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The Last Hit Man (2008 Video)
The main character acting was pretty good.
29 February 2020
While I normally don't watch this type of movie, it wasn't that bad for a bad guy movie. This isn't a really deep movie, but it's not a typical hollywood shoot em up. I thought the main characters were well acted. The pacing was a little slow, given one of the main themes it's somewhat understandable. The dialogue could have used a little brushing up, not a big fan of cussing in movies. A little more back ground on the mains would have been nice, to better understand why he went into the business. This isn't a highly polished hollywood style movie, but it kind of draws you in and remains interesting enough to continue watching.
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Lost finale II or Horses in space.
21 December 2019
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Visually dark. No Baby Yoda. Air and sabertooth horses in space, nice touch. Lando was the only good character. Billy Dee did a great job, the other actors were subpar especially Rey, Poe and Finn. Adam was much better than his previous attempts, Rose and C3PO were ok. Mark Hamil got his paycheck. Harrison/ Han a force ghost ? The Rey and Leia interactions were odd and out of place. The Mace windu question was finally answered. The writing was awful, lots of boring dialog, erratic pacing. Billy Dee's and Harrison's lines were probably best in the movie and the only decent ones. The soundtrack was poorly edited, worse than Solo's. Thought I might have seen Anthony Daniels dressed as a pilot. Rey using the Skywalker name instead of her family name of Palpatine was was a nice tacky touch. The audience was quiet while leaving even though they were laughing during the previews of other films. It was pretty boring. Not a kid friendly film. Not fun or funny, not recommended.
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Not a Kids film.
4 November 2011
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It's more of an Elton John song commercial, the music really didn't fit the movie though. Plodding, when will this be over pacing. Excessive threat, peril, and violence for children throughout the film. Decapitation or almost decapitation by a garden mower is a bit over the top. Needless "dancer" character, the one with the butt-less back and speed-o front "swim suit". No endearing characters, OK maybe the blue mushroom had a little charisma. Boring dialog, really couldn't get engaged into the story line. Cute idea. Terrible Elton John character animations. Needless hysterical violence. Numerous Rude, crude, and obnoxious characters throughout. Sexual innuendo not appropriate for children, which was subtly included. I'm really surprised Michael Caine, and Elton John would tie their names to a production so far below their abilities. My overall rating would be zero for children and 3 for adults. With some very minor tweaking this could have been a 7+ star flick, unfortunately the talent wasn't properly utilized. Other than EJ's animation the rest was pretty decently done.
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Misses the mark.
11 December 2010
I just finished watching this movie/cartoon with my son so its kind of fresh in my mind. For all of those who liked this, why waste your time reading any further, I think it sucked. Sure explaining to young children why most humans think it's unethical for humans to act like the animals in this feature can be delicate, but questions do arise. Children will relate with on-screen characters and try to emulate them and/or question about their motives. The bar scene is over the top for reindeer, the promiscuous behavior of the reindeer's mom and pop might be normal for that particular species but be hard to explain to a child. The wolf scenes were a bit much in the peril category for young children in my opinion, but then again when watching documentary type films with my kid I prefer to change the channel than let my kid watch wild animals tear each other apart, implied or not. The graphics were OK for a 2008 film, not anything stellar. For a Christmas film the only thing that remotely indicated Christmas were the references to Santa and his flying reindeer, so it missed the mark poorly. After reading the current reviews for this film and remarks about the American reviewers, I had a good laugh, American television can be quiet filthy just watch a little of the family guy or numerous other cable shows. Kids grow up fast enough like it is without having to force feed them with adult oriented content.
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if you like to scare little kids
18 May 2010
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How in the world could this movie get a "G" rating? Never mind, please don't answer that question. The way the subject matter ( magic , voodoo etc) is presented definite pushes way into pg-13. It scared the hell out of my 4 year old and he ran out of the room, at least that's what my wife told me. I started watching it because my wife had rented it PPV and there was time left on the show. After about 10-15 minutes I turned it off since I didn't see any redeeming value to it , it was to occult oriented, boring, and creepy for me, the subject matter was way too mature for my 4 year old. Disney has always liked to push the dark subject matter in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed a lot of Disney's shows, but to me this one is a bit too Dark for a G movie the way the subject matter is presented.
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Star Trek: The Devil in the Dark (1967)
Season 1, Episode 25
Phasers set for silicon and on maximum
15 April 2010
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I really can't say this was one of my favorite episodes but it was interesting. It was the type that left a lasting impression good or bad who can say, it was kinda of scary when I first saw it in the 60's or 70's. The show can sort of suck you in even though it is cheesy by current standards. Sure the Horta looks like an mutant supreme pizza with the Italian sausage, pepperoni, and lots of cheese. The sound effects of the monster in the first encounter are reminiscent of the life status monitor in sick bay. The philosophical arguments are there but don't overwhelm the entertainment value of the show, more of a subplot. The script and acting aren't that bad for the mid 1960's. The eggs are closer to a pearl than an egg, but it is a silicon based life form so what do you expect (regarding a previous reviewers comments). I was surprised to hear that Phasers had a silicon setting, it was convenient though ineffective even on maximum. Funny thing was Spock could mind meld it by touching it but it burned its way through the rock as we walk through the air. The Doctor healing the Horta with 100 pounds of thermal concrete was cute. "By golly Jim I'm beginning to believe i can cure a rainy day" was an nice touch from Bones.
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Yo Gabba Gabba! (2007–2020)
Way , way out there.
18 November 2009
Where to start? Man, whoever came up with this "flashback to the 70's Elton John for little kid's", has to be sick or maybe an unrecovered Psychedelic user. Yo Gabba Gabba as a role model for little children? come on. Jack Black as a role model? please. I try to rate these show's with the hypothetical thought, would I want my kid alone with this person, even for a micro-second? The answer is way more than no.

