
13 Reviews
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A bit disappointed...
10 May 2021
First of all what happen to that killer intro song!!! Gurenge by Lisa - This is one of the best sound tracks I have come across which was perfect for this show. Every episode, I never skipped it, even though I didn't understood a word. It just gave an unspeakable feeling to the show. Here, I missed it a lot like I was almost watching something else. When you start to watch something after a long break you need to remind why you loved it and this song was it!! Hope they don't screw the second season by using another intro!!!

Other than that it was fine, but for a movie, I expected something more, something grand! That's probably why at the end there was another unexpected battle to compensate, which for me it felt out of place! Good battle for sure, but really didn't make sense at that moment.

Tv series was far more superior in every way than the movie hands down and I really, really, really hope that they make the 2nd season soon with the same sound track!!!!!!
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I'm Not a Robot (2017–2018)
A well balanced Kdrama which will make you very satisfied!!
3 January 2021
I have watched, may be 15 to 20 Kdramas, mostly they were the so called best ones. For an example, "The Goblin", which was rated very high, it lacked a strong ending and had some very boring moments that lasted very long to stretch the storyline. It did however had the best soundtracks and good leads.

"I am not a robot" is one of the best Kdramas I watched, period. Unless you know the leads it takes a little bit of time to like them in a story but in this case I just loved both leads instantly! Their chemistry together and acting was so good. The team members also had a beautiful chemistry and all of them were lovely to watch.

The storyline was even better! There was not a dull moment in any of the episodes and every dialog was well thought out. Some Kdramas let you confuse with plot holes and moments that does not make any sense but this was best one out of the bunch that explained everything in detail.

I love the fact that when some episodes ends suddenly with a great scene, the very next episode starts the same scene but with some additional scenes to connect both so beautifully! You just have to watch and see for your self.

Finally, this is a very balanced Kdrama covering every aspect of it very well. This will take you on an emotional ride, but the best part is this story will leave you very satisfied....
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Forever (2014–2015)
Ending this was a tragedy
11 January 2020
After a very long time I found this very interesting TV show. And trust me I have watched countless of them, which are mostly utter garbage! Since I was not a fan of any cast member at the start I can tell you this had to convince me, which it did, and was mind blowing!!

This was a mix of Sherlock Holmes, Mentalist and Castle with a hint of class. And with a mystery of his own, it all made sense and everything was so interesting. The writers has done an amazing job and the cast was so good specially Ioan Gruffudd. There was not a boring moment....

My problem is why it got cancelled? Are these network heads didnt see the potential? If they had a speck of talent, like all the actors who had poured their heart and sole for this masterpiece, they would have done a better marketing job to increase ratings or at least given a chance for a proper closure!

The reason I say this because I got know about this show in late 2019!! Over 5 years later!! With only 50k ratings here in IMDB (still over 8), I am sure if people knew about the show, this would have been one of the best shows in TV for at least 5 seasons!! The show could have gone many ways, but they decided to Axe it.

While many garbage TV shows continue to air wasting peoples time and networks money, Dr. Henry Morgan's tale will be remembered by those few and will be a mystery FOREVER!!
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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
If you don't like it then you simply don't understand!!...
17 June 2016
For all those civilized people (except in the bedroom) who ask the question "why this show still on?" in disgust, let me explain.... ......................................................

This show is clearly NOT for family and kids!! ......................................................

This show is 100% based on double meaning to SEX. Almost every sentence is brilliantly written to bring out every dirty joke ever known. Plus hotter when 2 girls do it!! ......................................................

And most importantly, this show is like a guilty pleasure. It just brings out the cheap, teenage, wild, inappropriate dark side of the audience. ......................................................
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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
One of THE BEST shows of all time, if not for too much politics
24 April 2016
I would have never even bothered to watch this show if it wasn't for cable. There was this advertisement saying this show has won this many awards and etc. which made me compelled to check it out.

Probably the best decision I made because this show made me re-think about the shows I watch and also think about reality.

James Spader and William Shatner is unbelievable. Shatner as "Danny Crane" is superb to watch. The way Spader gives a "closing" just blows your mind. With his passion and acting, the facts may be true or false, but you will believe every word that comes out of "Alan Shore" in the court room. I will never forget his "closing" against a big tobacco company.

Another thing is how this show, shows all types of discrimination in the working world. Skin, height, behavior and how you ignore the best in people because of these.

Show is entertaining in many ways but the issue was too much political discussions. This may be a reason it stopped, because I can't think of another, it is that good!! However it is better to end like this than dragging way too long......
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Not that bad to cancel...but then again..
24 April 2016
I watched all the episodes without a clue about the show beforehand and I was somehow enjoying it. I think this is a show you can pass time without pain.

After watching I found out that this show was cancelled. I agree that this could have been a disaster, but when Jane Lynch do what she does, it is really good TV. I mean very few can play the fine line between an angel and a crazy person at the same time.

Then again I found episode 5 was really dull and not what people would expect..something that make you give up watching.

Cast is not bad at all and the story is decent for what it is. It sure seems tailor made for Jane Lynch. Since I have seen wayyy baaaad TV shows than this, I can without a doubt say this show is not that bad.


So I watched the rest today and I was right. After episode 5, it was going downhill fast. Very stupid jokes and the fast nonsense talking becomes irritating and lame. I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes and it's like after that the writers quit the show.
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Keep your expectations very low...
12 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The positives in this movie would be the story, which is quite decent. And apart from Tagawa I was only impressed with Carl Ng's performance that made the story watchable till the end.

