
16 Reviews
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
Absolute cult classic worthy 10/10 sitcom series...
2 February 2024
...until the final season.

This series has everything that's a must for a great sitcom. Fun, lovabale characters? Check. Good writing? Check. Super cozy feeling when you watch it? Check.

Though it uses some typical sitcom tropes (like the will they - won't they romantic thing), but it's not too much to become annoying. The characters actually go through development throughout the seasons, and the series manage to show teachable moments about friendships, growing up, family and relationships WITHOUT every getting even slightly preachy. As a matter of fact, it has several moments where it makes fun of the preachyness.

Why just the 8 points you ask? The last season. The whole of it. Even season 4 was a bit of a minor setback compared to the first 3, but it still delivered. But then season 5 came, and it had easily the 10 worst episodes of the entire series. Not just the writing quality, but the atmosphere turned to terrible too. The heartwarming humor got replaced with second-hand embarrassment causing one (while it was never really a thing throughout the first four seasons), and the character progression halted entirely. Suddenly the show stopped going somewhere, and became a disjointed mess that entirely lacked the character interactions that have been the best parts of the series.

And the series finale is up there high among the worst series finales ever with Game of Thrones, The 100, Dexter, Lucifer...

I can only recommend you watching the series, but I cannot emphasize you enough to stop after the finale of season 4. That 2-3 decently funny episodes from season 5 simply don't worth the bad taste in your mouth the season gives you as a whole.
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Kim's Convenience: Friends and Family (2021)
Season 5, Episode 13
Just as other said it, terrible ending for a great show
2 February 2024
I watched the entire series in a course of a week, and it was a super fun ride. Entertaining, lovable characters, absolutely top notch humor, and even some life lessons about accepting each other through our flaws and mistakes.

Then the last season came, and all the warm, cozy feeling the series gave you for four seasons disappeared immediately. The humor turned from heartwarming into embarrassing. The first four seasons didn't contain as much second hand embarrassment humor as some episodes of the fifth one.

Then the last few episodes came, where there was barely any humor. What was instead of this, is rushed storylines dragged out of blue, then being cut just as suddenly without any closure.

And probably the worst of all is the series finale. It felt EXTREMELY rushed, but at least it seemed like it was going toward a closure, then BAMM, nope, they backed out of it entirely. Not just that, but instead of a rushed, but understandable and promising new chapter, they pushed all the characters on a deppressing path.

I didn't check whether the writing crew got changed for the last season, but I honestly can't believe the same people who wrote the first four seasons were responsible for THIS.
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Jump the shark
18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give 1/10 ratings as I believe no genuine 1/10 product exist. I rarely leave a series I like because of one episode. This episode of You managed to achieve both.

I loved the series from the beginning because Joe genuinely was different than the usual crazypeople of other movies and series. I loved how he had a reasonable grasp with reality and genuinely aimed to be better. He had an entire character arc going from a stalker through a reluctant murderer, to someone who kills to protect loved ones only until he became the Joe who could let someone he loved go, when that was the best for her.

This character arc continued this season, and the first half of it was genuinely great. He reached to a point where he still had the urges, but finally was stronger than them. He got dragged back into his old stalking ways, but this time for a good reason.

Wait, no, scratch that. The whole season so far was unreliable narration, and he has split personality now. Because split personality and unreliable narration AREN'T THE TWO MOST OVERUSED PSYCHOPATH CLICHES, RIGHT!?
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Blockbuster: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
I couldn't even finish it
29 December 2022
At the age of 40, now I head the first pilot episode I couldn't finish. It's boring, bland, and lacks ANY kind of humor that could work. I have a hard time understanding how any studio executive looked at the script, and said "Hey, yes, that's what we want!".

It's so unoriginal, that even an AI could've written it. Randall Park plays Louis Huang once again, Melissa Fumero plays Amy Santiago once again like the creators knew the show would crash into the ground right at the start, so wanted to keep the interest up by making the two main leads rephrase their most known roles.

I rarely give out 1-2 star reviews, because even bad products tend to have some redeeming qualities. Not this one though. It's unwatchable.

