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Prometheus (I) (2012)
We were wrong, We were so wrong!
2 June 2012
Disappointed is an understatement here. As noted in several other reviews the visuals are fantastic but the script itself is an absolute mess.

Yes Fassbender is great as David but that alone does not save this film. The rest of the cast aren't so great although its difficult to blame them considering how little they are given to work with. The majority of the crew are underdeveloped, two dimensional and at times down right unlikable. As I found myself hating the majority of the characters I never once cared for their well being which led to a complete lack of tension or interest. Some of the dialogue is so poor that I actually laughed and the 'twists' are predictable and presented in melodramatic fashion.

The themes and concepts are also underdeveloped with the majority of questions going unanswered. Prometheus attempts to cover too much in a short amount of time without ever really committing to anything. Ideas of faith and motherhood appear to be thrown in to give the appearance of depth that just isn't there. Although you have to admire the film for attempting to deal with these ideas in a summer blockbuster context it just does not work.

The thing i hated the most is the ending which is insulting and a desperate attempt to appeal to the fans. A really bad apology for the mess of a film that came before. Prometheus is a flat and uninvolving picture that never achieves the tension or excitement suggested by the trailers. Its sole purpose appears to be setting up a new franchise and is so committed to this that it fails to be a self sufficient film. Despite Mr Scotts attempts to distance the film from the Alien series it is absolutely reliant on that franchise to keep the audience even remotely interested and looks set to be even more reliant on sequels to justify its existence.
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Film making perfection
3 May 2004
"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" was Sergio Leone's third film in the Dollar trilogy and is easily the best. Taking place around the Civil War, the film revolves around three men, The Good in Blondie (Clint Eastwood), The Bad in Angel Eyes (Lee Van Cleef) and The Ugly in Tuco (Eli Wallach). All three men have knowledge about a grave of gold and the uneasy alliances formed to achieve their goal in retrieving the cash is what the film is about. "Once Upon a Time in the West" is sometimes touted as the pinacle in Leone's career but this film is where he will be remembered. Nearly every scene in this film is a classic and defines everything about Leone's skills, talents and his style of directing and story telling. Cinematography is excellent with gritty locations and vast green landscapes capturing the screen. Performances are perfect with Wallach leading the way, playing a character who is not just the film's comic point but a complete character and not just someone to laugh at to loosen tension. Eastwood's Man With No Name (he adopts Blondie) shows new depth to his acting and his delivery never falters, playing a character now iconic. Lastly Van Cleef plays Angel Eyes in one of the best villain turns in history. Memorable, slick and chilling he is a person you struggle to hold your nerve around, Cleef holds the character together and with little screen time shows what an effect he can have on an audience. Characters in a Leone film are people you will never forget, lines, stances, the eyes. Characters very core are not left exposed and stay with you. Morricone is genius in music and his most memorable score is here, I think "Once Upon a Time in America" is his best score but this is his most unforgettable and has the greatest theme in any picture. Morricone is a man on par with Leone for excellence and does the film credit. Now onto the greatest achievment, the directing. Sergio Leone made in total about seven films, this stands as his best in his field. Some directors take in favour style over substance or vice versa, Leone takes both into maximum consideration and is why his films are unique. What you see is as important as what you hear, this applies to viewers who dislike his observing technique. Leone respects the viewer and entices them in every scene to be a part of the action on screen. "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" has that great quality, the acting is perfect, the writing is perfect, the cinematography, sets, sound, editing and directing I can honestly say this film does not lack and is cinimatically perfect.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
The best 90's comedy
5 July 2003
Groundhog Day is the best comedy of the 90's and I feel was overlooked at the Oscars in a way. The story is that of Phil Connors (Bill Murray) who has arrived in a small town to cover the Groundhog festival with his producer Rita (Andie McDowell) and camera man Larry (Chris Elliot). But when he must stay in the town for the night, he wakes up at in the previous day and it does so, again and again. This movie has the ultimate gag of all time with the concept of living a day for the rest of your life, it is used with great effect and Harold Ramis the director sets up very neat scenarios and does a time warp of the situations he is in but in different days. Bill Murray is in his prime here and Phil Connors is one of his best characters and his portrayl deserved perhaps a nomination, if Kline got one for A Fish Called Wanda then Murray should have recieved one. The sarcasm of Phil is great and the first cover of the festival is some of the most funny sarcasm I have ever seen. It is a shame that Murray doesn't sometimes write his characters dialogue, because he can handle the use of sarcasm to the best comedic possibilities. There is one scene in the movie which he improvised, Ned comes up to him and instead of being a wise ass he hugs him, Ned is shaken and while hugging, Murray comes up with... "I don't know where you're heading, but, can you call in work sick." Ned obliges politley and runs away, Murray is right on par here in some of his best work. McDowell and Elliot are good too providing solid support but the movie truly belongs to Murray. The two category's this should have been nominated for at the Academy was Best Screenplay and Best Actor, overlooked without a doubt. This film is a very intelligent film, it has such spiritual foundations that it is feel good and also you come away with something new to your life. If you want an intelligent, romantic, fun, hilarious movie, with the best Bill Murray sarcasm, than watch Groundhog Day. When you watch you will want to watch it again, and again, and again...
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
A loveable drama, rom com
7 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
"Jerry Maguire" came out in 1996, it hit the box office and it proved it could cut it at the academy awards. It probably did so well at the box office because of Tom Cruise, the man was the main image of the posters and of course he played the title character. What "Jerry Maguire" did then was revitalise the rom com, drama. Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a sports agent, the guy you don't normaly see, everything he does is for money, not for one second has he ever doubted his place in the world and the buisness he is in. That is until one of his low key stars is injured severly and causes Jerry to think about what he is doing. What happens is he decides to share his views, in one night he just pours his feelings out. He is loved by everyone at the office and cheered for his courage (He would probably be fired) Now he is the man, he no longer questions himself, but just then, he is fired. Jerry is left to go it alone, with only one of his clients left, a failing family man named Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.). The rest of the movie can not be broken down as it would be a spoiler. The first thing you say about when you hear the name "Jerry Maguire" is the Show Me The Money scene. It is one of the greatest scenes of all time and perhaps, the greatest scene of the nineties. Completely memorable, one of the biggest phrases of all time now, Tom Cruise potrays that scene excellently. He is desperate, time is running out, he now knows it is over and Cruise also givs the mood a boost by showing us how far a man will go to keep at least something from being over. Cuba Gooding Jr is also good there as well as his character is annoying Jerry and dosen't