
25 Reviews
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Loved it, but let down by a dreadful ending
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this series and watched the whole way through. Not a good advert for Miami as the body count was high and the police pretty clueless! However, I loved all the various characters in the police department, they became so familiar after 8 seasons.

It is a bit of fun escapism and not to be taken seriously, offering many laughs at some of the silliness and implausability. They said, somehow Debs and Dexter sort of draw you in and you start to care about them! So, actually the ending is really awful and a bit of a dud, spoiling what went before. "We watched over 70 plus episodes for THIS ending!" That was my partner and I's cry. So, certainly the ending is the programme's biggest weakness - hence I marked the overall score down. I think the writers lost their way in the final season and perhaps just didn't know how to bring it all to and end? Shame.

I loved ALL of the actors, who relished their parts, especially the Asian forensic guy who was totally fabulous.

Certainly, stick with it, enjoy the ride and don't take it too seriously.
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Ripley (2024)
Just accept that this is not the 'Talented' version and enjoy.
6 April 2024
I loved the 'Talented Mr Ripley' version, however, have enjoyed this just as much in a different way. I liked the fact that it didn't just try to copy the last version. I was a bit taken a back at the older Tom Ripley in this version but just decided that a longer time period had passed and got used to it.

I thought the actor playing Tom was fabulous and also the different Marge was streets better than Gwyneth Paltrow whom I thought was the big weakness in the previous version.

The black and white worked so well with this, more sinister, and moody version. Whilst the colour of the last version worked with the 'Talented' version which portrayed a much more extraverted and upbeat Dickie.

The negative element for me this time was Dickie. There seemed to be nothing to like about him and he lacked any charisma at all. He was a bit wooden and sexless to be honest. Last time, you felt that Tom had fallen so in love with the Jude Law version that he could not bear to be rejected by him or live without him. This time, I just felt that Tom wanted to take over his lifestyle but had no feelings for him. So, I think this version has fewer layers to it and something was missing.

Still, you just need to accept that this is a completely different version, and it is very watchable and intriguing. Certainly, the actor playing Tom IS the film. I think worth it just for his acting.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Tedious, pointless, utterly horrible
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started innocently enough, though it was quite tedious and a bit drawn out. It then became just ridiculous. Some of the dialogue scenes went on for far too long, adding nothing to what was happening.

All very dark, grey and grim. Not even scary, just silly, drawn out and nonsensical. The fact that nearly all of the islanders, bar 2, died by the end was a total blessing. Means there cannot be a Season 2! What a relief. I never want to see any of these people again.

A horrible series with nothing to redeem it. A pointless, waste of time. Lots of over acting and blood spillage. Stupid and just not believable in any way.

Give it a miss.
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The Staircase (2022)
Far too long
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite all these episodes and dodgy evidence, Colin Firth's portrayal actually left me convinced that the guy was actually very guilty! A very convincing liar and he turned on the tears at the right moments. Michael also seemed so arrogant but oh-so-concerned about others. And this mini-series does not prove he is innocent. I guess that was the hook; was he guilty or not? And we never found out. But why accept a plea bargain saying you did it if you did not? That just was never explained well enough to be convincing. He did it, though I suspect this was made for us all to think the opposite.

Whilst engaging with the above question, the whole thing was way too long. I found myself fast forwarding loads of times, especially when his lawyer was speaking - he was smug and tedious and used too many words to make his point. I am sure he must have put the jury off with his superior attitude.

A film version would have worked better.
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Hollywood (2020)
A watchable jolly jape, don't take it seriously
26 November 2023
Absolutely nothing wrong with this jolly jape. It does not profess to be true, so don't take it seriously please. It is fun! Easy to watch and lots of laughs. Probably near to the truth about the making of pictures in those days and what it took for some to 'make it'. Lots of sleeping with the 'right' people being the main tactic. It washes over you but certainly makes you think about how shocking the industry was in relation to black people, the role of women and gays. Some good acting and wonderful characters whom you ended up caring about. What is there not to like? It is not supposed to be a factual history lesson, so get over it already. Sometimes, it is OK just to be entertained without deep lessons and meaning.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Ghastly rubbish -NOTHING to redeem it
11 October 2023
Hated this utter nonsense. What a horrible, implausible story. TOSH. TRIPE. Nothing to like about it. All of the characters were ugly people and so dislikable, and I wish they had all suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning in episode one and the misery would have been over very quickly. The victor's wife was ghastly, as was Janice, who was totally unbearable. I hated her from the get-go. The script was far from great. Goodness knows how the actors managed to deliver their lines; it was all so ridiculous with dreadful dialogue and stupid, pointless interactions between the characters. I gave up eventually, so I have no idea what happened in the end. Hopefully they all died, and we are free of any possibility of a second series with this lot of horrors. Putting this in the genre of 'psychological' thrillers is an insult. There was nothing psychological about it. Just bad writing.

