
46 Reviews
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
One of my favorite medical drama shows ever
30 May 2024
All around the world, there are autistic people. They have found unique jobs, and have showcased many spectacular skills. But would you think an autistic person would be fit enough to be a surgeon? A young autistic boy named Shaun Murphy is about to find out when he is accepted into working at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.

When I first started the show, I was almost instantly hooked! I adored the whole of this show so much! It was so exciting to see Shaun open up to others, patients and fellow employees alike, about his autism, his past, and his hopes and dreams for the future. As the show progresses, Shaun starts to advance to bigger jobs and missions at the hospital, and also experiences falling in love, coping with his past, and coming up with new solutions and alternatives to save the lives of patients.

I really loved seeing how Shaun's brain worked, how he was able to picture images from medical text books and online in his head, memorize medical conditions, and form together paths and solutions for patients whose conditions were not understandable to other surgeons.

Overall, I enjoyed so many moments of this touching show, all leading to its sweet finale! It's also become an important show, because it seems to show autistic people that they can accomplish almost anything, as long as they have belief, and have the right friends and families to help them when they have uncomfortable or sad moments in their work and lives. The Good Doctor is definitely not a medical show to miss out on!
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Violent Night (2022)
Definitely lives up to its name
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bad guys (and girls) beware! Even if Krampus doesn't come down your chimney this Christmas, be good! Tonight, not the Tim Allen Santa, nor the Kurt Russell, nor the Tom Hanks Santa's will be visiting. This time, it's David Harbour...and he doesn't just give naughty ones coal...he gives a full on, sledgehammer wielding, butt kicking beat down!! Welcome to the most action packed Christmas film yet! Violent Night!

Directed by Norwegian film man, Tommy Wirkola, we see Santa as a drunk and depressed magic man, whom is actually starting to loose his own faith and happiness in the world's most beloved holiday. However, a miracle and chance has befallen him this fateful night. When he arrives at the large mansion of the Lightstone family, he discovers the whole family is in trouble! Trapped by large gang of evil thieves, led by the truly cruel and mean "Mr. Scrooge" (John Leguizamo), Santa must find it in his heart, and fists, to become a true savior of Christmas!

The Lightstone family are revealed to have a greedy and selfish side as well. However, two enstranged parents, Jason and Linda, are trying to keep the faith and love alive, especially for their daughter Trudy, whose Christmas wish is for her parents to make up again. Trudy (played by the talented Leah Brady) is without a doubt, the most sweetest, kindest girl I've ever seen! She and Santa have such beloved, touching, heartwarming chemistry together! I absolutely ADORED their conversations together while hiding from the bad guys!! Santa teaches a thing or two about adult lives in the real world to Trudy, while Trudy graciously encourages Santa not to give up hope himself.

I love the fact that Santa (as shown in The Santa Clause, with Tim Allen) is treated like a mantle, passed from jolly happy person, to jolly happy person. This Santa however, wasn't one of those. Before he became Santa, he used to be a greedy, mean, violent Viking thief, which explains why how today, he despises the naughty and greedy children out there, as they remind him of his past. But Trudy encourages Santa to use his past for good instead, and thanks to her kind loving words, Santa finds his lost faith, spirit, and inner strength to take a stand against Scrooge and his henchmen!

Prepare to be shocked! The action is incredibly powerful and aggressive (hence the name Violent Night)! Gruesome sights are sure to be seen, but you'll find yourself cheering Saint Nick all the while! You'll also like the rest of the cast, playing the bitter members of the Lightstone family, including: Alex Hassell & Alexis Louder (who play Trudy's parents), Edi Patterson, Cam Gigandet, Ray Strachen, and as the foul mouthed Grandma Gertrude, Beverly D'Angelo!

Sometimes, to cherish and enjoy the loving moments of the most beautiful holiday of the year, you must bring out a little bit of fight in you to make sure that any lingering evil threatening to destroy that joy and love, stays in its place! And that's just what Santa is ready to do!! Despite Violent Night literally living up to its name, I enjoyed it so much! Prepare for a hardcore holiday, before a heartwarming one!
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Touching and sweet
29 May 2024
Tis' the most wonderful time of the year again! Christmas is coming! And while the cheery, good hearted Kate Pierce is always in the holiday spirit, is still believes in The Man With the Bag, despite being 11 years old now, her brother Teddy has lost much of his own spirit. Ever since the firefighting father of the family, Doug, died while saving some people in trouble, Teddy has still not come to terms with this, and is becoming a troublemaker, hanging out with the wrong crowd. While the mother, Claire, is away, Kate tries to cheer her brother up, setting up a video camera to try and catch Santa Claus on film. The siblings unexpectedly succeed in doing this, and end up experiencing much more than they expect! After unwittingly hitching a ride on Santa's sleigh, and startling him into crashing, Saint Nick reluctantly agrees to take the siblings along as his new human companions and helpers. And so begins a humorous, magical adventure, as Kris Kringle & Kids journey to find the runaway reindeer, fix the sleigh, and finish the present deliveries, before time runs out, and Christmas morning comes!

