39 Reviews
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A new gem
12 June 2023
This is a really good film that unfortunately may go underseen. Just a few days ago I was speaking to a group of "die hard film" fans about this film and to my surprise, none of them had even heard of it, let alone seen it. I'm not sure who to blame for that, or if any one is to blame but I think it's sad this film isn't "bigger" despite having some mainstream actors in its cast. At any rate this is a well written, well made, well acted film that deserves more attention. The book in which the film proposes an interesting thesis and makes for one of the more interesting "adapted" screenplays to come along in a good while.
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Petite Maman (2021)
Such a great film
14 January 2023
This film is so subtle and so well made. Celine is proving her self to be a rising talent in the world of modern cinema. It takes a concept that is so far fetched and really nails it home. Had this been a big budget American film it would have been overblown and overdone with loads of music and un-needed CGI effects somewhere. But this film is so down to earth that you suspend disbelief and are totally engulfed in what is playing out before you. The entire cast was great. And as said, the execution and the filmmaking is close to flawless. A bit sluggish in the beginning and the runtime is a little lean. But I really have nothing bad to say about this one.
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A solid watch.
28 December 2022
I may be somewhat bias as Aubrey Plaza is one of, if not my most favorite actress at the moment. And though this film somewhat fits into her wheelhouse, it is a bit of a change of pace for her which I love. But this was a very solid film and one of the first of it's kind that deals with the "modern day" scamming world which is something very prevalent in our society today. Everyone in the cast was believable. From the leads to the random characters that come in and out. And there was the constant sense of dread that always loomed around the corner. I don't think anyone who watches this film will be disappointed.
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Nope (2022)
I wanted to like it...
28 December 2022
As someone who is a fan of Jordan Peele. Both his acting and directing. I loved "Get out" and didn't have too big of a problem with "Us". But this one was... very mediocre in my humble opinion. It definitely had it's moment's. And I think Keke Palmer did a great job as did the rest of the cast. But ultimately there just wasn't really a "there" there. I've actually watched the movie a good three times now and I think I like it less and less each watch. Of course there are metaphors and symbolism and political statements within the plot. And the execution and filmmaking were somewhat impressive. But overall there just wasn't much of a point to make. And if there was, I don't think Mr. Peele made it.
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Barbarian (2022)
A pleasant surprise
28 December 2022
This is another one of those films that came out of nowhere. I heard good things about it but I must admit that I was slow to get around to watching it as I didn't think it could live up to it's height. But boy was I wrong, and I'm actually glad I was. There are some typical horror tropes but that's what makes it awesome. And they didn't go overboard with the 80's homages that every horror film that's been made in the last ten or so years has done. I love the 80's and of course I love 80's horror. But there is more to life than the 80's and this film does a great job and blending old and new. I have nothing bad to say about this one. Excellent job!
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Possibly the years best...
28 December 2022
This one came out of nowhere. I'm a huge fan on the director and Brendan Gleeson and Colin is a generational talent. But the entire cast was awesome. What I was most impressed with was the tone of the film. It managed to be hilarious almost throughout but still had this looming sense of danger and dread. It was totally unpredictable and kept you guessing to until the very end-- "How is this thing going to be resolved". I know some people have complained about how it ended and DON'T WORRY this review contains no spoilers. I however thought the ending was brilliant. A perfect close to what just may very well be the best film of the year.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Nothing bad to say
28 December 2022
I definitely preferred the first film but this one was entertaining enough. One must keep in mind that these films are not to be taken too serious. It's just something fun to watch. The run time was a tad long but that's to be expected with most Netflix films going over two hours these days. Daniel Craig is always brilliant and he is turning this character into something of a signature in his post-Bond era. It was good to see Ed Norton make a return to the screen as he is someone who somehow appears to be blacklisted in Hollywood as the rumor is he is difficult to work with. The rest of the cast was also great. All and all it was a decent watch.
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Angst (I) (1983)
5 May 2022
A very disturbing, chilling, thrill ride of movie made by what should have and or could have been a very interesting filmmaker. It really is a shame that Angst was the filmmakers only film. What direction would his career have gone? At any rate I really appreciate this movie and it's contribution to the genre.
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Pretty good
4 May 2022
I waited a long time to watch this one. In fact I had no plans on ever watching it. Now that I finally did I have to say...This isn't a bad movie by any stretch. The acting and choreography and art direction were all top notch. My problem is I'm just not 100% sure why it exists. Like I said, very well made but I don't think anybody asked for a remake of West Side Story.
