
12 Reviews
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Interesting for it's time, horribly dated today
24 October 2005
Ah yes, Faces of Death, that infamous movie that boasts how it was banned in "46 Countries". That one movie that kids of a young age at around the time it came out (late 70's) would whisper to each other about, how it was that movie "you weren't allowed to see." My, how times have changed huh? For starters, as reviewers before me have stated, yes, most, if not all, of the footage in this movie was faked (some of it rather badly too). However, on the other hand, one also has to keep in mind that way back in 1978,79,80, the news of it being faked was not known, so people were being treated too, what they thought, was a controversial, pull no punches look at death. It was a fascinating and original concept/idea/movie at the time of it's inception, but sadly, FOD, as well as it's sequels, just looks terribly dated and lame by 2005 standards.
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Screwed (2000)
Not a masterpiece, but not bad either.
28 June 2005
I managed to rent this movie from a local Blockbuster and watch it at home a few days ago, and, while this movie wasn't a comedic masterpiece, it wasn't a bad movie either, in fact, it was actually a quite funny movie at some points. The main cast here (Dave, Norm, and Danny), do very good with the script they are given, and there were quite a few funny lines throughout the movie (Especially when Dave and Norm's characters meet Danny DeVito's character for the first time, as well as a majority of Mrs. Crock's lines.) Overall, if you happen to watch this movie, while you won't get a laugh a minute experience, you won't be disappointed with the movie either, as it's one of those good, funny movies that you could watch to waste away a boring day.
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All That (1994–2020)
The old cast was perfect, the new cast is simply terrible
25 February 2005
Back when this show started in 1995, the cast, mainly the players like Keenan Thompson, Lori Beth Denburg, and Kel Mitchell, were all very talented and extremely funny, which made All That one of my favorite shows on Nick.

However, fast forward to 2005....and it's simply not the case. What was once a smart, funny show has now been replaced with a bunch of talentless teens running around on stage, pretty much saying "Look at us, we're funny! Laugh at us!" I watched an episode of All That on tape from 1995, then caught a new one from 2005. The differences are vast and very big. The 2005 All That episode was filled with unfunny sketches, and actors and actresses who were basically trying waaaaaaaaaay to hard to be funny and not succeeding in the least. (It's pretty much the same thing as the god awful "Amanda Show".) At least the 1995 version had funny sketches like Good Burger and such.

Overall, avoid the All That of now like the plague, but try and hunt down the older episodes if you can.
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One of the funniest Curly shorts ever!
4 April 2004
Before I begin, i'd like to give a message to this chowderhead fellow.

Dude, get a life, this whole gimmick that you hate everything you've reviewed here is really pathetic.

With that out of the way, I must say of all of the Curly Shorts, this one is the funniest (with Punch Drunks coming in a close second). His "take off your hat" routine always has me in stitches. I recomend this short to any Stooge fan who has unfortunately never seen it or to any person who just wants to laugh!

other recommended Curly shorts: Punch Drunks, Violence is the Word for Curly, Three Little Pirates, and We Want our Mummy
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Catchy ending tune, everything else is a bit of a dud...
5 November 2003
I recently purchased a box set that had the 1st 4 Faces of Death in it yes, it is corny and mostly faked, but I must admit, the ending song in Faces of Death IV was actually pretty good, in a corny kind of way. The lyrics were good, and the overall song (though it is played over a scene of dead bodies as the result of a bandstand collapsing, which does make it a little tasteless...even if these supposed dead bodies do look very fake), was very well sung.

Overall, besides the song, FOD IV is the weakest one in the series in my opinion.
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Worst movie I've ever seen...
21 August 2003
Before I saw this movie, I thought to myself "No movie can be worse that Freddy Got Fingered". Well after seeing this movie, it makes FGF look like an Oscar masterpeice. If you want to see horrible jokes, bad lighting, stupid sight gags, a rightfully so uncomfortable looking Martin Balsam, and just an overall bad movie, then Silence of the Hams is the movie for you.

Poor Martin, by the way he looks in this movie, you can tell he's saying "My god, I was an Oscar winner i'm in this pile of crap movie."

Avoid this movie at all costs.
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Best Bugs Bunny Cartoon you never saw
27 February 2002
I managed to find this cartoon at a video store that had many rare videos on it shelves, this was on a video along with a few other Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck cartoons, I must say, besides the horrible stereotyping of Japanese, this cartoon is not that bad. If you can look past these stereotypes, what you will get at the end is a brilliant and funny cartoon from Bugs Bunny. My personal favorite gag for this cartoon is when Bugs fools the soldiers by disguising himself as the Good Humor man and giving out Popsicle sticks with explosives in them, then one soldier comes back, at first the audience might think he is on to Bugs's tricks, but never fear folks, the soldier only comes back to inform Bugs that his popsicle stick says he gets another free popsicle, classic stuff.
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one of the most underated animated movies
23 January 2002
I've seen plenty of animated movies in my lifetime, but in all honesty, I think this is one of the most underrated animated movies ever made. Most people I have seen review this movie have two words in mind: dark and dreary, but it's really not that bad of a movie. Like some other people, I believe that this movie deserved the Grammy it was nominated for. (to tell the truth, the Top Gun song "Take my breath away" was really kind of overrated back in 86-87.) Give this movie a chance and watch it, you won't be sorry you did.
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Danny Kaye puts a spark in this otherwise flat special
10 January 2002
I saw this aired on The Wonderful World of Disney a few nights ago...and i must admit that it was a rather boring special, except for the very funny Danny Kaye, most of this was just crappy singing (with preformances by the osmond brothers and michael jackson before he got weird). Danny Kaye portrays About 6 characters (by my count) in explaining to a grandson (played by Joey Lawrence) how much fun disneyland is. Danny also does a few songs and stars with another actor in a funny sketch about two cowboys doing a gunfight. And judging from the crowd response to this was safe to say that Danny still had it in 1980. overall, a pretty good showing by Mr.Kaye
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Nice try by the comedy duo...but they fall flat
19 December 2001
I have seen this movie many times, and every time I finish watching it,t he same commentary comes into mind. Cheech and Chong are trying very hard to make this movie funny, but they fall short of achieving that goal. The two basically have the only funny moments in the whole movie. Besides there Corsican Brothers, I could not get into any other character. Watch this only if your a big Cheech and Chong fan, or, stick to their earlier movies like Up In Smoke, Next Movie, and Nice Dreams.
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The Creeping Terror (1964 TV Movie)
Total crap fest
7 December 2001
This movie is so pathetically bad. When this so called "creeping terror" eats people, they crawl into his mouth to help out. There are so many goof ups in this movie, that it would take forever for me to list them. Overall, if you must watch this movie...I beg of you, watch the Mystery Science Theater version, it makes it much more enjoyable.
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Primetime Glick (2001–2003)
Funniest show ever!
1 November 2001
I have seen a lot of TV shows in my life, and it is safe to say that in my opinion, Primetime Glick is the funniest show ever! Martin Short is hysterical as the Fat,very delightful Jiminy Glick. the interviews he has with current celebrities are also extremely funny, my personal favorite was his interview with Regis Philbin. I hope this show lasts for a long time.
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