
19 Reviews
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Same movie
17 May 2024
The Strangers Chapter 1 follows Maya and Ryan on their way out of town when their car breaks down, they stay at a cabin in the middle of the woods when they're attacked by strangers. This film is a reboot of the original and saying reboot is hard to say. This film is literally the same exact film as the original with very very tiny differences. This movie had so much potential and to make the same exact movie is so disappointing. Not to mention the characters were just so so stupid, the basic dumb horror elements are so overused and played out. Unfortunately this film plays them out and makes them worse. Now let me just take a minute and talk about the character Ryan, he is the worst character, if his rude attitude at the beginning of the movie didn't tell you that, he makes just the dumbest mistakes that even for a movie is ridiculous and that alone makes this movie terrible. It's really unfortunate because I really wanted to like this movie. Unfortunately The Strangers Chapter 1 is not worth the watch. Skip this and if you're going to watch this movie wait until streaming. Hopefully the next chapter is better.
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IF (I) (2024)
Magical Movie
17 May 2024
IF follows Bea as she journeys through the life of Imaginary Friends or IFs and how they are trying to have their kids who are now adults remember them. Let me break this review into 2 parts essentially. One part for kids and one for adults, this movie is perfect for both. The kids can enjoy this movie as it has wacky characters and child like humor. I saw this movie in Laser Ultra which is like MJRs version of IMAX and the way the colors pop in this film will make this a magical movie for kids. Speaking of magic, this film has plenty for the kids to enjoy, so if we're talking about for kids this movie is a perfect film for kids and is a must watch. Now for the second part of the review, the adults aspect. This movie is an emotional ride for adults and children alike. This film takes you down adult life and how growing up too fast and not having fun, can make life no fun at all. This emotional ride shows you heartbreak and how losing people hurts no matter how old you are. This movie could and probably will make you cry thinking of how life is so much different since you were a kid and how much easier it was. This movie is a must watch for adults as well.
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Madame Web (2024)
15 February 2024
Madame Web starts off weak with its pacing but comes back strong and resolves some of its major issues. This film still has its occasional struggles with CGI but what super hero movie doesn't have that. There are some corny lines and some really interesting acting choices, but with this being said, the movie is not that bad. This movie comes back strong after some of its struggles and creates a fun and interesting story with a nice premise to the introduction of Madame Web and the beginning of a possible live-action spiderverse film series. This is not a spider-man film, there is not action in the sense like a spider-man film so please do not come into this thinking their is going to be intense action, but the action that is there, works well for this movie.
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Cobweb (2023)
12 January 2024
Cobweb is a movie that gave me the completely... unexpected. This film had a somewhat interesting story that left some of my questions unanswered. Lizzy Caplan, Antony Starr, and Woody Norman use their incredible acting skills to make this movie a more terrifying tale. Sarah's look in this film and the way she moves was terrifying and great that I was scared to walk around my own house. The infuriating thing about Cobweb is the obvious, why would you go in there? Why haven't you called the police yet? This film was an unexpected terrifying film that I couldn't have imagined would make me so nervous while watching, it has its problems but is still a great horror movie and definitely worth the watch.
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Still Good
7 January 2024
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets is not as good as the first one but still a good sequel. There was not a lot of Hermoine in this one, this sequel kind of seemed like a buddy cop movie between Harry and Ron. The twist with moaning Myrtle is so shocking that it pulls this film together. This film also brings more hype to the eventual villain Voldemort. After the first one, you can tell this film got a bigger budget because there was more intense and cooler effects than the first. This franchise continues to surprise me and I'm excited to see where it goes as I continue to watch these films.
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Night Swim (2024)
Interesting Horror Movie
4 January 2024
This movie being about a haunted swimming pool really peaked my interest because I wasn't sure how this was going to work. I'll tell you Blumhouse does NOT miss. This movie was terrifying, it had my anxiety off the charts. The jumpscares in this film, they get you. The shots they use in this film, the way they work with the water, was so cool. This film takes a weird premise and makes it interesting enough where it kept me interested the whole time. This film being the weird it is, does not get boring in this slightest and the twist makes the film all come together in the best way, Great beginning to the year.
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Great beginning
29 December 2023
I was never a huge Harry Potter fan, but then again I never gave these movies a chance. After giving the first one a watch, I am very pleased with what I've seen. Although this film started off slow, once it picked up I was interested the whole time. The action in this film was actually surprising for a movie about magic, the effects for an older movie were also surprising. This movie left a lust for wanting more, something I never would have thought could come from watching these films. The acting of these young actors was also good for people so young. This film was a great first start for the franchise.
