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The Mother (2023)
Not bad, it actually turned out pretty solid and good
15 May 2023
As an impatient movie viewer like me, I never tolerated myself to watch a bad movie over 5 minutes if it's really bad. "The Mother" released just now in May 2023 has proved itself NOT BAD at all since I sat through the whole movie, only for a few moments when it showed some illogical flaws that I shook my head, but I've never felt quitting right away.

Those who inexplicably held grudges and prejudice against Jennifer Lopez, considering her a bad actor, is something I never understood. I actually think she did a pretty good job in "The Mother", she never gave me a dull moment at all.

What I'd like to mention here is some of the scenes with bad logic:

1) When she was questioned and briefed by those guys at the very beginning and attacked by her enemies, a seasoned operative would not wear white attire as an easy target, especially when she knew her enemies had already knew her whereabouts. 2) Signed up and cast Joseph Fiennes to play Adrian and Gael Garcia Bernal to play Hector are very bad choices, because both with funny faces and light weighted; their presences were not well developed and quite vague. Neither convincingly showed bad vibes and evilness. 3) How could an operative like Cruise would addict to tattoo so extremely? 4) When Cruise was ambushed and stabbed with a knife so seriously on his back, how could he still run Marathon as a Spartan in Havana's streets like nothing happened? 5) Tarantula, the bad guy chased by The Mother and Cruise, a guy who sniffed coke and smoking all the time, could run like a long distance Marathon runner, doing amazing zigzag jumps as a skilled Parkour, like his lungs were perfect and his energy was unlimited? 6) Why Adrian and Hector hated The Mother so much? How come they would spend so much and use so many resources to kill her, even after 12 years? The final fighting scene in Alaska was an overkill, just copied from some of the 007 movies, but looked so absurd. 7) The Mother paid $2,000 to buy an old pickup truck, a clunker, then drove it from the lower states to Alaska? Yeah, right, 'cause it's Made in USA. It's engine never spitted out burnt oil blue smoke.

But all of the above-mentioned did not make "The Mother" a very bad movie at all, actually, it's a quite decent one, and JLO, as a Mother, also performed very nicely. If I did finished watching it to the end, it undoubtedly proved itself as a pretty watchable movie.
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The British
11 January 2023
Military officers or civilians in this movie all looked like a bunch of clowns and comedians. The whole movie if could be scripted, directed and acted in a more modern-day way, it would be a great thrilling adventure movie, but regretfully ruined by all the people involved. The movie itself just felt like heavily staged with terrible blah, blah and blah dialog. The over-the-top soundtrack, the score just felt overdone. If the British military guys like what we saw in this particular movie, the colonization of half of the world would be a myth instead of a fact. They were just a bunch of clowns, hesitant and bewildered all the time. Two female characters in this movie were totally unnecessary too. Even the leading role of the British officer, sometimes also looked like an very incapable yes-sir man.

