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The Post (2017)
Expected more from the Spielberg brand.
10 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Post is a newspaper and this move seems more like a play then a movie. It is extremely dialogue based. There are stand around talk scenes, sit and talk scenes and of course walk and talk scenes.

Meryl Sreep gives an understated, subtle performance in the lead. It is so understated that she appears bored most of the time. Tom Hanks doesn' break a sweat. There's an ok nothing memorable John Williams score.

The high highlight of the movie and the only action is the printing process. The type setting and papers rolling off the presses is about the only action.

It may have a still timely message but it doesn't entertain. No need to see it on the big screen as it will play equally dull on all platforms.
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A fun musical.
26 December 2017
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If you like musicals this is for you. Plenty of spirited musical numbers. A few of the songs should receive consideration this award season. Hugh Jackman gives an excellent performance.

The costumes are outstanding. The sets are interesting. It's a feel good movie that is suitable for the entire family. The movie plays best in a theater with big sound. In the season of serious dramas, see this as a welcome change of pace.
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Creature from the Black Lagoon never looked so good.
8 December 2017
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Here's movie that preaches tolerance. It's a love story between a speechless girl and an aquatic creature. Never mind where will they live.

The movie looks great. Beautifully photographed exquisite sets and an outstanding use of music lift this movie above the crowd.

Thinks go wrong with the movie when Michael Shannon as a way over the top villain, relentlessly starts shooting. The movie goes way off the rails when it begins to deal with God like qualities of the creature. Some scenes are unintentionally funny.

The movie plays well on the big screen and should be seen in a theater. Strong performances and technical achievements will be recognized in the award season. Dive in to this unusual melding of genres.
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Lady Bird (2017)
Not Lady Bird Johnson.
5 December 2017
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Here's a movie that will make every ten best list this year. Laurie Metcalf's performance will be honored this award season. Satires Ronan may be a tad old to play a high school girl. Good supporting performances all around.

The movie has many moments. Ronan bails from the car rather then take her mom's abuse. She encounters her boy friend in an uncomfortable situation. She bails on her so called friends to get to the prom. So many moments that work.

It's a small movie that is getting good theatrical distribution. If you miss it in theater it is the kind of mother daughter relationship movie that will play well in the comfort of your home. Is it a "chick flick"? If so it's an excellent chick flick.
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Wonder Wheel (2017)
Wonder why Allen does drama.
1 December 2017
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Wonder Wheel takes place on Cony Island where Woody Allen puts his characters to scream at each other. It's extremely dialogue driven. Kate Winslet gives a award worthy performance in sort of a Mrs. Robinson with no money role. The entire cast does good work. The production value is outstanding. Every scene looks great. The use of music adds to the production.

It's a small movie in limited release and should be streaming along with a theatrical run. No need to see this on the big screen, it will lay well on home platforms. Don't expect funny Woody so you won't be surprised by the lack of humor.
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Too much of a good actor.
27 November 2017
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Denzel Washington tries to carry this movie on his back. He is in every scene. The movie is way to long and way too dialogue driven. It's another example of written and directed by going wrong. There are too many walk and talks. Sit and talks. Characters make long speeches and usually say nothing. After about an hour and a half there's an incident that creates a bit of suspense and finally makes things interesting. Problem it is too little too late.

Maybe Denzel gets a Golden Globe nomination more for a body of work rather then this performance of mostly adjusting his glasses. That bit of business becomes distracting and almost laughable.

There is no need to see this on the big screen. It will play just as talky in the comfort of your own home. Perhaps at home you can fast forward and move things along.
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Three = ten as ten best lists
10 November 2017
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Here's movie that critics and the public will rave about. It is sure to make every critics ten best lists.

It starts with a great script. Every character has depth, flaws and virtues. Award worthy performances, and outstanding direction make this dark comedy, drama work. The use of music is outstanding.