Not entirely related to the plot, by I used to work in a video rental during the time video rentals were going out of business (because of torrent, not Netflix at the time). The rental I worked was about as big, as the one in this series. It had exactly two employees. A guy from the other shift, and me. And at the end (in 2006), it struggled to stay open. With TWO employees. How on the Earth could a video rental work with SIX employees these days? And why?
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Boo, Bitch: Bitch, Bye (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
What an awful conclusion
22 July 2022
Remember kids, no matter how utterly horrible you treat people, if you are the protagonist, you are automatically forgiven by everyone in the moment you stop being a horrendous b*tch.
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MotoGP Unlimited (2022– )
Not worth to watch it
17 April 2022
If you didn't like MotoGP before, this series most certainly won't be the reason to start watching it. And that pretty much sums up the biggest problem with it. Drive to Survive makes you want to watch Formula-1 even if you've never been a fan, while MotoGP Unlimited makes you bored even if you're a long time fan of the championship.

I don't know what others see in it. It doesn't capture the highs and the lows, it's melancolic from the begining till the end. It shows very little of the fun parts, the challenges, the rivalries... Throughout all the episodes you feel like you watch a drama about dying people, everyone is so serious and straight faced all the time. I could barely finish it, it's so boring. And it doesn't even give you some insight about the championship at all. If you are a fan, you already knew pretty much everything it shows.

And the sad part is, MotoGP has so much more show factor than F1. The riders much less bound by their contract, they have much less filter on their mouth, there are very few boring guys in the series, yet MotoGP Unlimited shows almost nothing about it.

If you want a genuinely good, insightful and entertaining MotoGP series, watch Tales of Valentino. MUCH better and captures the essence of MotoGP and riders' mentality much more.
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Dive Club (2021)
It's so bad it's kinda good
24 September 2021
Okay, so if you are into movies and series that are hilariously bad, then this show might be a pretty good choice for you. I really mean it. It has so much guilty pleasure in it, it's almost impossible to list. Watching it with your gf/bf/spouse/friend and making fun of all the idiocities this show has to offer is a great source of entertainment.

For example:
  • Obviously early to mid-twenties actresses and actors playing 16-year-old teenagers
  • Dialogues and dramaturge that were taken straight from a teenager girl's first Wattpad story
  • A girl goes missing, her friends are scared for her life, yet they find a way to have a blast in every single episode
  • Pointless flashbacks. Every episode has at least one flashback, but the whole season had one single flashback (maybe two if we count a diary visualization too a flashback) that had ANY importance to the plot
  • One character is afraid of water, yet the first day on the beach she already snorkels, then like a few days later she dives with the others to a wreckage they were too afraid to explore earlier
  • The obvious lesbian romance, which wouldn't be hilarious if the two actresses had at least the hint of any kind of romantic chemistry. They don't
  • Obvious plot twist is obvious. Like all of them
  • Big city problems in a small town. I mean the mayor is always busy, the police chief should focus on his work... As much as we see of the island, like 300-400 people lives there
  • The lamest tourist attraction ever. Tourist visit the island to see the... annual landing of a lifeboat. This attraction provides 90% of the island income. The participants including about 40 people attends to it
  • Hurry, we are chased by the bad guy! But first, let's talk about our life and have a little fun
  • Island that for some reason needs an engineer to rebuild after a huge storm, yet we see no construction workers anywhere
  • The HUGE SECRET the baddies are willing to hurt others for is... well... nothing. It would be financially beneficial if it was public, and wouldn't hurt them in any way.

I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention a lot of stuff. All in all, it's genuinely, hilariously bad.

If you are in for a good series with good plot and acting... well. Look further, this one really isn't that. I was only half joking when I compared it to a 16-year-old writer's first Wattpad story, because it's really like that. Full of typical clichés, unrealistic scenarios, artifical sounding dialogues, unrealistic human behavior... It's exactly how you would imagine the series adaptation of a newbie author's first attempt.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Terra Firma, Part 2 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
Sure, make this show even worse than it was.
2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll watch the last few episodes to see where this leads, and I'm done. Seriously, these last two episodes wouldn't even be bad, but they had to finish this storyline with getting rid of one of the few interesting characters of the show. Why? Philippa was strong, had an interesting character arch, and Michelle Yeoh played her amazingly. So of course she had to go, because the creators are allergic to have anything remotely good in the show. We still have "cry all the time" messiah Michael and all the other nonsense.