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Great movie for the family
15 December 2023
If you are looking for the perfect Christmas movie for the family that isn't the same four you watch every year, Merry Little Batman is the perfect Christmas movie. This animated Batman Christmas film combines aspects from all of your favorite Christmas movies into one film. The animation style of this film is unique with some great comedy for adults and children a like. This film has heart and that's what makes it a perfect new addition for your yearly Christmas watch list. The pacing in this film is great with its slow burn aspects and then picks up speed with its intense action scenes. Grab the family and enjoy this family friendly Christmas film.
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Not needed
21 November 2023
Hungers game being the franchise that it is and ending the way it did, this film was not needed. We had a perfect ending to the franchise and this one just feels out of place. Don't get me wrong it was a good film with a rough ending, but the action in this film was lacking, we had some good moments in this film but we also had some tough moments too, and some of the kills in this film feel cheap. Hunger games being the big franchise that it is, the types of kills and sequences we got in this film just feel like cheap knockoffs. The story is paced nicely and relatively makes sense, we had interesting characters, good and bad, but all in all this film feels like a cheap money grab, and you can definitely go without seeing this.
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Just another bad Christmas horror
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's a wonderful knife takes terrible gen-z comedy and makes it worse, utilizing it so much that it hurts. The kill scenes in this film were awful and corny. This story is as basic as it can be, with the wishing she was never born, which by the way, she never says she wishes, she just makes a statement saying people would be better off without her. There are so many plot holes in this film it hurts, so much in this film makes no sense, I can't even understand where they were going with it. I promise you this movie is not even worth watching. It makes no sense, it's too corny, the forced gen-z stuff is awful.
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Silly Family Fun
31 October 2023
Hubie Halloween is a perfect movie for families for Halloween! It's child like comedy and adult jokes make it perfect for all ages. Adam Sandler never misses with his perfect movies for everyone. The characters in this film play their roles perfectly to allow this weirdly who done it movie to continue. It's a perfect mix of weird romance, weird comedy, weird action, and weird mystery. Hubie Halloween can now be considered a perfect classic for Halloween that I will be putting on for every Halloween. Welcome to the collection of great Halloween movies, it's most definitely worth the watch on Netflix.
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Barbarian (2022)
31 October 2023
This disturbing film brings even the most casual viewer to disgust. Not because the movie was bad, because it was genuinely a good watch, but because of some of the disturbing scenes in this film. Barbarian starts with what you might think is a psychological horror about a possible creepy roommate, which then turns into a sort of creature movie with some hidden evil characters thrown within. This film will have you thinking you know what the movie is really about and then completely change what you think in another scene and I personally think that's what makes this film such an interesting watch. This film is an enjoyable creature feature-esque with some hidden jumpscares you couldn't predict, definitely worth the watch.
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What stupid thing will happen next?
31 October 2023
This film shows why certain movies should stop at one. This sequel shows just the pure stupidity of slashers to the point where it ruins this film. Every move the characters made was just not common sense and it irritates even the most casual viewer. This film took a great first movie and twisted the perspective to where they made a final girl. This is one of those movies where it would have been better off without the final girl. Let the characters die! The kills in this movie are pretty basic slasher moves as well, it's a slice here and a slice there and then a character falls over and dies. We could have done without this sequel but it's a mediocre movie that can still be enjoyed to some extent.
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The Strangers (2008)
31 October 2023
This creepy home invasion movie gives you all of the wrong feelings. This psychological horror film will leave you scared to leave your doors unlocked. The true story aspects of this film also leave you interested in the real story. The only thing I didn't like is we didn't get a look at the killers, they take their masks off and you can't see their faces. This leaves me wondering why that is, you get glimpses here and there of the women but never the man they are with, if you know the true story you could probably assume who this man is. This film leaves you wondering what happens next and works perfectly with the suspense aspects of this film.
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Carrie (2013)
Modern Take
30 October 2023
This modern take on Carrie was so well done. The effects were put together very well and looked great with some exceptions. The way they brought the modern style and themes into this adaptation worked very well, and the slight tweaks to the story to make it more modern, made this a better film than the rest. Chloe Grace Moretz does a great and compelling performance along with Julianne Moore. They play off of each other so well as the twisted mother - daughter relationship and it works perfectly. This adaptation deserves the good ranking it gets for being a more modern take that is put together well and works.
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Perfect for the fans!