To be avoided. It you have nothing else to do, don't watch it. Clean the toilet with a toothbrush, defrost the fridge with a toothpick, or wash the dog's blanket by hand instead. Any or all of these will be better time spent and more fulfilling.

Didn't like it.

Hold on! Maybe I am actually proving the point of this film and therefore it was actually brilliant! That is, we are all possible murderers and can flip in a second. I could have quite happily bludgeoned any of them with a hammer or any blunt instrument to hand, they were so annoyingly awful! (Except perhaps the big guy on Death Row, who was quite funny and needs his own comedy series without the rest of these creeps).

Nah, still hate it.
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The Chestnut Man (2021– )
Worth sticking with it, just don't take it too seriously
12 September 2023
This is not as bad as the awful reviews say. It has a plot that keeps interest and quite a bit of drama too. Definitely enough to keep you watching until the end. I wanted to know the answer to the central question: was the girl still alive? Some the actors I had seen before seemed to by playing the exact characters and it was distracting to wonder what they had been in. Probably another dark Nordic crime drama.

The police are though a bit useless, and this does cause a few laughs, but it didn't spoil the watch unless you take these things seriously. Plus, the ending somehow is a bit of a let-down having invested so much time watching. Like all of these Nordic dramas, all very dark, grim and gloomy. Certainly, does not make you want to jump on a plane to Denmark any day soon!
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Glamorous (2023)
Should never have been made
31 August 2023
This is one of the worst series I have ever seen. Quite awful. Shockingly bad acting. Really, it is dreadful. 'Chad' is by far the worst and there is a lot of competition. What an abomination of an actor playing him.

Terrible story lines - if there IS actually one. Full of horrible, unbelievable stereotypes.

There is NOTHING to redeem this garbage. Everyone who was involved should never work again. Total, mindless trivia on a huge scale but just not funny, so it doesn't get away with, "It's so bad, it's great." Really, this should never have been made. How it was strung out for so many episodes is beyond belief. Ghastly.
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Ófærð (2015– )
Grim, but if you can stick it out the acting and plot are good
29 August 2023
This sort of hooks you in without you realising it. Not really sure why. The acting is good, and the plot works well in the first series. However, it is all very grim indeed. Constant darkness with totally miserable characters. I am not sure anyone smiled in all 10 episodes. Very depressing. The Chief of Police looked like the least likely, most unfit copper I have ever seen, and he is just not likeable at all. What a miserable place to live and work. Certainly, you are most struck by how the landscape and climate have moulded the people.

Still, I kept watching despite the banality of it all. I started the second season, but it seems like utter nonsense and totally unwatchable so far (Episode 1).
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Elite (2018–2024)
A flesh fest, worth it for the male eye candy alone
17 June 2023
What a load of nonsense! That school should have been closed down after all the death and drama! Did anyone actually study anything? They all bunked off and were full of drugs and booze most of the time! Though those club scenes just became very tedious after a while. But school was much duller in my day!

Still, who cared about the story? Most of the guys were gorgeous and often lacking in the clothing department, so it made for a good watch. No acting skills were really necessary, and all is forgiven for the male eye candy. I don't really recall a plot but noticed that the formula used became a bit boring: someone gets killed and the season is all about what lead up to this. A good idea for the first season but very tedious after the third or fourth repeat.

Harmless tosh really.
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Cable Girls (2017–2020)
Really laughable garbage which was strangely watchable
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just couldn't take this seriously as it became ridiculous and silly. However, in some ways it kept me glued! It was so laughable at times. Especially when Carmen appeared as the prison warden, 8 years later having (supposedly) suffered from cancer. Must have been another of her lies. I just roared with laughter. It was so silly but fun! Her list of dastardly deeds was hysterical. My partner and I loved Carmen as she was just so crazy and unbelievable, and she said some really nasty things. The whole thing fell flat when she wasn't in a scene. The pistol that appeared from the top of her walking stick was another classic hysterical moment!

We got used to the plot twists and started to guess what would happen next and were usually correct.

All a bit soapy and nonsensical and in some ways undermined the history lesson and the seriousness of the period.