The sad part, Discovery did have qualities throughout its three seasons. We had L'Rell and Voq, we had Lorca, we had the Terran universe storyline, we had characters from the previous series (Sarek, Spock, Pike) he have Saru, Book and Stamets (and until now, the most interesting of them all, Terran Philippa)... So there was obviously talent and vision behind the series. But they decided it was more important to make Michael the messiah of everything. There can't be a single episode that doesn't revolve around Michael. And it wouldn't be that problematic, if she was a well written character, but she isn't. It have to be told every single time how talented, and blah-blah-blah she is, otherwise no one would notice. The sad thing is, the show would be ten times better if they just remove Michael, and make someone else (like Philippa, Book or Saru) the main protagonist.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
A good fanmovie... Wait, it isn't fanmade? :O
20 November 2019
Seriously. Don't fall the hype from fanboys who just want to praise anything that doesn't have Rey in it. This series is garbage so far. The protagonist doesn't have personality at all. He spends almost every second on screen, yet he showed no signs of personality. The dialogues are either borrowed from give-or-take two-thousand other movies, or ridiculously bad. The action sequences belong to a fanmovie, because they completely lack sense, or dynamism. Even the CGI was lackluster for a Star Wars product. I'll keep watching, but only because it's Star Wars. If it was an original show with no connection to a universe I love, I would've stopped watching it after the first episode.
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
So much promise, underwhelming execution
16 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's almost impossible to review a sequel without comparing it to the original, so I won't even try it. The events take place 70 years after Aang's story. The world has changed, from the medieval times, we immedietaly find ourselves in some steampunk version of the 1930s, and it's one of the things that does good to the series. The other huge upside of the series is Korra herself. She's very different from Aang. Headstrong, brash, knows no respect, and maybe an even greater natural talent. She's everything but perfect, which makes her a great subject of character development. A development, that unfortunatelly never happens. At least not in a way it should happen. Actually, as unique and loveable as she is in the beginning, she loses the things that made her special. She loses her cheerfulness, that cheeky attitude, and her general badassness also goes out the window. Especially in the last season, but I'll get back to that later. Unfortunatelly the supporting cast is with very few exceptions underwhelming. Tenzin, Aang's youngest son, Korra's master is one of the few better ones. He's a strong character, who constantly wears his mask of seriousness, but rather often we can see Aang's natural sillyness in him, just as his insecurities no matter how hard he tries to mask them. Asami could've been a good character too, if she wouldn't have been handled as about the sixth or seventh most important character in the cast. She has an interesting backstory, and in general she's a true badass, unfortunatelly she's kept in the background for the whole time. There is Mako, the mutual love interest for both Korra and Asami for two seasons. It would've been really hard to write a more boring, one dimensional character. He's the silent, handsome, serious guy. That's it. There's nothing that makes him complex, interesting, or anything. Pretty much like a dreamboy for a 14 year old girl, who knows nothing about life. There's Bolin, who's probably meant to be the new Sokka. The difference? Sokka, as silly as he tended to act, wasn't actually stupid. He was a great leader material, bright, and rarely was fooled by anybody. Now, imagine him without his leadership skills and intelligence, change his constant dissatisfaction to constant cheefulness, and you get Bolin. He's painfully stupid, and unfortunatelly he (along with Varric) is the source of about 80% of the humor from the second season. Awful, childish, incredibly anyoing humor. And I would understand childish humor in a cartoon for children, but the theme of Korra is everything, but childfriendly material. Jinora, Tenzin's oldest child has potential too. A bright girl with exceptional talent, who saves the day more times than one could count. Varric is interesting too, but he's often times too much with this crazy genius behavior. The biggest problem of The Legend of Korra is the story itself. Unlike with Aang's story, there wasn't a backbone for the series, which isn't problematic by itself, but it doesn't work as it should. There the main plotpoints were Aang's journey to master the other three bendings, and the war. Here the story changes with every single season, but in a way that it's the same for the first three seasons. For example, we watch for a whole year how Korra's trust grows toward Tenzin, just to watch how it's get rebooted to the level of the begining of the first season in the second season. Korra gets captured several times in each and every one of the first three seasons. Every season ends with Korra gets defeated, than BAMMM! deus ex machina, the writers drag a rabit out of a hat, while we didn't even know about the existence of the hat. They made Korra making the same stupid amateur mistake twice (risking to sacrafice the fate of the whole world for the much smaller bad) The events keep repeating themselves, and they got to a point with season 4, which can't be called anything, but ridiculous. The last battle was against a giant mecha... In a steampunk world, against Korra, who defeated the most powerful evil being of the material and spirit world. And Korra struggles against it. She can't defeat a giant bipedal machine... What makes everything worse there is no feeling about a true ending. The ending of the fourth season was a simple season finale, it didn't feel like a true closure. And I haven't even mentioned that other than the deus ex machinas, the creators can't surprise the audience at all. When you see a character for the first time, you know exacly whether they'll be good or bad, you see all the twists long before the characters realize them. And it's not just the repeated mistakes, and cliché plot twists, it's the darkness of the story too. In Aang's story there were only a few truely dark episodes, and they served their purpose. Here, there are two full seasons (seasons 2 and 4) that are completely dark. The worst offender is season 4, as the majority of it is about Korra's PTSD and depression. Yup, PTSD and depression as themes in a child series. And don't get me started with "theses seasons have their fun moments too" as ALL those fun moments are tied to side characters and side stories. The biggest problem with Korra's depression, is it's out of place. It don't belong here, and even the cause of it is ridiculously made up. And what makes everything even worse, is the creators somehow couldn't find any balance between the dark and the funny moments. There is some serious, depressing, dark thing in one scene, then cut to Bolin, who does something annoyingly stupid, that's most certainly meant to be a comic relief, but in that moment, a comic relief was the last thing one needed. There are such huge contrasts