
142 Reviews
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Mare of Easttown: Miss Lady Hawk Herself (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
First take
3 May 2024
I read up on this series a bit before deciding to watch, as I do with most material these days. I've just watched the first episode and it definitely.has potential, however

The doom & gloom and overall depressing atmosphere, doesn't really draw me in. It actually gives me anxiety. If this whole thing is going like this, they could have at least made it a dark comedy.

Kate Winslet is great and the rest of the cast here (and those still to come) were a big part od why O decided to tune in.

I'm hoping that there is more to the story than "we live in some backwater town and life sucks". The clichès afoot, i'm okay with, so long as it goes somewhere. Maybe if it took place in the 90's (and spare us checking off the boxes which, guaranteed in this town, would not apply!!! Utterly unrealistic)

But despite the overwhelmingly forced narrative, which could have settled in naturally, we got a self-served depiction, and a lot of what could have been.

A lot to dislike about the story so far, but the parts are acted well. But when you're dealing with youth of today, you have to expect a lot of dumbass rhetoric. So who wrote this garbage?

A guy is letting his baby moms get beat down by his new girl? Where's the baby at? And then little miss fill-in-the-box has the dead givaway haircut, but no baby. As I assume it was the dead son's baby. And I am merely guessing as I have absolutely no idea if she even had a son (but i'm gonna guess i'm 100% right)

Despite all the flaws, the many flaws, I see what they were trying to do here. The solid performances all around save the episode, but it wont be enough to save the series if the rest of it is as ludicrous and ridiculously uneasy and far-fetched as this episode was.

Entertainment Value 7.5/10 Overall Rating 7.5(7)/10

I had originally intended to give this episode an 8/10, but the ending was confusing and quite frankly, poor writing. The convenience of driving the plot was just another poorly timed clichèd moment.

Unless of course episode 2 starts off with a total anti-cliffhanger moment. Lets find out.
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Smile (V) (2022)
All New Creepy Level
3 May 2024
What to say about a movie, in which its title is the last thing you want to do while watching.

"Smile" has taken it to new levels of creepiness. Forget horror, *This* should be the brand from now on. The new gold standard.

I loved this film, flaws and all. The cast was great and surprisingly notable. The sheer authenticity of it all encapsulated raw feelings and emotions.

I feel that negative reviews, especially those "critics" who are published by trash outlets, made meager comparisons to other films, just to downplay it (while those films were notoriously successful) and pointed out nothing at all about the actual film itself, as they couldn't muster any words.

Lowest common denominator. Pathetic critique. Smile! (Yeah, you know you get it)

This film brought something new and missing from the genre. While it is hard to be original in a world where everything has been done, and then done again, this film delivers on a new type of scare.

The incredibly acted parts brought a level of realism to it, that you find yourself pensive toward the next scene. It did become a little choppy towards the end. Endings are typically the hardest thing to do (and do well) in a good film.

Most films that are reverse-engineered are obvious and saturated and a boring writing process, with the films generally always predictable and annoying as hell.

"Smile", as I said, was a breath of fresh air. Running away from the pack. I had first seen it advertised significantly well before the films release.... and then it was suddenly gone. Then it popped up in theatres, and just like that, it was gone again.

To think if this was some mass marketing strategy like they did with the pepople in the crowd at public events, but sadly it was not.

I was glad to see this pop up on a streaming service, and then to my dismay, had one of the shortest life spans of any film i've ever seen, being pulled just a few months after its debut.

This whole disappearing act has become a nuisance. So i'd suggest if you're able to, watch this film before it disappears again.

Entertainment Value - 7.5/10 Overall Rating - 7.5(7)/10

If you like cool, dark, creepy movies, this one checks all the boxes. Honestly, try to look at those smiling faces and not cringe or feel creeped out.

The title may be "Smile", but that is the last thing you will be doing. I genuinely enjoyed watching this film. If you're a fan of horror/thriller, I think you will too.
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The Signal (2014)
Oldschool Weird
3 May 2024
So this was a strange one. While you never really know what's going on, you seem to be able to fumble along with the film.

To be honest, the film doesn't go anywhere, as is the point i'm sure. Its difficult to explain without giving anything away.

There's a decent cast, most of whom are quite young in their careers at this point and to date, have gone on to do big things.

Obviously Laurence Fishburn has been around a while, clearly i'm not referring to him. He does do a cool, approachable yet menacing character quite well. Think Morpheus, but decides Not To explain anything to Neo. That pretty much sums up his role in this film. Its quite cool actually.

The film does have its moments of suspense and leaves you asking constant questions and wondering just what on Earth is going on here. But that essentially is the point.

Its done in a very 1970's style, and a lot of it, the way it is shot and the addition of certain events, places and things are given to detail an intentionally retro vibe.... in 2014... and here I am in 2024. Gotta be a time loop somewhere.

All in all it wasn't bad, but far from really good. The premise was interesting, the cast did an alright job, not sure if it played to their strengths or not, but it was entertaining.

The unnecessary flashbacks were incoherent and annoying. There were several scenes I had to replay because I was certain I missed something, or the story continued without anything to actually drive the plot along. Again, insanely annoying and piss poor editing.

Entertainment Value 6/10 Overall Rating 6/10

The ending somewhat saves this mess of a film. A genuinely good idea but very shabby writing & delivery and tacky editing kill it from the better piece of work it could have and almost certainly would have been.

If you dig Sci-Fi with a retro vibe, give it a watch. Its a serious slow-burn.
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A Family Thanksgiving (2010 TV Movie)
Christmas for Thanksgiving
30 April 2024
So this is where it gets a little weird for me. Ordinarily I can not stand movies like this. That happy horse dung that they force-feed you from W or hallmark networks.

This came on tv by chance (NOT on one of those networks I might add. I wouldn't be caught dead watching that) I went for a shower and came back and it was on the screen. The film is essentially a remake of "The Family Man" starring Nicholas Cage, and I absolutely love that film.

I'm not a sucker for holiday films like most people, and I especially hate thanksgiving. Absolutely hate the fake holiday that people use an excuse to gorge themselves and give in to disgusting practices. (Because nothing says "thanks" like gluttony)

Despite that, I've enjoyed Daphne Zuniga in things past and made me nostalgic for the good days of television when even the trash was conceptual and entertaining (Melrose Place, anybody?)

So I gave this film a try and it was decent. It has a lot more substance than the other crap that just preys on the weak and soft to make an easy buck.

