
10 Reviews
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Leia vs. Luke
18 March 2024
Totally agree with many other reviewers, Disney is milking this series for all it's worth, yet doesn't realize there is not much worth left. One grating aspect of this particular series is the sycophantic obsession with featuring Princess Leia, making her the darling of the series that everyone should adore and swoon over. Meanwhile, Luke, over in the desert is virtually ignored. In fact, thinking back on the episodes, did they even give him any speaking lines? While Leia is portrayed as the model of strength and greatness we should all admire, Luke was just like some little boy that needs to hide when there is trouble. Just put him to work, don't let him use his imagination or play. Not much different than the way it is in reality.

Another part of the series that was rather pointless, was the confrontations between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. There was no suspense as to any outcome because we already know what happens in the future. I was not entertained in the least in this aspect of the show.

In general, the series was okay to watch, nothing special. I wouldn't watch it again. And I'm glad I didn't pay any money to watch it (thank you public library).
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Sinbad (2012–2013)
Like Rocky would say, "it's not so bad, not so bad!"
16 February 2024
(Speaking to Clubber Lang, lol.) Anyway, watched the whole series over a short period of time and came to the conclusion that it kept me interested through all 12 episodes. It was apparent early on that this was not a high budget extravaganza, but that's okay isn't it? The shows improved through each episode, so if you can watch 2 or 3 to get warmed up, I think you'd enjoy them all, especially those nearer to the end of the season. I see that there is only 1 season, it didn't get renewed for a second for some reason. Luckily, the season ended on a suitable note that I didn't feel deprived of more shows. They did leave room for more storyline/another season, but it's not to be. Definitely recommend if you want to see something a little different. Also, be sure to watch the special feature on Malta, where the movie was made. I was completely surprised how many movies were made on that little island. The DVD collection of this show is completely worth just seeing that.
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Madam Secretary (2014–2019)
Hillary Election Show
11 May 2023
Having been around long enough to recognize the manipulation that occurs on television, this show plainly demonstrates that. Whether it is the commercials which are designed to fool us into wanting to buy their products, to shows, like this, that are designed to forge our minds into thinking the Democrat political party is wholly virtuous and anyone who isn't on their side needs to be shamed, smeared, made to feel bad about their choices in life, and convinced to conform or be left out, doomed to unpopularity for life. It also served the purpose of convincing everyone that they should vote for Hillary Clinton. This show oh so blatantly tries to make this about her so that everyone is all warm inside and will run to the polling stations to put their check mark on the ballot for her. They did it with the show Newsroom in order to slander any and all Republicans so that their mind control would get Obama re-elected. That one seemed to work, so they tried it again with this show. Thank the lord almighty that it didn't work and they (voters) brought in a bull into the china shop that is Washington D. C.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 2 was the death knell of Star Trek
10 March 2023
Season 1 was pretty good, I was enjoying the episodes (binge watching on DVD) until the last show of the season. That felt hurried and I thought it tried to finish too many story lines. I left disappointed. After a long wait, I got season 2 from the library (refuse to watch on whatever cable channel this is broadcast on, the commercials would be unendurable). I'm not sure what happened between season 1 and 2 (new writers?) but I can't even begin to know what to say about the total garbage from virtually every moment on this series starting with the very first episode. By the time I got halfway through it, I was done and made liberal use of the FFWD button on my Blu-Ray player. Needless to say, I will not be planning on watching season 3 or any other season. Apparently I am not a member of the intended audience of this show. This show has nothing to offer to me. Good bye.
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THX 1138 (1971)
29 May 2022
You've Got to Ask Yourself One Question Did, you give this a higher rating because it was done by George Lucas? Well, Did Ya, Punk?!

There is no way this movie rates any higher than 2 stars. It was awful. And just because George Lucas did it, doesn't make it any better. Pure dreadfulness. Wish I did not watch it. I judged a book by its cover.
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22 April 2022
Sorry, I don't get it. This movie was awful, it had no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. You have to have some kind of mental disorder to see anything in this movie that has any sort of appeal at all. Someone needs to run all the celluloid and digital storage devices containing this movie through the sausage grinder.
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22 April 2022
If you saw this movie in the theater when it came out in 1977 and were roughly 18 years old, you'd understand why I gave this a 10. There was pretty much nothing like it up to that point in time. If you've seen this movie for the first time in the 21st century, I'm not sure why you'd give it that high of a rating, but it says a lot about the quality of this movie and the story in it if you did give it that rating.
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True Movie Making
22 April 2022
There isn't much I could add that many others have already saidabout this movie, but I will say this - the portion of the movie leading up to the marriage is perfect. The parts after that, well, I don't really need to see the rest of it. The same thing happened in the TV show Moonlighting. Once the love interests got together, the show was effectively over.
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The Last Duel (2021)
22 April 2022
This is a pretty intense movie, not for the squeamish. Adam Driver should not have taken this role, I won't forget the a**-h*le-ness of his character and may always think of that whenever I see him from now on. The moral of this story is that I'm glad I am not living in the 14th century. Of course, in the future, our descendants will be saying that they are glad they didn't live in the 21st century either.
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Free Guy (2021)
Not for me
22 April 2022
This movie was dreadful. I went into it not really knowing what it was about, but I have enjoyed the offbeat humor of Ryan Reynolds in other movies such as Deadpool so I rented it. Ended up skipping to the "next scene" quite a bit while watching, it was so bad. Along with the Grammy awards show, this is the kind of entertainment culture that immediately tells me that I have finally grown old enough to hate anything young people like. If a computer game world like this is so deeply ingrained into the psyche of our youth today, I feel really sorry for them. Good luck to you all with your gaming and FB Metaverse and all that cr*p. All I can do is shake my head and walk away. :)
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