Kurt Russell was an excellent pick to play The Man With the Bag!! I loved his quirky, sarcastic, joyful, and almost unfazed personality and sense of humor! He also had unexpectedly good music talent, as seen in a groovy blues rock music number! Actors Darby Camp, and Judah Lewis (who played Kate and Teddy) also had great chemistry together! I enjoyed seeing Teddy going through the grieving and acceptance process, gradually accepting the fact that his father made the brave and noble sacrifice to save threatened lives, at the cost of his own, just like Jesus did so long ago!

Looking for a good lighthearted Christmas film, come that particular holiday? Check out The Christmas Chronicles, exclusively on Netflix! It's sure to touch and charm your heart!
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Krampus (I) (2015)
Good amount, but not quite enough
29 May 2024
It's the most joyous, magical, and happiest time of the year! Unfortunately, it's not for the Engel family. While Engel boy Max is struggling to stay happy and positive, the rest of the family is preventing him from doing so, adults, and fellow children alike! Eventually, Max snaps, having now embraced the hatred that his siblings have doused him with, and tears up, and throws out the window, his letter to Santa. However, he soon will come to regret giving up hope, for Santa is not the one who has received the torn up's his shadowy self! The malevolent one! The darker, mirror-like twin of Santa! The one who punishes those whom have lost their Christmas and holiday spirits! So bolt your windows! Lock your doors! Keep the fire burning! For coming down the chimney Krampus!

A pretty nice horror film, that does well in exploring the dark side of Christmas. Though the Engel family shows us how they are trying to keep themselves happy, and their spirits up, they didn't show it well enough for me. Not enough conflict is brewing in the lives of the family for them to really show and express their anger and frustration.

My least favorite family member: Aunt Dorothy. She mostly just sits around, drinking and acting all crabby and resentful about everything, and everyone. My favorite family members: Max and his German speaking Grandma Omi. Grandma Omi shows excellent faith and love for her grandchildren, and for the rest of the family (and for good reason too!). Max shows his anger and hatred very well, and later on, determination to set things right, and apologize to both his family, and to Krampus for losing his belief and faith, which are clearly required to show during this once a year, time of year.

As for the special effects and visuals, pretty well put together. The little Christmas monsters were both cute, and freaky looking! I liked the outside scenery very much; the blizzard infested neighborhood and streets, howling wind and snow, and thunder and lightning, all mixed together impressively, giving a slight 90's or 80's style! But I especially loved all the makeup and costumes; the dark elves were extremely fun to look at! So was Krampus himself, with his big curved horns, his gnarled fingers, and his wrinkled, dislocated face!

Before the lighthearted, joyful, harmonious, and loving time of Christmas washes over you next holiday, if you're brave enough, delve into chilling, dark world of Krampus! It's a nice movie to experience.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Cheery, nostalgic, and funny!
10 May 2024
Who doesn't love the "pop"-ular sweet treat, Pop-Tarts?! I totally understand if there are some of those people out there! I've tasted many different flavors in my own lifetime, and currently aim to try a chocolate chip pancake flavored one sometime! But have you ever wondered how the pop-tart came to be? In this cheery and funny movie, from Jerry Seinfeld (in his first directed movie), you will get to witness the intriguing, delicious, and maybe-not-entirely-accurate story, of how the pop-tart was born, in the midst of rivalry between Kellogg's and Post.

A brilliant selected ensemble cast of comedy geniuses came together to put together this quirky production, who include (along with Seinfeld): Melissa McCarthy, Hugh Grant, Amy Schumer, Peter Dinklage, James Marsden, Mikey Day, and Sebastian Maniscalco. Also starring Bill Burr as JFK, and Jim Gaffigan as Edsel Kellogg III. They all made me and my folks laugh with amazing senses of humor and talent!

I personally enjoyed the satirical retro style of the film. Taking place somewhere in the 60's or 70's I think, the product placement, scenery, and ensemble mascot cast gave me great memories of the Marvel miniseries "Wandavision", which also had similar retro style.

Overall, I didn't mind if the story wasn't entirely accurate to the true original story of the pop-tart. Heck, perhaps it was all entirely fiction, made to entertain the audience, and I was certainly entertained, as were my folks! Even if you aren't totally into pop-tarts (I definitely was as a kid!), you'll totally be entertained by the wit, and humor of all the people who came together to bring you, Unfrosted! You'll have a delicious time for sure!
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Alienoid (2022)
Got a bit confusing after a while
10 May 2024
The invasion has begun! In 3 different times to be exact! First, in 1380 A. D. Second, in 2012 A. D. Third, in 1391 A. D. In 2012, two robot warriors named Guard and Thunder are attempting to capture many aliens through time, and from one of those times, raises a baby, whom they name Yi-an, who eventually finds out the truth of her origins and the invasion that has been persisting throughout time. The trio of heroes continue the battle together, searching for certain artifacts which will thwart the plans of the aliens. As well as this, the alien leader, called "The Controller", is secretly living among the humans in one of the above time periods; Guard and Thunder must hunt him down.

