
20 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Dull Dud
2 June 2024
Cinematography is good. Acting is fine. However........what a dull uninspiring movie. Definitely NOT about civil war. Yes, there is a conflict happening in the USA and that is ALL we know. No explanation of why or how or who. The point of this movie is to follow our ragtag photo journalist team driving cross country to reach a city for a possible political interview. A series of stereotypical encounters happens along the drive. Lots of character choices really make no sense at all. Just frustrating to watch this. I finally bailed and didn't see the last 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure no plot redemption was to be had there.
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Very entertaining
23 December 2023
Rebel Moon is a very good sci-fi movie. It establishes our new universe and gathers our party of adventurers for the next movie. There is story and backstory here. Lots of crazy new creatures and cultures. This is what I want from my sci-fi movie. Rebel Moon is way better and more interesting than recent Star Wars and Marvels. Sure it is a little cheesy in places and has hints of StarWars,BuckRogers,Marvel,LOTR in various scenes. I'm not quite sure why people are hating on this. There is some really great CGI cuts of more than just endless battles scenes. This could be the start of a really good series of films.
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El Conde (2023)
Artistic Vampire Movie
15 September 2023
Very good movie. Probably one of the best "vampire" movies I have seen. Don't expect your normal hack and slash vampire stuff. Quite more sophisticated plot than that. You never know where the movie is headed. Thumbs up.

The black and white cinematography is excellent. The classical music score is excellent. Acting is top notch.

The plot keeps delivering new angles on a politically driven baseline. Key historical figures enter into the plot. I can be certain I didn't get all of the Chilean political references which are buried here.

The humor is very dry and subtle throughout. Just another ingredient that keeps things interesting.
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Revised Opinion
29 March 2022
Battle of the Five Armies and this trilogy are very good. My opinion has changed. I recently rewatched the whole Hobbit trilogy and I have to change my opinion. When I first watched them almost 10 years ago I was very extremely disappointed. My rating would have been 7 at best.

Yes, there are some issues I will get into below. The perfection of the Lord of the Rings trilogy set a bar too high it seems. Upon reflection, the cinematography, direction, costumes, acting, and just general fantasy world is top notch. There is a real story here, as delivered by The Hobbit book. The Tolkien appendices and a few LOR references are liberally thrown in to flesh out the needed footage for the 3 films.

All 3 movies are highly recommend for LOR lovers and general Fantasy fans.

So let me focus on the downers which I just could not oversee when I first saw this film and the trilogy.

I now realize the #1 was the CGI orcs. I did not realize this difference when first watching the Hobbit series.

MANY panoramic scenes feature CGI orc armies. All well done but just not as compelling as LOTR scenes. Yes, there are real actors beneath these CGI facades but that was only fine with limitations for Gollum. Yes, we see "real" orcs with actors in prosthetics for interaction scenes but few and far between.

#2 downer at the time was overreach on the Legolas superhero sequences. I was OK with limited Logolas WTF sequences. In Hobbit trilogy we get several in the last 2 movies. Really these sequences felt more like another Marvel superhero movie which I'm not a fan of.

#3 downer at the time was the famous Barrel scene. This one is a Legolas multifacted WTF. And beyond for the dwarves. But now watching again it seems not quite as bad as I was first aghast. The scene is just OK now.

$4 downer at the time was the Elf/Dwarf love connection. Watching the Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh commentary it really makes sense. The film needed rooting in Laketown so we can follow that story parallel with Dwarves in the Lonely Mountain.

I'm trying to figure out why I as so HATING on these when I first saw them and I think I now understand why. The bottom line is LOTR was just so darn perfect I could only be let down.

Battle of Five Armies is a very good film. Watch it. Peter Jackson loved the battle scenes which dominate this movie. I can't say I agree this was his best but at least I can now appreciate it.
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Eternals (2021)
I actually care about the Heroes
17 January 2022
I liked it. Yes, it is long. But....... I didn't fall asleep. This is one of the few Superhero movies I have liked. This wasn't just another CGI festival.

The development of each of the Superheroes was interesting. Each is complex and has different motivations which causes intergroup conflicts that drive the story. The layers of human history thrown into the plot keep the movie lively. The acting was fine and I don't see how other reviews are calling it wooden.

This movie was shades of Watchmen which I love. One of our Superheroes is clearly most powerful. There is a final showdown between our Superheroes. Our Superheroes have various affinities with us normal humans.

If you want more than CGI fight scenes give his a try.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Will be a Classic
26 December 2021
Excellent movie. It is NOT a disaster movie. It is a great satire on current politics and social media. Sure the giant comet is the wrapper. I predict this will be one of those classic movies that are referenced by critics well into the future.

The whole movie is designed to illustrate the Look Up people versus Look Down people. Great writing and hilarious throughout. You will constantly be saying..."yep, that is how it is right now". The genius writing will have you enjoying this satire whether you are left or right on the political spectrum.