Nothing will ever replace "The Family Man", its one of very very few "holiday films" that I can or will tolerate. So this film sat well with me, with a very understanding yet heartwarming appeal and didn't try to oversell like the cookie cutter approach to most made-for-tv garbage.

If this can win even a hardened person like me over, it probably deserves a watch.

The acting is quite simplistic but it doesn't feel forced either. I appreciate that we are viewing what seem to be normal people. Not characters filling a void to parlé along a storyline.

The ending is about as typical as you could expect. But how could it be any other way. I laughed, of course. But it wasn't to be cynical, it was more of letting go and embracing the innevitable.

Naturally in life we can't go back and change things. I think this is a testament to people's complacency and uninspired lifestyles. But also shows that there is more to life than only what you deem or make important.

A concept that is utterly lost on society today. Which is why "Thanksgiving" is such a sham of a holiday. Self-gratifying for your own selfish endeavours, while this film depicts the exact opposite.

What could, and what should be. Often times are one in the same, but seldom ever occur. This was a nice breath of fresh air from the phony garbage people deem "important" today. Your agenda isn't important, ethics and morals are.

This film will teach you that.

A nice little film with a much bigger heart.

I give this a 6.5 out 10. Rounded up to a 7, which is the highest rating i can possibly give to this type of film. So for all intents and purposes, its a 10 for tv.
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30 April 2024
Its basically a shot-for-shot remake of spiderman with a few twists. The severe lack of humor, when present, is all over the place.

I laughed at 2 scenes, but not in their entirety. You kind of just hope the movie gets on with it and goes somewhere.

It does not.

Its random as random can be. Throwing a whole bunch of crap together and calling it a movie, even a "'movie' movie", which in and of itself is a pathetic notion used by dismal characters, it falls flat.

Its a shame when you have such a decent cast, and you can't produce anything of subtance. Is that asking too much from this... i'm not calling it a franchise. That's like giving credit to rappers and "r&b singers" who steal music from everyone and then calling them "an artist".

This is a contrived pile of garbage from start to finish, which fails to deliver any decent laughs, while arrogantly trying to portray itself as passable for a decent film.

The cluelessness is only emcompassed by the stars of this film, whom I assume already had bloated ego's, and the constant rotating cast was due to nobody being able to work with them.

Legendary Leslie Nielsen is a bright spot and Kevin Hart does what he does. Although i was never a fan of the over-the-top humor he provided in any of these movies, some people tend to enjoy it, and he does what he does well.

There are some funny spots with appearances with from Pamela Anderon and Tracy Morgan. But outside of that, nothing.

The two leads appear as wooden and unbelievable in any aspect. The sillyness and ludicrous antics that made films like Scary Movie 1 &2 (and to a lesser extent 3) funny, were completely lost on this film.

Not as abhorrently awful as scary movie 4, but only slightly better by comparison.

If they never made another one of these again, it would be too soon.

If you want to make a spoof movie correctly, take a look at "Not Another Teen Movie". 20 years later and its still hillarious.

This was just a shallow and lazy piece of work, save only for some veterans of the screen; sporadically throughout.

I'm giving a more than generous 4. The jokes are boring, predictable and played-out. 2 awful leads, but when you look at the production company and see that Disney was so heavily involved, it all makes sense.

A terrible joke of a script. If the 2 leads had been merely focal points to every other story, that would have been a convoluted mess that might have been funny.

Entertainment Value 2.5/10 Overall Rating 3.5(4)/10

Not really entertaining at all. But some great supporting actors make it bearable and save us from the abysmal performance of the 2 leads.

The movie comes to fruition by letting us know it was just a launching pad to get 2 poorly written songs off by the 2 leads. Apparently its all Disney, all the time, and they are to be taken seriously?

I see a plethora of issues with this film, its amazing no law suits were filed. I think for all involved it was probably best to forget this ever existed.
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Side Effects (I) (2013)
Sleep Dreaming... or something to that effect
30 April 2024
I came to this party a bit late. This film was released in 2013 and here I am in 2024. None the less, as enjoyable now as it was back then i imagine.

I am sort of glad I had not seen this before seeing some of Steven Soderbergh's later work. A lot of it is relevant to the times and some of far greater importance to instances not yet become the social norm as far as the conversation goes.

Much of his work has a very psychological aspect to it, often redefining perspectives and opinions, or perhaps engaging in those that have yet to be properly extracted from ourselves.

While this film tackles a number of things, it is the engaging and ever unfolding storyline that keeps us in check and watching, of course.

Jude Law is stellar as always and Rooney Mara delivers a thought-provoking performance that may truly capture things unknown. I imagine this role was significantly harder to protray than seeming, at first glance.

For those that foray into the psyche of an individual, and then to put yourself into something and someone so damaged or corrupted, to display it with a level of honesty, not necessarily sincerity. Because that would make you a sociopath, or it could make you the greatest actor of all time.

Point in case.

That is essentially the story behind the story here. There are certain complexities that the mundane can't or won't see fit to actualise. Much of Soderbergh's work is varied on a layer by layer basis, and its the audiences ability to adapt and interpret these things, that determines the body of work.

If you are simply watching a film, you'll ridicule plot lines & holes, while simultaneously missing the point.

If its a piece of art, you'll find fault with the construct, and miss the big picture.

If through the eyes of a proffession(al) you take issue with due-course and contingency rather than peer into the perspective and the introspective,

through no fault nor denial of your own.

Right? How do you answer that? You don't, that's the point. Rhetoric for days I imagine while looking for sincerity in scrutiny.

This was a brilliant depiction of so many things that if you can only focus on one then you truly are missing out.

Simply put: If you think you are of such sound mind, I pity you that you can not perceive of such greatness, and that those who are "flawed" or "damaged" are in-fact the greatest minds of all. For they see all, where others do not.

Soderbergh gets it. Why don't you?

And if you do, you'll agree that this was

Entertainment Value 10/10 Overall Rating 8/10

Sure, there are things I could pick apart, continuity and process perhpaps, but...why? Why would I do that when i am having such a good time enjoying myself.

People's review of this film will tell you all you need to know about a person. Perhaps they need medication to truly see it. You don't always dream when you're sleeping, but everyone does it when they are awake. They just don't know it yet.
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The Silencing (2020)
29 April 2024
This was a truly dark film but not without its moments. I try to appreciate first before ridiculing or picking apart, if at all.

While there were some obscure derivative parts to it, it held its focus and the end product was a well delivered film.

I feel like the cast did an amazing job, bringing life to characters and giving you a feel for them as if you knew more than they let on. To understand them as people and therefore relatable, whilst still being abstract from the norm, as they had many facets to them and are far from one dimensional.