Usually, when a story of time travel is a simply crafted one, like in Back to the Future, or in Bill and Ted, I can follow along pretty well. This film however, got a bit confusing after a while; I lost track of where certain artifacts were in time, where the mission was mainly taking place, who some of the characters were. Were they present or past day people? Were some characters new recruits, or past or future selves? I suspect I pieced some of the characters and story together as the movie went on, but it was still tough to closely follow along. I did enjoy the battles and visual effects though; they were pretty impressive.
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Pretty good thriller
1 May 2024
Three girls, home alone. Two teens, one little one. All are ready to let their irresponsible sides run wild on the telephone! Calling random people and playing with their minds, the trio soon decide to get a tiny bit sinister, now uttering to the receivers: "I saw what you did, and I know who you are." Unfortunately, the girls don't know when to quit while they are ahead, and eventually, they push their luck too far! The next person they call and utter that sinister sentence to, has in fact, committed murder! Now, thinking he's been found out, he will stop at nothing to silence the girls, whom are completely unaware of what he has done!

A film that I've been saving in my watchlist for a long time, as well as in my mind, I did enjoy "I saw what you did". Under demanding, light, basic, charming, yet still heart pounding at the same time! A few campy and awkward moments here and there, but still, a charming cast of characters, and actors! The pacing and building up motion was good, but a tiny bit too slow for my taste.

To anyone who watches this movie, particularly troublemakers, let this film be a reminder to you: stay out of trouble, be responsible to your parents and everyone around you, don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, and most importantly, if you can't resist causing a tiny bit of trouble...don't push your luck too far! Know when to leave it alone, and enjoy your current winnings!

There's also a version of this from 1988, which was made for television. Time to see how that one fares against this one...
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Damsel (2024)
Slightly predictable in some parts, but very entertaining
26 April 2024
The Damsel must save herself! This is the truth that young princess Elodie must face when she is suddenly betrayed by the royal family she has married into; she's thrown into a creepy mountain, made to be sacrificed to an angry monster! However, she soon will discover, there is more to this beast, and sacrifice, than meets the eye... I'm not quite sure where I may have seen them before, but there were parts of the writing that I found slightly predictable, as I suspect other reviewers of this movie may have noticed. However, everything else, was excellently beautiful!

The performances were superb and splendid! Millie Bobby Brown does it again, as the damsel Elodie, first hopeful and naive, then scared and losing hope, then fierce and brave, as she fights for what she believes in! I also enjoyed Ray Winstone's, Angela Bassett's, and Robin Wright's performances as well, and I was also introduced to an Iranian and American actress for the first time, named Shohreh Aghdashloo, whom has a chilling, excellent voice role (won't go into those details, so as not to spoil anything)!

Scenery and costumes were so lush, lavish, and stylish! So was the directing and cinematography; those elements of the movie mixed together beautifully with the scenery! I love how Elodie improvised with bits and scraps of her own dress to use to her advantage in the quest.

Pacing was perfect, taking its time to gradually tell the story, while preparing for the thrilling climax.

Overall, I enjoyed Damsel. Not exactly what I was thinking it would be, but a nicely crafted, moving adventure nonetheless, with thrills and chills to spare. I'd say you'll be entertained for sure.
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Quiz Lady (2023)
So funny, and greatly acted!
13 April 2024
For most of their lives, sisters Anne and Jenny have been quite distant, mostly for the present day. Jenny is estranged and reckless, constantly trying to find attention, fame and fortune, having ignored education and school for most of her younger years. Anne is also not too popular, being unrecognizable by most people at her office job, and often obsessing with her favorite game show, "Can't Stop the Quiz", for which she is extremely smart, naming correct answers right after the question is given. One fateful day, the sisters are informed that their gambling addict mother has moved to Macau, and has left lots of debt to a loan shark, $80,000 to be exact! To make matters worse, the loan sharks kidnap the sister's dog as ransom! Fortunately, after Jenny secretly records, and uploads a video of Anne's superb quiz skills, which goes viral, the casting directors of Can't Stop the Quiz contact Anne, saying that she is worthy game show material. Jenny encourages her sister to go on the show, to win enough money to pay the loan sharks. And so begins a reluctant, hilarious, mishap filled, and bond healing journey to pay the fare, or pay the unknown price!