The canons blasted in this movie also looked like joke, fired blindly to some distances not even in the range of the rebels' attacking waves. The unpredictable and uncontrollable sudden whistles from the old locomotive steam engine only further the comic feeling of this terrible movie. Why anytime involved the British old military officers with their funny dialog in any movie would only ruined their realistic seriousness is always a puzzle to me. It's exactly like whenever I watched a Taiwanese movie, its funny unnatural dialog delivered by all the actors would immediately made me feel unbearable to watch.
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Confession (2022)
Highly unlikely coincidental scenarios and
5 January 2023
Purposefully twisted plots that could only exist in Marvel or Disney animations or cartoons. The actors, one male and two females who played the three main characters all looked like their IQ were over 160 at genius level, especially the stone-cold young woman who played the mistress of that man. The overly exaggerated extremity of the coincidental scene after scene could only happen in lousy fictions or fantasies, unnatural, self-indulgent, self-serving and shallow. The chemistry between the man and his mistress was non-exist at all, albeit sexual relationship. There's no way to convince me or anyone with the least IQ would buy such ridiculousness.
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Hunt (2022)
A new meaning of DOUBLE AGENTS
4 January 2023
This thriller also explained if an operation overdone with too many layers of complication, it might create some unexpected outcome. This is a very smartly scripted Double Agents in Place Korean thriller. But the overly complicated screen play with so many twists of scenarios and plots also inevitably caused confusion from the very beginning before the finale. The assassinations, the riot, the infiltration, the double cross scenes are just so good that only a smart director could pull it through and they were all so excitedly performed and carried through. The acting of all the leading and supporting actors are impeccably performed. The whole movie is a non-stop confusion after confusion, you have to patch them up later and gradually realize what a big scheme that the North Korea manufactured. I really don't know whether the North Korean would be so smart and so ruthless, but watching this movie is a roller coaster ride. It's a perfectly woven movie with some over-the-top twists, but it's a great viewing experience. South Korean movies are so matured and transcend that not only make the Chinese and Taiwanese movies like child play but also put Hollywood to shame.
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Treason (2022)
MI5 or MI6, whatever, this is a highly unlikely believable crap
3 January 2023
The Deputy of MI? Would have to go the elementary school to do a PR course for the class that his son was in? The guy's face looked a bit funny to play the Deputy, the No.2 of the Ultimate British intelligence organization, looked more like a intern or a comedian but definitely a bad or a wrong cast for this role. The head of the MI? Visited the club house to threaten a Whoever who had a mistress and assured him if he cooperate, the scandal would be covered. So the MI? Was nothing but a criminal organization that spied on its own citizen for what? The benefit of the MI? Chief? When the chief was so easily poisoned, the amateurish deputy immediately promoted to be the acting chief, his subordinates didn't respect him and still called him Kid. Jesus.

Then the guy was so excited and couldn't believe how lucky he was and called his wife for the sudden promotion. His wife also showed how excited she was. When he finally went home, there were a security team posted in front of his home already. When this guy entered his home and closed up the door behind him, his wife ran up to him, embraced him, they kissed so emotionally and passionately. Jesus. Then his son ran to him, father, wife and son embraced together, but their daughter sat on the staircase silently without joined them downstairs. Why they were so excited? For the sudden windfall promotion? Jesus, this is such a disgusting and amateurish crap. A Soviet female assassin could so easily went into a very important private club that only for the high and few echelons of the British government officials without any security measures to protect them? She just walked in, grabbed an apron and timely did the poison assassination? Give me a *xxking break!
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Not good at all
29 December 2022
I just can't believe the Japanese movies in the 80s could be this bad and mediocre. The cast was so bad for the two leading roles. The young actress is not eye-appealing at all, albeit the middle-aged guy who played her lover. The scenario was okay but too coincidental, the older guy was so conveniently the lover of this girl's mother long time ago. It also imply that this guy was accidentally her father? Casting these two together simply won't hold strong enough interest for us to not quit in the middle of it. The movie itself looked like a low budget production, camera works were also quite mediocre. The dialog felt awkward and forced too. There's not too much to recommend that you have to watch it but just pass.
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A stalker or an accidental lover
27 December 2022
Jeon Do-yeon is a great actress who has played so many controversial female roles and played all of them so well. She did a great job in this movie too. The reason why my wife and I both decided to call a quit in the middle was because we didn't like the man played by Gong Yoo, a guy so goofy with an insatiable strong sex drive, a guy with an fatal attraction to a woman who has sex with him once in Finland. The guy acted like a stalker, followed her back to Seoul, always loitered around outside her Surreal But Nice fashion store. He didn't love her but only wanted to continue the sex relationship. Gong Yoo in this movie also acted poorly, he was so rigidly awkward and so goofy. There's no believable chemistry between him and Jeon Do-yeon. In addition to the uninteresting scenarios and his poor performance, his disgusting lowlife-like role seemingly became the main reason we decided to drop out of this movie earlier unexpectedly.
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The casting job was not as good as the Italian one
26 December 2022
Once this movie started, we could immediately realize that the female cast of the woman who took off her underwear was not as good and attractive than who was playing the same role in the Italian version. She's somewhat not eye-appealing either. The other female actresses and the male ones were okay and similar to those who played the same roles in the Italian version. But this Spanish version got a better cellphones arrangements, they were evenly placed on the ROUND dinner table and even had a scene of those phones were placed around a big dish, unlike the Italian poor arrangement, everybody still held onto their own phones around a counter-height rectangular dining table, causing resistance and unwillingness to expose their incoming messages.