Having said that, a true testament to the cast and the great job done by all. Emotionally capturing the moments, not oversold, and very full of impact.

Nothing about this should be typical, and while some holes left unfilled, keeps you guessing and attentive right through.

There's enough backstory for you to fill in the gaps; that eliminate any confusion. Unexplained bits & pieces are meticulously by design, and plot driven.

Some parts can be easily pieced together if you focus on the Who and not the Why. It challenges(?) the audience to actualise, and if you're at least semi-intelligent you'll close those gaps yourself. Thus resulting in the all important How.

Its not a deep thinker, if you simply watch you will be entertained. Most elements come full circle by the end of the film. If you're the type to constantly question or keep theorising, i'd recommend you watch it by yourself and not ruin a good thing for everybody else.

The Silencing is a good title, as it locks you in and drags you down and blots out the rest of the world.

About midway through the film I thought it could have ended and I'd have felt as though I'd seen an entire film already. I was amazed to realise it was only half the film. What a gift.

With so much packed into the first hour and nowhere closer to unveiling the truth...or are we? Honestly, you wont know until the end.

The story has many layers and as I said, keeps you guessing. But if you're like me and enjoy watching intently and without distraction, you will really appreciate this film, supposed flaws and all.

Entertainment Value 8.5/10 Overall Rating 7/10

There is a certain calmness in this film that reigns you in. The story drives itself relentlessly and doesn't take pause for anyone. Brilliantly crafted with full intent.

I imagine I am in the small commodity of people who can truly appreciate the HOW that this was done. And that wasn't even intended as a callback to my earlier comment, i'm just now realising how vastly important that aspect was to the credibility and enjoyment of this film.

Give it a watch, I really enjoyed it. Maybe you will too.
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Bad Words (2013)
Wow! really funny
28 April 2024
I caught this film about midway through. I read the synopsis and was able to pick up most of what was going on as the movie rolled on.

I haven't laughed this hard; at random; to non-slapstick comedy; (that I just walked in on) in a very, very long time. So long that I honestly can't remember.

I'm laughing out loud and I have no problem following along. Signs of someone who knows writing. I see this is Jason Bateman's directorial debut as well. What a great job.

The cast i've seen so far is incredible. The chemistry with Bateman and Rohan is incredible.

Kathryn Hahn is typically good, as usual. Loved seeing Rachael Harris. The crudeness and vulgarity are done almost so concisely so that you only see the humor and forget the setting.

The always melancholic Smashing Pumpkins was a nice touch at the end. Summed things up nicely.

I will re-watch from the beginning but I doubt I will change anything said here. I missed all scenes with Alisson Janney, and she's usually great in everything, so I can only imagine there's a lot more laughs in the first half as well.

All in all, I'm giving this an 8/10 (from what i've seen) because to make a feel-good; coming-of-age; vulgar comedy such as this, takes some serious chops.

My hat goes off to Mr. Bateman. He seems to do everything quite well and this film is no exception.
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It was....well depressing
17 April 2024
To begin, I had Zero expectations about this film. Quite frankly (no pun intended) I didn't anticipate anything for or from this film.

On paper it looked good. Decent cast, good soundtrack. So imagine my amazement when i discovered this film was shot a complete 180 from its original intent.

The massive irony here is, I loved the 2004 version. I didn't think it was a great film, but I will watch it anytime it comes on.

The only ideology in mind for this film is that it will be a shoot-'em-up style. I did not think the entire film would be so mundane. The action sequences should have been cool to me, yet I found myself watching robotically with very little emotion at all.

I'm sure there are fanboys who will say its great. The whole frame for frame comic book approach. That's probably why I sat here motionless for an hour and a half. The only thing that fueled me along was the sountrack.

Thank God for Pendulum and Slipknot or i'd have fallen asleep through this film.

I honestly can't say I enjoyed it. Some parts were cool but I hated most of the characters. Oddly enough Jigsaw is one of the characters I remember well from my childhood. I still have his trading card.

Dominic West did a good job. His voice seemed to get better as the movie went on. Good ploy. Most people don't know that he is British. They see him and think Mcnulty. But if this - were - sparta!!!... you might remember him differently.

Now, Gerard Butler, he'd make a good Frank Castle. Maybe should've got Frank Miller to direct if you wanted to do it comic book style. Nothing against Ray Stevenson, great actor, but this wasn't a role catered to him.

This one, as I said, I had no expectations so I can't say I was disappointed, but I doubt; with absolute certainty that I would ever watch this again.

Entertainment Value 5/10 Overall Rating 5/10

A solid performance from Dominic West and Dash Mihok does a great job as an ever passive Soap. Seeing as The Punisher speaks about 4 lines worth of dialogue throughout the entire film, you could have given some more lively supporting characters. It was just gloomy, NOT dark. Almost depressing. (They were insane to think they could go up against The Dark Knight. Epic failure)

Some very poor casting in this film. An utter displacement of talent, and of a storyline.

Seriously, dark was Not a better way to go in this film. You may score some nostalgia points with this one, but not from this guy, sorry.
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Child 44 (2015)
Enjoyably enjoyable
17 April 2024
Its hard not to like any film with Tom Hardy in it. He has this natural chemistry where he can be paired with anybody and make it work.

A true master of the voice arts, Hardy delivers yet another stellar performance. I would say the suppprting cast was very underutilised if it wasn't Hardy in this film. The fact that there is so much talent from start to finish is nothing short of a gift to the viewer.

Fitting that he should appear yet again, with whom i'd like to call his predecessor in the character arts, Gary Oldman. This guy is a legend. Anytime you get him Hardy & Oldman paired up, you know its going to be something special.

The film itself delves deep into a surreal realism, giving us an unfiltered persepctive. An honest perspective.

I'm mot sure what more could have been done to tell the story without compromising artistic integrity.

This isn't some U. S. war film chock-filled with fiction and propaganda. So I can see why some people might not be able to appreciate just how great this film is.

The only qualm I have personally was some of the shakey camera work during the fight scenes. If you suffer from certain things as I do, it can make watching scenes like that rather difficult. Hard to follow at times.

Aside from that, a fantastic job all around. I have to imagine there was a minimalist approach to what they could and would use to keep things authentic.

I can't foresee there being much to work with given the nature of the story, so I really have to applaud the prop and costume department.

Entertainment Value 8/10 Overall Rating 7.5(8)/10

I round up to an 8 because Tom Hardy always gives a 10/10 performance. The movie doesn't have many flaws. Some of the editing could have been handled a little better, but clocking in at just over 2 hours, 2:15.00 i think, they kept it just short/long enough.

