
12 Reviews
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A Gem
9 July 2022
Ten stars from me, not because a movie can be perfect, but because I wouldn't change a thing. The script isn't grandly eloquent, it's just genuine, with many sincerely human moments in it. The chemistry between the leads is impeccable. It was interesting to observe an open exploration of sexuality, including frank acknowledgement about fears, disappointments, prejudices, sex toys, techniques, and pleasures.
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Good Action, Humour, Strong Performance from Geena
5 June 2022
The villains are cheesy and the henchman can't aim straight. Other than those cliches, much of this movie is fresh and ahead of its time. One of the best decisions made was casting Samuel L. Jackson. He is comedic gold, and he and Geena had many clever lines that had me laughing out loud. Geena Davis is simply awesome as a ruthless badass; she is believable and riveting. I wish a sequel had been made for her character. Action sequences are solid. You'll recognize an iconic line made famous in G. I. Jane. Well, Geena said it first.
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Cute, Fun, Often Hilarious
7 March 2021
Very lightweight, as in no serious topics or drama, and some characters show up briefly only to deliver some light dialogue and never return. So it's sort of fluff, but it's also really funny at times. Very entertaining.
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I Am Woman (2019)
Covers A Lot, Good Lead Performances
3 January 2021
With a relatively short run time, they did a good job of doing justice to Helen as a person and her personal life, her drive and ambition, her marriage, and contemporaneous politics. In fact, it was often exciting and emotionally engaging. I think the movie represented things honestly. Her husband's weaknesses were on full display and in painful detail, but he was also more of an asset for her than I was expecting. It touches on what was apparently important to her, her kids, her career, her best friend, and the women's movement. So, I think it gave an accurate overview of major life events, and also plausibly portrayed her as a decent person, with a lot of self-respect and integrity. The movie also gives insight into what a badass she was. It's a pleasant surprise that she demanded respect from the record execs and guided her career in her own way. This was all capably expressed by both leads, and Tilda in particular. She was great with the steely glint or strong speech that shows Helen's determination and will, and also her vulnerability during some heartbreaking moments. I'm grateful to this movie for giving me a renewed appreciation for a remarkable woman.
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Great Lead Performance, Good Action Scenes
31 October 2020
Blake Lively easily carries every scene, equally convincing as a grief stricken wreck or just pissed off and mean. She is really, really good in this role. There's a thrilling car chase and some gritty fight scenes. The action is realistic, without flashy effects; it's often just two people gutting it out in a do-or-die brawl. I liked it that she earns her skills through hard training and also that she makes clumsy mistakes that put her in jeapordy. It's more believable than her being an instant prodigy. There is a touch of humour between her and Jude Law but no vapid wisecracks or one-liners. The dialogue is lean, just enough to explain the plot, without trivializing the tragedy of the story with forced witticism. I sometimes needed to pause the movie to absorb revealed details of plot and character, so you have to pay attention. There's a lot of intrigue.

Interesting secondary characters, some repugnant and others poignant. The movie also provides some armchair tourism, presenting some beautiful foreign locales. It's also uncommon to have a lead character who is living with survivor guilt, especially since it propels her forward, however reluctantly.
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For Teenagers But Still Fun
27 July 2020
I'm pretty sure this movie is aimed at, and would please, adolescent girls, based on the music choices, the lack of gratuitous or gory violence, and the simplified characters and plot. For example, friction between two leads is resolved in a "I thought you didn't like me" conversation, the story is very basic, and the villains are cartoonish. However, there's a lot of humour that made me laugh, the action scenes are well done, sets and clothes are gorgeous, and there's good chemistry between the Angels. Plus I'm a fan of Patrick Stewart, Elizabeth Banks, and disco music. I've not paid much attention to Kristen Stewart before, as reviewers often state she is wooden, but she won me over in this role. If you see this as a tween movie, she played it perfectly as a slightly goofy, wisecracking insouciant, who also is loyal and can handle herself. All of the women in this movie are capable, highly trained professionals who make clever decisions and are also compassionate and ethical. That makes them good role models for an adolescent. Even though teen movies are not my thing, I really enjoyed it.
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Booksmart (2019)
Epic, Hilarious, Genuine
9 February 2020
Perfect comic timing throughout, likeable leads who are convincing as real people and real friends, great music, really funny, well developed subplots, supporting cast is also mostly funny. I loved it, and I don't even like teen movies.
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Time of Death (2013 TV Movie)
Good Leads
6 October 2019
Standard story, and lost steam near the end. Overall, good performances, dialogue above average for a TV movie. Leads have great chemistry.
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Second Act (2018)
Pretty Good
14 September 2019
Good casting, lots of humour, decent acting, great soundtrack, heartfelt.
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Mortdecai (2015)
Surprisingly Good
21 July 2019
I avoided this movie because I don't enjoy dated British romps. I was wrong. It is virtually identical in tone to those old films, with lots of double entendres and other silliness. It's not updated for a modern audience, but it is funny. The casting is perfect and all the lead characters are portrayed with charm and comedic flair. Even the minor roles are done well. Another win for the director is an amusing subplot with Paul Bettany that is woven in seamlessly, adding value without diverting attention. There are also beautiful sets, a fast moving plot that makes sense, and clever, rapid fire dialogue. I watched it again (with subtitles) to catch all the details.
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You Again (2010)
Good Effort by Writer, Director and Actors
6 November 2017
All the leads are genuinely funny, along with being capable actors. I actually laughed out loud several times. Even the smaller parts were amusing; Kristin Chenoweth constantly introduces herself like she's hosting a talk show, and she's proud of having 'chore'-eographed a dance number. The dialogue even had some touching insights. For light entertainment, it delivered more than I expected.
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Despicable Me (2010)
Didn't Finish
3 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Did not find the villain believable. He is supposed to be a world class criminal, but he lacks funds, has no ongoing projects (at least, none that he can afford), and he quickly warms up to the kids, despite being 'evil'. Similarly, his nemesis sits arounddoing nothing, yet has a fabulous fortune, without showing initiative or any other explanation for how he became powerful. I watched about 40 minutes then turned it off, so I might be wrong, but there is very little story. The minions are okay, but I don't see why they have their own product line. They are simply cute, they contribute little to the criminal enterprise, so don't have much character. Shallow and predictable.
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