One thing that I do not quite understand is why you have to follow the exact storyline instead of adding some plots and scenarios closer to your own country's culture and customs? Why you have to faithfully the original one? This is why after watched the Italian version, I almost lost interest in watching the almost the same or even exactly the same version from Spain.

But the major letdown is the not quite smart choice of the female cast as I just mentioned above.
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Desire (1992)
The female character is the worst kind of self-centered example
20 December 2022
If you think the woman in this terribly scripted movie is a model for the other females in the world, then you might have to double check your mentality. She just wanted to use the male protagonist for sex. She didn't want to commit herself to him because their social standings were so different. She married to a college classmate, lived with another university scholar and felt unsatisfied. For what? Her both marriage were boring, not as wild and passionate as the young farmer-fisherman who could always give her climax after climax. So after so many years' disconnection, once she found him in the London street, she just wanted to hook him up again. For what? Sex, that's all. This woman is the worst kind.

As to the movie itself, well, it's terrible!
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Take 1 (2022– )
Only the EP03 and EP04 worth high ratings
20 December 2022
I don't want to waste yours and my time to comment on the whole Season 1 episodes, just want to quote the review of "gosilbron" on Oct 16, 2022:

"Yim Jae-Beum Wow... Daebak. I always wondered what happened to Yim Jae-beum. He really disappeared for 6 years. Tye 3rd episode was the best in this series. The selection of his song "this too,shall pass" has a beautiful and realistic meaning. His audience for Take 1 was perfect. He relates to our emotions and he is down to earth man. I am a nurse. And I do understand the loss of loved ones. Yim Jae-beum existence is precious. Sir Yim Jae-Beum, you are needed by people who have heard your voice and appreciate your presence. I am sorry for your loss sir. You shall meet your beloved wife in Paradise. Please remain strong and your precious daughter is gifted to have you in her life as she is in yours.

There are people who still want to hear your voice and songs... please come back with one more original song as this world is plagued with suffering, we need a voice like yours to help us all get through the day. I play your songs when going to work and heading back home. Your are precious to me and I will always be praying and rooting for you to get back up with smiles."

And his FIRST SONG in six years hiatus "Desperado" is one of the BEST songs in English that I've ever heard and so deeply moved. It's even better than Eagle's Glenn Lewis Frey original since it deeper in emotion, feelings, maturity and purity. His voice is God given.

He also sang "Saddle The Wind" on a beach that was also so good. It can be found on youtube.com and I think you'd like it too.

Rain in Episode 4 is also pretty good. He showed us how a young artist so faithful to himself and his fans. A respectful young artist. Salute.