The movie is in limited release but great reviews and positive audience word of mouth will get this a bigger release. It plays well on the big screen and should be seen in a theater. There are so many reasons to recommend this movie. See it.
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War and peace not easy.
5 November 2017
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Here's a tough movie to watch. The fact that it is emotionally difficult means it works as a movie. Miles Teller gives his usual stellar performance as a soldier trying to get back to a normal life with his family.

The movie is far from subtle in depicting the problems of vets and the lack of support and difficulty getting help with the emotional needs.

If you are looking for a good time at the movies, this isn't what to see. It is harsh and at times raw. It does deserve to be seen as it tells a story and a lesson about war. The movie plays well on the big screen and may be less effective on a home platform.
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Bad is in the title.
5 November 2017
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It hasn't been that long since the original Bad Moms so it is not likely you don't know what to expect from a sequel. More bad language, drinking, drugs, and suggestive sex. Actually it is an entertaining no brainier. Some things are taken to the extreme and feel forced. The waxing scene drags with its one long joke.

The cast does a good job with the material. Susan Sarandon makes the others look like they may grow up to be actors.

There are just enough laughs to make it through the short run time. It's a Christmas movie that won't still be in theaters at Christmas. If you want to get into the bad holiday spirit see it soon in a theater as it will feel dated when it hits home platforms very soon.
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Visual feast
3 November 2017
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It doesn't matter if the movie plays fast and loose with the facts, what they were attempting and was accomplished is a feast for the eyes. This hand painted animated feature looks great on the screen. When a character walks through a field, there's a hay stack deprecated like a painting.

The movie feels a bit long and the technique is a bit unsteady at the start. Some of the scenes are redundant with the dialogue explaining to one character the information given not long before by another character.

There's a good score and the characters are well voiced. The main reason to recommend the movie is the look. The movie is in very limited release, but worth seeking out. Ignore the the constant chatter and enjoy the visual.
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Logan Lucky (2017)
Watchable caper.
4 October 2017
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Your not unlucky if you missed this in theaters, it will enjoy a popular run on home platforms.

A excellent cast that you may not recognize give uniformly fine performances. It's fun to watch the preparations for the heist and how it comes together. It's one of those movies that fills in the blanks in flashbacks as not everything is shown when it happened. A good script and director keep the action moving.

The end credits state nobody was actually robbed but you, so the less you pay to see this the better off you are. It's a pleasant enough caper movie. Catch it in the comfort of your home.
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American Made (2017)
Tom Cruise delivers.
4 October 2017
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Talk about a guy who got a start in Risky Business, Tom Cruise gets involved in plenty of risky business as a freelancer for the CIA and an entrepreneur.

There are plenty of plane flights south of the border, maybe too many as they become repetitive. Cruise is always smiling and that seems to get him out of trouble. He gives a Golden Globe type of performance and caries this picture on his back.

It is rather light hearted considering the products he was flying. If you are bringing huge amounts of drugs into the country you might as well enjoy the rewards. The bad guys look smart the DEA not so smart.

It's a good time at the movies. It looks good on the big screen and should be enjoyed in a theater.
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Brad's Status (2017)
Brad's status, depressed.
25 September 2017
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Mike White the writer and the director gets a little credit and all the blame for this one. The lead character is so shallow and difficult to be around. If that isn't bad enough he is constantly revealing his thoughts and feelings in voice over dialogue. It's a perfect movie for a blind audience. Little is shown, every aspect of an inferiority complex is verbally expressed.

There's a sophisticated score that sounds classical. The music is loud and often distracting. The movie is slow with multiple scenes of the bottom of a curtain moving slowly in a draft. There's a restaurant scene near the end that is way to long and tedious.

If you want to see a movie that evokes the emotion you want to shake or slap the protagonist this is for you. It doesn't take long to realize you are wasting your time watching someone that would benefit from a therapy session.

The movie is annoying to sit through. There is no need to see it in a theater as it will play just as bad on a home platform.
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Fight for equality.
23 September 2017
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Billy Jean King a professional tennis takes the bait from Bobby Riggs a professional hustler to play a tennis match billed as the battle of the sexes. The real story is the personal story of Billie Jean King. In that regard it works as a love story.

