
16 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
No.. No... NO...!
16 June 2024
I don't understand why studios associate movies with iconic TV series...then proceed to trash that legacy.

I really wanted to love this film, but I got 3 quarters of the way through this movie, before switching it off. I just couldn't watch anymore. It was nothing like the TV series apart from having characters that were named the same. The comedy fell flat the actors were just going through the motions. Where was the drama , the grit.... I didn't feel any emotions at all watching this movie. It was a complete waste of time.

Is this the future of modern day film? Made for, and by people whose idea of entertainment is an endless string of 30 second Tic Tok videos? Have attention spans become so short that filmmakers have completely abandoned a cohesive story arc, and character development?
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If I could give this movie zero stars I would..!
3 June 2024
3 hours of my life wasted on yet more bollywood fairy tale drivel. What was the point of this film..?

I know bollywood movies are escapism..but who wants to escape into this ?.

The talents of 2 top tier stars wasted...although they should both be ashamed of themselves for signing on the dotted line for this one. I think Mr Johar is getting lazy ... not everything he touches turns to gold in my opinion. It was just cliche after cliche after cliche.

The star's of this movie need to be careful in the choice of roles in future as I for one will now wait until everyone else has watched and reviewed any movie they star in, before I even think about watching it.
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29 April 2024
The biggest flaw in the movie was the reveal that Benedict Cumberbatch was was not believable and fell completely flat. Why do studios think that casting a popular well know actor in an iconic part will make the movie appeal more to the audience. Something's are canon and sacred. They could at least have found a Latino actor to play Khan. Cumberbatch although a very good actor just couldn't fill the eminent shoes of Ricardo Montalban. They should have just made Cumberbatch a different character. I probably would have enjoyed the movie better this way. I'm fast losing interest in this movie franchise.
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Overrated... goes no where...
23 April 2024
The movie just doesn't go anywhere.... it doesn't really have middle or an end. Not many scares either for a movie with the word 'Devil' in it's title. Not sure why they set the movie in the 1970' would have been just as boring if it was set in any other time period. It doesn't really explore the back story of any of it's main characters. I kept expecting it to get better ...but it just sort of fizzled out in the end. It just goes to show the ratings on some of these movies just can't be trusted.

The story may be different and original...but what's the point....if doesn't entertain. Disappointed.
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Road House (2024)
Started off well...then Connor McGregor showed up
9 April 2024
Firstly..... this movie seems to be riding on the wings of the previous version ...which is probably why most people watched included. It doesn't not surpass the original movie in anyway.

Why not just title it something else and have a different named main character as comparing it to the original version will do it no justice at all and will only result in worse reviews.

The movie started off promisingly and Jake Gyllenhaal is always good to watch. It goes downhill as soon as Connor McGregor shows up ...the cartoonish grimacing panto villain. You could at least respect the bad guy in the original version. The movie was a wasted opportunity.
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Nostalgic.....but sad...
30 March 2024
They really should have made more Indiana Jones films whilst Harrison Ford was younger. It would have been better to have seen him gradually age over several films rather a film per decade. It was a bit of shock to then suddenly see Indy as a pensioner. Watching the last two outing of this iconic hero..... it just wasn't the same. This latest outing was a sad melencholic watch. It's not the same when you know it's a CGI Indy...and at some places you can tell. CGI Indy seems soul-less ...there was something missing.

They should have recast the part and brought back a younger Indy..... every character in a film should be re-castable. Some other actor could have brought a different interpretation to the character...may be a better one.

The problem the Studios have is that the people who grew up watching a younger Indy....want more of the same younger Indy....and the younger audience now are not really interested in watching an older Indy.

It just didn't feel the same watching the last two outings. None of the emotion felt in the original films can be found Dial of Destiny or Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Far to long
5 January 2024
Some good acting. But I think the film doesn't know whether it's a comedy or a drama. It's also far to long. It introduces a fair few characters at the beginning of the film then about 20 minutes into the film most of them are sidelined. There are hints at some back stories for the remaining characters but these are never fully explored in-depth so it's difficult to engage emotionally with any particular character. Whilst watching the movie I was always expecting things to ramp up to a crescendo .....they never did. It was just the same dull level throughout the whole movie. It's probably one of those movies where the book would probably have been more enjoyable.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Probably the best DC movie
21 July 2023
I was pleasantly surprised as this is quite a good movie with a great story. It kept me engaged through out it's run time. It had some great action and was lifted by it's comedic moments. It was let down by the woeful CGI in places....but that did not distract from the enjoyment....too much. It definitely deserves a sequel. I wasn't even a fan of the Flash... but Ezra Miller brings a unique perspective to the character. The actress playing Supergirl did a good's a shame that DC are now recasting some of these roles in future movies. There were some great and surprising cameos in the movie.
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What was the point of this film..?
3 February 2023
Having watched the film...I found it interesting...not entertaining and not particularly believable. I'm not sure what the point of the film was. None of the characters were fully explained...I didn't find any of them engaging.... I was always expecting the film to peak and get more never did. The acting was good...just not much going on story wise...and what little story there was...wasn't particularly engaging. It's one of them art house films. If it was a painting I'd describe it as having been painted using broad brush strokes ...with no care for the finer details. Strange.
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The Batman (2022)
To Dark as in couldn't see anything half the time.
2 May 2022
Ridiculously long and dark as in couldn't hardly see anything half the time. Watched 3 quarters of it. Not much action and the action that does take place is always at night..!

