
99 Reviews
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Downfall (2004)
Phenomenal WW2 movie
20 August 2024
This movie is among the very best WW2 movies every made. It is every bit as good as Patton, The Longest Day and Schinder's List. The performance by Bruno Ganz as Hitler is absolutely amazing. He has the looks, the mannerisms and voice to the point where he appears to be the actual Hitler. The subject matter is incredibly dark and distasteful. That just makes it more intriguing. The German production and German language give it a more realistic feel than other WW2 movies. This is a must watch for anyone with an interest in history. I have watched it 4 times already and will probably watch it 4 more.
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First Man (2018)
Incredibly boring
19 August 2024
The movie had some interesting aspects to it. It was consistent with history as I have read it. But the presentation in the movie was insanely boring and uninteresting. This is a movie about the space program going to the moon for the first time. It should be a movie that is exciting and interesting. This movie was anything but exciting. I also didn't like the portrayal of Neil Armstrong's wife. She comes off as an incredibly ungrateful and nasty witch. I don't know how he could have been married to her, although they did divorce decades later. There was very little information provided about the complexity of the mission, which would have been interesting. No explanation was provided for the Apollo 1 disaster. Overall a very poor job of directing and writing.
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What a huge disappointment
14 July 2024
It has been a long, long time since I watched an Eddie Murphy movie. Now I know why. He had so many hilarious hit movies back in his prime. Now this is the best he can do. This movie proves that Imdb has fake reviewers. There is no way any group of honest people could rate this 6.5. That movie is pointless, stupid and not the least bit funny. What a huge step down from the first three movies, which were great. I don't know how anyone can produce a movie this bad with such a good cast. It started out stupid and never got any better. I kept waiting for a hilarious scene but one never showed up. This movie is a waste of film and a waste of my time.
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This makes 50 Shades of Grey seem intelligent
5 June 2024
Once again I have to ask, How does this garbage get produced? More importantly, how does this have a 6.1 rating on IMDB. I am only halfway through this trash and I'm ready to throw my television out the window it is so bad. I have never seen Sydney Sweeney in anything before. She is a stunning beauty with an out of this world body. But she is about as talented as Pauly Shore. This is the type of movie that only gets made and watched because of the hot babes, including the one with incredibly perky breasts that was showing them off on the beach. I must be really, really bored because I am continuing to watch it.
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Revolver (2005)
Total Nonsense
23 February 2024
Once again I am shocked to see a decent rating on IMDB for a movie that is just total garbage. This is typical Guy Ritchie disjointed, non-linear unwatchable garbage. I have absolutely no idea what happened or what that movie was about. It amazes me how a terrible director like Guy Ritchie can get good actors to appear in his awful movies. This movie had no understandable plot, made no sense, was so discombobulated that it was impossible to follow. It was so bad right from the start I didn't want to understand it. Then throw in the 5,000 gangster cliches and it was just about as intolerable as a movie can get.
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Lift (I) (2024)
What on Earth did I just watch?
16 February 2024
What in the blazing hell was that? That was the most bizarre, pointless pile of horse dung I have ever seen. I admit I zoned out after a while and didn't pay close attention, but I have no idea what was going on. Anytime you see a movie with that much eye candy among the stars you have to assume it is not very well written or directed. It has some of the phoniest special effects I've ever seen. Bruce Willis' Airstrike is laughing at the special effects here. There was nothing about it that made any sense to me and it was so stupid I couldn't get myself to focus on it anyways. I think this was way beneath Kevin Hart.
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Pointless Movie about nothing
20 January 2024
Once again I am amazed how some movies get produced. This movie had a pretty good cast. The scenery was really good. But the story, if there was a story, was boring and pointless. I actually had to quit watching it and go out to dinner and come back later to finish watching it. There was just nothing about it that was interesting or compelling. The scene with lightning chasing them through the forest was laughably ridiculous. The CGI forest fires were even more laughably ridiculous. None of it made any sense but since it was so boring there was no reason to care. This was just a waste of 90 minutes of my time and a waste of good film.
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Another total piece of garbage
28 December 2023
Once again I found myself turning off a movie halfway through because it was so horrible. I find it amazing that a director can convince legitimate actors to star in movies like this. A movie this bad should have Dwayne Johnson, Steven Segal and Tara Reid. The story was hard to follow since it made very little sense. I stopped watching after the seemingly endless Avatar ripoff scene with a dude trying to ride a gigantic bird. Hopefully the second half is better but I'll never know because there is no way I'll ever watch the rest. After watching Midway it seemed like Ed Skrein was on track for a solid career. Not so sure now.