even within one episode, it almost feels amateur work. And that's where we got to Korra's awful character development. When we first see her in the series, she's already the master of three elements. By the start of season 2, she's master of all four, plus can control her avatar state, and as it obviously made her overpowered to write real challanges against her, the creators started to write ridiculous things to cut her power back. From the start of season 2, Korra literally losts more fights than she wins. Instead of writing a proper development curve for her, she's the most powerful at the begining of season 2, and the least powerful at the end of season 3, and even at the end of season 4, she isn't any more powerful than a simple bender. And her personality also changes for the worse. Sure, it was clear she can't stay the same headstrong girl for the whole time, but in the end, she's just a hollow frame of what she was in the begining. Zest, love for life, confidence all gone, she not simply matured, she became a pessimistic adult. And that's where we get to a point I can't not talk about. The infamous Korrasami romance. I started to watch the series long after its finale, so I knew about the two of them would become a couple, and... and it seemed less and less likely as the series went by. It's not just they've never shown affection toward each other, they were merely acquaintenances until the finale of season 3. And even during season 4... They exchanged few letters, which doesn't mean anything as Korra during her time away wanted to talk to another woman in her age, and when they first met and Asami says some polite compliment to her, she blushes. And those are all the signs about their affection toward each other. Their whole "love" seemed more like some bait toward the lgbt community, and nothing else, as they put no effort in evolving and representing it. At the end, BAMM it was there without any real foundation. Sure, we can explain it by, they fell in love thru letters, but it should've been shown then. Did they seriously expect us to root for a love for the main protagonist that was formed completely off-screen? Honestly, I really wanted to love this series. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I enjoyed season 1, and about two thirds of season 3, the story of the first avatar, and I loved how Korra was originally, that's why I gave the 7 points. The other parts of the series (with the awful, depressing season 4 on the top of all of it) don't worth more than 3/10. Because of Korra herself it had much promise, but the creators couldn't live up to it. I only started to watch Aang's story, because I was curious about Korra, and I am really thankful I started with the original series, as after The Legend of Korra, there's no force that would've been able to make me watch that one.
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The Road (I) (2009)
Avoid it at all cost
18 February 2015
Boring, illogical, and the most part, unbelievable. It's exactly the movie that some snob love to call good, because it's overly dramatic. The problem is it lacks the real depth and explanation. I don't mean the back-story, we know, something happened, and the world died. Okay, it doesn't need an explanation. On the other hand, there are several things that would. I mean, okay, there are cannibals, who eat people, because basically nothing else left. But where do the cannibals get the people to eat? In the movie we see about twice as many cannibals as non-cannibals, and it's might be an understatement. I wonder how much meat a human, who nearly starved to death can provide. I'm sure not too much. Not nearly enough to feed the cannibals for this long. The characters constantly lack proper clothing, while most of the humanity extinct. Why? I mean there are malls, there are people's houses, from they could get clothes, yet every character looks like they lived the last few years in one set of clothing. Why are they walking? Are bikes extinct too? Again, you go to a mall, get a bike with what you can go twice as fast and can carry twice as much stuff. Why do the father and his son wander on the ROAD, while it's obvious that all the cannibals hunt there? I don't think it would be that hard to avoid roads and took the woods (what's left of them). Why do they set campfires all the time in visible areas. When there are no other light sources, a campfire is visible from kilometers far, yet the father and his son, who supposed to hide from the cannibals, light campfires every night. The whole movie uses illogical choices on the characters' part, just to increase the drama. I understand that they tried to show a situation, where nothing else left than the survival itself, and there is nothing else to live for. It's a desperate situation, but still everything in this movie is overly dramatic. Unfortunately people do live in situation that close to what we see in this movie, and they still able to survive. People live in constant war from the day they are born, people live in places where basically no food, yet they still able to find something to live for, without constant crying. They don't stop to bitch about life, or moral choices, because they are busy with trying to not die. Aside from the kid, the acting is good, but you don't expect less from a movie with Vigo Mortensen, Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, and Robert Duvall in it. Unfortunately even they can't make this a decent film. This is a very pretentious movie. Not in a Michael Bay way of course. It does everything to make you depressed, and to be honest, if you can set aside of ALL the illogical things that happen in it, you will feel what the creators wanted you to. Deep depression. But in the moment you start to think about why certain things happen in the movie, you will feel these two things: boredom (because of the pace), and/or anger (because of the half-baked things).
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Snowpiercer (2013)
If you expect a good movie, you'll be disappointed
1 October 2014
Snowpiercer starts out well to later become a huge pile of crap. I know it sounds harsh, but that's exactly the truth. Of course, I see that it's an allegory. That's absolutely clear from about 40 mins into the movie. After a while they don't even try to hide it, because they literally explain you the whole point of the movie. And even without that it's an allegory, that's not even hard to decode. Our society is bad, the rich and powerful live good and suck the blood of the poor they keep in the mud, while the middle class don't do anything against it. Etc, etc. As the events of the movie go by, you realize: "yeah, that meant that, this means this" and while this shouldn't be a problem, sadly it is. Why? Because the movie doesn't make any sense by on its own. I believe that if an artwork (movie, book, painting, sculpture, etc) works only as an allegory, and other than that it can't work by on its own, then it worth nothing. If we took out the allegory of Snowpiercer, the only thing left, is a movie with full of plot holes, two-dimensional characters, ridiculously written dialogs and absolutely illogical behavior from everybody (and with this I don't even criticize the surreal events, I criticize that the people don't act like anybody would in their situation). All of this, because they tried so hard to give EVERYTHING a second meaning, they forgot to give sense of their first meaning.

