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Waking the Dead: Walking on Water: Part 1 (2003)
Season 3, Episode 3
Seriously dated
5 July 2020
The episode is unfortunately marred by a seriously dated and retrograde understanding of trans issues. Reflecting the time, trans identity is referred to as a disorder frequently, among other jarring moments including dead naming. Furthers a narrative that trans people are merely troubled and crazy. Many will find this episode a little offensive and jarring.
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Doctor Who: The Curse of the Black Spot (2011)
Season 6, Episode 3
I expect better
2 September 2011
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This episode is cheap and tacky, looks low-budget with below-par special effects that you wouldn't expect from Doctor Who. Lily Cole's bizarre mermaid character is lame and looks extremely fake at her every appearance, and the plot is riddled with non-sensical plot holes and inconsistencies.

The most disappointing part of this episode however is the portrayal of pirates. Compared to the swashbuckling, double-crossing pirates of Pirates of the Caribbean for example, the pirates in this episode are slightly pathetic and campy, which makes for a rather disappointing Doctor Who outing. Their "piratey" behaviour is quickly overruled, leaving the audience feeling a bit cheated and disappointed by something that could have been a lot lot lot better.

Writers had better try harder to entertain us in future.
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Some bits are so offensive I couldn't watch
8 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an English person of no religious faith at all, but the way this film treats Islamic culture is so deeply offensive I literally couldn't watch at points. The four characters we have learnt to love over the series are made to be characters I literally despise in this hideously misguided sequel. They come across as ignorant, brash and horrible tourists who flagrantly disregard Islamic modesty laws while on holiday in Abu Dhabi and show little respect or courtesy in a foreign land. The scene where Samantha goes insane and starts throwing condoms at braying men is particularly embarrassing, followed by the girls rescue by a group of women in burkhas who then whip them off to reveal designer clothes beneath. The film doesn't set to dispel any myths about Middle Eastern culture, instead it actively enforces these stereotypes and makes them seem laughable and stupid, and worse encourages them to be disregarded and mocked by Western audiences. We are never given a sense of what Aby Dhabi is actually like; like stupid American tourists the girls spend little time outside of their luxury five star hotel and when they do eventually leave the Moroccan souk they visit couldn't look more like a studio set if it tried. The girls walk around with bare arms and legs as if this would have no repercussions in an Islamic country; the sad reality is this behaviour would see them swamped with lecherous men as happened to my friends during a visit to Morocco.

What makes everything worse is the way the characters have been turned into grotesque parodies of their formers selves. Before the love of clothes of materialism was balanced by a sense of friendship; now the girls have simply become rich, ungrateful, moaning middle aged annoyances. Their gratuitous love of wealth is pathetic and stupid and the comparison of Carrie having to spend time away from Big when directly compared to an Indian hotel worker being forced to spend time away from his wife is insensitive. Charlotte struggling to look after two children when she is a stay at home mum with a full time nanny is also extremely insensitive seeing as she has it so easy.

A horrible film that ruined the heartfelt and intelligent series. Complete and utter horror was my only reaction.
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Nip/Tuck: Manya Mabika (2004)
Season 2, Episode 3
One of the best episodes EVER!
20 June 2010
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This episode stands out for me because it has one of the most interesting and groundbreaking patient subplots of any Nip/Tuck episode. The idea of a woman who suffered female circumcision having her clitoris reconstructed is brilliant, and I simply love the way it ties in with both Sean and Christian struggling with their individual lives. The highlight is the twist at the end; Christian cannot get Manya to orgasm by having sex with her, but on Liz's instruction Manya does reach orgasm through masturbation. Brilliant and inspired writing, plus the introduction of Ava Moore, someone we'll be seeing a lot more of as the season progresses
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Nip/Tuck: Antonia Ramos (2003)
Season 1, Episode 12
Quality episode
19 June 2010
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This is a really good episode, as it builds up to the finale and ramps up the tension for the end of the series. The episode brings back Escobar Gallardo, the villain from the pilot, who wants the surgeons to remove breast implants filled with heroin from mules who've carried them over the border on hollow promises of a better life. The scene where Escobar appears inside the McNamara house holding Annie's hand and threatens Julia and Matt with his menacing charm is particularly chilling.

