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Unconquered (1989 TV Movie)
the birth of a new era.....
5 December 2002
Unconquered is based on the Richmond Flowers family.Flowers Sr(Coyote) is an unpopular Attorney General in Alabama,he's a white politician who supports integration and is friends with Martin Luther King. His son,played by Dermot Mulroney,is an aspiring football player,who isn't exactly the most popular kid in school on account of Dad's reputation and sometimes wishes his dad was like everyone else.He quickly befriends another nonconformist's son,the dorky yet endearing Arnie(Whaley) and the tough,outspoken Cindy(Jenny Robertson). Touching and important,the story depicts a part of history that makes us feel both ashamed and sad,yet it also depicts a part of history that gave birth to strong,good men and women who through their words and deeds changed the world.Though there was and perhaps always will be the stench of hate and prejudice the Richmonds,Arnies and Cindys of the world remained and will remain unconquered.
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School Ties (1992)
A story that needs to be told
4 November 2002
I liked this movie the first time I watched it,which is probably why I have watched it twice since then.Seeing future stars in a small time movie was a bonus but it was the story that appealed to me.Anti-Semitism was once the "in-thing",just as lynching African Americans was once accepted and condoned.It's a sad and shameful part of our history,a part that we'd like to forget but we most definitely shouldn't...because if we do we just might repeat ourselves,and nobody wants to do they?

I think "School Ties" gets the point across.Sure the script has its flaws,but which script doesn't?The story is an important one.Each time we watch it we"ll remember and that's a good thing,'cause we just might forget and that would be dangerous.
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Oil and water do not mix?...Dream on,kid...
11 October 2002
I really liked this movie.Yes it was predictable,yes the characters were often stereotype, what?It was a great movie and Stiles and Thomas shone in their respective roles.My room was filled with the sounds of Hip Hop for the next couple of days.It was a movie romance,filled with a lot of what they've been filled with before but I watched it to be entertained,to indulge my for-the-moment mood and it did just that.Sammy Davis Jr caused a scandal when he married actress May Britt...I guess we've come a long way.
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A great romantic comedy!
24 May 2002
It's nice when romance and everything about it has a twist of humour too!That's exactly what the scriptwriter to this 1974 made-for-TV movie did and boy,did he do it well! Karen Valentine plays a small town girl who is hired by a rich playboy's friends as his "birthday present".Robert Long plays the role of the publishing tycoon,Michael Green,who has just turned 40 but refuses to admit it.His magazine boasts that it's for "the guy who has everything" but Greene find himself alone and drunk on the night of his 40th birthday.He feels alone and empty when in walks Sandy Benson in a bikini and a bow and his life is never the same again.Now if this was one of your run-of-the-mill romances and you're up at 11:00 in the night you'd think why bother?But what it is a wonderfully charming and witty comedy with 2 equally charming and witty actors who refuse to let you get bored!
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Jewel (2001 TV Movie)
Lovely story,that could have been played out better.
16 April 2002
'Jewel' the title character,played by Farrah Fawcett,is a mother of four children who now middle-aged awaits her fifth child.Her newborn baby girl is named Brenda Kay and soon after doctors discover that Brenda Kay has Down Syndrome.They give her 2 years to live but Jewel is undaunted.She believes that if she loves Brenda Kay enough everything will be alright.