Sandra Oh, and Awkwafina have EXCELLENT chemistry together, playing the two bickering sisters, who are struggling to both complete a desperate mission, and to try and become true sisters again! They, and other supporting cast members, including Will Ferrell, Tony Hale, Jason Schwartzman, and Holland Taylor, cracked me and my mom up great! My personal favorite scene, is when Anne gets too nervous for the game auditions, so Jenny drugs her up to perk up her courage and senses. Unfortunately, the drugs mostly do the exact opposite, in a laugh out loud way, with cute special hallucination effects!

For those looking for a strong laugh, a hilarious adventure, personal struggling, and a happy touching end, I DEFINITELY recommend Quiz Lady! You'll love it a lot!

Also, RIP, and WMY (We'll Miss You) Paul Ruebens; this movie, is his last hurrah.
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Deep, emotional, and action packed!
13 April 2024
A cheerful happy girl named Seol-hee, whom is living in the Goryeo era of Korea, has what seems to be a beautiful adventurous morning. But at the end of the day, after participating in a sword match in the town square, and an odd encounter with a powerful military leader named Yoo-baek, she discovers a tragic, heartbreaking destiny has befallen her: she's been training herself in sword combat to eventually hunt down the murderers of her father, but she discovers her own caretaker, Wallso, is one of the villains who was there when it happened. Long ago, Wallso (then called Seol-rang), and Yoo-baek (then called Deok-gi), were leading an uprising, with Seol's father, Poong-cheon accompanying them. However, when it seems the desire for freedom and justice is about to come true, Deok-gi betrayed his partners, killing Poong-cheon, and Wallso escaping with the infant Seol. In the aftermath, Deok prophesies that Seol will kill him and Wallso when she comes of age. Without a shred of emotion or pity for Seol, Wallso reveals she and Yoo-baek are the enemies she must slay, before kicking her out of the house. Distraught, betrayed, shocked, and heartbroken, Seol tries to deny and drown her future out, but after losing a couple other people, whom were close to her, Seol transforms herself inside, accepts her destiny, and prepares to make her targets pay...with blood!

Kim Go-eun has become one of my favorite Korean actresses! Also having seen her in a thriller film called "Monster", and a TV show called "Cheese in the Trap", she amazes me once more as Seol-hee, first cheerful and free spirited, then heartbroken and betrayed, then born again, battle hard, and out for blood!

This is actually my second time watching this movie. First time, I don't think I payed attention too much, but this time, my focus was better, and I absorbed the story, emotion, and action much better. I enjoyed the other performances, action sequences, and some of the effects very much.

Although a few parts of the movie were still a bit hard to follow, I still enjoyed Memories of the Sword! I'd certainly recommend it for explorers of international movies!
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Wonka (2023)
A giddy, lighthearted, funny, charming, and classic adventure!
15 December 2023
Just got back from this on its opening release date with my Mom! I absolutely ADORED it!!!

The story: Willy Wonka, a magician/inventor/chocolatier arrives in an old English city with a happy hopeful dream: selling chocolate and spreading magic and happiness to all of the townsfolk! However, three other pride and greed infested chocolatiers, Ficklegruber, Prodnose, and Slugworth (collectively knows as The Chocolate Cartel) are instantly consumed with jealousy and annoyance at Wonka's work, and decide to try and crush his dreams. Luckily, with a group of wishy-washy washers from a hard labored laundry business, Wonka might have just the friends he needs to succeed, and make his Mama proud!

The cast was an excellent, interesting choice of actors; each actor had the perfect mood to fit their character in different situations in the film. I enjoyed Timothee Chalamet, Hugh Grant, and Olivia Colman's performances the best; they really made me laugh!

The film had a nice lighthearted, cheery, and humorous tone to it. A little something for adults, and children. I felt constant giddiness throughout the film! Sets and effects were pretty neat as well. The musical numbers, were outstanding! For each situation in the film, there was an excellent song to go with it! My favorite songs were "You've never had a Chocolate like This", and "A World of your Own". Plus, as respect payment for the 1971 version, the Oompa-Loompa song, and "Pure Imagination" were also featured, with brand new clever lyrics!

Overall, this was one of the most happy, funny, exciting, descriptive, detailed, and clever musicals I've ever seen!! I've never felt such giddiness, joy, cheerfulness, and happiness at the movie theater before!! I actually felt like I was a kid again, skipping down the theater steps with my Mom, still singing "A World of your Own". I truly cherished Wonka! DON'T miss it!! And if you get the chance, take the kids along too! You'll all have a scrumdidilyumptiously delicious time!!
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The adventure, suspense, and battle continues!
3 November 2023
Last year, for a Post Halloween movie, I watched A Quiet Place, which was very clever and suspenseful indeed. Now, this year, for a Post Halloween movie, I've continued the story with Part 2...and I loved it just as much!