Thank goodness for Crazy Carmen! She saved the whole thing. This is one star, however, I added 4 for crazy Carmen!
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Muted (2023)
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The ending was so predictable, you just didn't know who was going to throw themselves off the balcony or who would chuck someone else off. The whole cast being thrown over would have been a good idea and saved us all from this grim tale. Not a single redeemable character in the whole series. All, double crossing, crazy people with dozens of personal issues and a psychiatrist with the leakiest boundaries ever. Grim, grotty, grotesque and grubby. Being murdered for any of them would have been a blessing. It also just seemed to rain all the time which added to the total misery of this gloomy story. Avoid at all costs.
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Get over that it has no historical importance. Just enjoy the tosh.
20 May 2023
I was so upset that I had finished watching the jolly, meaningless tosh that Bridgerton offered, that I moved straight onto this! I was not disappointed. More glamorous nonsense was in store! Actually, I think I liked some of the characters a bit more. King George III was utterly gorgeous, and I couldn't wait for him to get his kit off. With 15 children to be produced, this meant that we got lots of treats. The Dowager Princess was fabulous - what a prize cow - loved her. Soap opera bitchiness at its best! Though I didn't find the young Lady Danbury at all believable, sadly. I much preferred the older Queen to the younger one. The discussion of 'gardens' between Danbury and Violet was totally hysterical. We were treated to some court homosexuality too which livened it all up. This was seriously missing from Bridgerton. Fabulous.

What a fabulous, nonsensical, meaningless romp this was. Every second must be treasured. Who cares if it is all made up and of no historical importance. Get over it. Enjoy.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
A jolly jape, not to be taken seriously at all. Let it wash over you.
20 May 2023
This is a good entertainment as long as you do not take it seriously for a second, and simply accept it as it is; a good old-fashioned soap opera with no historical accuracy whatsoever. Light-weight, superficial characters, a feast of ballgowns and glamorous decor, meaningless dialogue, bodice ripping soft porn. Total escapism. Lap up every silly second. Lots of gorgeous male totty on display. What a lovely way to get through life - simply throw a ball when all is looking desperate and gossip endlessly about all your neighbours. I loved every silly, nonsensical minute of it and moved on to Queen Charlotte immediately for more delightful tosh. Enjoy.
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Utterly dreadful
20 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this film is just utterly dreadful. The story was unbelievable. The script horrendously awful. Trite, superficial nonsense. Terrible acting all round. I mean, REALLY bad. Not a single character was believable for one second except perhaps the adoptive father.

Even as a TV Movie it was a bad TV Movie. The whole thing should have been left in the deep ocean and never allowed to see the surface.

No one gave a damn about the boy who had supposedly returned, they could only care about themselves. We were expected to believe that he simply left the home he knew and returned to his family. Just like that. No help, no transition, no support and then, it all ended happily ever after. What utter garbage. The film is a crime against film making and all involved should face a stiff jail sentence.

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What a load of rubbish
18 April 2023
Shockingly bad. It will keep your attention for 5 minutes if you are lucky. You have other choices in life: clean the toilet, watch paint dry, pull a few weeds out the garden, clean out a cupboard, empty the hoover bag. All would be more enjoyable than this utter garbage. Jennifer Aniston confirms her total banality as an actress. She has never been good in a single film, and this is no exception. Dreadful, awful, banal, bad, boring, tedious, unfunny, rubbish, waste of time, horrible, ridiculous, nonsensical, not even 'It's so bad, it's good!' Sadly, I hear there is a second film! Why? At least I can avoid that one.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Loved every single second of every single episode
25 March 2023
If you don't feel uplifted by this, you need to see a shrink, immediately! I loved all of it and just about everyone in it. The acting was fabulous, and the characters were all superb. I was very sad it all ended to be honest! I really found myself caring about the main characters and what they were going through and could relate to a great deal of it. So much angst, heartache, uncertainty and confusion, but also happiness, joy, unexpected moments and beautiful friendships. People who actually cared about each other. Beautifully written, leaving us all with a sense of hope and optimism that our worst fears can be conquered if only we can be brave enough.
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1899 (2022)
Started well then slipped into tedium.
12 March 2023
Loved this at the start; really intriguing and interesting. Then it just became tedious, ridiculous, far-fetched, with dreary characters you just couldn't care less about. I wish they had all jumped overboard along with the rest of the passengers near the beginning.

These mysteries seem to lose the plot by becoming too complex and confusing. Less is more to keep the viewer interested rather than trying to be too clever. The ending was dreadful and not much of a reward for those of us who sat through every episode.