Many scenes are certainly modeled after other past classic movies. "I'm mad as hell" rant from Network would be one.

Cate was great and quite believable as the promiscuous talking head. Leonardo and Jennifer were great in their science roles. Just a great cast all around. Mark is just awesome as the Steve Jobs clone.

Make sure you watch completely INTO the credits at the end because there is one great punchline and then another. I almost missed those.
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Plebs (2013–2019)
Amusing Comedy
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It takes a couple episodes to feel the vibe. I found it amusing enough to continue through most of Season 4. The first couple seasons really play on the Roman society for it's laughs. Good. Season 3+ they seems to start struggling for laughs and fall back on modern memes with Roman backdrops. Starting to lose me. Season 4 Stylax is replaced with golden boy who just isn't helping this show. I gave up half way through Season 4 because it lost its Mojo. Had to watch with subtitles because I'm a Yankee who misses half of what Grumio says.
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Black Is King (2020)
Excellent Music Video
7 August 2020
Soothing. The one word review.

The first 10 minutes I was ready to start fast forward. Obviously not a traditional movie. But I got more into it.............I got better and better.

The cinematography, sets, choreography, costumes are spectacular. It really is amazing the amount and variety of work here. Worth the watch just for this.

The music I wasn't crazy about but there are a few good catchy tunes in here.

I'm an old white conservative man so the messaging just didn't connect. To me it really was all over the place but then again not excessively BLM or woke.

I love the culture and costumes again. Just really an onslaught of really fantastic stuff. Extremely well done.

Well done guys. Very different and worth the soothing watch.

I never get all the 1 and 10 reviews. Come on people. Not very reliable to be 1 or 10 on this.
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Must see Musical
21 July 2019
This is a must see because I have never seen any movie like it. The story is great, the sets, colors, and yes the music are great.

I first saw this many years ago. I didn't like it that much. Maybe a 4 would be my rating. I can see why many people hate this movie. The movie is quite an assault on any sense of what a good movie should be. There are some musical sets, especially with Luigi, that are quite bad. The music is NOT happy catchy tunes. It is mostly a gothic guitar riff set against the various flavors of singing.

The marketing of this as a mix of Rocky Horror and Blade Runner works. However it never has the fun catchy soul of Rocky Horror that makes that movie a cult classic. I just don't see any audience doing the chorus lines like Rocky Horror. It does have the deep feel of a Blade Runner society run amok.

I just rewatched Repo years later. Now I like it. I guess I kind of knew what I was expecting. The story is solid and interesting. Many of the musical sets are quite good. Many of the actors give amazing muscially diverse performances. Holy cow I didn't expect much from Paul Sorvino and I was confirmed until deep into the movie he changes attack and belts out some fantastic lyrics. Blind Mag sings amazing. Her makeup is alluring. Anthony Head is all over the place from dictation to amazing riffs. Quite interesting how every actor sings differently in the different scenes.

Overall I think this is a must see just because of how unique it is. Try to relax into your gothic self before watching it and you just might enjoy.
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Big Kill (2019)
Spaghetti Western
8 July 2019
I liked it. Definitely reminds one of the 60's classics. The music reinforces this. The acting is fine and I actually liked the slightly over the top costumes. The cinematography is excellent.

My only complaint is that the movie is a little schizoid. It started so spoofy I was sure where it was headed. It settles into the classic spaghetti western with choreographed shoot outs and music.
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Worthy successor to the original
5 January 2018
I love it. I place it equal to the original.

The movie is long but after watching twice I can't really find any fluff I would delete. Every scene is important. There are certainly plenty of metaphor moments for the critics to work on.

The visuals are stunning. The plot is tight. The editing is almost perfect (ok maybe lose a few seconds here and there). The acting is worthy. The mood and setting of the entire film is just spectacular.

To all the trolls who rate this a ONE. Give me a break. I understand if you didn't like it. But a ONE? You disqualify your review with such monstrous judgement.

Honestly if you liked the original you should love this one. The ending is begging for #3.
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Worthy Sequel
4 October 2017
The CGI and sets are spectacular. The acting is fine. The story line is just enough. The editing is good. The music could have been a little more catchy overall.

My expectation was poor based on the many low reviews I had read. Also, my view on Guardians #1 was nowhere nearly as glowing as most.

I actually found the last half of the movie more entertaining. It was advancing the story. It was not overly "family" as many reviewers have hated. Jeez. It was just putting some humanity into the plot.

