing IZZY!! But they were all great! Don't rate things a 9 or 10 very often so a 9 from me is pretty great!! You should definitely take the time, I binged most episodes one day and I NEVER do that!! Great story, from which we could all take a lesson, especially nowadays, things are often not as they seem, pretty stuff doesn't make you happy, etc. Not sure where all the haters come from, probably didn't even watch it (rolly eyes) but for those who did and read the book, often you can never portray on screen the writer words from your imagination so I understand. I did not read the book but want to now!! There are too many haters out there now, so please ignore them and watch it, also all the people who made this series, PLEASE ignore them as well!! Writing was wonderful and there was often a slow burn to understand all the characters. I have always watched a lot of television and am older so have seen a lot, haha, definitely should add this to your list, not for young children though, teens and adults only!
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Ignore the haters, GREAT movie!!
5 May 2020
I am not quite sure where all the hate comes from but as with other reviews, perhaps such as the newest Ghostbusters movie, women haters,Disney haters, strictly comic book lovers, whomever they are they are WRONG!!!! I FINALLY watched it and at home, FULLY expecting to be disappointed. Was definitely NOT disappointed at all. I'll never forget the original, saw it in the theatre and thought WOW!! I would compare it to the Wonder Woman movie with Gal Gadot for some girl power and my guess is these idiots who gave it a 1, 2, or 3, some cannot even spell, or didn't even watch it (sheep) only wanted sexy women as one put it or or male dominance. There are some great references to things like hatred/bigotry, subtly done. LOVED the twists and don't want to ruin anything, so certain characters change of heart/struggle with decisions. Don't we all have that. Have seen all Star Wars movies in theatres, except this one, and I go to the theatre a lot, and wish I had seen it in December at the movies. I will watch it again, and rarely do that with most movies, but worth seeing again to catch anything I may have missed. Daisy Ridley was great, as were most of the performances, in different ways, some understated. Almost gave it a 10 but I rarely do that. Yes, you should watch this movie!!!!
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Blackhat (2015)
Better than a lot of the reviews
3 May 2020
A different crime/action/thriller for sure. Watched it because of Chris Hemsworth to be honest but it was actually pretty good. All the other actors were good, Viola Davis of course but others whose names I did not know. Yes maybe 10-15 minutes could have been edited out somewhere to shorten it for the impatient viewers but perhaps they should be more patient. Several different things happened to keep you wondering why the bad guy did what he did at the beginning, so it took a while to figure that out. If you were a computer geek you would probably like it even more as you would understand all the lingo re:hacking, but still good for us regular people. Not just a action/shoot em up type had some thinking parts as well. Overall a solid 7
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The Lion King (2019)
Don't Listen to all the Haters reviewing this!!!
31 July 2019
I have watched the original hundreds of times with my children many years ago and still LOVE it. I have seen the play twice and LOVE it! This movie outdid itself, was very impressed by the new dialogue, and CGI of course, and also added more lessons I believe in being good people, perhaps some of those reviewers don't GET that part or aren't good people, just saying! I see a TON of movies and loved the remake of Dumbo but this one is way better! Disney has added the new lines which we need more of these days especially, to I believe, drive home the notion that we should be good global citizens, in every way! Don't want to give anything away but loved Timon and Pumba too, added much needed humour to some dark turns. I wouldn't recommend this movie for children too young, so parents beware, as parts are too scary/intense, show them the original first for sure. I think there are some people, those in charge of some countries and their family, no names though, who SHOULD see this movie, but they probably wouldn't get the message either, as some of the haters didn't!! The ONLY reason I didn't give this one a ten is because it's kind of weird sometimes to see very real looking animals start singing, but that was only for a few of the songs, and they couldn't not do that as the haters REALLY would have had a fit and some of the songs really add to the story/experience. All in all GREAT JOB DISNEY!!!
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Better than expected
15 July 2019
Went to see this movie expecting to enjoy the music as I am a Beatles fan, and a movie lover, and see probably a cute story. Well, it was WAYYYY better than expected. great story, great character development, great acting by all, including the wonderful Kate Mckinnon from SNL over emphasizing (which she does SOOOO well)the manager role. And of course the music, boy can that guy sing!! Well done all round and a different type of movie, and I see a LOT of them lol, should probably do it for a living. Can't think of any criticisms even though others do, but they are probably just negative types or cranky! Danny Boyle did a great job directing as well, I usually like his work. Definite must see, would pay to see it again at the theatre, well worth it.
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Breathe (I) (2017)
Wow, great story!!!
