
54 Reviews
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A Timeless Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
This Hallmark is an 8 rating a 7 IMBD
28 December 2023
Here is why. Extremely good-looking actor who does an excellent job of a believable character. The writing was very well done no goofy, silly unbelievable type situation's. If there weren't 2 full moons in December 1903 it doesn't matter and of course time travel is debatable. There is a built connection between the two main characters. The best Christmas part is sharing the Christmas spirit which is love. I love when the writers help humanity evolve. This Hallmark movie truly has it all, the Christmas decorations were classy and the house and all the artifacts are authentic. Enjoy! This movie is special.
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Angel Movie
2 October 2023
The writing in this movie was not perfect to say the least but the good parts of it is worth watching. I love that the characters grow and get better, I love how it has faith. This movie had good acting and good direction, only judgment that the writing could've been more real to life but it was fun and that's what movies are for, for us to enjoy ourselves, so I recommend this movie. It's a solid seven because it created love emotions and installed faith in me and it helped me in my own personal life. Please remember to have an open mind when watching this movie, it's more real to life than you may think.
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An entertaining love story
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Most of us are American who use IMBD, this is a foreign film and it's dubbed with English words which most of the time match up the close caption.

It was a pleasure to experience Argentina. The characters grew on me as I watch them develop. I enjoyed the end the most which I thought the writing was well done and I raised my score from 6 to 7 because of the ending. The emotion actually brought tears to my eyes and I am a big fan of truth and honesty and it came out at the end. This might be considered a spoiler so I will mention it. This movie was well directed and was professionally made, Enjoy!
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Saved! (2004)
Truth with entertainment
24 July 2023
This movie is truly a 6 but I gave it a 7 because of its message the movie actually delivers. The born again style people of its age (meaning 2004) may have not watched this movie because of the it's embarrassing truth about their beliefs and their religion. Today 2023 I believe born again style religion are able to see this message in this movie. Humans are evolving and are realizing it's wrong to judge people because they are different. Love is infinite and that is part of unity. This is what are humanity lesson is in this world. This movie brought tears to my eyes because they convey this truth. Good for the writers and producers, etc. They can say they helped us in entrainment and unity. Bravo!
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4 July 2023
Well done writes and actors. Every single episode of this TV mini series was an 8. I felt it was very well written and I always love when a character developments into a better human being. This script in this movie felt authentic and Beth, Elizabeth someone even called her Lisa, her character had integrity which is always refreshing to see in a movie. There are just not enough movies that help us learn to become better human beings. I loved how smart she was and she even took care of her past traumas. This movie has a full spectrum of emotions and it had me crying at the end and they were happy tears.
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A wonderful message in this movie.
27 June 2023
This movie is not as bad as everyone claims, I think people are just disappointed and expected to much. I enjoyed it, it may not have been as good as the first one but I liked it almost as much. I'm a fan of movies that have life lessons and something that humanity can learn from and I believe this movie has that. I felt empowered after watching this movie. The lessons for me may be different than for you, just look for them and you will find the lessons. Let me just say, even a Super hero like Wonder Woman has room to grow and she does in this movie. I hope they make another movie, I will watch it.
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Wonderful Movie
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's unusual, to say the least. I do want people to watch this movie. Wanna believe people are as wonderful as this town was to Lars. I am seeing goodness in people in real life and hope more people show up like that did in this movie. I believe if you can watch this movie to the end you are a person who wants to grow and learn and love. Ok I am a little out there for a review. Just under the influence of just watching this movie. Here is why this movie is really special. Lars is a very nice, lonely man who we learn he needs help. The people in his life who cared about him help him get help and the doctor truly did help him. It is easy to see how he is creating his life from the beginning to the end of this movie. He learned valuable lessons and all the friends also learned lessons. Love & Compassion is truly what makes this movie work. Well done writers and actors. This is a movie that gives back in many ways.
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Bad Words (2013)
It's not for kids to watch.....or
11 February 2023
Maybe it is. Maybe it something we all need to learn. This man is pretty horrible. I would never want to come across this guy in life. I probably will and I will know what to do. This is hard to watch yet it is truly a lesson. I believe in always having an open mind with people. We can see why the man is so horrible. Compassion is what I got out of this movie. It's just we're I am at. Compassion is an emotion that this man had none. Without making this a spoiler, I cannot say more on the subject. Expect this movie is worth watching. I liked it. It was funny and it has life lessons for those who want to learn. I wanted to give it a 6 but I have integrity so even though I was a little embarrassed I gave it a 7.
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Tiptoes (2002)
Wow it really isn't very good.
5 February 2023
The director must of been new or just not good at directing.. Also some of the acting was not very good . I gave it a 5 because it kept my attention throughout the movie but the ending was like cut short. This movie had me feeling compassion for little people. It's a story about little people and some of there real problems they live with. The awareness was the good part of the movie. It was nice to see some stars in this movie and they did well what they had to work with.. So that is why I gave it a 5. It truly is a poor written movie and really isn't worth watching unless you are a little person. Love to the little people it's hard enough when you're just normal.
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A Good Cinderella Story
25 December 2022
This movie is way better the the reviews. Admittedly I love a good Cinderella story and this is one of them. The star of this movie is a believable actor and she does a great job. The love story in the movie works as well. They have chemistry. It's a comedy that works as well. The stepmother and daughters do a great job and making her life horrible and the outcome of the movie really works. The fairly godmother is her god mother in the movie and she helps her in her personal growth and support her love and confidence which adds to the magic. I don't want to give anything way so I won't say anymore. Enjoy.
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Great for a 13 to 25 girl audience
25 November 2022
This could have been so much better with a better director. A few of the camera shots were cheesy. The acting was Ok. I watch this because of Lindsey and I felt she deserved a better script.