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Condor's Nest (2023)
Fooled again
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once again I could not resist a World War II story even if I never heard of it. Once again I was face to face with horrible acting and a boring, slow moving story with no real catch. The subject is fantastic and could have been great with a good director and some people who can act. I was shocked to see Bruce Davison and Michael Ironside show up near the end. This is the kind of movie that has nobody you would recognize. Once again I am left wondering how movies get made. Can anybody get a movie financed in Hollywood now? Because it seems like studios will put anything out just to say they did something.
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Terrible movie
28 August 2023
This movie had one redeeming quality. That was the major that was so handy with a knife. He piled up quite a few dead Japanese soldiers, which was cool. But other than that this movie was about the quality of a college student film. It continues to amaze me that some movies on Amazon actually get made. You have to wonder why anyone would invest money in something like this. And wow how far has Jeff Fahey fallen to end up starring in this garbage. Didn't he used to be a well respected actor? It would appear that anyone can get a movie made these days. People with money to invest must be desperate.
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No One Lives (2012)
Another worthless piece of garbage
16 July 2023
How does this garbage get made? Who puts money into a project like this? A better question is how does this rate a 6.0 on IMDB? It is easy to tell when a movie is garbage when every female in it is hotter than any woman I've ever met. I guess producers figure all they need is young babes showing some skin and people will watch it. I got just past halfway through it only because I was busy doing something else while it was on. Otherwise I would've lasted about 15 minutes. It is disappointing to see Luke Evans is this type of worthless nonsense because he is capable of so much more. As for the rest of the cast, I never saw any of them before.
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Obsession (2023)
Boring and pointless
1 July 2023
This is just 50 Shades of Stupid without the hotbsex scenes. Overall it is just as bad. It is not very interesting or exciting to watch. The acting is mediocre at best. The cast was a bunch of nobodies that I never heard of. The girl was cute but not particularly sexy. At least Dakota Johnson was sexy in 50 Shades of Stupid. It seems as if nobody knows how to direct anymore. A good director could have made this interesting and exciting instead of the borefest that it is. The first thing a good director would have done is select some good actors with some on screen chemistry which is severely lacking here.
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The Courier (2019)
Beyond horrible
27 June 2023
This worthless piece of garbage is so stupid that I only got through about 20 minutes. It was one of the stupidest pieces of garbage I've ever seen. This was even horrible by Netflix standards. It seems that movie producers think that all they have to do is put a couple of hot chicks in a movie and anyone will watch it. It is shocking that a talented actor like Gary Oldman would get involved in garbage like this. I understand that Olga Kuralenko is beautiful but she is basically talentless as an actress. Producers keep trying to make action movies with her but she doesn't have the necessary talent.
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Not sure how this gets a 7.1 average
24 June 2023
There was absolutely no entertainment value to this movie. It was difficult to watch and unpleasant. It was so bad that I skipped most of the last 45 minutes. I doubt that I missed much. The concept of a terrible, dysfunctional family can be made into a good movie but this wasn't it. I don't know how close to history this was but if it was accurate I feel very sorry for those children. It is hard to believe anyone could turn out normal after living like that throughout childhood. It is a shame that terrible parents don't understand what they are doing to their children. But unfortunately they never do.
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31 May 2023
This movie is Quentin Tarantino at his finest. The movie starts out fantastic and just keeps getting better throughout. As usual, Tarantino's casting choices are magnificent. Christoff Waltz gives a performance the likes of which has never been seen before. It is no surprise he won an Academy Award. Brad Pitt and Diane Kruger were both excellent as well. The entire cast has amazing chemistry throughout the movie. The story is fascinating and interesting all the way through. This is a movie I have watched at least 15 times and I am watching it again tonight. It is worth watching over and over and over. Too bad nobody makes movies this good anymore.
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The Snowman (2017)
Run of the mill C movie
29 May 2023
This is another disappointing movie I watched on Netflix. Another pointless, impossible to follow thriller with no real point to it. The movie just seems to wander aimlessly through the story without making a whole lot of sense. It also does not hold your interest very well either. It should have been a lot better with the cast but clearly Michael Fassbender can't carry a movie by himself. His character was pretty weak and stereotypical of the burned out alcoholic detective. The Norway scenery is quite spectacular so I give it high marks there. There was no real drama or excitement. By the end you don't really care who the villain is.
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Vanquish (2021)
Garbage smells better than this.
11 May 2023
Oh my god, where do I start? This is one of the worst pieces of garbage I have ever seen. This makes Bruce Willis' Airstrike look like Academy Award material. It is baffling that Morgan Freeman put himself in this. He is way too talented. It was frustrating watching the opening credits that last about 20 minutes. Now I know why. They were filling time to avoid more horrible scenes. The acting in this garbage is just abysmal. The terrible acting is led by Ruby Rose. She has the on screen charisma of Hayden Christianson and the talent of Sofia Coppola all rolled up into one awful actor. She did okay just acting like a dyke on Orange is the New Black because acting like a dyke is natural to her. I will never, ever watch another movie of hers.