Having finally discovered a way to weaken and kill the blind aliens who have supposedly conquered all of Earth, the Abbott Family, consisting of widowed Mother Evelyn, deaf daughter Regan, and son Marcus, venture out into the quiet, deserted streets and wilderness of their beloved Earth, searching for a new home, and other possible survivors. While on the journey, the family discovers a location: an abandoned radio studio, which Regan sees as the ultimate weapon station to destroy all the aliens on Earth... Just like in the last movie, superb performances, high suspense levels, and a well written new story to continue the daring mission! To whoever's seen the first Quiet Place, don't miss Part 2! The battle and excitement is just beginning!!

Part 3 and an in-between story, "A Quiet Place: Day One", are coming up next!
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A killer reset
3 November 2023
A Happy Late Halloween to the users of IMDB! For my Halloween movie, I chose a curious looking one called Happy Death Day...and what an interesting twist filled story it was!

A girl named Tree finds herself trapped in a time loop with an evil serial killer named Babyface. Each time Babyface kills Tree, the loop resets, and she wakes up on the morning of her birthday. Upon telling a friend her dilemma, he suggests that to destroy the loop, and Babyface, she must solve the mystery, and find out who Babyface really is. With each loop in her mission, Tree starts to do things differently in her life, make different choices, and become less a snobbish person.

Jessica Rothe, who plays Tree, did an excellent job as the main character! She had just the right emotion to fit all the situations her character was experiencing within the time loop. An interesting and intriguing story too. Although I have not yet seen Groundhog Day, this movie showed a terrific example of how, when you have unlimited lives within a time loop, use them in all sorts of different ways. Change peoples lives, make a better change for yourself too, since you've got an everlasting do over.

The suspense and humor mix very well in this comedy horror film, and I'd definitely recommend it! For anyone who loves a humorous mystery that really makes your brain tick, this film is for you!
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A bit lighter than I expected
2 November 2023
Another Halloween has come and gone. For a Pre-Halloween movie, I started with this one, a 2010 version of Don't be Afraid of the Dark.

I'd been very interested in this when I was a freshman (or maybe sophomore) in high school. And now that I've finally seen it for the first was a bit lighter and underwhelming than I thought. There are sometimes movie trailers that are better looking than the actual presentation, and unfortunately, this film is one of them. It was a bit too basic than most of us were probably thinking. It actually seemed light enough to be PG13 (my Mom had been surprised at PG13 being given to The School of Rock!).

I did like all the performances though, especially Bailee Madison; she played an excellent little girl dealing with both family troubles, and mysterious little creatures, and she expresses excellent emotions too. I also loved the little creature designs and hissing whispering voices, all of whom were voiced collectively by Grant Piro, Dylan Young, Todd Macdonald, Angus Smallwood, and the producer of the film, Guillermo del Toro.
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Underestimation is afoot
31 August 2023
Even though I have not yet read the manga of this before, it's been a few years since James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez's latest manga adaption, Alita Battle Angel has come out...and I've now watched it...and I believe some underestimation is afoot! Alita is full of detail, careful developing, steady growth, gritty epic action, and emotion!

I can tell that someone like James Cameron is truly a storyteller, and as a writer and producer of this movie, he brings our main character Alita to excellent loving life! She is a newly constructed, rebuilt android, of Dr. Dyson Ido's creation, modeled and named after his own deceased daughter Alita. I loved how Alita slowly and surely learned about the world she and Ido live in (a scrapyard like Earth called Iron City), the people she meets, and the choices she soon discovers she can make, as she starts to remember her past life, and tries to figure out what she can do to thwart the lingering evil in both her own city, and in the sky city above, Zalem.

Most of the characters we meet in the film are warriors, a unique kind of cyborg, most of whom are called "Hunter Warriors"; they collect bounty for riches from a mysterious evil person named Nova, who promises to fulfill the dreams of whoever wants to travel to Zalem. With so many choices to make, and so many people to find trust or scorn in, Alita is struggling beyond her circuits to decide who to trust, what she truly is, and what to sacrifice for the greater good as the film nears its nail-biting, breath-holding, sad, yet still hopeful conclusion.

Though most live action versions of anime work have been both a hit, and a miss, Alita, in my personal opinion, is definitely a hit!

The characters, action, and emotional depth will leave you cheering for the brave, fierce, and battle ready Alita, and praying with anticipation, that Alita 2 will arrive soon!
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Megan Leavey (2017)
The bond of Man and Dog has never looked bigger!
22 August 2023
Throughout history, the incredible, intelligent animal, the dog, has been used for many different things alongside man. A friend, a guardian, a defender. They've been stars of talent shows, commercials, movies and TV shows, and have been trained in outstanding jobs. But who would've thought that a dog would make good use, as a companion to a U. S. Marine?! And who would've created a bold, brave, loyal bond with a military trained canine, other than Rex, and U. S. Marine Megan Leavey?!

This is the beautiful, suspenseful, thrilling, sad, and hopeful tale of real life Marine Megan Leavey, and her friendship with an unexpected, furry, and fierce creature named Rex! I greatly enjoyed seeing Woman and Dog work together throughout their missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and how afterwards, Megan struggles at the highest level to try and bring her canine companion home with adoption. The film tugged at my heartstrings nice and gently during after Marine life, and a bit harder during Marine life; I could feel my heart pumping with anticipation and excitement during combat scenes!