The subplot with Julia and Sofia Lopez is also particularly interesting TV, and highlights a major social issue. Sofia (a transsexual) is not welcome at Julia's pilates class where Julia's annoying soccer-mom friend is threatening her with a petition. The episode highlights the stupidity and ignorance of those being discriminatory and hurtful towards the transgender community. I've been very impressed throughout the series with how the issue has been dealt with sensitively and with real courage from the producers to do something so daring... and pull it off so well
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Nip/Tuck: Sofia Lopez (2003)
Season 1, Episode 4
Tasteful and impressive handling of a controversial issue
18 June 2010
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This is one of the most impressive episodes of the season because of the way it handles a taboo subject in an incredibly tasteful and informative way. The issue of transexuality is one that is still by-and-large not understood by mainstream society and for a mainstream TV program line Nip/Tuck to send out such a positive message about transgenderism really impresses me. Hopefully this will have dispelled some myths and at least taught some people that transgender people are just like everybody else; they're not freaks to be laughed at and ridiculed. Until the fourth season Nip/Tuck will continue to sensitively handle and variety of issues and bring them to the forefront in a way no other show on TV does, before it descends into a farcical freak show in season 4.

This episode however is very impressive, and well worth a watch...
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Angel: In the Dark (1999)
Season 1, Episode 3
I refuse to be wooed just because Spike is in this episode...
15 June 2010
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To be honest this episode is pretty rubbish, even with Spike in it. Apart from anything else Spike doesn't do anything! He waltzes in and demands some stupid ring, which should never have been allowed to have exists in the Buffyverse anyway as it's such a poor plot device, and then, for some bizarre reason hires someone to torture Angel for him for the information, rather than do it himself. How out of character! The fact that the torturer man even exists is simply a plot device so that someone can steal the ring and create a finale. Oz is also totally underused; he does little to further the plot at all and simply stands around as if to say "look at me. I'm also in Buffy. Isn't that cool. This is totally a crossover!" To make things even more ridiculous when the torture man steals the ring Angel and the gang know exactly where to find him; they head straight for a random pier and there he just happens to be. Well isn't that fortunate! My favourite moment of the episode. Spike says "to use a phrase I learnt in Sunnydale: DUH!"
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Storyteller (2003)
Season 7, Episode 16
Extreme highs and extreme lows
12 June 2010
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For me this episode has some extremely good moments and also some extremely poor ones. This mainly works out as first three quarters = bad, last quarter = good.

As a character, Andrew provides some quality one liners and good comic relief but a whole episode focused on him just goes WAY too far. Buffy works best in it's darker moments that include some moments of humour, and not entire episodes set out for humour that include some darker moments. The entire video taping thing is just annoying, and takes ages to go anywhere. For the first ten minutes I got incredibly bored watching him just filming anything and everything, and the 'Andrew's imagination' sequences are cheesy and frankly just bad. Spike playing up to the camera is also a hideous moment for me that doesn't reflect Spike's actual character - he would NEVER have done that.

On the more positive side, once all the silly childish humour and annoying bits are over we're treated to a truly brilliant sequence. Buffy threatening to stab Andrew so that he'll admit what he really did and cry onto the seal to... er... seal it is one of my high points of the series. I didn't realise what was happening and was very sceptical of this dark moment until i realised the overall plan.

My episode highlight is Anya saying to Andrew: "why don't you just come in here to masturbate like everyone else"
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Potential (2003)
Season 7, Episode 12
God, Dawn can be annoying
11 June 2010
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Dawn can be an amazing asset and a good character, like a Buffy in training, in some episodes, and sometimes she makes me so angry I want to cry. She's just selfish and whiny and throws irritating tantrums every five seconds, as if the characters don't have enough on their plate already.

