
3 Reviews
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Freaks (1932)
Disturbing & Thought Provoking
9 October 2003
The subject of human disability is still a taboo subject in Cinema, even over 70 years since this film's release.

It's difficult to imagine what impact this film would have had in the 1930's, but as it still has the ability to shock ( through the images of bodily deformity ) I can understand why many shunned and disowned this work, and why it totally ruined Todd Browning's film career.

The basic premise - that beauty is more than skin deep - can appear to be wielded with a sledgehammer, but perhaps the contemporary audience needed to be hit harder in order to make them understand the point.

The film is short ( due to enforced cuts ), and at times can move rather slowly and can appear rather 'stagey' which is a trait of many films from the 20's / 30's.

But don't let that put you off. The plot is simple, but it's the telling of the story rather than the story itself that is important. And you really do need to remind yourself that these are real people - not actors - and this was the live they led.

I rate it 9 outa 10 because they really don't make them like this any more.
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Ho Hum !
27 May 2003
Firstly, let me start by stating that I loved The Matrix. When it hit the screens back in 1999 I thought it was one of the most original Sci-Fi films I'd seen in many years. Visually, and stylistically, stunning. With guns and explosions, and the ultimate conspiracy theory - that the World that we live in was not real - that reality was a lie. Fast forward 4 years and along comes the ( belated ) sequel. At least somebody had the decency not to call it The Matrix II, so thank you for small mercies. Now, I have to be honest, when I saw the previews I wasn't overly confident that it would live upto the expectations of the original ( but then again, don't we feel that way about most sequels ? That in some way they'll dirty the name of the first film ?? Take a glance towards the Star Wars saga for proof of that ). However, I went to the cinema with an open mind. After all, it was my money and my time I was spending, and I wanted to have a good time.

Oh dear !!

I guess somebody must have told the W brothers that what the cinema going public wanted from a Matrix follow up was heaps more fighting, a 30 minute car chase and lashings of bullet time style FX - only more so, in an 'aren't we clever - look what we can do' kind of way. Granted the FX were very impressive, and were generally used to good ( ahem ) effect in each of the ( overly long ) set pieces. The fight with the numerous Agent Smiths was a highlight in my opinion, well for the first 3 or 4 minutes, then it just kept going on, and on, and on, and ... well you get the picture. Ditto the car chase. In fact ditto everything.

The plot, which was strangely simple and yet so convoluted - like a bus journey between two towns, 5 miles apart, that takes in so many diversions you end up travelling for 10 times that distance - was nothing more than a paper thin device to link one elaborate stunt sequence to the next. But most of all, and perhaps most disappointingly, I just didn't care. It would have mattered not a jot who died, who lived, what happened to who. As a vehicle for ground breaking FX it was fine ( although I do have to add that though the FX were very good, they didn't have the grand scale of the recent LOTR films ). An MTV film, for an MTV audience.

But a good film ? No, and certainly not a worthy sequel.

One more thing to note - At the end of the film the directors had the chance to spring a real surprise on the audience. To hit them with a real ' I wasn't expecting that' moment. And for a minute I was thinking that at last they'd had the balls to do something really different.

And then they bottled it.

If you've seen the movie you'll know what I mean.

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So Much Fun
17 May 2002
The plot is convoluted and confusing. The narrative is full of holes. The acting is functional at best. The script veers from the sublime to the ridiculous The FX are stunning. The fight scenes are thrilling. The lightsabres go zzzzzzsssswwiiiiiinnng.

I loved it.
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