All the acting was very great too. I loved each of the performances, and greatly enjoyed seeing them bring Megan's story to effective and emotional life!

For all the deeply bonded humans and dogs out there, I highly recommend this movie for you! You both will be touched and mesmerized!
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Grease (1978)
Why did I wait so long to watch this musical?!?!
14 June 2023
At long last, I've finally gotten to a musical I've intended to watch for awhile now, and I'm so cross with myself for having not gotten to it sooner! Why did I take this long to watch Grease?!

This is a new personal favorite musical of mine, alongside Little Shop of Horrors and Hairspray! Just like in Hairspray, beautiful colorful style and costumes! Just like in both Hairspray and Little Shop off Horrors, groovy, catchy songs! My favorites from Grease were: the Grease theme song, Summer Lovin', You're the One that I Want, and definitely, Greased Lightin'! Unique and interesting special effects as well; I loved the cool transitions that occurred when a new song was starting, which seemed to magically transport the character, and the audience into the character's personal imagination! I could also feel and see the struggling between Greaser boy Zuko, and Australian newcomer-to-America Sandy, as they struggle to keep their love alive, even through all the changes they're making to themselves throughout school time. Sandy seems to be trying to be a perfect little girl for her folks and friends, while Zuko's time with his friends has turned him a bit rowdy. Aware of this, he tries to change for her, but keeps slipping up. Later on, as Sandy watches Zuko having fun, she starts to wonder: "Maybe it's me that needs to change for him..." Of course, as we all know, you don't need to change a thing about you for people to like you.

I'm so glad I finally watched Grease! It really made me feel happy, giddy, and hopeful! As a new favorite musical of mine, I highly recommend it!! Plus, a little fun fact: the actual Grease Lightin' car is currently on display at the Volo Auto Museum in Volo, Illinois! Check it out sometime!
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Turning Red (2022)
One of my personal favorite Pixar films
28 May 2023
My Aunt Patty and I saw this one together, and we both enjoyed very much!

Growing up, and entering teenage stages isn't easy for any growing person, but a young Canadian and Chinese girl named Mei Mei gets a whole lot more than she bargained for as she starts to grow to her teen years! She discovers that she has an ancient family inheritance: whenever she gets too overwhelmed with emotions, she transforms into a big red panda! On top of that, she also has to strive and struggle hard in school, with her families museum business, and trying to please her strict, overprotective Mother, trying to be the perfect daughter. Talk about puberty 2.0! With so much on her plate now that she's growing into teen years, Mei Mei must find it in her family, friends, and her own heart to hold onto life, until a Red Moon shines in the sky, during which, her panda side can finally be locked away... This has officially become a personal favorite Pixar movie of mine! It made me laugh so much with its cute animation and humor, and I think it might have made me cry a tiny bit somewhere too! I enjoyed the story a lot, loving how it seemed to support, entertain, and perhaps even calm any overwhelmed growing teenager out there. It was a clever move to set the movie in 2002 to give a nostalgic, throwback feeling, and showed both Chinese, and Canadian representation. The film brought back memories for both me, and my Aunt Patty; I used to have a bit of an overwhelmed life as a teenager, specifically with all the middle school homework pileup, and with trying to control my autism, but my folks were there to comfort me and help me through it all!

With adorable, delightful animation, quirky and funny jokes and gags, and a powerful story, Turning Red is an excellent and outstanding win! I definitely recommend it for growing children!
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Left me shaken, silent, and breathless!
28 May 2023
For the first time, as part of my Uncle Jim's movie club, for which I was a special guest, I saw the movie they'd picked: Do the Right Thing, by Spike Lee. I enjoyed it so much, and the end, left me completely breathless!

Tis' the hottest day of summer in Brooklyn. And it has been said that extreme heat can do things to you not just on the outside, but on the inside too. Everyone in the city appears to have their own personal problems, and with the heat increasing, they eventually start to take their frustration and anger out on other unsuspecting people. Lots of the people have different racial stereotypes towards other people, a main character named Mookie is struggling in his pizza delivery job with the owner Sal, and Sal is firmly refusing to acknowledge and respect a customers wish of putting a few famous African Americans up on his "Wall of Fame", which also has lots of famous Italian people there. Even the soft smooth talking of Radio DJ, Senior Love Daddy won't be enough to calm the growing frustration of the Brooklyn citizens, for when night falls...the volcano explodes! The ultimate climax, and ending, left me totally breathless, sad, but still hopeful. I had so many feelings just rushing through me as I saw what played out in the big climax, and when the credits rolled, I couldn't help but feel hopeful for the future of the town, hoping that the people of Brooklyn would not let their anger and hatred control them, come next super hot day. Said Martin Luther King: "Darkness cannot destroy darkness. Only light can do that. Hatred cannot destroy hatred. Only love can do that." My Mother had told me about Do the Right Thing: "I think everyone should see that movie." And I'm extremely glad that I did see it. I'd been planning to for a few years now, ever since hearing about it, and I saw the perfect opportunity when my Uncle Jim mentioned he and his movie club had picked this movie to see. I was able to give my own special opinions to the group as we met to discuss.

