
56 Reviews
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Dark Elves were a good enemy
16 March 2024
I know this movie gets dragged through the mud maybe for the heavy CGI required to show the "ether" which is ends up just being a meta story item for the marvel universe. I think much like the first movie this one makes you want to see more of Asgard and their side of the universe. The dark elves were an impressive enemy and if we saw more of them I think they wouldve caused problems for modern day earth, I mean they essentially infilitrated Asgard and killed so many warriors they couldnt really do anything without the actions of Thors team. Unlike the first movie I think I liked them being in the modern day a little better, though the real reason I like this movie is for the dark elves they provided alot of violence and cool characters. Oh Loki is also one of my favorite marvel characters in general so thats why this movie gets 10/10, I feel like the thor movies are a bit serious for a casual rewatch for me but i still enjoy them.
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Thor (2011)
Great movie, but Asgard is my favorite part
16 March 2024
As one of the first of the live action marvel movies I think thor did a great job bringing Asgard into the universe, honestly I would've liked it better if the whole movie was there. They couldve ended it on modern day earth like they do with other movies but maybe because Captain America is like that they wanted to avoid a similar storyline. Their war against the frost giants was very cool as was the CGI heavy fights! I know alot of people complain about CGI but I think this movie did it well, althought alot of the beginning is going to be a dark lit film lol. Not only is Chris Hemsworth made for the role but so are much of this entire cast, the end battle in the small desert town was the only part that the movie started to lose me in. But I still love to give this one a rewatch with my brothers, Thor is my little brothers favorite marvel superhero and this is prolly my 2nd favorite Thor movie. (I rank them 3rd, 1st, 2nd, 4th. (Even tho 2 gets alot of hate I love those actors and that movie in general.)
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The least realistic Iron man but most emotional
20 February 2024
Honestly the only reason it dosnt have 10 stars with me is because it is such a serious tone movie for alot of it that it dosnt feel like the other Iron Mans. Tony stark is on the run after being targeted by some hidden enemy during the height of his fame and tech level, but this movie helps him realize he needs more than the suit to be content in life and really commits to Pepper. You get to see all the signature tech from his movies while also enjoying bonus action from extra suits in his arsenal. However the worst part of the movie was actually pretty cool, the glowing pill taking bad guys felt like very heavy sci fi. They were a terrifying idea for an enemy though and it would be cool to see what they wouldve done against the Avengers or even Thanos, but still its not as easy of a rewatch as the first one for me so it gets 9 stars. Cant forget to talk about how the main bad guy was very well done.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Love the Iron Man movies and this was a good sequel
20 February 2024
Although this movie lost 2 stars with me compared to the first I still really enjoyed it, I just wasnt a huge fan of the main bad guy Ivan. The actor was very talented, brooding and a good pick for that role; but I just didnt care about this villian. He was essentially a scrappier iron man with electrified whips for arms, he does have a big grudge against starks family but still I just didnt care about him. I do still get the usual laughs from the Iron Man movies while it still feels set in modern times, albeit they are now more accepting of Iron Man even though he seems to be the only superhero in the public eye so far. Another reason for 8 stars instead of 10 is I prefer the last actor for war machine lol.
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Iron Man (2008)
Deserves 10/10 for being one of the first and always a good movie
20 February 2024
Maybe its because I was younger seeing this movie on FX that it always feel like a comfort movie, but it takes time to develop into a superhero movie. Feeling more like another pro military movie like captain america (even though this one was tech first lol) i still like rewatching it with my brothers. I am also one of those people that prefers Terrance Howard as War Machine but thats just cause he is a great actor. This movie is a good mix at feeling like a super hero movie set in modern times, where some of the others just get to fantasy or sci fi heavy to feel relatable. I get lots of laughs in this movie and anytime I see Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man cause he was born for the role.
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Still one of the best marvel movies but took me a few watches
20 February 2024
CA Civil War might be one of the best of the marvel movies for superhero on superhero violence, because most of the combat is exactly that. The named characters we have gotten to know over the years (I remember being in high school when Iron Man came out) showing up as costars of this very well done movie. Alot of diplomacy and government intrigue which is perhaps similar to the other captain america movies but just dosnt hit as hard for me, or at least not the first time I watched this movie. I didnt even remember Zemo ended up being the big bad guy until I watched it a second time lol, but I thought his actor did a very good job with the role and he was quite scary like his animated counterpart on the TV shows I used to watch growing up. With so many big name superheros in this movie going head to head you have to watch this movie if your a fan of marvel, it just fell short of 10 stars with me because it took me a couple watches to appreciate it.