In my opinion the bizarre message ( visual and acted) of this show and its host makes me wonder why any network would want to social engineer something like this into any tots or parents life. There are so many more educational programs out there without this ones bizarre nature and message. If weird and strange are preferred then this one will meet if not exceed you wildest expectations. I would encourage one to watch this and come up with your own conclusions before exposing your young one to this material. It's just way too far out there for me. I prefer Mr.Chuck or Lavar Burton as a role model for my little one.
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Bizarre and Dumb
3 October 2009
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The only reason I give this a three is because of Robin Williams good acting. This is an extremely vulgar movie, was as bad as a Eddie Murphy stand-up Act. OK I'm a older parent of a Boy who is much younger but this still kinda touches home. First off if I'd come in on my kid like Lance did I'd hope I would try to revive him and get him help, that part of the film was really lame. Walking on my kid doing the sex strangle thing I'd hope I'd try to get him some mental health help. Why did Lance build his kid up so high and then public take a crap on him , that was really bizarre. I'm sure a lot of erotic accidental suicides happen but why try to make money off the notion especially based on a family members death ? Sure it may have been entertaining, and the son a dirt-bag, but why not just let it drop instead of sensationalize it? The last scene where Robin strips it off was really dumb, I don't really care to see him in the buff. Was really disappointed I wasted the money on PPV.
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Stargate Universe: Air: Part 1 (2009)
Season 1, Episode 1
I hope they drop the soft porn doesn't need it
2 October 2009
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First of all Teal'c wasn't in it but Jack, Daniel and Sam were, Teal'c was the better of those three, so for me that's a big negative, INDEED.

I liked that they named the star-ship after the recently departed Don S Davis's Character LT. General George Hammond, and they Displayed USS George Hammond in the background with the good old red white and blue. Was good to see gate operator CMSGT Walter Harriman (Gary Jones) included. Jack kinda looked like he had and swollen neck and face in one scene, felt sorry for him. Why wasn't the Stargate expert Sam Carter working on the 9th and final chevron problem?

Elyse Levesque as Chloe Armstrong definitely was not very believable. Jamil Walker Smith and David Blue were a bit weak in there parts also.

The film editing kinda sucked the rewind and fast forward sequences were definitely not seamless. The sound engineering had me turn on closed caption and almost double the normal volume I listen at making the commercials near unbearable. The acting was hit or miss, mostly hit. The pace of some parts was sluggish. After 12 years of violent but entertaining stargates we now have stargate universe the sexy stargate? WTH, it did good without the sleeze why lower stargate to the status of BSG revisioned ? The first two stargates were fairly intelligent repetitive but entertaining series with no sex and 10 and 5 year runs , why add it now?

The irony is that on SG-1 there were incoming wormholes and out going wormholes now there alluding to a 2 way wormhole, or how else could the spare parts expedition get back without a gate address to dial. I believe it was stated several times over the 12 years of SG-1 and SGA that wormholes were 1 Way connections except for communications which were 2 way. Data versus Matter. I hope this doesn't turn into Star trek Voyager/BSG clone.
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Lost (2004–2010)
great show slow start too much too
30 June 2009
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I heard about lost from a co-worker that had obvious differences of opinion on entertainment, he loved it. Well I watched an episode or 2 in the early seasons and was bored, so I tuned it out. After a few years I stumbled upon lost; bored with the current sci-fi fare. Wow was I surprised. Can you say gravity well, damn I got sucked in. The pace and scripting are very good, some of the flash forward/backs are so so with the lamer characters, but over all good. My favorite characters are Ben, Locke, Jacob, Richard Alpert, Sayid Jarrah, Sawyer, Hurley, Daniel Faraday, Jin & Wife, Walt, Charlie, Desmond, and Jack's dad. Jack and Michael definitely are immature asshats, very spoiled and immature. Kate 1 step above them, Juliet was way more classy than Kate. Mr. Eko way under-rated and on the level of Charlie if not more, too bad they both died. The guy dressed in black talking to Jacob (way back) is a genuine curiosity. As a whole great, very layered series: looking for more.

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Stargate SG-1: The Changeling (2003)
Season 6, Episode 19
one of the better episodes
17 June 2009
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What can I say Teal'c , Bra'tac, Jonas, Dr Daniel Jackson Dr Janet Fraiser Major General George Hammond Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Samantha Carter (weak link as usual, she gets a lot of horrible lines through out the series). This is a Teal'c centered episode with Dr Daniel Jackson doing some ascended cameo appearance work. Teal'c , Bra'tac and about 100 other Jaffa get together for some sort of meeting but get ambushed. All are killed and have their symbiont's removed, except Teal'c and Bra'tac ( no symbiont though ). Teal'c is in some sort of dream state bouncing between alternate realities and distressed with the knowledge of it. Ascended Dr Daniel drops in to comfort/enlighten Teal'c during his distress. This is more of an emotional packed episode instead of gun's flying, the ending is somewhat touching if your a Teal'c/Jackson fan. The acting was above par with exception of Carter's usual weak lines.
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Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak: Part 2 (2009)
Season 4, Episode 20
what a total let down
11 June 2009
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The first half was OK, but the last half really, really disappointed. It's funny the producers even admitted they didn't have a clue for the ending, and it really showed. Whats really sad is i have to write ten lines of comment minimum to be able to post this. I really didn't want to include spoilers to qualify my remarks since the show isn't really worth that effort. When Battlestar galatica first came out I was really excited with the prospect of a better remake, it didn't happen that first season border on being space porn. They eventually cleaned it up a bit and actually had some pretty fair drama, so I started watching again. But to end the series with kara being a cyclon god angel, same with baltar and six was pretty dumb.
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