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Split Second (1992)
Better than Hobo with a Shotgun!
19 August 2023
Trust me, watch this first before reading any critiques, especially by any sheepdip working for the NY Times... This Sci-Fi action flic has it all, and is over in a heartbeat thump, thump thump...Rutger Hauer, Kim Cattrall, Alastair Duncan and Satan headline with Pete Posthelwaite, Michael Pollard, Alun Armstrong in supporting roles. Lots of action, a little gore, some 90's style buddy cop laughs with a few tongue in cheek scares thrown in for just the right mix of memorable moments. Good direction and script keeps this semi-serious, futuristic dystopian creature flic moving along at a good pace. The SFX are well done, even when over the top for laughs. Rutger is great as usual, and the partner played by Alastair Duncan is well done. A true gem in the vein of Hobo with a Shotgun.
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Black Warrant (2022)
Decent action flic
16 August 2023
Regarding Tom Bérenger, I can't criticise any actor's work of 45 years, 70+ feature films, and an equal number a of tv appearance from soap operas to self-produced mini-series, with an Emmy and a Golden Globe in the pocket. And, an Academy Award nomination for best-supporting actor, as Sgt. Barnes in Platoon, an incredible performance which was the best in a movie loaded with great performances . Also, a bunch of good rolls in other notable films. All this, and people actual say, but he could have been a star. HE IS A STAR IN MY BOOK!

Black Warrant, a B movie that delivers an interesting story, good main character acting, with a nice turn by the supporting cast. The story moves along, and I found the plot twists kept the energy up and interesting. Action scenes were well staged and believable, but intense enough to not be for the squeamish. The action genre of police, spy, terrorist, government agents with a little human interest thrown, works pretty well. A solid 7, and I suggest you don't even bother with the so-called critics that post a 5 or less.
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Stalker (1979)
Auteur Tarkovsky's moody masterpiece
2 August 2023
Unfortunately, I did not get to see this beautiful film on the big screen, but if the opportunity presents itself, by all means get to the theater. I was a fast Tarkovsky fan after watching Solaris, which was poorly remade somewhat recently by Soderberg/Clooney collaboration. Subsequently, I now have all his movies, which are made available by Criterion Collection. There are not enough superlatives to bestow on his creations, each offering containing such beauty, visually stunning, incredible scripts and acting, sound design long before it was known as that, and intimate and unusual soundtracks...his movies are events, not just unique experiences. If you're new to Russian cinema, starting with Tarkovsky or Eisenstein, you won't be disappointed...but there are numerous Mosfilm films to be enjoyed. Bonderchuck's monumental masterpiece, "War and Peace" is also incredible. You can probably find some good ones on U-Tube or a streaming channel like Prime, but I highly recommend the Criterion Coll. Blu-Ray offerings for their high quality Mosfilm remastered versions, plus the many extras. Prepare to have your socks knocked off by auteur Tarkovsky...no hyperbole!
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Ex Machina (2014)
Sci-Fi at it's best
30 July 2023
This is a film even non-sci-fi fans will enjoy(if there's anyone left who hasn't seen it). Oscar Isaacs is amazing as the mad genius, creator of an advanced AI robot that "thinks" and has "emotions". But like the story of Frankenstein, the scientist is not in control of his creation. Alicia Vikander, called a new comer by some, but not really so, is absolutely mesmerizing as AVA the AI that yearns for more than her role as Isaac's lab rat. In comes Domhall Gleason with a good performance, as a contest winner, and fan of Isaac's, genius, who is tasked to explore AVA's humanlike abilities to reason, and then give the Dr. His unbiased feedback. That's the set up, plot summary, which I won't go into any further, other than to say, as the story progresses it gets much more interesting and complicated. Director Alex Garland does an excellent job utilizing the talent, pacing and plot twists. Editing is flawless and under appreciated by the critics. Add into the mix a good supporting cast, great taught script and a good soudtrack, and out pops a masterpiece(I use that description very sparingly). This is definitely Vikanders break out role, she's no newcomer in '14, and in Garland's hands she really shines. As she's being tested by the Gleason character, she subtly transforms from test subject to tester and seductress. This is the twist that sets up the surprising events that follow. IF! A big IF, you are not a fan of Sci-fi you might just become one after watching this one. If you like to watch amazing actors performances, watch this for Oscar Isaacs and Alicia Vikander, and I guarantee you will be entertained.
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Medellin (2023)
The Cartel's don't stand a chance
28 July 2023
I gave this film a good, worth seeing rating of 7due to its originality with a mix of action and comedy like you've never seen before. Medellín hits the funny bone and the heart at the same time without feeling contrived. The actors are mostly new and refreshing, with Frank Gastambide, the creator, actor director doing a yoeman's job keeping the crazyness coherent and fast paced. The other two main characters played by Ramzy Bedia and Anuair Toubali form a nice odd trio of reluctant heros with Gastambide. Casting Mike Tyson as the somewhat secretive CIA type who aides their mission to rescue Bedia's character's younger brother- a Pablo Escobar, look alike, internet wannabe, played hilariously by Brahim Bouhlel. Totally full of funny moments, and a few good spoofs to keep your interest going...
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Any review at 5 or less is just a waste of time...
27 July 2023
I've come to the conclusion that some people who think they can tell the difference between a great action movie and a bad one are Bruce Willis haters and Troglodytes who think The Sound of Music and the Notebook are great action movies. In reality, Acts of Violence is a well made, well acted, fast paced action movie with good production values. The casting is good from Bruce Willis on down the list with Cole Hauser co-starring and playing most key scenes. If you're a Willis fan or just a fan of the genre, you'll like this effort by Director, Donowho. No fault of the movie, but Lionsgate fudged a limited release with little or no attempt at promotion. Shame on them for not backing their product, especially with star power like Willis.
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In the Blood (I) (2014)
Gina rocks the action
26 July 2023
Great cast and good performances across the board. You gotta love a movie with Danny Trejo, Luis Guzman together, and who always bring the action level up a notch. But of course this is a Gina Carano vehicle and she delivers the stuff. Great in action, and believable in the role of loving wife who will stop at nothing to protect herself and her husband. I loved her in Haywire, so I checked this one out for the first time here. Star quality is no stretch for her, she's got the tuff side and sexy side chops seemingly without much effort. Cam Gigandet is good as the husband in trouble, and along with Amaury Norlesco good as the psychopathic bad-ass. Nice photography and island locations. I can't crucial the plot like some, I felt it was adequately directed, and some twists keep you intrigued to the end. 👍👍in honor of Siskel & Ebert...not an award winner, but an enjoyable action flick.
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A solid 6, don't expect much and you won't be disappointed
25 July 2023
They can't all be a Signs, a Sixth Sense or an Unbreakable, unfortunately. A M. Night Shyalaman movie brings with it high expectations that simply aren't met with this effort. Something was amiss here, but I couldn't quite put a finger on it. The story premise, I think, had some promise, but never quite materializes. The acting was okay with Bautista interestingly playing against type. I guess the plot was a little contrived, and didn't really draw me in like other M. Night films were able to do. No real tension was built along the way so the effort to get us to care about the the stress of the 2 Father's and their Daughter's tough decision kinda fizzles. Bautista saves this one from disaster, and it's worth watching for that alone.
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Chained (I) (2012)
Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est.
17 July 2023
Thank you Prime for the assortment of new and old films. I missed Chained until now for some reason...Vince D'nofrio is great as usual, and working with a pretty good supporting cast, led by newcomer Eamon Ferren. This is a good horror/crime story with some interesting twists and surprises. If you like horror/crime genre films you will definitely like Chained. The direction, script and cinematography are good, and superb at times. Chained is definitely a D'nofrio vehicle, so for fans like me who never tire of his acting, this is another special part for him to shine, and he does! A warning for the squeamish, some graphic violence scenes are gruesome, but not gratuitous. Overall, 👍👍 in honor of Siskel and Ebert.
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Shock and Awe (2017)
Not Spotlight?
12 July 2023
No kidding, it's Shock and Awe. It's also not All the President's Men or Citizen Kane or Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

