
13 Reviews
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Bland, terribly bland.
14 July 2021
I was optimistically excited about this film because of the trailer, but overall it is quite awful. 1/3 of the movie is filmed in pitch black and I had to postpone watching it because the glare off of my TV in the afternoon made it impossible to see anything that was going on.

The plot of this film was really bland and unoriginal, the performances weren't awful but nothing to rave about.

I just felt so so let down after this had finished.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Really don't understand the hate
23 December 2020
Maybe it's because I'm a huge fan of the original mini-series but I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode and don't understand why people are hating on it so badly. The characters are complex and the acting is good with potential for improvement.

Honestly, I thought this was pretty great overall and I'm very excited for the rest of the season.
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Vomit-Inducing Mastery.
21 March 2011
First of all, for ANYONE that has a stomach and a heart, be it strong, or weak. THINK before you watch this film, just sit down and study this list, and you will know whether you are ready to watch this or not.

1. Do you have any children? If the answer is yes, DO NOT WATCH THIS. If no, move on to question two.

2. Have you watched The Human Centipede? If the answer is no, Go watch that first, and if you handled that okay, then move ahead to number 3.

3. Do you watch extreme porn? If the Answer is yes, move onto question 4.

4. Have you ever heard of an Aristocrats joke? If yes, you have a vague description of what this film is about, proceed to question 5. If no, go look up 'The Aristocrats' and you will then understand what this movie depicts in the most vile manner.

5. Have you watched 'Anti-Christ'? If no, go watch it, and if your stomach is still okay, come back. If yes, and you weren't phased by Anti-Christ. You MAY proceed in watching this film.

BUT, be forewarned, that this movie depicts some of the most vile scenes I have seen in cinema in a VERY long time, this film shocked me to my very core, and I may never be the same man after watching it. It has been turned off for about a half an hour now, and I still feel queasy.

Artistically, scripturally and visually this movie is an amazing piece, but once you have seen it, you will not Un-See it.
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Basement Jack (2009 Video)
I don't know why it got such bad ratings.
23 November 2009
I picked up this movie at Blockbuster a while ago and I wrote it on a list to come home and look up on IMDb. Reading the reviews and ratings, I was a little put off, because it only had a 3.4 star rating. After much deliberation in the movie aisle, I decided to pick it up, and I am glad I did.

Not only did I get an excellent stalk and slash film, but the characters were played with an excellent degree of scare. The character of Basement Jack is one of the creepiest horror movie psycho's out there. I think what drew me to him the most is that he wasn't some half-brained zombie stalking after people like most horror movies are nowadays. Basement Jack was just a child that was horrendously abused as a child in sick, sick ways, so he was just mentally unstable, but not stupid. There was a certain level of elegance in his stalk and slash, not just stalk, stalk, stalk, kill.

On the negative side, some of the characters were a little lacking in the acting department, but at the same time, it made them seem like actual people and not actors trying to portray people. Also there are a few small plot holes that don't really ever get summed up.

But overall, I really enjoyed this film and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys to cuddle up with their most jumpy friends and watch someone slash up a bunch of towns people.

I rate this: Definite Watch.
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Whaaat, were they thinking?
23 November 2009
Now, Before I start ranting, I just wanted to say that no matter how 'hot' Megan Fox is, she just doesn't do it for me as an actress.

With that said, I thought she put for a good effort to prepare and get ready for this movie(losing enough weight to drop under 100 pounds), but again, just could not take her seriously. I loved the story to this movie, I loved the way it was put together, and I loved every other character in this movie, but the fact that they went with the overly- 'hot' girl instead of the one that could pull the part off just ruined this movie all together for me.

On the plus side, the movie had a great soundtrack and Amanda Seyfried did an excellent job in her role as the geeky yet sexual high school nerd. But on the whole, the negatives outweigh the positives, I would say its watchable if a friend pays for it or if you pirate movies, but don't spend money on it thinking you're going to get a good horror film, or if you think you're going to see more than Megan Foxes Belly Button.
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The Lookout (2007)
I fell in love with Chris Pratt
1 January 2009
After watching this movie a second time, I had to come on here and write a little bit about it. The first time I watched it I was feeling under the weather and didn't pay all that much attention, but the second time I watched it, I was glued to the freakin' screen the whole time.

I fell in love with the Chris Pratt character, Levitt took this character and ran with it. The sheer emotion shown by Chris Pratt in this movie is enough to make you want to cry, laugh and empty your bowels in amazement. I could not believe how well he played this character.

Another superstar performance by Jeff Daniels, thats all I can say. Not many people, besides Morgan Freeman, can play a convincing blind man, but Daniels did an amazing job. I would love to see Levitt and Daniels do another movie together, these two seem to have so much chemistry on scream that I could easily sit through another movie with the two leading.