As I said, its hard to dislike. I enjoyed it, maybe you will too.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
A film about a story
17 April 2024
To say that this a film about a story, would be far too obvious albeit incredibly accurate.

This is not a telling tale, not an in-depth historical feature, rather a special effects showcase with underwhelming everything else.

The cast looks great on paper. But the deliveries seem half baked. There is only so much you can do with a reworked and tired script. Despite that, it seems no one's best efforts are given here.

I know everyone is comparing this to one of the best films of all time and one of my favourites.

Simply: Don't.

I know the similarities to the script. But that's a weak, poor man's game to play that card. Have an original critique. Comparison is the lowest form of review.

The main feature here is/are the special effects. If I were rating the film based on that alone, i'd say a solid 9.5/10 (some of the prop work however could have been done a lot better, otherwise near flawless)

But the story was weak and un-enforced. The cast seemed to monotonously crawl their way to the end. The script took a back seat to producing a visual spectacle.

I wanted to rate this higher, but I simply can't.

Entertainment Value 6/10 Overall Rating 5.5(5)/10

There just wasn't enough of a performance in this film for me to rate it higher. Everything was fantastic aside from the script, dialogue, and acting. So 50% is all I can give of a rating.

The ending was proper. But because I predicted it, in its entirety, halfway into the film, i had to round down from 5.5 to 5. Just not enough effort given.
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Dexter: New Blood: Runaway (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
I couldn't die because i'm already in hell
16 April 2024
"Cue up the taylor swift" ... what are you 12 years old!?

I'm so sick and tired of the narrative-laden bull!

The constant subliminal crap and virtue-signalling nonsense.

Millenialising (Moves original right there) a story that has absolutely NO NEED.

What the bloody hell does some phony, pretend, faux-country singer have to do with Dexter. You're a grown woman!!!! Why are you listening to that!?

As I said in my, as of yet, series review after Episode 4, Jamie Chung is nothing more than millenial bait.

Her character is single-handedly destroying whatever credibility was left in this series.

I had to turn it off. Immediately.

You couldn't have written this character any worse. Absolutely terrible. I am appalled and disgusted that they would include as much of this contrived (just like Swift) unnecessary, pointless aggravation.

You have officially lost all credit 5 minutes into episode 4, and lost a fan 5 minutes into episode 5.

I am uttery disgusted that you have taken a serious, yet still emotional series and completely dessimated it. I mean guaranteed destruction; into oblivion. Turned into a complete, unfunny joke.

I can see now why they never had another season. Absolutely nobody wants to see this. Nobody.

I was hoping for something different, not something horrible. I'm lost for words as to truly describe how angry I am with the pathetic attempt at whatever this is.

I can't watch this right now. I don't think i can do this. Its just so awful. They made a show for children! For teenage/twenty-something children.

The manipulated masses that are millenials.

This show has no right to be called Dexter. This is a disgrace. If I were a lesser person i would change my rating for the previous series, because I am outrageously offended.

This - is - awful.
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Dexter: New Blood: Cold Snap (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
A whole new era
15 April 2024
Man, I am loving reading all the negative reviews and laughing my ass off at people.

I just finished episode one and I, unlike all the negative reviewers, expected absolutely nothing.

People crying that "this new season sucks" .... what new season? I'm pretty positive Dexter ended after season 8.

This is what you call a "New-Series"; seeing as it is (literally) polar opposite of the previous series.

I'm lucky I am intelligent enough that I will be able to enjoy this new look. I love that the entire episode was shot absolutely nothing like its predecessor, right up until the final scenes (there had to be a throwback at some point)

I was hoping for something new, and they delivered!

The story goes on. The story of the evolution of Dexter Morgan. The very thing everyone was crying about; that they absolutely failed to comprehend from the previous series finale.

Here we see a new version of Dexter. The person he was told he never could be, the person he was striving to become. The person he transformatively became upon deciding to leave Miami, and his family behind.

I like that Jennifer Carpenter makes appearances in this series, and also the fact that Clancy Brown is in this, is amazing. They always did guest stars well. (Fingers crossed that we see Yvonne Strahovski. No, I hate spoilers so I don't know if she does or doesn't)

Its mindblowing to see Dexter: Man about town. But It gives me chills thinking that the Dark Passenger has taken a back seat, and also possibly locked in the trunk.

Must be like getting out of prison and hooking up for the first time. Ten years is a long time for anything to stay dormant... or dead. Just ask Deb! (Sorry I couldn't resist)

The lighting and camera work are fantastic. It truly looks and feels like something new. Seeing the same thing for a potential 9th season would have been boring as hell, and defeated the entire purpose of the 8 seasons of Dexter.

Here we see the fruits of that labour. A familiar feeling yet the absolute antithesis. Its an addict with a relapse. This is so much deeper than it will be appreciated for; at first glance.

I won't make the mistake of taking anything for granted in this series. It was only the one season (at the time this was written) so I will savour every minute of it.

So far it shows much promise, and I can already feel the tension. The possibilities to come are exciting. How will he explain this new arrival? How will he cover his tracks... literally, in the snow? I already have ideas of how its easier to contain the blood.... dear God, i'm becoming Dexter.

Well this has gone on long enough, i'm dangerously daydreaming Dexter Episode 1 Entertainment Value 9.5/10 Overall Rating 9/10

I hope it can maintain the flow. I'll see you at the series finale for a full season review.
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The Bear: The Bear (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
The day the story went away
15 April 2024
Finale and Season 2 review

I'd listen to the words they'd say. But in their voice, I heard dismay.

The plastic characters forced to portray. The day the storyline...went...away.

Episode 9 opened up with a crazy tense scene with the haunting overture of the legendary sounds from Nine Inch Nails' "The Fragile" album, 'The Day The World Went Away', and that was the end of that story, seeing as the finale, this episode, rendered it all pointless.

What annoyed me was how he never actually called the 'fridge guy', Tony. Complained about cell reception, yet gets perfect reception INSIDE the fridge. Any takers on that one??

They do come with emergency handles inside the walk in. Has saved me a few times in the past from irresponsible people. This is a massive oversight, but I get it.

He was too busy to take care of a mandated safety feature because he was in a relationship, and instead of calling when he was going to, he decided to stare at his phone and NOT answer the call from his girlfriend (ignorant writing) and NOT call Tony the 'fridge guy' like he was about to; when he allegedly had no cell reception (poor, pointless, contradictory writing).