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Raw (2016)
Rabbit Kidney
11 April 2021
I remember when this was on Netflix some years back and I would recommend it to people. One of those endlessly interesting films that kind of came out nowhere. Great acting and concept. Love the world it takes place in.
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Upgrade (2018)
An Upgrade
8 April 2021
One of the better Sci-Fi films to come out in recent memory. All the elements you love from the genre with some slick innovations to boot. Not without its flaws but they're all easily forgivable. A really cool movie.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Very Good
8 April 2021
A clever film that stands out as one of the best of its genre. With all the "zoom call" type of movies we've seen throughout lockdown, and I'm sure there will be many more to come. Though not the first of its kind, this one should be the standard by which all others are judged.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
An achievement
8 April 2021
A fantastic show from start to finish. Rami Malik is without question one of the finest actors of his generation. And Sam Esmail is an undeniably brilliant writer/producer. One of the greatest shows ever.
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Inception (2010)
Nolan at his best
6 April 2021
"Inception" was Nolan at the peek of his powers. I remember how mind blowing it was when it was first released and its still a pleasure to watch to this day. Great performances across the board. And the technology is still amazing.
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Pure Awesomeness
6 April 2021
If anything just the visual look of this film makes it amazing. You can sit back and watch this thing on mute and still be wowed. In comparison to the original it doesn't really compare but its as good as a sequel/follow up could have possibly been and had just enough nostalgia to hit those soft spots. A brilliant film by a brilliant filmmaker.
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Blade Runner (1982)
The Greatest
6 April 2021
It really doesn't get any better than "Blade Runner". So much has been said about it what could I even add? In terms of Science Fiction this one stands alone at the very top. In all its many "cuts" and alternate versions the one thing that remains constant is this films sheer brilliance.
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A fun watch
5 April 2021
It's one thing for a movie to not take itself "too serious" but this one doesn't take itself serious at all, which made it fun. I usually keep other reviews out of my own reviews but with everyone "piling it on" the lead character who also happened to be the films director I gotta ask "Why so serious?". It could have been way worse. "Wolf" was good entertainment and it was nice to see Robert Forrester in one of his last hurrahs.
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Kids movie?
5 April 2021
Not going to be too hard on this one. It's simple fun entertainment. Had this been released when I was 9 years old I would have begged my father to take me to see it two Saturdays in a row. In the era of at home streaming it was worth the price of admission. No complaints here.
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Deathwell (2020)
A D-I-Y that knows what it's doing
3 April 2021
We can start by stating the obvious that this is a micro-budget film with a cast of unrecognizable young faces. But this film is ACTUALLY saying something that is relevant to the times we live in. I actually watched it twice since I splurged the $2.99 to rent it, and had a completely different experience after a second viewing which is always a good thing. Don't go in expecting big budget effects and fast paced action. Watch with a keen eye and you'll find substance.
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Thin Slice of Middle America
3 April 2021
I'm a fan of Ron Howard who is pretty much a national treasure at this point. And I'm a fan of much of the cast of this film. But this one just seemed like it was trying too hard at times and then not trying hard enough at others. Ultimately it may have been a project Mr. Howard should have just Exec. Produced and handed the reins over to someone with a little more vigor. It pains me to say that even. So I'll stop here.
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Rain Man-ish
2 April 2021
Nothing wrong with the premise but ultimately "The Night Clerk" just doesn't have much of a point to make. The opening act is somewhat intriguing and the acting solid throughout, but all this film really does is prolong the inevitable.
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30 March 2021
Pete Davidson is a funny guy but his humor is a bit of an acquired taste. I really had no plans on checking this one out but I must admit that I liked it. Always been a fan of Marisa Tomei. And Bill Burr's performance was outstanding.
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First Cow (2019)
Nicely Done
30 March 2021
Not a bad movie by any stretch. This film gets high-praise from a lot of people I respect and I do take that into account. At the same time I did find it to be very dull if not flat out boring at times but there are other things about it to be appreciated. The cinematography and art direction are top notch and the acting takes nothing away from it. A solid piece of filmmaking.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
22 March 2021
I think had this been on Netflix it would have been catapulted into their mythical "Top 10" and more people would be talking about it. This flew under a lot of peoples radar and I always recommend it when someone asks me for something to watch. Well acted. Superbly written. Great show.
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Relic (2020)
Great cast. So-So film.
22 March 2021
I think if you remove Emily Mortimer from the equation and replace the other two leads with complete unknowns, this film may have very slipped into "B-Movie" territory. A positive is the film does have a genuine sense of dread but that eventually wears off at about the 40-45 minute mark. It had it's moments. Not terrible. Not great. Overall, pretty decent.
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