I'm sure there will be some people, who'll overlook all the flaws of Snowpicer, because they'll feel the deeper meaning over-shines these. It's good for them, but if you are not like that, avoid this movie at all costs.
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The better title would be: How Helen found the real herself thanks to the obnoxious Jessica Stein
25 July 2014
(It's a pretty long title though)

I start with the most important part. This movie is boring. I wouldn't really call it romantic, much less a comedy. The story is basically about a careerist woman, who's looking for the perfect man, but meet only assholes, and finally in one of her weakest moments she answers of a woman's advert. Then of course they miraculously get together (calm down, it's the basic plot, not spoiler), and the movie goes from boring to even more boring. Actually the biggest problem with the movie isn't the plot, that's rather a cliché (I mean if we put apart the lesbian love thing) but we don't expect real deepness of a romantic comedy. The biggest problem is the main character, Jessica herself. She literally doesn't have anything interesting about her. She's good looking, but she's neither nice, nor witty, and not even socially awkward enough to be funny. I would call here average, but luckily I don't know any women who is as boring, annoying and self centered in the same time as her. The other main character, Helen is way much better. She's full of life, adventurous, and always searching for the bright side in everything. She's exactly the type of women you'd happily have as either a girlfriend, or as a friend. While I was watching the movie I wondered the whole time, what on the Earth does she sees in Jessica. Because even though it should be a romantic movie, we can't really see what causes the attraction between them, they are just put together without any explanation. There isn't real chemistry between them, they just meet, then after five minutes (of movie, by the plot it's a little longer time, maybe few hours) BANG they are in love. After they got together, the comedy is got even less part, than in the beginning, and the movie shifts to some drama, but since Jessica is almost unlikeable, it's really hard to feel her struggle with her feelings, and family and stuff. At least she would show some character development during the movie, but she stays the same obnoxious careerist as she was in the beginning. The movie has one more interesting character besides Helen, Josh, who is Jessica's boss. A burnt-out ex-writer who acts like an asshole, but it's clear from the beginning that's more behind his misanthropism. The funniest moments of the movie mostly consist him, since he honestly says what he thinks. His analysis about Jessica in the twentieth minute of the movie stays true the whole time.