I looked beyond that, but to think that not a single one of them would be responsible enough to do out of the question. Because they never would have passed inspection. However they could have had a handshake agreement with the inspector. Still its pretty unethical for someone with supposedly such high standards.

The ending was quite lame. Turned it into some teenage drama nonsense. This show goes up and down, from intensity to millenial melodrama, and its very uncomfortable to watch now.

I have to say season 2 was a big let down. The individual tales and stories of growth were cool. However, the first half of the season was utter garbage.

What is terrible is how Ms. Ayo looks and sounds like a 14 year old in the first half of the season, then miraculously looks like she aged 10 years in the final episodes.

SOMEBODY needs to be accountable for this nonsense. Either write her out of the script and find new casting representation.

OR fire your hair, makeup and costume department. Because its just awful. Unforgivably awful.

A lot of the arguing is pointless. If people are that unable to get along, then they are toxic and need to walk away. I used to be that way, now I cut people out of my life.

So while I can absolutely relate to many of the characters, and there certainly is a level of realism, a lot of it seems forced to drive the story.

However the delivery from Jeremy & Ebon seems genuine. The boys do a great job of honing their characters and very deserving of their recognition.

The supporting cast/guest stars are incredible. I was truly hoping to see more of Gillian Jacobs. They could have done so much more with that storyline. (Maybe in season 3)

I feel that the strength of this show is that it is a 30min(?) series. If they were 1 hour episodes they could do so much more. But in all likelihood they would lose the "comedy" tag.

I see this necessarily as a dark comedy, that's the only way it would earn the tag. It falls incredibly short of being regular comedy, in that there just isn't enough to attribute that genre. The show just isn't that funny.

I don't feel like the awards they win are justified because this show is most definitely a drama-first series. (A great example of an 'award winning' dark comedy is "Barry". Incredibly done)

But awards and awards shows are a joke anyway. There to push narrative and agenda. Like this season has done. Exactly like this season has done.

I'm guessing most people missed all the subliminal BS included in the first half of the season. (Some of it was very, very obvious and pathetic) Those that didn't know exactly what i mean. Those that did are immediately reaching for the thumbs down button. Its typical really.

First half of the season gets a 5.5/10 From mid season onwards an easy 8.5/10

I'd give the second half a 9 but the ending of this episode was so phony. Not to mention you have the potential for a seriously dramatic scene wtih Carm, but you cut to the parking lot for the continuation of "a story we've already heard!!"

Somebody throw a fork at the director already. Where's Uncle Lee to cut THIS story off!

Far too many flaws. I knew from the fact that I had to review an episode earlier in the season; to voice my displeasure that this series would snowball into a 'Downward Spiral'.

Maybe they should have used music from that album, since Reznor and Ross are heavily featured in the final 2 episodes. I recommend "Piggy", that would have played as a triple entendre; with a callback and a dramatic albeit unfair depiction of our lead character, whilst using a montage of pork meat/butcher scene.

But that would be me doing their job for them.

The problem is the show lacks creativity. While most scenes are shot beautifully and the long continuous opening scenes are truly amazing and a massive testament to the ability of the cast (Episode 6 was incredible, and with *that* much talent, it still surpassed my expectations which is wild) it is the music that drives a lot of scenes.

While it feels great in the moment, it almost immediately feels out of place thereafter. The irony is that they have these long, beautiful shots. An then they have these impulsive quick-shots and montage scenes that make you emotionally weary.

An then you're immensely frustrated with the unnecessarily long shots just focsuing in on one character. When "every second counts", they clearly do not adopt that with these scenes. They are nothing if not annoying.

All in all Season 2 gets a C grade from me. Everything that made season 1 great was quickly lost on season 2.

This episode Entertainment Value 8.5/10 Overall Rating 8/10

Season 2 Entertainment value 8/10 Overall Rating 7/10

Episode 6 drove up the entertainment score. They could have made that into a standalone movie; while trying to figure out where they go from here, fixing all the issues before season 3, and maybe a teaser/prelude for the upcoming season.

Regardless, they will definitely take home some awards for that one. Best episode of the series, they will never eclipse the work done there. I might watch it again, just because.

(One last thing, the appearance of Joel Mchale in the final episode was literally pointless. It ignorantly drives unanswered questions which I refuse to ask in the moment. But here's one just for the fun of it: what the hell was he doing there in the first place? There was ZERO logic behind that. And "the-story-will-be-revealed-later" style of writing is lazy and pedantic. I think this was yet another massive blunder from casting. Must have been filling out a contractual agreement or something)
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The Bear: Pop (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
14 April 2024
Another sweet episode ruined. This really had a soft and heartwarming feel to it, however....

So, you know like, what I like, really like can't stand? Is when like, you know like, some unitellegible teenager, is all like, talking like an uneducated teenager, and like freaking wind chimes, okaaaaaaay?

Yet another perfect example of how terribly wrong the casting was. Within the first two minutes they have the unbearable Ms. Ayo trying to pass herself off as.... God knows what. She sounds like an annoying teenage girl (I wonder why *that* is?) Horrible, horrible casting.

Then, also within the first 2 minutes of hell, they shamelessly (get it?) Obviously use the tune of the television series "Shameless" starring Jeremy Allen White, when they are doing the stopwatch scene.

This just keeps getting more and more pathetic.

What truly annoys me, this show was made for Gen-X'ers. Let me be absolutely clear: Gen X are NOT millenials. Not by a bloody longshot. Yet this show seems to shamelessly drag itself down to millenial standards.

This entire season so far has been ruined because the writers can't get out of their own way. The constant arguing in the series is basically the same frustration i feel trying to endure most of this convoluted mess.

How can you destroy something that started off so well? Utterly disgusting and yes, shameless.

If they think this is cute, the writers must be sociopaths.

Another 8/10, maybe even a 9/10, taken down to a 5/10 because of lazy writing, editing and casting.


Get rid of Ayo, she is hopeless, and hopelessly out of place and in over her head. Its not her fault, but she needs to go!
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The Bear: Sundae (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Another review lost to the app
14 April 2024
I had a long and incredibly detailed review, ready to be posted. Then in typical imdb fashion, their app glitches and it is lost.

So here's the liner notes.

Ms. Ayo is far too young for this role and was horribly mis-cast.

This episode lacked rationale. The actions of our female lead were not only questionable at best, but unethical and illogical. Absolutely bewildering.

Just like having a teenager in a role that should be filled by a 25 year old. She is literally unbelievable in this role.