Do the Right Thing has made me feel such deep feelings and emotions, and it certainly will do the same to you. I definitely recommend it!
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The Bad Guys (2022)
Give them a chance, they'll make a change
25 March 2023
Do you think the baddest of the bad would deserve a chance to do good in their lives, if they asked for a chance? Perhaps the bad guys of, "The Bad Guys" will!

In this super funny, uniquely animated film, based on the comic book series by Aaron Blabey, a gang of criminal animals, whom are all based on inherently and stereotypical bad animals (such as wolfs, snakes, and sharks), unexpectedly get a taste of what it means to be good, when they pull off a good deed during a planned heist. Wanting to see how far they can go, the gang goes through a test to see if they can change for the better and make a fresh new start with their lives.

Audiences of all ages will adore this movie! I sure did! I particularly enjoyed the humor and animation; it's a unique kind of animation, similar to that of Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse, which makes the characters seem to jump off the page, and the movement and facial expressions fit perfectly and hilariously with certain bits of slapstick and jokes. The cast also fit the characters perfectly! Excellent choice of actors! My personal favorite, was Craig Robinson, voicing Mr. Shark, a master of disguise, whom has super funny voices to match the different disguises he wears when pulling off heists!

The overall concept and story is very thought provoking; seeing as how these criminal animals were never given a chance to show if they could change their ways, I felt sorry for them. Everyone deserves a chance to do some good in their lives, no matter how much evil they may have done, because when you've changed for the better, and when everyone starts to come around to liking you, and believing in you, not only do they feel good about you, you feel good about yourself. As a character in the Disney animated film Wreck it Ralph had said: "Just because I'm a bad guy, it doesn't mean I'm a, "bad guy"." This film, with its cool and effective animation style, fresh and superb humor, and cast of abundant characters, is sure to delight moviegoers both young, and old! And might I recommend it to anyone searching for redemption for bad deeds they've done in the past; it could give you some pointers!
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The Princess (I) (2022)
Basic story, but nicely amped up!
11 March 2023
Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Shuri in Black Panther, Supergirl. Just to name a few of the mighty, loyal, kick-butt women warriors of mass media. But would you think a pretty, beautiful princess like Joey King would have it in her to get her hands dirty? Just watch her come to at the top of the castle tower she's been locked up in, and you'll find out!

A pretty basic, but action packed and well acted tale indeed, The Princess is not your average one, having been trained with excellent fighting skills as a child, and now must use them in the most desperate time, to thwart the greedy intentions of the snot nosed prince she refused to be wed to!

I was pretty impressed with the direction from Mr. Le-Van Kiet, as well as the excellent battle choreography; there was a good amount of camera angle and vision (through medium and long shots) so the action could be captured and seen well; long and medium shots help the viewers see as much of the in motion action as possible, without too many cuts or close ups getting in the way.

Joey King and Domonic Cooper's performances were my favorite! Joey plays a superb, battle-hard princess, whom is trying to show, not just her family and the prince she refused to wed, but to all of the kingdom, that everyone should have the right to choose their own love, and destiny; a particular line she utters proves that: "I'm not a piece of property." Domonic has terrific taste in playing a greedy, villainous rebel of the kingdom. It seems in every peaceful happy kingdom, there is always one person who believes that fear should be instilled in people, that an iron fist will insure safety and order, and that power must be used with the highest level of discipline to keep troublemakers in line. It doesn't seem like too much a cliché however, when the character is acted out very well, and Domonic has done just that!

Though the story itself may be a basic one, and certain characters and attitudes may seem familiar, I still enjoyed The Princess very much.
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Fresh (2022)
A meal to die for!
19 February 2023
For any ladies looking for good meal to share with a nice man, who would you want to share it with? As long as it's not Sebastian Stan, whose playing a character named Steve, you're in for a delicious treat! Steve however, has other plans for you, which not only includes cooking for you, but also too!!