With all the great, good looking Chinese actors and actresses we see, I must say this was the weirdest cast I have come across.I expected more of RZA but way past the halfway mark of the movie I realized he may not be playing the main role. RZA, who I would say really did good in "Brick Mansions" was terrible, flapping his "rubber" Iron Fists.

As I mentioned Carl Ng does a pretty decent job in the beginning building up his character to be a real bad-ass, although it leads to big disappointment as the story progresses with very bad fighting scenes. A good fight would be one key factor we expect from this movie that lacks, apart from number of other elements like poor acting, poor selection of cast.
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Christmas Under Wraps (2014 TV Movie)
The worst Christmas movie ever!!!
23 December 2014
My god I have no idea how people rated this as an average 7!..It was so painful to watch as the acting was very very bad. From the start all the actors were like reading sentences from the script!!so unnatural and annoying..

Trust me, I'm not writing this review by comparing to award wining movies out there. Just that they lacked the basics of acting directing and pretty much everything else!! Disney movies are sooo good compared to this movie.

The story was sooo boring and badly written. The reason I watched it because of the "hope" in this Christmas season hoping it would get better!!..but it never did!!.. I'm sure we all watch remakes, cheesy love stories and Christmas stories which has very familiar endings.In those we know whats coming but we don't expect much, although we still enjoys a lot. This movie is NOT one of them! and it just happen to destroy my Christmas spirit.
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Classic Arnold movie, if you remember!
4 May 2013
This movie is a perfect comeback for Arnold Schwarzenegger. One reason is, he is not trying to be young in this movie and all the action and story fits him perfectly. The humor in this movie and 'one liners' (as some people complain) are classic characteristics of his movies.

I thought this would be painful to watch as he is a bit old now and usually action movies looks odd when old guys jump around. But as I said this perfectly fits him and I have to mention that every single character does a great job and has their moments.

I really enjoyed the movie from the beginning to the end, and their wasn't a dull moment. So I am pretty sure you will do too, specially if you are an Arnold fan!
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Shame...well deserved for a season 2
8 September 2012
I hated this when I watched the first episode. The story sounded lame and characters were so dull, specially the guy who acts as Paul. But I kept watching and for me it really improved.

For me, this story had a poor start which failed to capture a mass audience leading to poor ratings. However the story really gets going when it comes to the last couple of episodes and when I really want to watch it, guess what the network do? they look at the stupid ratings and stopped at first season.

Now if you watched this down to the last episode, my guess is you want to kick the guy who stopped it, since the last episode was really good and needed a decent ending.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Season one was great but then!!!!
6 August 2012
First of all I watched this for the sake of watching, plus I was wondering what Zoey was doing in a TV show suddenly!

The first episode was so annoying and for unknown reasons I kept on watching which I then realized this is exactly what the story is. For instance, like the roommates, you will be annoyed with this girl 'Jess' so much but you cannot hate her because you will find out that she is an innocent, caring, and loving human being very rare to find in many ways.

There is no background laughing or punch lines or any cue whatsoever to start you laughing but I will assure you, some of these episodes will make you laugh genuinely couple of times because I could not believe myself when I suddenly burst out laughing so hard few times while watching this.

Characters are really unique in their own way and the actors seem to know exactly what they are doing so this show is simple and fun to watch which also reminds me a tiny bit of 'friends'."

---EDIT--- After watching halfway through the second season I need to state that the above review 'only' applies to the 'first' season. It seems like the whole concept has been changed to a very lame, constant whining, aimless and a worthless drama to pass time. It's like someone took over writing without a single clue. So I will stop here simply because 'season two' was really unbearable to watch.
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
Nice concept although a little disappointing...
6 January 2012
So with the hyped advertising and the 'Spielberg' name attached to it, I thought after a long time we are going to see an awesome story with Dinosaurs! Now I would agree that the concept was good, actors did a pretty good job, of course I enjoyed the whole season although got a bit disappointed may be because I had high expectations.

However the pretty obvious mistake seems to be anyone would notice is 'where the hell are the Dinosaurs?!'. I mean i am not a kid but where the hell is T-Rex? and not to forget the annoying Velociraptors? I mean is it logical that 90% of the time 'Sixers' are 'Terra Novas' problem in a world full of Dinosaurs?

I do understand graphics are very expensive, complicated and time consuming to implement to a TV show but still I like to mention the show hasn't used much CG as expected and the ones used are very average in quality.

So in conclusion,I would say, I like this show and I would recommend, although if the producers want to go for a second season, I would expect more creativity and depth of the story plus more Dinosaurs to balance the action. I mean there is a whole 'world' to be creative isn't it?
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It was really good but just could have been better
15 July 2011
A person might say to you,there was not much of a story in it or the plot was weak. However it definitely has a story and seems that there will be more to it, may be another part to it in the coming years.

Character choosing seems to be the main problem here, with no one seems to have made that strong impact for their roles except for 'Teresa Palmer' of course. Oh and not forgetting the brave dog.

Special effects are nicely done and action sequences with effects are solid and enjoyable to watch.

So i say it is definitely entertaining and well worth watching. It is better, but just feels if there were some tweaks in the cast, it would have been so much better.
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