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Can't think of one reason it dosnt deserve 10 stars unless your not a fan of superhero/military propoganda movies.
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As my review title said, when it comes to superhero action (without heavy CGI) and military propaganda this movie definitely hits the mark! Chris Evans is such an amazing actor and fits the role of captain America perfectly. I am a fan of all the animated DC or marvel stuff from when I was younger so I really appreciate any details in these types of movies that reference the general universe. So I loved the inclusion of Black Panther in this movie as the beginning of his story, Black Widow is one of the main characters though and always is a badass. This movie has a decent amount of humor in between all the violence which I think is well done, especially the iconic elevator brawl scene. If you liked the first one you'll love this one though no WW2 scenes! Lol.
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Hazbin Hotel (2019– )
It speaks to me in so many ways
30 January 2024
Maybe I'm biased because I love musicals and I was raised in a strict religious family, so I give this show a 10/10!!! When they started singing in the first episode my wife (who was enjoying the idea of the show and characters) just stared at me knowing how much I love musical numbers in my shows! Lol Their are literally 2 full songs (and maybe a few small tunes) in each episode and they are superbly performed by each cast member! Charlie (Lucifers daughter) is probably my favorite character despite her very peppy innocent attitude not being on point for the princess of hell, she is still a much loved character whos own inability to deal with her family issues is relatable to me. Angel Dust (porn demon) gets the most laughs out of me while also having a heartbreaking story that makes me want the most for them at the end of this show. While Alastor (radio demon) provides the evil sauve and almost protective role that i expected Lucifer to have towards Charlie! (Not to say Lucifer isnt also an enjoyable character but short goofy king is not what I expected). These are just some of my favorite characters while the rest of the cast is just as enjoyable to watch with their own quirks and traumas!!

In short I would say if you like animated adult shows that call out the hypocrisies of society or religious trauma then this is another show for you! Lovers of Rick and Morty, Inside Job and Big Mouth should also get a kick out of this show. Not for the lighthearted or easily offended.
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American Miltary Propoganda by Marvel that works
26 December 2023
I started watching Marvel movies in high school and I think captain america was on of the first ones I got to see in theatres with my brothers, our dad was a history buff so we were really able to enjoy Captain America together. Some people might say movies like this have a slow start because the superhero stuff takes time to happen, but I really enjoyed every part of this movie and find myself willing to rewatch it especially with the bros around. Growing up I realized it was military propoganda so not everyone will want to watch it or enjoy it, but plenty of marvel action scenes mixed with WW2 scenes. Cant imagine anyone but Chris Evans as captain america, been great seeing him over the years in the role.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Wish I had watched this stellar show sooner
26 December 2023
I dont usually watch animes (and I know this only technically counts because the games developers are from Japan), but this show really got me hooked from the first episode! I love fantasy, violence and dark themes so an adult animated show about Draculas revenge war on humanity because of the wrongful death of his wife.. really just captivated me from the begining. Now Dracula was such a good character I cant believe he was dead after season 2, because he was such a great character and I wish we had gotten to see more of him even with just more episodes in the seasons. However I grew to like characters I didnt expect because of season 3 and 4 and loved seeing more about the world of Castlevania, I say give this a try if your into fantasy and anime! Will 100% try out the spinoff netflix did.
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One of Mike Flannigans Best
16 December 2023
My wife and I both love the shows Mike Flannigan has put out on Netflix for halloween season each year, I'd have to say Hill House was our favorite for scares, Midnight Mass for storyline and Bly Manor for emotion, Midnight Club was just so sad. This show never got me on the jump scares (maybe once) but the writing was so good and the deaths so gruesome that it was still so chilling to watch! This was also the most sex heavy of all the shows he has done, something we enjoyed but damn things got so hot right before some horrible deaths happened so be warned. Still though we loved seeing the cast of the previous shows in new roles and its hard to pick a favorite! The message behind this show is eat the rich so I loved it lol.
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Another favored halloween watch for me and my wife by Netflix.