I'm sure the only thing that causes it to have such a high rating, is because it's not a straight love story, subsequently some people rate the idea behind it, not the finished product. And that's a mistake. There is a need for movies with this theme, but not movies that are presented so poorly as this is. Believe me if Helen was a guy, it would be rated at 5 points tops, and that would be its real value.

Either looking for a comedy, a heart touching love story, or a deep drama with good characters in the center, this movie is not for you. But if you enjoy to watch the struggle of a self centered women, who has everything, yet acts like her life was as hard as a Siberian shepard's, then this is your best choice.
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Paranoia (I) (2013)
Why Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman, why???
6 April 2014
I think now I've seen the worst movie of both them. It's really hard to believe that this movie can be this bad, but it is. I mean it. It's like they were trying to make the "Firm" of the 2010s, but Joseph Finder is far from being John Grisham, and Robert Luketic is not Sydney Pollack. The whole movie is full of clichés (and the worst kinds), ridiculous twists, predictable outcome, illogical actions from the main character... Some of these flaws (okay, all of them) may would be acceptable, if it was a testosterone filled action movie, but since it tries to be a smart thriller that wouldn't need anyone but brain in it, it couldn't be any worse than it is. On the top of its all flaws, it's even boring too. The whole movie is slow like a snail. After seeing the cast, with Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Richard Dreyfuss, Julian McMahon, and the stars of the new era, Liam Hemsworth and Amber Heard, I didn't want to believe what everybody said: it's an unwatchably bad movie. Unfortunately, they were right...
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The Bounty Hunter (I) (2010)
Don't believe the haters!
1 September 2013
I don't understand why reviewers hated so much this film. It's a typical romantic comedy, with a little action, and an okay investigation part. I don't say it's an exceptionally good mix of these things, but still a really enjoyable one. The plot isn't very original, generally it's a witty love story of two people who used to love each other very much, but now can't stand each other. Actually it has some similarities with the earlier Jennifer Aniston movie 'The Break-up' just it's much better. The jokes are funnier, the plot doesn't consist the drama which isn't needed in a romantic comedy, and the chemistry between Aniston and Butler is far-far better. I think some people may expected more from this movie than this actually is. If you look for an easy to enjoy comedy, and not the finest of the movie history, it's a good choice for you. If you like good, not chick-flick type romantic comedies, try it, and I promise you won't be disappointed.
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Crossover (2006)
I wish it would be so bad it's almost good
25 February 2013
Crossover maybe the worst basketball movie ever. It's really hard to understand how was it possible to write a script this bad. And how did they convince Anthony Mackie, Wayne Brady, Hot Sauce, and Kristen Wilson to play in it? The story tries to be some mix of 'He Got Game' and 'White Man Can't Jump' but its quality is far-far away from both films. The characters are shallow, and the drama is... let's say it's fine, but really badly presented. The worst thing is (and remember it's a BASKETBALL MOVIE) the basketball part of the film. The whole thing is absolutely unrealistic, full of cut-scenes, and almost absolutely lacks the trash talk which would be an important part of a streetball themed movie. I can't really decide what was the intention of making this film. For a regular drama, it's weak. For a sport movie, the sport part badly presented. The only enjoyable part of it, when we see Hot Sauce's moves in slow motion.

Save your time, and don't watch this movie. It really doesn't worth it.
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