Emma Stone gives another award worthy performance. Steve Carell wears the nose and teeth as he did when he was previously overlooked at award time as a wrestling coach.

The tennis shots during the opening credits are fast and interesting. The tennis match play was way to slow considering the level of the participants.

There is plenty of dialogue and a good dialogue free moment after the match. That was spoiled quickly with a speech that was way too obvious by the clothing designer.

The movie is in limited release but it looks good on the big screen and should be seen theatrically. It was shot on film, maybe because the movement of a tennis ball doesn't track as well in digital photography.
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History B, Cinema D.
21 September 2017
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If you saw something similar in a high school world history class it would be interesting and effective. As a theatrical movie it misses the mark. It's 1947 time to grant India it's independence but there is a social, religious problem. The telegraphed answer is two countries.

The movie is poorly writing and directed with way too many dialogue driven scenes. People sit around and talk about what is happening. On more then one occasion the question is asked and answered by throwing down the newspaper with the dramatic answer. The only time the movie was visual was the last few minutes showing rather then talking about the refugee issues.

The house in the title serves as a metaphor for the division of the country with the silver flat wear being proportionately divided. Other scenes in the house seemed forced. The movie is in limited release and available on home platforms. No need to see this in a theater. Free is almost too much to pay for one.
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Home Again (2017)
Pleasant enough.
17 September 2017
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Reece Witherspoon carries this romantic comedy on her shoulders. It is harmless fluff and entertaining enough.

Ignore things like how did the Witherspoon character know where the guys moved and showed up in their place. What was the flower set up with no vase payoff. Then there was the movie in the yard with half the film on the take up reel at the start of the credits. Why was so much emphasis placed on the ex moving to Los Angeles?

The movie is a perfect example of a sit back and enjoy your popcorn experience. There is really no reason to see this in a theater as it will play well on home platforms. If you don't expect too much you won't be disappointed.
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Wind River (2017)
Takes the murder mystery to a new venue.
5 September 2017
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An FBI agent teams with a tracker to solve a murder on an Indian reservation. The locations and the snow are what lifts this above the usual entries in the solve a murder genre. The snow is so cold you feel it.

The performances are good with the exception of one of the Olsen twins who was unconvincing as an FBI agent. There is a level of violence that may not have been necessary. The shootout reduces the cast to a manageable number.

The movie is in limited release but it's sticking in theaters. It looks good on the big screen and worth the price to see it in a theater.
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Interesting documentary.
5 September 2017
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Who knew Tom Hanks would be type cast. He is among the most normal people in this unique typewriter fetish movie. The title refers to an office product store in Berkley California that does everything typewriters. There are plenty of talking heads on the virtues and creativity that spring from the use of a typewriter over a digital device.

There are plenty of slightly askew typewriter lovers, mostly men who are enthusiastic over the keys and the bells. There is actually a musical group that plays songs on their typewriters. The history, origins, demise and perhaps an optimistic future are all presented in this a bit long documentary.

If you like interesting non political, non controversial documentaries check this out. It's in limited release but with finding.
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Makes your family seem normal
11 August 2017
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If Woody Harrelson plays his cards right he has a great chance for a supporting actor award. Brie Larson and kids of various ages do good work. The kids age, Harrelson not so much.

The movie based on a book is too long. It starts to drag and like most alcoholic movies becomes predictable and redundant. The movie is extremely dialogue driven. A couple scenes stand out and give an indication of how much better this could have been. Arm wrestling and mom out the window add some zip to the story that you know how will end.

There's the over the credits clips of the real people. Casting made everyone look better. It's a small movie that doesn't need to be seen on the big screen. Good performances make it worth watching in the comfort of your home.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Title says it all.
11 August 2017
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Here's an action spy movie set in Berlin at the time the wall was coming down. Spies on all sides are doing whatever is necessary to get the list of secret agents.

There is plenty of somewhat redundant action with Charlize Theron beating the life out of various bad guys. She takes time out for a steaming somewhat surprising love scene. There is also a good twist as things get resolved.