16 December 2023
I think I enjoyed this show more than my wife because of how many actors were apart of this project! Seeing the people who played beloved characters like Dr Rodney Mckay or Prince Caspian were so great to see in such new roles. This show isnt for the lighthearted as it is a scary show, there are some jump scares and gruesome deaths but honestly its not too bad. The effects I think were quite well done as were the look of all the monsters, but the writing itself was maybe not the best, this was a fun watch but not something we will rewatch again, still I say give it a try if you like watching stuff like this around the spooky season!
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Oats Studios (2017–2020)
Not as good as LDR but some decent sci fi stories
16 December 2023
I'm sorry to compare this to Love Death Robots but thats the best thing I can think of, and it dosnt quite live up to that show but still has some enjoyable storylines. The episodes are pretty short and they dont always hit for me is my only complaint, but I love seeing these shows that allow for a diverse cast, plotlines and animation styles. Some of the episodes are connected but honestly I feel like it dosnt do that well, in a post apocalyptical world where humanity is in different factions and robots can have human conscience? It was honestly quite intrigueing and I loved the first episode with Sigourny Weaver, but again the show is weird and has too short of episodes for a higher rating than 6.
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Wow just wow, fantasy nerd that was blown away so many times!
13 December 2023
This show is so fantastic thank you to all the creators and staff involved in making it because it really is an entertaining sci fi anthology story! I wish I could play so many of these episodes as video games because they build entire worlds in the span of 5-15 minutes. I do wish the episodes were longer and some of them might even get up to 25 min but they never feel long enough, but that is the point I suppose? There are so many animation styles, voices and actors that pop up that I truly think you can watch this with anyone who enjoys sci fi or fantasy stuff and give it a try, maybe under the influence? Haha cause it can be a bit trippy.
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Wednesday (2022– )
One of me and my wifes favorite shows!
13 December 2023
Seriously me and my wife got married with a halloween wedding so this show is right up our alley! We loved the movies and I can only strive to be the kind of Gomez Adams is and I think my wife loves their relationship the most in this show! Their actors are both fantastic for their roles and we wish we got more episodes already to see them! Jenna Ortega steals the show constantly and makes this so enjoyable, plus the eerie music and occasional dance also made us love this show! Please make another season (or 4) netflix me and my wife demand it! Haha. If you liked the adams family please watch this show revolving around the daughter away at a private school for monsters, with a much darker setting than the comedic movies but still quite funny at times!
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3Below: Tales of Arcadia (2018–2019)
Wonderful Sci fi spinoff with crossovers to my favored trollhunters show
13 December 2023
So I have never been a huge sci fi guy aside from star wars, and a show like this deffinitly hit my nerd itch for universe building! Despite the origional show being about trollhunters I love how they tie in sci fi for this show, with plenty of unique enemies and fights that keep me interested. Plus I love the Creepslayerz!!! So cool they continued to give these side characters main roles especially as you root for their love interests! Some teenage romance with alot of family drama and decent laughs! These are shows to leave on for your kids or if your an older teen its still quite enjoyable, as an adult its something I'd only watch once but still a good one!
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Best Kid/Teen/NerdAdult show Netflix has ever done!
13 December 2023
I was deeply saddened when making this review because I saw that Anton Yelchin had passed away shortly after finishing his lines. He was a such a wonderful actor (in this show and his other movies that I am quite fond of like Odd Thomas) and I have always enjoyed this show when I first watched it years ago in my early twenties. I am now almost thirty and saddened to hear about his death because this show was that good! I am a fantasy lover and nerd so if you enjoy that kind of stuff then give Trollhunters a try. Its a kids show so its basically spongebob with trolls and some violence plus a surprisingly good plotline for the main characters. After 4 seasons this show turns into a sci fi spinoff and another fantasy spinoff followed by a crossover movie that looks epic! 100% worth the watch.
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People look at me when I tell them the title of this show I liked.
13 December 2023
Seriously give this show a chance if you arent one of those types of losers that has a problem with female leads, this show surprised me and my wife! We watched the trailer and thought it was something we could enjoy. The two main girls are really great actresses in our opinion and we loved both of their stories, but also their mentor bounty hounter he was a great character! I say this show is worth it for the laughs and it has a decent story with twists that keep you interested. Their is a high school type romance feel going on throughout the show so if you like those types of show its also a good watch!
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Hated how interested this made me and my wife!!