This episode is a classic for irritating Dawn moments. When she discovers she's a slayer she sneaks out of the house for no reason, putting herself in massive danger and risking everyone else's lives to come and help her at the same time. Then she coincidentally runs into a girl who, coincidentally, turns out to be a potential slayer. How coincidental. In another thoroughly tired plot device, Dawn sneaking out and generally being selfish and annoying leads to her near death but she comes around at the last minute to do something vaguely heroic, which then leads to her being given a heart-rending speech instead of someone telling her to stop being such an immature little child.

This is definitely the weakest episode of the season, and totally skippable. For one of the first times ever in Buffy I actually found myself getting bored... mainly because the potentials are so annoying and the British one's accent is so goddamn awful.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bring on the Night (2002)
Season 7, Episode 10
The potentials have the WORST English accents ever...
10 June 2010
Their accents are literally unbearably bad. It's like they're doing imitations of what a really bad English accent might sound like if you held your nose and started speaking through a rolled up cardboard tube. As an English person, and human being, I'm offended. Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) must have been livid. Are there no English people in America who could have been cast in the role instead. The appallingness of their accents is only made worse by the fact that Giles is standing next to them, speaking properly.

Elocution lessons please!

Otherwise it's a good episode...
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Him (2002)
Season 7, Episode 6
Could the scenes of Dawn trying to impress RJ be the most painful thing ever committed to the screen?
9 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Oh god, Dawn's "flirting" with RJ is painful. So embarrassing was it that i found it almost unbearable to watch, and it was just too slapstick and awkward to be amusing. And then we have to wait what feels like a gazillion years before anything else ever remotely interesting happens.

All in all the episode was an unnecessary rehash of of season two's "Bewitched, Bewigged and Bewildered", only much less funny. As if the comparison wasn't obvious enough, the producers felt us necessary to batter us around the head with a clip from that episode just to remind us how lazy the writing was. And while some people find the scenes where the four bewitched girls go their separate ways to try and win RJ over amusing, I found them too slapstick and stupid, with no real content. It could have been written by a five year old.

And how poorly filmed was the scene where Buffy rescued Dawn from under the train? She jumps off the side of the train, then somehow manages to run faster than it so that she can over-take it and pull Dawn from the tracks. How ridiculous.

There are two, and only two, good moments of the entire episode. Firstly, when they are at RJ's brother's house I find it interesting that Spike begins turning the angel statuettes to face away from him. I assume it's a subtle allusion to the fact that he doesn't want to face God in the light of his recent guilt brought on by his acquisition of a soul, although it could be purely his dislike of Angel himself.

The second good point is in the final scene, as they're burning the enchanted jacket. Buffy says to Xander, "weren't you at least tempted to try it on?" to which Xander replies, "I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it didn't fit"
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Selfless (2002)
Season 7, Episode 5
A mixed bag
9 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, this episode has brilliant moments and some bizarre, frankly terrible ones.

Let's start positive: the twist at the end where Anya agrees to die in return for the undoing of the vengeance wish and then her demon master kills Halfreck instead is brilliant. For starters, I genuinely thought Anya was going to die and was extremely shocked, but secondly I think it draws amazing parallels with what Anya has been doing as a vengeance demon. Like the wishes she grants for vengeful girls, she gets her wish, but in a horrible twisted way that she didn't want.

But I also have some negative comments. For starters, Buffy deciding she's going to kill Anya is possibly the biggest overreaction EVER! While what Anya did was evil and horrible, things like this happen all the time in Buffy and there's always some better way out of it. Buffy doesn't even try and talk to Anya and convince her to stop before she charges wildly into the situation wielding a sword.