26 October 2023
A movie of this nature you would think wouldn't work, the games didn't have a huge story behind them but this does. The story of Mike and his struggles is so well done, you root for his character so much that you want him to survive his nights but after seeing the animatronics, you might change your mind because you want to see these fantastic looking characters create some death! This film although does lack horror, makes up for it in suspense, enough to make you sit at the edge of your seat, watching intently to see what happens next. This movie was also made for the fans, so expect a lot of fan service, but you don't have to be a fan of the games to know what's going on. It will be just as great!
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Great movie!
10 October 2023
Hello movies fans, tonight I got invited to see Totally Killer in theaters. Now is it worth the watch, I'm going to tell you. Totally killer follows Jamie 35 years after a serial killer killed her mom's friends. After her friend builds a Time Machine, she must now travel back in time to try and stop this serial killer. Time travel horror movies have never interested me, but this one was so well done. The sweet sixteen killers look was as basic as it can get for a killer but it fit this time travel scenario so well. The characters deep past was good as well, how the adults were so different when they were teenagers. Not just the people were different but the way things were handled, you see Jamie trying to push the new 2023 things on these people from 1987 and how they just look at her like she's crazy. The comedy was a huge part of this movie and it doesn't feel forced, it feels like the jokes are placed perfectly and it works so well. The action scenes in the movie were so well done as well. You wouldn't think to see a slow-motion fight in a horror movie, but in this movie you get to see this and it's perfect. The pacing was great as well, there were no points in the movie where you were bored because the story just flowed greatly. Everything had a purpose and everything worked great, but what is a horror movie without a twist? The twist in Totally Killer is just as well done, throughout almost the whole film, Jamie is trying to figure out who the killer is and you are trying to guess yourself, which characters throughout the movie you've met, could be the killer and why. The verdict, should you watch Totally Killer when it comes out on October 6th? Absolutely, it's a great movie, with a great story, great actors, and great action. This movie in my book gets a 4.5/5. When Totally killer drops you should definitely check it out.
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Appendage (2023)
Disturbing and Strange
10 October 2023
Appendage is a very strange and disturbing story of how depression can effect a person. In this movie, Hannah's depression and inner thoughts come together in a very strange way. This creature-esque body horror shows an intense story of how one can come out of depression with the help of people are them if you let them and if they listen. This film takes a complete turn and it's one you're not expecting which is so well done for this movie. The pace for this movie is good for a movie of this type and for a Hulu original movie it's definitely worth the watch. If you're coming into this expecting to be scared though, you're watching the wrong movie. This movie is disturbing and disgusting and will have you cringing at some of the most disgusting moments. I'm giving this movie a 3.5/5 for its perfect pacing but was a more basic story that comes together well.
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Saw X (2023)
Best Saw Movie Yet!
10 October 2023
Saw X follows John Kramer who we all know from the previous movies has cancer. John Kramer finds an experimental surgery that could possibly cure his cancer and when he finds out it's a scam, well that's when Jigsaw comes in. I recently rewatched all the saw movies because I'm a huge fan of these movies ever since I was probably 9 years old. I don't know why this franchise was always my favorite since I was a kid but they always clicked with me, I would sit and watch them with my aunt and I think that's how I became such a huge horror fan. The saw movies always try to show how John Kramer is trying to change people and their bad decisions with this torture horror. I personally liked all the saw movies because like I said they are what started my love of horror. Let's be honest they got a lot of hate but this one gave us a look at John Kramer and how it all started. This movie took us back, it took us back to some of the darker aspects that we love about saw, the traps are more simplistic, there's no lasers like everyone hated but we're back with the simple interesting and also disgusting traps. The emotional aspect of this movie with showing the hope from John Kramer and then this hope being taken from him, makes this movie something we've never seen before. The start of this movie starts off slow paced and then slowly speeds up in a perfect way. Let's be honest after 10 movies we're not coming here to see the people involved escape, we want to see some death and this movie gives us some death like never before. Like I said seeing this emotional aspect with John Kramer, it leaves you switching sides in a way. There are characters you feel bad for but at the same time you feel bad for John Kramer in this one and you want to see the traps that jigsaw does so well. If you think that we're coming into this saw movie and just seeing death, you would be wrong, obviously that is the most obvious thing in a saw movie but this movie also has some good comedic moments in it as well. This is something we don't see to often in saw movies that Saw X does really well, but what is a saw movie if it didn't have a twist ending, the twist in this movie just like many of the others gets you by surprise which is something the saw movies never lacked and always did well. This movie is probably my favorite out of all the saw movies, it did everything so well and the time between movies and being able to sit and stew all of the great things we love about a saw movie makes this movie a 5/5 for me.
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