Why do directors insist on the dark noir look...the amount of money that is spent on production design'ld think they would want to show it off... in day time scenes may be. I've really had enough of all this dark and atmospheric baloney..!!

Pattinson looked like a moody teenager throughout the film. Kravitz was good as cat woman...not much for her to do though. Jeffery right looked bored as commisoner Gordon.

Sadly, this one is a generous yet disappointing 3/10 from me.
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What's the point...
7 September 2021
This is a terrible movie. No real substance. Just a whole load of FX shots and big bangs. If this was supposed to be an improvement on the original then I would to think how bad the original must have been. This was the first film I watched coming out of the pandemic.... jeez what a let down..!
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What was the point...!
26 April 2021
I've just wasted 130 mins of my life.

Was there actually a script....or did they wing it...!

I kept hoping it would get got worse.

The scenes and characters were disjointed....nothing flowed. Things just didn't hold your interest.

There was no explanation as to why things happened the way they did and to whom...

You never really got a background on any of the it wasn't emotionally investing when something happened to them.

Please no sequels..!
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Cars 2 (2011)
The magic has been lost .........
10 December 2011
I watched Cars 1 with my young son and thought it was brilliant, charming and funny... and we couldn't wait for a sequel... and here it is Cars 2....what a let down and disappointment.... what the hell were they thinking'... .

Cars 2 has no heart or Soul or character....and has replaced fun and comedy ....with blatant non-stop action. The film is an animation and is supposed to cater for the taste of younger children. The plot is far to confusing, with sexual references and violence.

My personal suggestion for a sequel would have been to have a tamer road movie based on the Cannon ball run, or the Smokey and the Bandit movies... or we could have had Ligtning McQueen and Mater get car-napped and shipped off across the world ...etc..,
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The Fall (I) (2006)
What a load of rubbish....... !! Please don't make no more movies
17 October 2009
I watched the first half hour... and then skipped through the rest of the movie. What a load of crap.... . They must have wasted a hell of a lot of money with all the arty / farty visuals....its a film not a bloody painting ... try telling us a decent story Mr Tarsem. I am an Indian and would normally applaud the efforts of a an Indian director...... but this was just pure drivel... without a sense of direction, decent story... .

How can people rate this film at an 8??? THE WORST FILM EVER MADE. I am shocked that people enjoyed it! It was truly RUBBISH. A director trying to make a quirky and surreal film but failing miserably with no PLOT it was not even a visually exciting film! Although I am sure this is what Singh was trying to achieve. It was so terrible! I can't even say it was amusingly terrible. The best part of the film for me was quite honestly the 'Buster Keaton' clip at the END. The casting was terrible... the costumes were cheap and tacky. The ending was a disaster. I really do not have much else to say just do not watch this film. Has Tarsem Singh hired an office full of people to join IMDb and rate this at an 8??? I am shocked people loved it. shocked...

I'm gonna keep away from this chaps films.... . Thank you for wasting 2 hours of my life..!
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What a waste of talent ....not to mention the budget and my viewing time !!
5 April 2009
I am a Ben Stiller fan…when he get it's right he gets it so right ( Something about Mary, Meet the Fockers)……but this has to be in my top 10 worst movies of all time. It was utter moronic crap.

I can't imagine the budget they wasted on this, not to mention the talent …'s unbelievable. There is no plot just pathetic tasteless gag after tasteless gag. What "Tropic Thunder" was trying to accomplish will perhaps remain a mystery forever. It failed as satire, as comedy, as drama, even as mindless action spectacle. The only other burning question is how it ever managed to get into the Top 10 box office. Yeek.

Avoid at all costs. This is two hours of my life that were essentially stolen from me, and I'm not happy about it.
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Execellent Sequel
5 April 2009
Excellent movie, Excellent entertainment…I won't add spoilers, but be aware, it's a sequel to Casino Royale and is necessarily darker in tone. Bond has shut down emotionally as a consequence of Vesper's death and is driven to investigate and, to some extent, avenge her death.

Daniel Craig further extends his takeover of the role, he exudes a sense of sadness with a ruthless drive to move forward with his mission. Mention should be made of Judi Dench - she delivers another excellent performance as M.

You got sad people moaning that this Bond movie is missing elements of the old films. In my view this is a refreshing change. There only so many flat one liners and pathetic innuendos that the audience can take, as in some of the Brosnan era films....!! The only criticism I have is that the camera work in few scenes is jumpy, fast and confusing. Overall if it's an entertaining action movie that you want …then this it.

Casino Royale was an excellent movie too…but was just a little bit to long. This movie was a worthy sequel.
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