16 August 2018
Finally watched this movie, been wanting to for a long time, and wasn't disappointed at all. In fact it was even better than I expected! Great acting by Andrew Garfield and Clair Foy as well as a great supporting cast. Hard to believe this is a true story, but it is, wonderful, unselfish people, full of adventure and wanting to help others with disabilities! They were a devoted couple with great friends, that woke up the medical community to treat polio and other victims of disease with respect and let them LIVE if they wish to. Gives you hope in humanity in this time of inhuman behaviour all over the world. Be prepared to ball your eyes out at times, don't want to ruin anything, but well worth watching, despite the cry! So many supportive people in their lives helped out in so many ways, even some they didn't know(the Spain scenes). All in all a really great movie, I may watch it again and I rarely say that!!
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3 January 2017
Was always going to watch this film but was in no hurry as it is long and I thought it seemed weird, Boy, was I wrong!! It is long but did not seem so to me, I stayed up way past my bedtime, and it was definitely NOT weird. The story is very well told, a man born in his eighties and ages backwards, an unusual concept but very well done in this film. I love movies so will probably watch this one again, which I don't often do, so that says a lot about this movie, especially since it is a long one. The acting is great, especially Cate Blanchett and Taraji P. Henson. Brad Pitt is great too, playing Benjamin very subtly and quietly.Love Jared Harris too, as the tugboat captain. The love story between Benjamin and Daisy is magical, to say the least, and don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but that part of the story is wonderful as well as very different. The makeup and visual effects are amazing, as well as the cinematography, I can see why it was nominated for so many Academy awards, and winning some. I think everyone would enjoy this film, it had a huge story line, covering wars, travelling the world, and always going back home. It could have been odd, but with David Finchers direction,and the magical everything else about this film, I think it is a wonderful story about life, love,loss, time,etc. I truly believe everyone should watch this movie, it kept me riveted with the constant changing of history,not knowing what was coming next, it has action, which I was surprised by, love, something for everyone really, a definite must see movie!! Wish I would have watched it sooner!
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Good acting and story line
10 September 2016
Not the best movie I have ever seen but certainly not the worst either. Wanted to watch it for a long time and just kept missing it. Was on the Independent Film Channel so maintained all the language, which I felt was necessary to the story. Tommy Lee Jones, Ben Affleck and Chris Cooper were all great as the executives in a BIG firm. High paid people living the good life, like many people I know, before the economic downturn, experienced all over the world. Don't want to ruin it, but many people lose their jobs and this shows how it effects all of them, extended family too. I think the writing was very good, and I watch TONS of movies, and it was well acted as well. There are some haters, as usual, reviewing it, but they sound like just angry haters, such as michaellimb, and vsannu3553, probably mad at the world for whatever reasons. I think it was a good look at events in a big city and how we should all live within our means and save as much as possible, don't get "too big for your britches" as the saying goes. Not all turns out rosy as one reviewer has said,makes me think he did't watch it all or is just a hater, but again, don't want to ruin it for anyone. Well worth watching and liked Kevin Costner's downplaying his part in the movie. Yes people have bigger problems but that is not what this film is about. Also enjoyed Craig T Nelson, Maria Bello and Eamonn Walker (from Chicago Fire) as well as the girl playing Ben Affleck's wife.
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A lot better than I expected
7 August 2016
I can't believe all the haters out there, very sad, get a real problem!! And remember it's only a movie, and I LOVE movies!!! This movie was very good, a fun experience:)! It even made me want to see the first one again. I would even go so far as to say it was BETTER than the first one, and I LOVE Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, et all!! It was NOT sexist, racist or any of the things these haters are saying. All the actors were great in those roles, & a good back story of how they were connected. Love Kate McKinnon's character, and we were all laughing, my 29 year old daughter said don't miss it, and she is quite a critic, so VERY glad I went. Chris Hemsworth was hilarious as well.The original is from my era so I enjoyed it at the time, and I see a TON of movies, always have, but I don't review a lot, may now with retirement, I usually just like to write positive reviews, if they stink I don't bother. If you like a good laugh and fun experience with a friend or family member, see this movie. Not for smaller children though, a little scary I would say. Cameos were all good too and stay through the credits, we usually do anyway. And if you can find it,look for Dan Ackroyds rant on a Canadian talk show about all those haters, it's GREAT!!! I thought the writing, directing,editing,was all good.Definitely worth seeing in the theatre on the bigger screen.