13 December 2023
I dont think anyone watched this show during covid and didnt say the same thing "Its annoying how much I wanted to watch Tiger King". Once you start the first episode I dont care how much you hate the sound of this show you will be interested until you finish it! Joe Exotic or whatever the tiger kings name is, he is one special human thats for sure! Its a reality show and crime documentary at the same time, while also being the trashiest reality show you might of seen. I do love zoos but I hate the type of private zoos like this that Joe Exotic run, they are greedy cash grabs with little to no pay for their staff or decent care for their animals. I think this show can be a good watch if you have nothing else to watch, its only a few episodes.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
A funny serious medical drama
9 December 2023
House is one of my favorite shows from the golden years of the USA network when they had shows like White Collar, Psych, Monk and others. House is almost like criminal minds compared to these other shows because of how serious it gets, but not because of serial killers because of crazy diseases and deaths that happen on screen. This show isnt for people with a light stomach especially if you cant handle vomit and other bodily fluids, but between all are medical cases and character stories that keep you interested. The cast changes throughout this show because gregory house has a team of doctors working with him, and its quite entertaing to see him interact with his employees and especially the patients!!! Me and my wife loved watching this show over the course of a year of dinners lol so deff worth the watch!
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Weird how good this was
9 December 2023
I actually thought I was going to be watching a comedy documentary about Weird Al Yankovics life, but I had to google that because this movie was just so out there at times!!! I was laughing and interested in the story throughout the movie but you could tell things were being exadurated then I find out this is really just a made up comedy with his songs, still enjoyed hearing my favorites in this movie! Daniel Radcliffe killed it in this role and I couldnt believe he was making me laugh so hard after seeing him in harry potter and woman in black. I think I would've liked to hear more of his classic songs throughout the movie but I also havent seen it in a minute so I might give it a rewatch!
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
This and Modern Family cannot fail to get a laugh
17 November 2023
Me and my wife absolutely adore this show, she is the one that showed it to me and I cant believe I didnt watch this when it was originally coming out. David is obviously the best character of the show but the rest of the cast is equally as lovable and hilarious. The writing and scenerios of this show are so relatable that it is easy to watch this rich family suffer the injustices of broke living. It is also such a great experience (or distraction I guess?) to watch these characters grow throughout the 6 or 7 seasons of this show, and their are episodes that made us tear up especially once they start growing into their own relationships, finding people they are truly happy with. I'm sure conservative folks would hate this show but I think its a great wholesome comedy on par with modern family deserving of many rewards.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Henry Cavill deserves 10/10 the writers barely deserve 1/10
17 November 2023
Its honestly crazy that the writers for the later seasons wanted to make Geralt and Cerie (the child he rescues in the first season and helps raise for the next several) have a romantic relationship so Henry Cavill departed from the show. Who knows if they are going to continue with that trash storyline but it should be said this show was good enough to make my wife (who could care less about fantasy) interested for the first two seasons. The show has taken a downward turn since then though those first two seasons are quite enjoyable with a great cast and honestly great effects. The monster fights are next level and the sword fights are even better so thats why I say it deserves 10/10, plus Cavill is the man and the rest of the cast make this such a great show.
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My wife asked me to teach her chess after this show!
17 November 2023
Its great to be able to get into a show together with my wife since we have different interests, but Queens Gambit introduced Chess as a new bonding experience for me and my wife! Anya Taylor Joy is a such a fantastic actor I am so glad they picked her for main actress! This show is probably not what some expect, but quite realistic as she is a gifted chess master with a rough childhood and a drug addiction (the smartest people always have complicated lives). We were so sad to hear it was a limited series once we finished it but we continued the magic by playing chess together on a regular basis so thank you so much! I think as long as you dont mind watching drug addiction (prescrition pills) and some vulgar language but enjoy period shows then give this one a try!
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Saddest story of Mike Flannegin
17 November 2023
Me and my wife still enjoyed watching this show beginning to end and we appreciate the spooky vibes he gives us in his other work. This show was certainly the saddest of all the shows hes made on netlflix but we still felt it was worth the watch! Its about a bunch of teenage terminal patients living out their last days telling spooky stories in the middle of the night, it has a decent amount of twists and a couple of jump scares but still the least scariest of the series. As you can imagine watching these children suffer slowly can be alot to watch even for a horror fan, and its probably my least favorite show of Mike Flannigans universe, but it still deserve an 8/10 rating thanks to a great cast!
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