Enough about the performing, the writing in this movie was to be loved. Scott Frank should be given his own restaurant for writing such an amazing script. Everything from the back story to the suspense filled ending was just... excellent.

Totally, go out and buy this movie, I don't care how much it costs, watch it. You will be just as amazed as I was.
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Carver (2008 Video)
Follows the horror movie rules with only a few exceptions
1 January 2009
I watched Carver with my girlfriend a few nights ago and as I was watching I soon realized that this movie was following the simple rules of dying in a horror movie. You know, sex, drugs/drinking, camping in the middle of nowhere, helping out some creepy guy in a diner.

Although the death scenes were very predictable and I was found saying "Well, he's going to die." It still kept me entertained with a lot of bloody scenes, including one that will make the guys, like me, cringe in their seats.

The ending was a little bizarre, but again predictable, something about having a character in the movie with the last name Carver sort of gave it away, but it was a very clean and what I like to call a "That's gonna be a sequel," ending.

All in all this was a very good effort by a lower budget company and they deserve any and all props for this movie. The actors put forth an awesome effort especially that of main actor, Neil Kubath, who I think will have a very good career ahead of him in the coming years. This movie is totally worth the watch.

Congrats to all for an awesome job.
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Borderland (2007)
A well made movie with one stellar character.
10 August 2008
I was fairly entertained by this film, but it wasn't anything I would run out and tell my friends about. Very well written story, very believable acting including one VERY intense role by Jake Muxworthy.

Borderland had its ups and downs when it came to the overall play out, but it was very well made none the less. The death scenes were gruesome, the reactions were emotional and well done and the little comedy that was there was actually quite witty.

Over all I think it is very much worth the watch, but if you're looking to get blown away by a movie, I wouldn't recommend this one. I believe Muxworthy is an actor that is going to have a very bright future in this business, he absolutely has the skill to star in a mainline film.
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100 Tears (2007 Video)
Slow and Monotone, but Entertaining none the less.
9 August 2008
I loved the concept of this movie, but the low budget and half-assed acting was harsh on this title.

I had a feeling going into this film that I wasn't going to enjoy it at all, but I was actually quite entertained. I would really enjoy seeing this movie remade with a bigger budget and some actors that can actually show emotion.

The only showing of acting passion was from the character that played the killers daughter, she really portrayed the part well. Other than one actor, the rest of the cast was pretty slow and ineffective.

All in all, I think this movie is worth the watch if you enjoy gore, but if you're looking for acting, I wouldn't waste your time.
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Lloyd, I love you...
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously want to kiss Lloyd after seeing this film. It is complete genius! Like I went into this thinking "please no cameo's from the Toxic Avenger," because I completely hated that film. But Trauma totally changed my views on their productions.

A musical about zombie chickens, can it get any better? If something could be any better, I've yet to see it. The characters were all very unique and eclectic. Nothing was left to the imagination, except about how Humus came back to life, and anything that you could have thought of, was in this movie.

Lesbians, Gay Mexicans, Talking sandwiches, severed limbs, a dancing old man in the basement and tons of other fun, psychotic and a bit erotic things.
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Seed (2006)
Some good gore, but otherwise useless
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching Seed and I have to say I was very disappointed.

When I first heard about this film I thought there was a lot in store for Max Seed to become another great horror legend, but I was sadly mistaken.

The fact is, Max Seed had a good character, but his supporting characters pulled him down with him.

Between the very unexciting acting of most of the victims and the horrible "father loves his daughter" scene which was pointless in its attempt to try and build a bond with the audience as a caring and loving father figure, this movie didn't go over well with me at all.
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Killer Pad (2008)
Loved it!
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the comment I just read about this in saying, I don't see why this movie got a bad wrap, I thought it was great.

The only problem I really had was the intense over-acting of Brody, but at the same time, it made it a tad bit funnier. I think Englund did an amazing job with this film, probably one of the best horror-comedy films I have seen in a while.

The only other thing I could have changed in this movie was the really lame "lets dress up a dead body to make it look alive again." Weekend at Bernies could do it and make it funny, this movie didn't.

I liked the cameo by Bobby Lee, he made the movie just that much more funny. But then again, you could put Bobby Lee in anything and it would make it funny.

Midgits, Pornstars and Satan, what more could you ask for?
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
Typical corny horror with a lacking cast.
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I didn't mind watching this film. I thought it had a good story. The only problem I had with it was the cast that was very lacking in their "scared to death," looks.

I really enjoyed the psycho stalker teacher character. I thought this character was played really well and was really creepy, but again, its almost impossible to have a really good main star without having a good supporting cast.

I did like that all of the murders were done with a knife, that brings you back to the old days, but if you're looking for a horror/gore, this movie isn't for you. This one was more about the stalking/creeping type of horror.

Overall, I think its worth the watch, but not if you're looking for the new age gore type of horror. If you want something to scare your girlfriend into snuggling closer to you, this is a good movie to watch.
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