In this Hulu Original with Searchlight Pictures, dubbed Fresh, a lovely lady named Noa shares a loving relationship with the wrong man! Steve, as he's called, soon reveals to Noa, that he is a sadistic, and psychopathic butcherer of human meat...and Noa may just be the next meat atop his chopping block!! I found this movie very great, curious, and suspenseful! I agree with other reviewers of this movie that both Noa and Steve (played by Daisy Edgar Jones and Sebastian Stan) have great chemistry. I also liked and appreciated the performance of Jonica T Gibbs, who played Noa's (supposedly gay) best friend Mollie; Mollie is the best person to turn to if you've got trouble in finding love, and I loved how she had Noa's back, both in, and out of Steve's vicinity. But what I appreciated most of all in this movie, was the pacing; it was perfect! Unlike other films, where the pacing seems rushed to some viewers, the pacing for Fresh was excellent, as it slowly and carefully took its time, softly creeping along, preparing for when Steve reveals his true nature and self to Noa, and for the time when Noa makes her move to fight back... Pacing like this helps build suspense and curiousness, which I love to feel!

Sink your teeth into Fresh today! You'll have a scrumptiously great time!
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Antlers (2021)
Dark, disturbing, and SO scary!
19 February 2023
In an elementary school's class, a teacher listens to a disturbing story from an equally disturbed looking little boy named Lucas. When curiosity gets the better of this teacher, and when she starts to dig into this boy's past, and present, she finds out, that Lucas may be telling his story...from a terrifying experience!

Never before have I been spooked by such a twisted and dark horror film like this one! I got terrified by the bone chilling reality of little Luca's story, and felt very said for him, as he is forced to relive his tale again, and again, and again, until it seems to be "life" for him. Although he seems to be losing hope, his school teacher starts to put more hope inside him, trying to convince him to say "The End" to his horrible ordeal, and write a new one, with new people and friends who want to help, and save him.

Jeremy T Thomas played Lucas, and I loved his performance the best; Jeremy played a very convincing traumatized and empty little boy, whom I bet, deep down inside, wants help to escape the nightmare he's living. I also loved Keri Russell's performance as the teacher, and Jesse Plemons, who plays the teacher's brother.

For those who have this movie in mind to see, I must caution will be spooked! Plus, I highly recommend having a friend or two to accompany you! DON'T see this alone!
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Bloody Brilliant
8 February 2023
As Katniss Everdeen said in the final book (and film) of The Hunger Games: "There are much worse games to play". The game in the comedy horror film Ready or definitely one of those "worse games"!

When a bride-to-be is married into a lavish, rich, and weird family, she soon discovers that they really stick to tradition...and tradition in this house, is anything but fun and games! Each time someone is welcomed into the family, they must play a game. For the bride, the game is hide and seek. All she has to do, is avoid being caught by dawn. Sounds easy right? Well, not with the family armed with ancient weapons and planning to perform a ritual on you it isn't! With the bride's new husband being the only reluctant and helpful one, she must outwit, out hide, and out smart the deranged and insane clan, until a supposable curse threatens to, supposably kill the family!

I made a brilliant choice to see this film! And you will too, if you decide to play the game! The direction of Mr. Matt Bettinelli Olpin, and Mr. Tyler Gillett is excellent! I loved how the camera follows and moves with those who are running for their lives, and the still shots on lots of stuffed animal heads and pictures on the walls; these shots made the film seem a bit like a 90's or 80's era film, which I appreciated. The dark humor was pretty good too, but I especially loved the acting. I adored all the cast members and their splendid talent, especially, Samara Weaving, who played the traumatized, and frightened bride! As for the supposable death that will befall the family if dawn arrives...well, even they aren't sure if it's true! And that's part of the curious mystery!

To any brides-to-be-wedded-into-a-new-family, be careful whose family you're welcomed to join, for as the words on the movie poster say: "In-laws can be murder!"
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Filled to the brim
4 January 2023
This only my second time seeing Gregory Peck (the first being in To Kill a Mockingbird), and he has impressed me once more!

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit sees Gregory as Tom Rath, a WWII warrior now living a suburban life with his wife Betsy and three daughters. Though it may seem like a happy new life, as they say...not everything may be what it seems to be. And in Tom's case, this is greatly true.

As I learned in an online class on screenwriting, one of the main things to help make a movie a critical success if you put it in there, is conflict; this film is chock full of it! And I appreciate it very much, as it helped move the story along excellently! Among the numerous unfortunate events in Tom's life, they include: Betsy wanting to move to a new home for a bigger change in life, chickenpox is infecting the children, Tom struggling to find work, and succeed in it, and most importantly, PTSD from his time in the war. With so many moments from Tom's past haunting him today, we discover he has lots of hidden secrets that he is slowly caving in to telling his wife...and one secret in particular causes the husband and wife relationship, to explode! Choice upon choice is flooding into poor Tom's life, and eventually, he is faced with the most important question of all: What is more important? Family, or success?

In this film, and in To Kill a Mockingbird, Gregory plays a parent, and he is a very good parent figure in both movies. His performance in other scenes is highly believable too, and sometimes, so realistic looking, such as when a war buddy is injured from a grenade, and when he's faced with choices to make in the workplace.

For married couples soon to be parents worldwide, and for current parents worldwide, I recommend this movie for you! I believe it could help you prepare for life ahead, and learn from mistakes that Tom Rath makes.
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