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Enjoyed this movie based on truth
10 July 2016
When I saw the average rating of 5. something, on this site, I thought oh well maybe I'll watch it anyway since I like Mira Sorvino and it was based on a real man's story. Also it was free on a channel I have cause it was older:), but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Not an Oscar winner or anything but very well done story about a man blind since a young child, who went through some unpleasant treatments to help him regain his sight that didn't work. Now an adult, very used to being blind, he meets a young woman whom he likes, and she likes him too. She hears about a new surgery to help him regain his vision and wants him to try it, but his sister, who has been there for him his whole life helping him survive the sighted world, objects. His father left the family early on, and hasn't been in contact with him at all! He has to adjust his life drastically, and the movie shows all the pitfalls of suddenly seeing things and not always knowing what to do.It was pretty well acted, I thought, and made me want to find out more about the real man. All in all, well worth watching.
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Definitely worth seeing on the big screen
17 January 2015
Finally saw Into the Woods. Wasn't sure what to expect and I am a "movie Nut" but really enjoyed it. The cast was fantastic and I enjoyed ALL of their performances in various ways. Some reviewer said it was a waste and I Totally disagree, perhaps you didn't GET some of the storyline. I had never looked into the story but LOVE Meryl Streep and many of the other actors and am so glad I saw it. The storyline was great, reminded me a little of "WICKED" as far as the type of story. I have seen the musicals Wicked,Phantom, Jersey Boys and Mama Mia all on New Yorks Broadway stages and I have to say this movie could hold up against them pretty well which is hard for a movie to do against a live performance. So I would definitely recommend this film,unless you don't like musicals perhaps! It was very well directed and edited, I would say, since I see a TON of movies in the course of a year. Perhaps a bit too intense for smaller children but I loved how the fairy tales were interwoven. There were a LOT of lessons in the story of which we should all pay attention to which is probably why I thought of the Wicked storyline as I was watching it, not that it is the same, but a similar theme.
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Act of Valor (2012)
Really Good Movie about Navy Seals
6 April 2013
Don't know why anyone wouldn't like this film! I watch a lot of movies (always have) and this one is right up there!! I grew up watching all the old westerns and war movies and am Canadian and always really appreciate sacrifices made by the military all over the world (and their families)! My husband and I just finished watching this film and BOTH really enjoyed it,there is of course strong language and some torture but you must expect that from this sort of film.I would perhaps compare it to a BLACK HAWK DOWN type of movie and cannot criticize the acting because they made us believe they were Navy Seals and they were!! We both felt it was very well done and held our interest the whole time, sometimes on the edge of our seats.I would definitely recommend it for any fans of war type movies.Being a woman who has always watched these types of films I feel I can comment on it but it is not for the faint of heart,many of my female friends do not watch war movies because they are too upsetting but that is the reality of war!!
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Last Resort (I) (2012–2013)
Great show "one of a kind"
24 January 2013
A very good show, keeps your interest throughout! Really good acting and writing and a very different premise for television,more like a movie. Heard it might be cancelled, hope someone else picks it up cause it is so different.Story revolves around a nuclear submarine ordered to fire and they refuse and go into hiding. The captain (Andre Braugher) is a very good actor and great in this role and so are most of the rest of the cast. There are several good female roles as well so it would figure if they do cancel it.Great scenery as well as I believe it is filmed in Hawaii, perhaps part of the problem is the expense related to the location. I would compare it to a "Lost" or "24" for quality with a very solid cast! Please someone pick this show up if it is cancelled!!!
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Wonderfully acted
11 September 2012
Saw this movie in the theatre and thoroughly enjoyed it.Recently saw it again on the movie channel and enjoyed it even more.The young boy was phenomenal,others were very good as well especially Max Von Sydow of course.Don't understand why people put down this movie, must be just complainers! I'll never forget where I was on 9/11 and can't imagine what it must have been like for New Yorkers.This movie shows many different people of the city in many different ways and I believe was very well done. I know the young boy was not a professional actor and its hard to believe he isn't, hopefully he might pursue the craft but I believe he wasn't that interested. Definitely a must see and probably twice to get everything out of it!
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Terrific Feel good comedy/drama
27 March 2011
I just saw this movie in the theatre (at a small local film festival) and was delighted by the cast and story I hadn't heard about.Definitely a must see for women,and evolved men.Tells about a strike at the Ford Motor plant in Dagenham,England,started by 187 underpaid women there,there were 40,000 male employees,and the effect it had on everyone.I heard many outbursts of laughter in the audience (from men and women) and applause on a few occasions as well. Great writing and acting and I would see it again if I had the opportunity.I will definitely be telling all my friends and co-workers to see it or rent it.
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