That is the basic story and Fawcett handles the character of Jewel well.She plays a woman who has resolved to give up anything and everything to ensure the happiness and well-being of her daughter,even if it means that she does so at the expense of her other children and her husband.The story and the characters were handled well enough but personally,it did not make as much of an emotional impact as it could have and the ending was rather disappointing.
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The Warden (2001 TV Movie)
Gripping story with some great performances!
12 April 2002
'The Warden' was,for me,a gripping movie.Usually I am not one who particularly enjoys a movie centred in and around a maximum security prison but Ally Sheedy convinced me.A dynamic and ambitious woman named Helen Hewitt(Sheedy) is brought in as the young warden of an all male,maximum security prison just when things are getting hot for the prison bigwigs.She is brought in to clean up the mess and the guys in the department(whose egos have been severely dented by her appointment as warden) give her a week to last in the job. Things get complicated for the young warden as she battles her own private demons and the tense,hostile environment she faces at the prison.This movie is great to watch,kept me engrossed till the very end.Sheedy gives a wonderfully realistic performance,supported by a good cast.There are moments in the film when certain things don't add up and the viewer can't help but feel a little lost but all in all 'The Warden' is well worth watching.
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The Warden (2001 TV Movie)
Gripping story with some great performances!
12 April 2002
'The Warden' was,for me,a gripping movie.Usually I am not one who particularly enjoys a movie centred in and around a maximum security prison but Ally Sheedy convinced me.A dynamic and ambitious woman named Helen Hewitt(Sheedy) is brought in as the young warden of an all male,maximum security prison just when things are getting hot for the prison bigwigs.She is brought in to clean up the mess and the guys in the department(whose egos have been severely dented by her appointment as warden) give her a week to last in the job. Things get complicated for the young warden as she battles her own private demons and the tense,hostile environment she faces at the prison.This movie is great to watch,kept me engrossed till the very end.Sheedy gives a wonderfully realistic performance,supported by a good cast.There are moments in the film when certain things don't add up and the viewer can't help but feel a little lost but all in all 'The Warden' is well worth watching.
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Radio Flyer (1992)
Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazzello,such bright young talents!
12 April 2002
Sure this movie is kind of unrealistic and sometimes boring but all in all it's a very sweet movie that evokes many wonderful childhood memories.Would I have watched Radio Flyer had it not starred Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazzello?Perhaps not.Wood and Mazzello are incredible in their roles as Mike and Bobby,considering they were only 9 and 7 at the time they started filming the movie.The rest of the cast is alright,no particularly impressive performances from any of them but like I said it's Wood and Mazzello who carry the show through.There was one big surprise though,Tom Hanks.As narrator,well,let's just say after he started off at the beginning of the movie I was this close to switching the T.V off and thus missing quite a good movie. I was disappointed to find out that Radio Flyer didn't exactly hit it off at the box office,I suppose juggling such themes as child abuse and building getaway planes for a 7 year old to fly can be a difficult task. However despite its faults ,I found myself shouting insults at The King when he hit Bobby and laughing at the antics of the boys and their dog Shane.Sure you need a good imagination to enjoy it but we can cough a little of that up can't we?!
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An unforgettable movie!!!
24 February 2002
This movie is truly unique,with great actors and an even greater story.Based on a true story,this movie follows the lives of a tough,caring teacher and a group of inner city kids.Touching and powerful this movie is entirely believable,there are no stereotypes,no typecasting nothing that draws it away from its gripping reality.Even if the story is great it's the actors who tell it and boy,did 'Stand and Deliver have a fantastic group of actors led by Edward James Olmos and Lou Diamond Phillips who both gave fantastic performances. I think the fact that a large part of the cast and crew belonged to minorities helped bring a certain authenticity to this movie that might not have otherwise been there.It was a great movie to watch and the fact that it was based on a true story made it even more special!
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True Women (1997)
27 January 2002
True Women is essentially a Western Drama that revolves around the lives and times of 3 women,different in their ideals and personalities but similar in their inner strength and courage.It is a poignant story told vividly and effectively on the plains of Texas.It successfully avoids stereotypes and builds up stong,real characters. I loved this movie and I'd watch it over again in a heartbeat!!!This was one story that was truly moulded and made by its actors.Every actor was seemingly made for their respective character.Delaney,Gish and Jolie gave impressive performances but the most spectacular piece of acting for me was that of Tina Majorino,in every movie I have seen featuring this young actress she has always given a performance far more mature than one does expect of her and her role as young Euphemia was no different.There were times in this movie where certain events didn't exactly fit and moments when certain actors seemed uneasy and slipped out of character but the momentum was quickly regained.This movie I think is one of those few movies that truly and sincerely celebrates WOMEN!
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18 January 2002
Great movie!!!One of the best wartime movies I have ever seen!The city of Florence and San Gimignano provide a beautiful backdrop to a movie that revolves mainly around a group of ladies in Italy during the height of WWII.TEA WITH MUSSOLINI is about friendship,trust and false ideals and is a story told vividly by a very talented cast.I don't think this movie would have made such an impression on me had there not been a Smith,Plowright or Dench.Each character was played by an actor who seemed perfect for the part.Maggie Smith,particularly,gave one of the best performances I have ever seen as Lady Hester and even Cher(which came as a surprise to me!)was quite impressive too.One character that could have been made more interesting was that of young Lucas but all in all this movie couldn't have been better!
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The Great Mom Swap (1995 TV Movie)
Why don't they make more teen movies like this?!!!!
18 January 2002
The movie wasn't exciting nor enormously witty....but I liked it,I liked it a lot!The story is basically about two girls,who are intense rivals and their mums well they were intense rivals too,as a matter of fact they still are.Coming from two different worlds when they have to switch homes and thus families as a school punishment the fun begins!Sid Caeser was great and so was Schellhardt,the chemistry between her and Kavovit was just perfect.No complicated plot twists or unexpected endings,but if you are looking for a nice enjoyable teen movie sans violence or swearing pick this one!!
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Sarah, Plain and Tall (1991 TV Movie)
Beautiful story!
18 January 2002
Sarah,Plain and Tall was a great pleasure to watch,it was a simple story that was told,just as it should have been,simply.Sarah,almost a mailorder bride,comes to live with a widower and his two young children on the prairie and her life never is the same again.The story revolves around friendships formed,ideals changed and above all the importance of family.No character is a stereotype they are realistic people with their own shortcomings but are essentially good human beings with morals and integrity.Glenn Close and Christopher Walkin bring so many truths to their characters and the chemistry between them is real and heartfelt.A very special movie,great to watch with the family!
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Babycakes (1989 TV Movie)
Great Offbeat Comedy!!!
18 January 2002
Very sweet movie,plot is very basic..girl gets boy,girl loses boy..but what makes the story unique is the fact that the heroine is an overweight mortuary cosmetician and Prince Charming works in the subway.The characters aren't glamorous nor the story particularly thrilling but the chemistry between Lake and Sheffer is lovely and the story is told with such wit and sincerity that you have to like it!!!
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Rivals (2000 TV Movie)
11 January 2002
Classing this movie is difficult,it's bizarre,frightening and tragic.The fact that it was based on a true story got me watching and all the way till the end I was thinking about how unbelievably terrible this tragedy must have been,especially for the real Hazel Show.But my mind wasn't on much else,the scenes were scrappily put together,the script lacking and Finnigan....well let's just say she could have played the part better.It wasn't entirely bad though,Lambert(Patterson) was truly loathing and psychotic,and there were other notable performances namely that of Humes,Hunt and Vannicola.It was one of those movies that you HAVE to watch till the end,but once you've watched it you think it could have been done better.
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Romantically haunting!
22 December 2001
This movie was like any Jimmy Stewart film,witty,charming and very enjoyable.Kim Novak's performance as Gillian,the beautiful witch who longs to be human,is splendid,her subtle facial expressions,her every move and gesture all create Gillian's unique and somewhat haunting character,she left us hanging on her every word.I should not fail to mention Ernie Kovacs' and Elsa Lanchester's highly commendable performances as the scotch loving writer obsessed with the world of magic(Kovacs) and the latter as the lovable aunt who can't seem to stop using magic even when forbidden to.The romantic scenes between Stewart and Novak are beautifully done and the chemistry between them is great,but then again when is the chemistry between Jimmy Stewart and any leading lady bad!
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Blonde (2001)
Tell us something new!!!
19 December 2001
I am a person very much intrigued by the great Marilyn Monroe.I have seen her at her best and at her worst and like most people know about her life,her demons and her dreams.Considering we know all this,this movie seems to offer us nothing new.It fails to create the glamour of the golden years of Hollywood,it fails to portray the kind of Marilyn the world didn't know and worse yet the movie consists of more fiction than fact,and when one sits down to watch a movie portraying the life of one of Hollywood's greatest that can get pretty annoying(especially if one has to ask the person sitting next to you,"Did that really happen?")This is the first movie I have watched on Monroe's life and I awaited it with great anticipation.....but I was very disappointed.