Too much angst, gloom, misery, bleakness and darkness. All very depressing and in the end disappointing.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Enjoyed it overall but too long.
8 March 2023
I have certainly enjoyed this series overall, especially at the start when it was intriguing. Since then, it has been an up and down ride - sometimes a great episode and at other times, what seemed like 'filler', pointless episode. So, it all could have ended a bit sooner.

I notice that at some point I just couldn't care less about Ben Stone anymore as he became very righteous and the guy playing him just started to overact. Definitely, the longer his beard, the more he overacted. There was something about Ben Stone of the actor which/who made it all a bit tedious and dragged the thing down.

I think I liked this more when it felt like there could be some sort of rational explanation for what happened, and I kept watching to find out, but it all just became ridiculous and over the top.

Still, I did stay the course, so it must have had something!
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Glamor over substance, sadly
14 January 2023
A poor imitation of the original, sadly. Mostly I think because Maxim is very badly cast and is far too bland, (dressed in a ridiculous suit for the Monte Carlo scenes). The actor who played him is poor and gives no sense of depth to the troubled character of the book. I also felt that the new Mrs de Winter was a bit too modern looking for the time and seemed therefore out of place. I thought for a minute that they had done a modern version of the film set in the current time period!

Danvers was probably the best character in this version but not sure that she would have run the house with THAT lipstick! And, how come so many house servants? No one can beat the original Mrs Van Hopper in the 1940 film for me. This one just didn't work for some reason - maybe too obviously nasty and vicious and less subtle.

It all just doesn't work somehow. Seemed too 'Downtown Abbey' for me with an attempt at glamor over substance. And I just couldn't have cared less about the characters evading justice, whereas in the original you are on tenterhooks.
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Watching in 3D is a must.
9 January 2023
Definitely a 3D cinema movie! Without realising it you just get immersed in everything! My 12-year-old LOVED it! I was worried about the length and getting bored, but it certainly kept my attention, despite being a bit of a thin story and everyone (weirdly) having American accents. Lots of amazing visuals. I did get a bit fed up with the Mr Nasty character and found him a bit "Rambo' over the top and the plot predictable. Is here really substance for a third film after this one? I am not sure. Still, I enjoyed seeing it, especially in 3D and felt I was able to suspend my own life for over 3 hours, so quite useful!
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Wooden & annoying
6 January 2023
This really is bland and wooden. There was not an iota of chemistry between the two main characters. Was this made in 2020? It all seemed so dated and felt like something banal from the 1970s, despite mobile phones.

The most annoying thing was when the characters when by themselves said things out loud so we would know what they were looking at/had found, e.g., when she was doing the autopsy and when he was looking on-line. Really awful.

Now I have to find something else to say to make the 600 words! Dreadful, bad acting, superficial, boring, predictable, horrible, bad script, bland characters.
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4 December 2022
This is pretty dull stuff. Lots of ham, wooden acting and I am not sure Kate Jackson is any better than the rest of them.

Not sure what the point of this drivel was, except perhaps to tell a true story. It just doesn't hold attention for any length of time. Nothing really happens and the dialogue between the characters is too dire and full of wholesome cliches to hold the film.

Dreadful, dull, tedious, I am not sure how else I can fill the minimum word review! I just don't see why TV movies have to be like this. There are lots of good actors out there. Must be bad casting I suppose and bad writing. There, I made the 600 words!
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The Governor's Wife (2008 TV Movie)
Utterly Dreadful
3 December 2022
What a totally awful movie! The acting was appalling from every single actor, especially the mad Mother-in-Law who just became more ridiculous as she became madder, and Heather who looked about 12 years old and was completely unbelievable. The son was simply wooden and did not vary his expression the whole time. A terrible script didn't help and the awful music during the 'dramatic' scenes was horrendous.

The plot was obvious from the first scene and so was the ending. Pity Mad Ma-in-Law didn't kill them all in the first 5 minutes and spare us the rest of this miserable affair.

What an horrendous mess!
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Out of Africa (1985)
Lacks passion of any sort
20 August 2022
For some reason I have always avoided watching this film - I think every time I have seen a clip from it I thought it looked a bit dull.

Finally, I watched it! And, sadly, despite the beautiful cinematography, it is a big disappointment. It just has no passion whatsoever. Karen shows no passion for Africa, its landscapes, its people, its wildlife. She barely shows any emotion during the whole film. Her relationships seem empty and without feeling. Unfortunately, Streep and Redford have absolutely no chemistry between them at all. Both seem totally sexless.

I just couldn't care less about any of them - Karen, the Baron or her lover.

Beyond me how this won a Best Picture Oscar. I really must have missed something.
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