For some context:

Jeremy Allen White was older than Ms. Ayo is now, when he was playing the role of 'Lip' Gallagher on Shameless, nearly 15 years ago. A character who was younger than the one Ayo is playing now. (Did you get all that?)

There is ZERO chemisty between the two. And the whole 'daddy's little girl' angle does her NO Favours, at all. It is a HUGE detriment.

Also, if buddy was supposed to go help his new/old friend, how did he end up at the shop; while she was taking an eating tour of Chicago, that he was supposed to be with her on?

Poor writing, editing, and casting.

The show has a lot of promise, but the entirety of season 2 so far has been painful, to say the least. In season 1 the makeup and wardrobe were enough to take away from the fact that she is far too young for this role. But thus far in season 2, its absolutely unforgivable.

To repeat: She would be too young for a role that Jeremy played 15 years ago when he was older then, than she is now.

Somebody dropped the ball big time.

This is the first episode i have rated below its average rating. So clearly I had been enjoying the show up until this point, more than most, obviously, since i have rated it higher than the average viewer.

So disagreeing with me would defy logic. Proving that you can't have your cake and eat it too. That euphamism has always been idiotic in any rhetoric, but so is casting someone grossly underage for the role. It seemed poetic.

I don't care for "opinion", I only deliver the real. And everything i've said, is real.

Short form: You re-cast her, people lose their heads about it, show gets cancelled.

You keep her, and faster than you can imagine people stop watching, and no number of awards is gonna save them.

You would have to fire so many people from production. In the end its just not worth it. I'm sure they will tough it out for 4 or 5 seasons despite the dwindling viewership.

But don't take my word for it.....actually, absolutely take my word for it. I've never been wrong, don't see how I would start now.

(Also writing the character out of the show would save it as well. The "easy way out". Check it)
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Dexter (2006–2013)
After a second viewing
14 April 2024
I watched Dexter as an avid fan when it was first released. The very nature of the series seemed to draw me in, as to my knowledge, there had never been anything like it on TV before.

I gave a very detailed review on the series finale, which could have been coupled into a series review, but I prefer to take a different approach here.

When delivering a series like Dexter, where the core fundamentals is/are the evolutionary process of the main character; someone (sic)escaping immense trauma; constantly running but always out of breath. Its an exercise in near impossibility.

Unless every viewer is completely jaded or living in denial themselves, this might be one of the great character studies of our time.

Comparible only to the brilliant work of Vince Gilligan with Walter White as the focal point. I've yet to see anyone come even remotely close to character development than that of Dexter Morgan. (Nobody will ever top Bryan Cranston as W. W., it just can't be done)

Showtime's series' often circulate around this very theme. Hank Moody, Jackie Peyton and just about every character on Shameless are good examples.

Hank Moody might be the closest. A guy who can't get out of his own way for being himself. Breaking the self-destructive pattern and to not relentlessly give in to your inhibitions can be affinitively relayed to that of Dexter Morgan.

The entire series of Dexter is his inability to change despite a willingness. A battle from within, a tense slow-slow-burn that never changes mood and plays out like a Nirvana song.

The characters take on a life of their own. In a show where the focal character seems devoid of life, there is so much of it going on around him; innevitably his humanity reaches beyond his bubble. The horrific fear of the unknkown and the potential beauty & anger that lies outside/within.

Erik King as Sgt. Doakes and Jennifer Carpenter as Debra Morgan are the two that really tie things in at the beginning. One loves Dexter, the other hates him. Yet they are partners and they together, are fantastic. Both on screen and as characters. There's an almost peace you find between them which is annoyingly comfortable (just great writing, in a nutshell)

There's a ceetain beauty that eclipses everything in a doom & gloom reality.

In a quick summary of the seasons (no spoilers here but I will reveal cast members)

Seasons 1 & 2 are pretty much, roll with the punches. Chaos. See what life is like from the other side. Jaime Murray gives us a solid juxtaposition with her potrayal of Lila, the batsht crazy companion.

Season 3, Jimmy Smits delivers a very strong and overbearing performance. I mean that in a good way. It shows us that contrast which is desperately needed; in order for us to truly value Dexter as a person.

Season 4 brings us a hauntingly fantastic performance from John Lithgow, and is hands down the best season of the series. Almost humanises the worst in the people. The exploration of mental health, a recurring theme in this series.

Season 5 just gets darker, which after the previous season you didn't think was possible. Even further character advancement, its like watching real life. Ironic since most reality tv is scripted. Tons of great guest stars in this one from Maria Doyle Kennedy, Johnny Lee Miller, Peter Weller & Julia Stiles are with us for just the right amount of time.

Season 6, speaking of mental health and people being with us for the right time. An entire cornucopia of guest stars in this season. From the enigmatic sincerity of MOS (Yasiin Bey, aka MosDef) Edward James Olmos and Colin Hanks amongst others.

This season is just dark... plain and simple. Dark.

Season 7 brings darkness in the light. It really advances where we are with Dexter and you truly have to review the previous 6 seasons to see who he is now from who he was, as this ties in greatly with...

Season 8, the... not so grand finale. I only say that because there was a spinoff series. The ending is mired in, not controversy, but tears. Tears from all the people crying and complaining about the ending. Which was beautifully done, but this is Dexter so you know, if you expect a happy ending from a show about a serial killer, you yourself might be a sociopath.

There are great performances all around and even returning characters that all play a hand in Dexters development. Some truly solid perfomances turned in by: Margot Martindale, Yvonne Strahovsky, Geoff Pierson & Keith Carradine.

There is a lot of emotion in this show which is constantly circulating around death and murder. They take you down the darkest roads and then show you the light, but the light is only light where darkness exists, and believe me, there is much of this series without light.

It is graphic and omits nothing. All I can say is don't expect anything. Don't expect the unexpected. The audacity of thinking that you can get inside the head of one Dexter Morgan, that's an exercise in futility.

Truly one of the great shows of our time. It'll get under your skin, for better or for worse. Undoubtedly you will be left feeling something in the end, and all the way through.

This is not your typical cop drama by a long shot. Matter of fact, the crime/police-procedural aspect takes a back seat to a much larger story.

Life.... of a serial killer.

Entertainment Value 8/10 Overall Rating 9/10

As the seasons go on towards the end, the editing does get a little sloppy. However, if you were a serial killer trying to break the habit, you would have a lot of push & pull, the hesitancy which is reflected in the writing. Make no mistake, this is no mistake.

Yes, it can be annoying, but if you really want to analyse everything this isn't the show for you. You'll also realise by the time you start complaining about that, you will have been a hypocrite for watching the show that long.