Apart from Poppy Montgomery's good performance,the rest was unimpressive.The movie also left me thinking "Surely being Marilyn Monroe would not have been all that bad?"
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Footloose (1984)
19 December 2001
I watched this movie only this year in Locarno with 2 swiss friends!We all fell in love with the movie,the actors and the music!Although the story is simple and a bit unrealistic,the choreography was splendid and the movie entertaining!A definite 10/1O!Why?'Cause it made me want to do what no other movie has made me want to do.......DANCE!
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Hatari! (1962)
19 December 2001
Hatari is what I would call one of those classic movies that has to be seen,'cause most everyone you know has already seen it.A typical John Wayne flick,with all those white macho men rounding up savage beasts and managing to survive in that great expanse of Africa.Although a movie that is filled with stereotypes,Hatari does feature some good music and good acting(especially the outstanding Red Buttons).Hatari to me seems just a slightly better substitute to Survivor(Africa).
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One of those classics!
19 December 2001
Were Jimmy Stewart and June Allyson made for the movie,or what?!

Great movie,lovely music!One of those movies that make you feel good all over,with a beautiful blend if wit,emotion and the Blues!What is even more impressive is the use of African American actors,considering the movie was made in 1954.The Jimmy and June combination evokes the chemistry of a Kate and Spencer movie.A true classic in every way,I'd watch it again in a heartbeat!
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One of those classics!
19 December 2001
Were Jimmy Stewart and June Allyson made for the movie,or what?!

Great movie,lovely music!One of those movies that make you feel good all over, with a beautiful blend if wit, emotion and the Blues! What is even more impressive is the use of African American actors,considering the movie was made in 1954.The Jimmy and June combination evokes the chemistry of a Kate and Spencer movie.A true classic in every way, I'd watch it again in a heartbeat!
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