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Disappointing garbage
27 March 2023
I have no idea how this cast could produce such garbage. The story is slow, boring and pointless. The dialogue is stupid. It is a mystery how anybody could give this a high rating. It has a baffling 6.9 overall rating for some reason. There have to be a bunch of people associated with the movie providing the high ratings because I have seen total garbage with pretty good ratings lately. There is no way anybody could honestly like this kind of garbage. I am trying to hold on to the very end to see if the ending is any better than the rest of this piece of garbage. I will be shocked if it is. I have just a few more minutes to tolerate.
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Traitors (2019)
Typical British TV
27 March 2023
Watching British TV shows like this really makes me pity British people. I hope this isn't all they can watch. This is so much like every World War II miniseries I have seen. They are all so slow moving and boring. This one is hard to follow. It is especially hard to follow because it is so boring I couldn't stay interested in it. The only thing good was that sexy brunette that was horny 24/7 and didn't mind doing some sex scenes. Other than that it was insanely boring and dull. I have no idea why this has a 6.6 rating on IMDB. People must like boring shows more than I do. I should just quit watching British TV altogher.
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Kaleidoscope (2023)
Words cannot describe how disappointed I was in this show
14 March 2023
I saw that Giancarlo Esposito was the star of this show so I had to watch it. I am so sorry I wasted my time. This show is boring, confusing, pointless and stupid. The characters are not interesting. The story was filmed in a nonlinear fashion so it was impossible to follow. Although I wasn't paying close attention because it was so boring. I really don't even know what happened and I don't care. Whoever directed this piece of garbage should be banned from the profession for life. It was also bizarre that Netflix didn't number the episodes as they do on every other show, so you have no idea where you are in the drab and boring story. I want to know how I can get the 5 hours I wasted watching this.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Insanely boring and pointless
21 February 2023
I am clearly missing something here. This is the most boring piece of useless garbage I have watched in a long time. There is absolutely nothing about this movie that is interesting or intriguing. It is not even oven yet and I am so bored. I can barely stay awake watching this nonsense. I don't know what the reviewers that gave this a scores of 8, 9 or 10 were watching. There must be a different version that I am not seeing. There are no characters worth caring about and the story is just stupid. Also, the quiet whispering of the girl is impossible to understand even at high volume levels. I am sorry I wasted my time.
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1899 (2022)
5 may be too generous
10 December 2022
I will never understand why writers and directors feel the need to produce such confusing shows that leavevthe audience baffled for 8 episodes. After a while you just zone out and impatiently wait for it to be over. Then it ends and you wonder what the point was of the whole show. It is kind of a shame because the setting and cinematography are fabulous. It is too bad a good story was never found to go along with it. The redhead is really something though. I never saw her before. She is a striking beauty and a pretty good actress. The ending was quite surprising but it didn't save the show. It would have been better to know what was going on earlier.
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Recon (2019)
Boring and pointless
2 November 2022
The only thing about this movie that was good was the cinematography. The uniforms, settings and equipment all looked realistic. Other than that it was kind of boring. For this involved it may have been a big deal, but it was hardly worth making a movie. There are thousands and thousands of stories that occurred in World War II that are more interesting than this was. The poor discipline of the soldiers was off putting as well. I doubt that American soldiers walked around on patrols making that much noise because they never knew when they would encounter the Germans. The inexperienced cast and undoubtedly rookie director did not help either.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Another pointess Netflix piece of garbage
23 October 2022
I am beginning to believe that anybody can get a movie made in Hollywood right now. This was a completely pointless, waste of two hours. There were some quality actors in it surprisingly. It must be difficult for an actor to read a script and determine whether or not it will be good. They must have thought more of it before it was finished. As it turned out it is not worth watching. I have watched several Netflix movies like this lately. I am beginning to think there are no good movies left to watch. Maybe I should just watch the same good ones over and over again instead of this garbage. I guess that's what blue rays are for.
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Avengement (I) (2019)
Another movie that is just one continuous fight scene.
22 October 2022
I just can't believe that garbage like this gets produced in the movie industry. This stupid movie is just a non-stop fight that gets so tedious so quickly that you just don't care. I have no idea how this has a 6.5 rating. There must be just a few reviews because it is hard to believe that most people would like this. The fighting gets so tedious that you forgot what the movie is even about, assuming it is actually about something. Scott Atkins is good. I liked him in the Debt Collector movies but at least those had a plot plus some good fight scenes. This is the second movie this week that I watched that was essentially the same.
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