Trust me, save the complaints and just watch. There's a symphony of events and you come to realise you are the one viewing things from the mind of Dexter Morgan. Don't lose sight of that or you miss the point of the entire series.

Otherwise a fantastic watch and with a second viewing, a decade+ after the show ended, and it still holds up.
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Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Needs to be re-watched
14 April 2024
A long time coming but my review is here. In true fashion, no spoilers.

I had just re-watched the entire series and I still remember how I felt watching it the first go around.

I'm glad I gave this another viewing. It was such a great series and honestly, people are too emotionally invested in themselves to even appreciate this episode (or the entire series based upon a lot of the reviews here)

The whole series is the progression of Dexter and the misery that unfolds around him. Apparently almost everybody lost sight of this single absolute, this definitive constant of the show.

The episode itself was great. Full of intensity and emotion and surprise. Nobody could have predicted anything that happened in this episode (and those who say they did are obviously lying, otherwise you'd have nothing to complain about)

Dexter's continuous journey literally continues right up until the final scene (and doesn't stop there, seeing as there was a follow up series nearly 10 years later)

I wasn't happy with the ending when I first watched it. Over ten years later I watch it now and have a whole new appreciation for it.

The problem wasn't the writing or the direction, it was the selfish fans of the series. We saw the same thing with The Sopranos. Selfish viewers not appreciating the series.

Their ending was written to piss off fans who turn face in an instant. I for one never wanted to see Tony Soprano die, much like I never wanted to see Dexter Morgan die.

Would it have been cool if he was discovered and was on the run? Yeah, it would. But how cliché would that have been??

The irony is, he *has* been on the run for 20 years, and more-so in this last season than any other part of his life. Running from himself, his past and the law.

Clearly anyone ridiculing the final episode, missed the entire point of this series.

It was a great episode with a very unclimatic ending. But when has the Dexter series ever reached a high intensity finish?


Its always dark and broody and depressing. All you selfish clowns were expected something different!?!? Some cookie-cutter happy ending?? Everybody holds hands and roasts marshmallows over the open fire?? If you can't appreciate something, don't comment on it.

And don't come back and comment after watching the follow-up series and start laying comparison because its impossible. The circumstances are, what the technical term would be: completely freaking opposite!

It was a great finale, where Dexter delves deep inside himself and for the first time is truly honest with himself; and makes decisions that do not put himself first. This is immaculate progress (or have you forgotten that he is a serial killer?)

I would recommend anyone criticising the ending, re-watch the series after a long period of time like I have, and view with a fresh set of eyes and a readily new perspective.

Finales are hard and there's always someone who isn't satisfied. Dexter, The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Nurse Jackie, Sons of Anarchy, all had controversial endings with the fans. The issue is they are all primarily Drama series, so its not like Weeds where you are a comedy/drama and can write an ending that will simply entertain. Good or bad.

Some shows got it right because they have that luxury: Californication & Shameless for example. (Trying to stick with ShowTime series here as much as I can)

But if you can't appreciate the level of thought and quality that goes into a dark drama series like Dexter, maybe you aren't educated enough to form an opinion. You're just spitting narrative. There's a huge difference.

The only likeness I can give is Breaking Bad. You see the development of Walter White in what is considered by many to be the greatest show of all time. They had to come correct with an ending that surmised the evolution of the series as well as the character.

Dexter did the same here, whether you realise it or not.

Dexter was a slowburn thriller all the way through that never strayed from its element and never tried to be anything it is not.

I will venture on to watch the new series, but my expectaions will be none. I will simply watch, and see what happens.

If more people did that, you'd have a lot less negative commentary and more positive; educated reviews.

I give this a new and fair rating

Entertainment Value 7.5/10 Overall Rating 7.5/10

Despite the show being what it was, even I was depressed with the ending. Not that it was bad, just made me sad.

Looks like they did their job, and did it well. Pulling emotion out of the viewer is their objective. Good or bad, its still a job well done. Remember that.
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Tell it again
9 April 2024
I had such high hopes when i heard about this film. Upon recommendation from a friend, I decided to give this a go.

For every entertaining portion of the film, there is an equally annoying aspect that simply cannot be forgiven. A lot of missed opportunities with this film.

I can't say that I would watch it again, it was a convoluted mess. I assume the actual story is still sitting on the cutting room floor.

Clichéd as ever, but at least the ending, pointless as it was, kept with the flow of ridiculousness and might have been the best part of the film.

A collective sigh of relief as the movie ended. I heard the sequel was/is much better. It would be hard to be any worse than this.

Entertainment Value 3/10 Overall Rating 2.5/10

Quite possibly one of the worst films i've ever seen. I would recommend watching this as high as possible.
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Clark (2022)
I think you all missed the point
29 March 2024
After reading a bunch of reviews here, its obvious to see that most all of you CLEARLY missed the point here.

This was a dark and harrowing tale of a master manipulator; proving once again that people will do anything for a pretty face.

The whole series is a cautionary tale. The saddest part is, it seems like every idiot who watched and reviewed this seemed to think it was a good laugh-fest.

Sure, it was funny. It was also one of the saddest stories you'll ever hear. All these series and films based on true events innevitably have sad or unhappy endings, you know why!? BECAUSE THEY ALL LOSE IN THE END!

There's nothing funny about the birth of the psychological trauma that we now know today as Stockholm Syndrome. Aside being a kick-ass song by Muse, its a severely mental manipulation by ones captor, and to think that *this* was how it came to berth. Unreal man, but also insanely interesting.

While I did enjoy the series, and kept in mind that its likely a good blend of 50/50 fiction to reality, the people whose lives were affected (or lost) were very, very real.

And that is NO laughing matter.

But if your takeaway is simply "it was hillarious" and nothing more, then you yourself are a bloody sociopath and need serious help.

Like I said, a cautionary tale.

Billy S always turns in a fantastic performance, as do the rest of the cast. It truly is emotionally riveting. I would like to know more about so many other people, like his sisters, daughters, and every other woman he screwed over.

But at least they acknowledge them, and quite frankly, this story is not for or about them, and I felt it was proper not to include them. It must be hard enough living their own lives as it were.

Some people are damaged, and to think that you can reach them is automatically ignorant. Kind of like most of the reviewers here. Seem well beyond the scope of salvation.

Need further reference on that? You already watched it and saw what happened with the person writing the book. Trying to do a "review", if you will, on his life. Was that not a wake up call!?!?

What a joke.

At least Clark was an intelligent being. I'd rather have one of him for every lousy reviewer.

Now THAT, would be something to chuckle about.