Good performances and plenty of action make for a good time at the movies. The movie plays well on the big screen and should be enjoyed in a theater environment. The violence may be excessive for some movie goers but spying is no picnic.
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Dunkirk (2017)
War is still hell.
27 July 2017
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Edwin S. Porter's "The Great Train Robbery" was the first use of parallel action. Something happening off camera while different action is on camera. Christopher Nolan the Dunkirk director took the concept to the extreme. The problem was time stood still for the action not shown. When they cut back to the previous scene no time had passed.

It is an intense movie, but the characters are nearly random. It was shot on film and looks good. A slew of technical nominations will come it's way. Think sound, sound editing. It is hard to recommend to anyone looking for a good time at the movies. If you want to see it, see it on the big screen in a theater with big sound. If you forgot war is hell, this will remind you.
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I came to praise Caesar not to bury him.
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The title is a spoiler. The movie is a war movie between apes and the men who survived a virus and want to destroy the apes. It would have been a much shorter movie if they decided just to get along.

The movie is too long and there're are just too many battle scenes. Then it becomes a slave issue movie, a prison camp escape movie, and even a "Heart of Darkness" rogue military officer rip off.

Going in you know what to expect and if you went in you can figure out who won. Technically the movie looks great. It should be seen in a theater with a big screen and strong sound. Without disclosing the ending, they will find a way to bring Caesar back.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Nobody puts this Baby in a corner.
7 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Like driving fast with the radio turned up? This movie is for you. Like slickly made well written action films, this s for you. There's a level of violence that might be a problem, but it's more like video game violence or cartoon violence where the coyote comes back for more.

Director, writer Edgar Wright gets the credit for creating a unique entertaining world. Ansel Elgort gives an outstanding understated performance as Baby. The supporting cast is right on even if some are so well known you feel like you are watching Kevin Spacey and Jamie Foxx rather then the characters they play.

The technical aspects are award worthy. The sound and sound editing are amazing. The cinematography outstanding. The art direction and costume design add to the slick look. The use of music makes the movie.

The movie looks great on the big screen. Enjoy it in a theater environment with big sound.
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The Big Sick (2017)
The title is a spoiler.
1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Starts with potential but misfires.

The movie feels too contrived especially when the titled big sick comes out of nowhere. The movie is poorly written with plenty of "may I ask you a question" instead of just asking. Often the "may I ask" is just not for a question but a preachy speech. There' s a 9-11 joke. A set piece at a drive through restaurant feel forced by the cheese order and could go anyplace in the movie. There's a few step in the hallways for no reason except to set up a two scene. There' s no reason for the nurse to leave the room.

The coma is too long. It provides the opportunity to bring in a miscast Ray Romano and allow for irrelevant backstory dialogue exposition that doesn't add much. While you want her to pull through it's dragging and you'll hope for any outcome.

Then we have to endure the side effects of treatment and some physical therapy. When will this end? Don't worry if you wait long enough you get the Hollywood ending.

The movie is in limited release. No need to see it in a theater as it will play as well and cheaper on a home platform.
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The Beguiled (2017)
Misery set during the Civil War.
28 June 2017
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This is Sofia Coppola's best so far. The girls in an isolated southern school find an injured Northern soldier and decide to keep him. The man in the house changes everything. The writing credit is very strange as the movie is actually a remake of a Clint Eastwood film of the same title which was based on a book.

Like most Sofia Coppola movies this looks great on the screen. The cinematography is outstanding. The shot on film production has a richness not found in most recent movies. Of course some scenes are too long. There are too many shots of the exterior of the house and never ending booms on the sound track in case we forget there is a war nearby.

There seem to be a few unintentionally funny moments. "Get me the saw and my anatomy book" is one of many funny lines. The performances are uniformly very good. Nicole Kidman slips into her native Aussie accent on occasion. The costumes are terrific but maybe a bit fresh and clean considering there's a war going on.

The movie is in limited release but worth seeking out.
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