In the beginning of the film Bill Moyer's comment about the press paraphrases Thomas Jefferson without him giving an attribution, which I find interesting and revealing about the Corporate media of today (and going back decades). The for profit, mainstream media has become a cult of personality with each talking head looking for ways to BE the one consumers will bow down to; and of course, BE the one with the biggest paycheck. The corruption of the Leftist controlled mainstream media has reached its zenith over the past 7 years erso. Now baldface lying is accepted when the ends justify their political agenda. So sad for America.

As this excellent film exposes, a free and fair press no longer exists in America. This IS the greatest threat to our democratic Republic, not the Right or Conservatives or a Trump presidency.
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This is not a Clive Cussler book or script...SO GET OVER IT!
5 July 2023
Well worth a watch. I was pleased with the story, plot, action, sfx and acting. Supporting cast with Sir Alec Guinness and Ann Archer add a few interesting scenes. The main characters are Jason Robards as the admiral, Richard Jordan as the hot shot problem solver and David Selby as the lead scientist, all are decent and perform well together. The direction by Jameson is okay, moving things forward at a good clip.

I liked the cold war with Russia intrigue, and the many details of the Herculean task needed to complete the mission to raise the Titanic. Also, a little romantic subplot with the beautiful Ann Archer is a nice diversion from the main task. THIS MOVIE DOES NOT DESERVE HALF THE CRITICISM IT GETS. Irwin Allen could not have directed it any better.
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Another home run by Clint
20 May 2023
This offering from Clint Eastwood further solidifies for me that he is one of(if not the) best of all time American movie personalities : acting, directing, producing, writing, scoring and grasping the truth in a story and translating it to celluloid in an entertaining way. 👍👍 In honor of Siskel and Ebert...I'm about 40 movies into my Eastwood collection and will add this gem shortly. It almost seems impossible that 60 plus years of movie making longevity continually produces such quality...anybody who has criticized him in the past is a moron who has no idea what it takes to truly entertain the masses.
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