Secondly, some people love the flashback scenes, but I think they're hideous. Previous episodes featuring flashbacks have been tasteful and insightful into the characters lives (and to be fair I don't mind Anya's Russian Revolution flashback) but the flashback to her early days is awful. It feels like some dreadful comedy sketch without an ounce of realism or drama at all. I also despise the 'Once More With Feeling' flashback. Once More With Feeling is my favourite Buffy episode ever, but this flashback just seems like an excuse for Joss Whedon to milk it, and it totally breaks the tone of the episode for no reason. We all get that Anya was really looking forward to marrying Xander and then got betrayed by him, we don't need to be reminded through the medium of song.

Also, there's a humongous continuity error. If Anya wanted to return everything to normal, save those boys, and become human again, why didn't she just break her necklace? That's how Giles fixed everything back in season three's "The Wish." It seems everyone appears to have completely forgotten about this.

Overall a nice conclusion to an otherwise pretty poor episode.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hell's Bells (2002)
Season 6, Episode 16
Jesus Christ this series is depressing...
7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Does anyone else miss the days when you couldn't watch Buffy for ten minutes with laughing raucously or feeling uplifted by some demon ass kicking. Season six just seems like one miserable event after another until you're not surprised Buffy's turned into a miserable snivelling wreck who cries every ten freakin' seconds. Tara and Willow broke up because Willow got addicted to magic, Giles left, Buffy was dragged out of heaven, Dawn turned to shoplifting, Buffy and Spike launched themselves i into the most depressing relationship ever committed to the screen and now Xander and Anya's relationship comes crashing down in the most pointless, unnecessary piece of TV melodrama EVER.

Buffy has seriously lost it's way. Now all the writers seem to do is dream up new ways to make the characters miserable. When huge shocking twists rocked the characters before they were rare events, so the shock factor was huge and left you reeling and with a genuine sense of sadness. Now there's so many miserable and depressing "twists" that they almost seem predictable and I find myself rolling my eyes...
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Nip/Tuck (2003–2010)
Awesome show... until season 4
7 June 2010
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Season 1-3 are the best television I've ever seen hands down, although they are a bit of an acquired taste. Many people take against the graphic violence and sex of this show, and the stomach churning realistic portrayal of plastic surgery. The show requires a suspension of belief because it covers such a wide variety of depraved and twisted issues that you just kinda have to go with it, but if you do, it's well worth the ride.

Beneath the surface as well, Nip/Tuck deals sensitively with many issues not covered by other main stream shows, especially issues of sexuality and trans-gender, self harm, rape as well as many others.

However I do end on a sour note. My rating of 10/10 is only up until the end of season 3. After that the show becomes a caricature of itself, focusing on bringing forth the most bizarre and depraved issues without studying characters or issues with any heart of sensitivity at all. Suspension of belief becomes next to impossible as characters have sex with dwarfs, a swathe of people get killed off at very coincidental and convenient moments, characters make decisions and do things that just seem totally inappropriate for that person and everything just goes a step too far. It still has it's moments, but it's definitely seasons 1-3 to watch.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body (2001)
Season 5, Episode 16
My favourite Buffy episode ever...
7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What makes this episode of Buffy so beautiful and so different is the fact that there are barely any monsters or demons of any kind and it focuses entirely on the character reactions to Joyce's death. Buffy's immediate reaction to finding the body is so real, so realistic and so shocking that it's a moment that will genuinely bring you to tears.

The lack of incidental music, being replaced by only realistic sound effects create an eerie and sad atmosphere and the episode becomes very artistic. It's also incredibly well shot; when Buffy speaks to the paramedic his face as framed out of the photo and we see only his chest and neck, highlighting Buffy's shock and confusion and her struggle to deal with what is happening.

My highlight is the moment when they manage to resuscitate Joyce and there appears to be a happy ending, before it is cruelly snatched away again, and the sequence turns out to have been all in Buffy's imagination, as some flicker of desperation and hope.

A dark and deeply sad episode, but one superbly written and shot that doesn't pander to the Buffy formula and breaks new ground. Buffy at it's very very best.
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