Entertainment Value 9/10 Overall Rating 8/10

A bang up job on the translation, and I applaud them for doing all the principal in their native. Despite giving each episode a 9/10, the series itself I gave an 8.

Some absolute hillarity throughout, but some scenes were unapologetically crass; (and really understand this part) because it was representative of what a hollow and emotionally despondent person he was.

Truly a sad tale, from a much better time. Unfortunately nothing will be learned from this, and the general takeaway already leaves me feeking sick.
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Worth a watch
28 March 2024
I remember seeing this film years ago and had forgotten all about. I watched it again and the pieces came back minisculey so it was still as though I were watching it for the first time.

Its not a bad film, from start to finish. They deliver a good plot, and even though some parts seem a little far-fetched, I am still aware i am watching a movie, and am not disillusioned if something doesn't seem "real".

I could care less about that most of the time. I don't know why the average reviewer here always has to resort to that. Those are the kinds of reviews you can't trust; because you just know that its the kind of person who watches pro-wrestling and says "that's so fake".

If you aren't entertained by it don't watch, and more importantly, don't comment.

Dominic Cooper and Samuel Jackson turn in good performances. I find it funny that they comment on his (Cooper's) voice in the film, when he is actually British in real life.

Its good for a quiet viewing. It doesn't get too crazy and nothing too severe. If you're looking for a light thriller, Its very easy to follow and I feel they've done good enough job without making it too convoluted.

Entertainment Value 7/10 Overall rating 6.5/10

Like I said, its a light movie. Not too convoluted, nothing heavy-handed. Just roll with it. The story unfolds nicely, watches like a PG13 so, no complaints. I enjoyed it, maybe you will too.
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So confused. I want to like it even more
28 March 2024
This was a very well written film. Aside from some typical clichéd lines an anachronisms, it was quite an enjoyable film.

I really enjoyed the fact that, aside from one instance early on, the writers/director didn't try to manipulate the audience so much as entertain them.

There was a somewhat confusing instance; that perhaps I had lost sight of with all the jumping from place to place, persons to persons, but was later easily recognisable and understood, and much later made further sense, but I had the good sense to realise that it would unfold; innevitably.

Outside of that we have a very driven performance from JDM, and I rather enjoyed the multicultural aspect of the cast.

The story itself peeled like an onion, and just when you think it was its core, had yet another layer revealed.

I really do want to applaud this film, and rate it higher, as I feel the level of intruige and entertainment as well as great performances warrants a much higher rating.

Perhaps after having said that, I will overlook the very minor, subtle inconveniences, and give it a rating of more credible due.

Entertainment Value 8/10 Overall Rating 6.5 (7)/10

I'm upping it (rounding up as opposed to down) from a 6 to a 7, seeing as what has been released of this nature; as of late, has been less than appealing, and this release would be above the norm. I enjoyed it, maybe you will too.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Could be better, but still good
28 March 2024
I thought the idea here was done quite well. Most adaptations are done poorly with absolutely horrendous edtiting and character and/or (usually 'and') plot development.

Despite not-knowing (to the average viewer, had you not been privvy to the materials it is based on) it is quite easy to follow.

There were shortcuts taken (I imagine) seeing as there is an entire story of another species that could have been explored. Despite the special effects being what they were, i thought that they could have expanded a bit more.

As I said, I imagine some shortcuts were taken to keep the flow of the film, and likely also to keep the films completion on time. It would have been nice if it were a little longer, I feel as if there would be so much more story to tell.

The problem with that is, its become entirely clichè for series' of films to be released based upon Teen/YA material.

I think this, done in this fashion, would have been much better served as a mini-series, or perhaps even a much longer running series like they did with "His Dark Materials". Although they released an underwhelming film first, then a pretty top notch series.

I guess that is my takeaway from this film. It was done well, I liked it, but underwhelming.

Entertainment Value 6.5/10 Overall Rating 6/10

I may watch it again one day. Might be an alright film to watch with your kids if they're in that kind of pre-teen/early teen age. Who knows, perhaps down the road. I liked it, maybe you will too.
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Freaks (2018)
28 March 2024
Talk about your hidden gems.

In true fashion, no spoilers here.

This movie was great from start to finish. But first I have to say that there is now way this film only cost $2,000 to make.

The storyline sucks you in right from the beginning. The editing is fantastic and the sincere lack of plot holes, makes this one of the best stories ever told, whether or not it has, or you werr even aware of, any backstory whatsoever.

The cast all do a fantastic job and I believe this was the first film for the young girl that played "Chloe" who does such an amazing job.

The cast are entirely believable to the point that you almost believe this could be a reality, somewhere, somehow.

The ending was melancholic, so do not expect a big piece of theatrics, BUT, it was still done well enough and honestly, they had to wrap it up somehow.

I would love this for my home video collection. To me it is truly one of those standout films. A hidden gem for sure.

If you can appreciate good filmmaking and absolutely stellar acting, with a plot that keeps you guessing, hoping, with anticipation until the end, you will enjoy this film.

Entertainment value 9.5/10 Overall Rating 9/10

I will add one thing that I thought was cool. When the house gets damaged, it bleeds. Am I the only one who thought so? Or was I imagining things?

Don't worry, there's no spoiler there. Possibly just a cool add-in to see if people were paying attention or not.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
27 March 2024
Another pointless episode.

The story went absolutely nowhere. Once again, MASSIVE plot holes. An endless number of contradictions. I really don't understand where this series is going.

Episodes 4 & 5 were needless at this point save for the death of 1 character, which in true & typical TWD form, was stretched out to an entire episodes worth of pointless storytelling and unnecessary (and confusing) backstory.

I'm so sick and tired of this we are building up to the big reveal, the big finale at the end, wherein no questions will be fully answered and likely even more confusion afoot.

While this episode was shot like an atypical Walking Dead episode, the entire time in the forefront of my mind is the absolute knowledge that this is another sham episode, which it absolutely was.

In true fashion, I wont give any spoilers. But this is getting beyond ridiculous at this point. I'll save the real critique for the series review.

Entertainment Value 6.5/10 Overall Rating 6/10

Its the same thing we have seen literally a dozen times over. Probably a lot more. I'd fire half the production team, srarting with Bert & Bertie.

Everything to this point is some feminist agenda. Anyone who can't see this, watching every episode so far, you are either too deaf, dumb & blind or too jaded to all the BS in hollywood today.

I don't 'fear the walking dead', i fear the team responsible for that abomination is going to be responsible for the final episode here.

That should be enough to terrify anyone.
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