I found the first half of the movie very bad. I almost bailed out several times. Just plain bad script and corny jokes and ugh. Lots of scenes where you have to suspend any belief in physics. Although the opening scene was spectacular CGI it failed for me to connect. Dancing around is not enough to entertain me.
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Remake of #4
19 December 2015
I loved #1-#6. Each had a unique story to tell. This #7 becomes the first one to completely fail. Here is the test............ Ask anyone a plot point from #4. I guarantee that is one of the plot points from #7. And yes, the center of the plot is again............Harrison Ford and his Millennium Falcon. Been there and done that. Sure, go watch it just for fun but don't expect to be awake when the credits roll around. Probably the most annoying thing was sitting there Thursday night and listening to the audience clap and fawn over every single object appearing in this movie which they had seen in a previous movie. If R2D2 trips on a rock there are howls of laughter. Ugh.
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Mr. Pip (2012)
What were they thinking?
1 April 2015
Sorry but I did not make it past 60 minutes. Yes, the acting is fine. Yes, the photography is excellent. but............ All the native villagers are dressed in Victorian clothing just as if we were in the middle of a Dickens novel. Their clothing is immaculate clean and hair immaculate quaffed. There is a complete economic embargo but our natives want for nothing. Oh...........and they also speak perfect English and sit enthralled by the Dickens oral reading. These natives apparently understand English much better than I. Sorry but as soon as I started receiving the obligatory moral lessons I had enough. I suppose if you love Dickens this must be a virtual and cinema paradise.
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Great little story
29 January 2015
I love this movie. Yes, the first 15 minutes catch you wondering if it is headed anywhere interesting. It is at least quite quirky and keeps you involved.

However, as the film progresses, you learn about the various characters and realize it has much deeper meaning and dialog. The movie just gets better and better until an ending which anybody has to love. This is a movie that sticks and will have you thinking about it long afterwards.

The lowly rating on this has me thinking that people just didn't see anything in the first 5 minutes to keep them going. I guess they bail before anything happens.
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I Origins (2014)
Great Story
12 December 2014
I like it. I'm pretty picky about my movies and this one is cleverly different.

I like the love story. Yes, quite simple but feel good. I like the science aspect. Not nearly as ludicrous as most movie science. I like the India connection. I like the low key religious themes. I like the acting. The cinematography with lots of nice shots.

Sorry but talking the plot would give away too much about this movie. I don't want to spoil it for you.

There are plot lines in this movie which gives you a chance to guess the next step so that keeps it interesting.
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haunting tale
23 October 2011
Well I wouldn't be nearly as brutal as some of the reviewers. I actually ended up liking this movie quite a bit. I didn't bail out on the initial shaky cam beach scene once I started recognizing this as an art statement more than anything. The movie is quite haunting if you allow yourself to feel what these poor lost vikings might have really felt in such a distant forlorn place. The sense of desolation is something I empathize with (I'm a big Alaska tourist fan) and the medieval history is also something I'm quite fond of. So yes, maybe your average movie goer is probably going to quickly bail out on the viewing. For me, the movie is quite a different experience, shows brutally honest depictions of some natural acts, and ends on a complete note of frustration as it should. I felt the writer/director had a complete sense of the psychology of this historical experience that I enjoyed watching.
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Entry Level (2007)
Expert Level
18 September 2011
The main surprise I had with this movie was the dialogue. Just excellent. Very clever exchanges between Clay and the homeless guy, between Clay and his new girlfriend, between Clay and the interviewers, between Clay and his fellow interviewees.

Yes, the movie teaches life lessons at several levels. This is definitely more than your standard easy listening feel good movie. I laughed quite a bit to the sarcastic dry underplayed humor. No pie in your face stuff here.

Now I have to go see what other movies the writer/director have been involved with. Not often that I do follow up like this.
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Taras Bulba (1962)
Great scenes
13 July 2010
This movie was quite interesting from the history angle and also had me in anticipation for several of the scenes.

Best scenes: --The joining of Cossack brigades as they join forces to attack the Poles. Great cavalry spectacle in a great scenic setting. --The "dual" between Tony Curtis and the big Cossack where they both have to jump the gorge on horse until someone dies. --The Polish battle around the castle near the end.

Predictable Script: --The Tony Curtis love angle with the Polish nobility woman.

Unpredictable: The punch line between Tony and Yul. nuff said.
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Trader Horn (1931)
Amazing Vintage Viewing
3 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Watch this movie for the on location footage. Yes, the plot is simple but it is enough to keep the movie progressing forward with much interest. I was fascinated with the footage of various real African tribes. Lots of facial closeups and extensive footage of ceremonies with dancing and drums. This very much seems the real thing and represents Africa at a more primitive early century. I felt the dread of our adventurers when they are up next as sacrifices to the tribal ceremony. I suppose if you want to see stereotyping you can, but I saw both the good and the bad exhibited by these tribes. To know that they traveled in 1930 to do all this on location is quite amazing. The wildlife footage is the main focus of our films beginning. It feels very nature show but feels a different reality than the nature shows of today. The brutality of nature and of mans very real slaughter of creatures in this film may bother the squeamish. Truly ground breaking film for 1931.
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