quite realise how important this is. When I write a review, I start with a little introduction with my thoughts and a few facts, then I write the plot, then I say the first thing that comes to mind about the movie I am reviewing and lastly I then comment on the cast, the directing and the script in that order, bu today I am going to do it in importance and how important they are into how the movie works. The directing by Cameron Crowe is his best. Good work, worthy of the oscar nomination he recieved. His simple shots are excellent with each one capturing the charaters features and thoughts. There is no room for style here, just a gritty portrayl, the tone he gives this film is just pure brilliance. Cameron Crowe never overdoes anything, nothing in this film is uneeded, this is just great directing, to simple to be fully appreciated like him not recieving the academy award. Now people's first thoughts is this film is long, I never question how long a movie is as long as it is good and I never questioned the quality of this film and it's script. It is witty, dramatic at times, maybe sentimental, brilliant in dialogue that moves you and great scenes. Crowe, who directed, was nominated for the script he wrote I think and I think it was beaten by "Fargo". Something I can't complain with is that, the script is better than the directing ecause of the effect, a work of brilliance that will always be more congratualted than the directing. Lastly in my three, the greatest thing about this movie, apart from Show Me The Money, is the cast and acting. Acting in this movie is completley memorable. Tom Cruise for starters was oscar nominated, Jerry Maguire is proably his most in depth character and Cruise gives him more depth than he proably has. It is comedic, deperate, calm, sweet and complete. Jerry is a characte who has decided to make a U-turn in his life and throughout the movie you can see at time that Jerry may be questioning his decision or sometimes believing it is the right one. Cruise perhaps has the best character he has ever had. Cuba Gooding Jr is also right on par as the fun loving, ego manic, Rod Tidwell. The character of Tidwell is perhaps harder to plat than people think because of the situation he is in, he is a family man trying to make a good home for his family but he also wants to play football and that he has a large ego needs to show as much as that he is a family man. Again Cuba does what Cruise did in the eyes, I always watch an actors eyes, his eyes says that I desperatly need this, I may be going out of buisness, but MAY go out of buisness. Rod is someone who accepts what is happening because he lovs his life more than people may know. Renee Zellwegger made a name for herself in this movie as Dorothy Boyd, who is single mother and Jerry's loyalist friend who loves him. The character again has massive depth but not as difficlt to pull off as the other two, Zellwegger makes the most of her screentime. The most astonishing part o the acting is the realtionship between Dorothy and Jerry, you can see these two people love each other but just can't show and for some reason are uncomfortable with it. They have a reconcilation at the end with another great peace of solo acting from Cruise and in the end are together hand in hand, you can see in their eyes now that they love each other and they are married. This really is a great achievment in modern day filmaking beacuse I beleive this movie is very appealing, characters who are completley memorable, scnes everything. I am thirteen years old and I love this movie, I love films like this, Sure I like the odd eighteens, adult crime movies and I have loads, but when a film like this comes along you just can't help but be gripped by it. "Jerr Maguire" is one of the best films of the last decade. You will love this movie anybody that has been in love, anybody that has gone it alone, anybody who know what these kind of situations are and underatnds then will love this movie. I mean ANYbody, "Jerry Maguire" A GREAT romatic, drama... with a pinch of comedy.
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Martin's second most wackiest comedy
5 June 2003
This is most indeed Steve Martin's second most wackiest comedy after "The Jerk". Everything about this movie has zip, craze and certain kind of frantic in the pace, which makes for an absouloutley lovable comedy. The story centers round Dr Michael Hfuhruhurr (Steve Martin), spelt Haf-far, he is most probaly the worlds greatest brain surgeon, he is rich and famous. But Michael has emotional problems and his wife died some time ago, though lucky Michael ends up meeting the evil, sexy and seductive Delores (Kathleen Turner), who is a gold digging "Scum queen". They supposedly fall in love and get married, though Michael sensing some problems thinks it is going down hill and thinks a honey moon to Europe would help and so he and Delores go. The Man With Two Brains has two stories, one involves what I said above and another takes place around Europe where Michael ends up falling in love with his research, a human brain! It is Romeo and Juliet as their love is forbiden and Michael goes to extreme lengths to ensure they remain in each others arms, okay that was a bad excuse. What makes The Man With Two Brains so great is the colourful, eighties, eneergetic look that adds the crazy wack to the movie. There are many comedic sets in the movie e.g the condo, scenes in Hfuhrhurr 's hospital. Any movie in which Steve Martin stars is bound to be watchable, but what Martin did back here was he would overact a lot more, he would not do his everyman thing, he is indeed crazy, his eyes in this movie shows a locked up genius with a crazy edge. The character of Hfuhruhurr is a very unlikeable person, but with Martin playing him he is the good guy, he makes you want to come out of this with his loved one. Kathleen Turner is also a comic delight as she does a little micky take of "Body Heat". Screen play wise this is also one of Martin's best as it is witty and full of excellent scenarios. As with any classic comedy there has to be a funny scene that stands above the rest, the scene at the beginning in the car is excellent, Hfuhrhurr: "Can you tell me what you wrote, I believe I may have sounded snobbish?" Interviwer: "My research is the some of the greastest the world has ever seen and in that way will proably so ever plant my reputation as a great proffesor for all eterntity" Hfuhrhurr:"No it didn't sound snobbish... Take out the probably though. Makes me sound wishy washy." Now that is excellent Martin, he does it with every film, not everyody would get that. Another hilarious thing about this movie is it's music, it is so corny and cheesy but without sounding annoying it is just plain funny. Bottom line is, this is one of Martin's landmark films, a film which has visula look, brilliant pacing, trademark manic peformance by Martin and memorbale scenes that stick in the mind. Absoloutley wack, crazy, wild, funny and hilarious.
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Three Kings (1999)
Best war movie since SAVING PRIVATE RYAN
21 December 2002
Three Kings is about four U.S soldiers who discover a document from an Iraq prisoner,which shows a few bunkers which contain Kuiwait gold. But what follows after is they become responsible for the survival of Iraq rebals and citizens. All four leads are great, George Clooney is a real presence as the tired and supposedly gruff Archie Gates who has an emotional turn around.Ice Cube is superb as Cheif Elgin the more emotional soldier who has a respect for all the Iraq civillians,another is Mark Whalberg who plays the more reluctant member of the group Troy Barlow and Spike Jonze stands out as the uneducated and slightly racist Conrad Vig. The director,who also penned the script does a great job of this and an incredible emotional message gets across to the audience about the war and what happened to the Iraq people. It makes you think about it so much and the director shows what it was like by showing two men together, one U.S the other Iraq and showing the simularities between each other. The cinematography is brilliant too,they used different colours and changed the tone to give us a real feel for the film. The combat scenes are violent and touching and show an incredible amount of realism. Many complain that it is just a Kelly`s Hero`s rip off,but like I said this has an emotional message and is more about the war and not so much the gold that they all want. Overall one of the best pieces of filmmaking of the year.