We need more pride in movie making. The story had silly jokes that a younger audience may enjoy. If you're desperate for a Christmas movie then this will work. There were beautiful scenes and I actually feel like going to a ski lodge now.

I liked the Hispanic family touch added in the movie, well just the actors but still, I recognized the family spirit. It's worth watching on the account of basic elements of a Christmas love story.
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Creative, detailed writing
4 October 2022
This is not a Hallmark movie, it seems like it with all the beautiful scenery but it has nudity and sex. Truly this movie has it all. It's funny, even slap stick at times. Lots of life lessons which I am such a fan since in today's movies is a rare quality. I didn't even care for the characters personalities but this movie really is THAT GOOD. You can truly tell the people who created this movie put a lot of time and cared about details. The characters grow and yes it's a happily ever after and A feel good movie. YAY! The main actor is really a good actor I didn't think so in the beginning but I think he did a great job.
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Beau Jest (2008)
It's a love story plus a family love story.
27 September 2022
I love movies that help humans grow and learn. I felt all the actors did a really good job. The actors really did well with the characters. I know people in real life especially the main actress, her character is like someone I actually know.

I was brought up Christian so I liked the extra time they gave in showing how a Jewish holiday is preformed. I thought the ending had integrity for all the lies. It really was funny at times and believable and magical. It's an enjoyable film worth watching. I wanted to rate it an 8 to make it a higher rating but it's really a 6 which means it's worth watching.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
This movie has purpose worth a watch...
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is fascinating. The transgenders and Female pirates. A black little girl is the hero. It has it all for todays BS from the media. The little black girl was my hero and enjoyed her speech at the end. I liked her telepathy with the beast. My favorite part when the girl learns from experience that the history books are wrong. This movie is to help us learn this. (Planting seeds. Of truth) The judges of our time won't get past the beginning of this movie. Oh well. I liked it because I love movies with a purpose and I choose to believe this has a great purpose. Thank you for the produces who believed in it. Our world needs help, please keep up the good work. I believe there has more good lessons I will pay closer attention next time I watch it. I suspect the general public will judge me for this review. It's ok..
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Pollyanna (1960)
Enjoy the love! Trailer has spoiler.
13 June 2022
I must say I am grateful that I understood why this movie is absolutely wonderful. If you a negative person you may not get it yet the writing and acting were fabulous. She behaved perfectly to help people get out of bad attitude energy. Do not watch the trailer it is a spoiler in my opinion. I didn't and I am GLAD.😉 This movie came from a book and due to the book's fame, "Pollyanna" has become a byword for someone who - like the title character - has an unfailingly optimistic outlook; a subconscious bias towards the positive is often described as the Pollyanna principle.