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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Great film
18 December 2002
Pulp Fiction is a landmark film and one of the best of the nineties. The story revolves around L.A lowlifes which include,two hitmen,bank robbers and a boxer.All played superbly by John Travolta,Samuel.L Jackson and Bruce Willis. Quentin Tarintino`s script is brilliant and whoever has seen this would agree with me,it has excellent dialogue and everything fits in. Everything about this movie is top notch,the acting,the screenplay,the cinematography and direction. Overall a defining moment in film history and a great film.

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Platoon (1986)
In my opinion the best Nam movie
18 December 2002
Platoon is a very good film and inside the top five of that decade. The film is about new recruit Chris Taylor(Charlie Sheen)who comes to Vietnam and witneses the harsh realities of war. Sheen excells in the role of Chris Taylor,trying to keep his innocence in a place with no innocence.He is also helped by the fact he has a strong supporting cast in Willem Dafoe as Sgt.Elias and Tom Berenger as Sgt.Barnes,both of whom got oscar nominated. This movie has a boost by the fact that the director was a soldier in the vietnam war,Oliver Stone used his knowledge of the war to pen a great script and then direct a great movie. Many believe that Apocalypse Now is the best Nam movie but Platoon`s emotional message gets across much easier and it is not as weird as Apocalypse Now,Platoon isn`t like that and Nam may not have been like that,remember Stone was there he knows what happened. The combat scenes are incredibly realistic and the movie has touching scenes. Another standout is the films main theme tune the Adagio for Strings,it matches everything about the film and touches anyone. Platoon is a great film and in my opinion the best Vietnam movie to date.

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