Pollyanna has been used in my experience as a negative word and that is poor programming from our old society. Please give this some thought. Anyway..... I would like everyone to watch this. Enjoy💖
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Perfect Romance (2004 TV Movie)
Happy endings
16 May 2022
I'm a sucker for a romance movie. I love when people learn and all is a win win. Sometimes we need to feel and this movie can simply do that. This is worth watching if you need a quick pick me up.
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It's gotta be the title that makes this movie a turn off
10 May 2022
The writer was great and I think it just may have a slow start. I understand why the writer called it, How do you know. But for the everyday six grade mentality perhaps it doesn't work. When I rate a movie its in line with everyone else. This movie at this point is NOT a 5.4. As far as what this movie really is as far as IMBD goes it is a 7. I loved it. It's a great Romantic comedy and I highly recommended it. Great lessons as well.
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People with integrity.
31 March 2022
I liked the writing in this movie. I felt it to be very realistic. Acting was authentic. I liked the fathers advice and the wife Ruth is truly a person I admired how she dealt with the situation. As I said well written for true life type of situation that could happen. People with integrity such a pleasure to see in a movie. Well done.
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Raised my vibration
6 September 2021
This movie is about people who love each other and you get to feel this. It's not about the perfect family, I know there is no such thing yet they all learn life lessons. It's fun to see a girl name Cassie grow in 5 days and everyday a she gets to pick a new outfit. Truly a chick flick yet men can feel the love as well. My favorite line in the movie is when her best friend is in an interview and says at the end. "I've started learning from what I can't see". Some will understand and some won't. I hope you do... Enjoy the love and the happy ending.
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Undone (2019–2022)
Exciting and looking forward to season 2
1 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this a 7 even though I really liked it. The ending left hope. This is subjective because some feel hope is in the medication and for me, I feel brave to say (at this time in 2020) that her father walks out and she doesn't need the medication. If the writers go with time travel, etc. I will change my 7 to a 10.
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Loved it! Great teenage movie!
7 January 2020
I have to say this is exactly what I like to watch in a teenage movie. Don't want to spoil the outcome so that is all I will say. I am nowhere near my teens and this movie made the teenage girl in me very happy. She wanted to give it a Ten even. Well for my standards an eight is high but I couldn't help myself. It was very captivating and the brothers were way hot! Anyway, it's a fun movie. I would watch a sequel in a minute.
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A love story.
5 January 2020
This is about two people who needed each other in life and found love. It's always a great reminder that it's always good to love in life regardless of certain situations. The two leads in this movie are great actors. They made this movie enjoyable to watch.
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The Novice (2006)
This movie is deep or maybe not
4 January 2020
Thanks to reading a review, I had a better understanding of this movie. It's a very different movie not for everyone. Perhaps it would be fine to watch if you know scriptures and may get something from it. I gave it a higher rating than I should've because the actors were very good and it kept my interest throughout the whole movie but it is not something I would recommend for a romantic movie as suggested in Hallmark NOW did.
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12 Dates of Christmas (2011 TV Movie)
Wow, Loved this movie!
29 December 2019
There are many reasons why I loved this movie and very few of you would want to know why because it's personal, because it's regarding my personal life. This movie has many deep life lessons. Read the reviews for this movie it's amazing to see the differences in perception. BTW it was very heartfelt and she learns a great deal and at the very end I actually got real goosebumps. It's true though I didn't cry. It was an Awesome movie for me......💕
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Double Holiday (2019 TV Movie)
Very heart felt.
29 December 2019
This was predictable as usually but I felt it was well written. Casting was also well done. Sure they exaggerated Hanukkah but they do that with Christmas all the time. I love a movie that has values and this movie has it in many different areas. This movie was heart felt and I enjoyed it but if I could I would have given this movie a 6.8 to be consistent with all my other ratings. It's better than a 6. Well 7 it is because of it being a little differently written than most Hallmark movies. Definitely worth watching.
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