Episode 1 is okay. Episode 2 is nothing but a child's play. The last two episodes are horrible. That female singer's voice is just so mediocre.
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The Way of WASTE Water~Layers of cliches piled up in 13 years
18 December 2022
The Chinese got an old saying about the deterioration of human generations: "The next generation is always worse than the former one." It's also look alike the Chin Dynasty, when the Chin Empire was founded, it's so powerful and invincible, then it weakened within decades and finally overturned by a new force. This is exactly what we've seen in Cameron's Avatar movies. The original first one is great, but after 13 years extravaganza of mindless self-destruction, the sequel simply failed to maintain its greatness and became so lame and so disgustingly repetitive. I strongly suggest to Mr. Cameron: Better cancel your 3rd and 4th sequences of Avatar. If you couldn't do the 2nd better than the 1st or just equalize it, then there's no sense to continue waste your time and money again and again. It's just too foolish, man. I just can't believe what you've done during the 13 years period by only focusing on the visual effect and completely forgot to visualize a better story and plot. You just cashed in what you've achieved from the 1st Avatar success and wasted it like a blind mice. Making Avatar like a visually stunning video game with hollow repetitive cliche after cliche and criminally piled them up without innovation of ideas. You are a tailor who cut and pasted from the mold for the Emperor's 1st new cloth, but forgot to make a new underwear for the Emperor. So when the emperor coming out of the palace facing his tax paying crowd, they immediately found out that the Emperor was just wearing an new outwear but without underwear. Please seriously consider my advice: Stop churning out the 3rd and 4th sequels, our family could only consume one badly baked turkey on this Thanksgiving.
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Beyond Salvage...
17 December 2022
What a horrible and pretentious movie. The narrative with a woman's voice is absolutely terrible. The dialog, the acting and the screenplay are all nothing but a joke. I never understood why all the Taiwanese screenplay writers, directors and the actors never grew out of the immaturity and pretentiousness. Most of the Taiwanese movies are either trapped in the adolescent retrospection, puppy love, memories of the elementary, junior high and high school days, or the laughable delinquent gangster genre crap. I can't even find an actor who's really talented enough to play a role like what a realistic person should behave. The forever poorly patched and unnaturally manufactured dialog simply made all the actors to act worse and exaggeratedly awkward. No matter how they tried to make a barely watchable movie, it always gave you an impression of immature and more feminine feeling. There's no way to keep me from impatience to most of the Taiwanese movies whatsoever. No, I am not particularly discriminating against the Taiwanese movies, but a viewer who watches all kinds of movies from so many different countries on a daily basis, but why Taiwanese movies always let me down and made me lose patience every time and decided to quit within 5 to 10 minutes; 15 to 20 minutes was a miracle, albeit in the middle or approaching the end.
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The Ambush (2021)
Stupidly scripted battle movie
17 December 2022
This is one of the stupidest war movies I've ever seen. The whole military operation is a ridiculous and amateurish joke. What we saw was a bunch of soldiers fattened with thick modern day battle gears trapped in the armor trucks like sitting duck facing the rebels on foot with basic AK-47s, mortars and mines. We have a hesitant field commander kept looking outside of his armor vehicle, awaiting the feed from the UAV but did nothing. The Central Command also did a lousy job to order the support of the UAV to be redirected to the battleground, then ordered another Apache chopper to help saving the entrapped worthless soldiers. I just couldn't understand why the commander of the base didn't do both earlier. By following such stupidly scripted, poorly directed and bunch of fat actors to play the soldiers who did nothing but took turns and tried to find a signal of their cellphones while surrounded by the approaching rebels, the viewing has become a very tough and enduring process. The only way to free from such stupidity is like what I did: Quit watching, man.
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Red Persimmon (1996)
Full of flaws
14 December 2022
1) A KMT general who was fighting against Communist rebels all over the front lines would not have so much time to visit home to make babies like what we have seen in this movie. But what we saw is that this guy had so many kids that he couldn't even recognize them one by one. All these kids obviously were his and his wife's offspring.

2) This general's wife didn't look like a woman who had almost 10 kids by her own. Her physical condition was way too healthy and too young to have so many kids.

3) She was also the worst cast to play the mother role. Not only she didn't look like a women who had so many kids, there's no motherhood existed between her and her kids, they were like strangers. So she was the weakest and the worst cast in this movie.

4) When they escaped to Taiwan, there's no way the mother and the kids would have the privilege to move into a big house left by the Japanese. The allocation of the housing for the general and his family would not be possible to go through a civilian woman who welcomed them when they arrived.

5) One of the most ridiculous flaw in this movie is the accents of the kids, they all spoke Taiwanese Mandarin in 1949, instead of the mainland China Mandarin. Their accents among them were also so different from each other, so it just so ridiculous.

The reasons that stopped us to watch further were all listed above, but mainly because of the poor actress who played the mother and the unrealistic accents from the kids.

This is a terribly cast and scripted movie.
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It's so painful to watch this messy boring Western
3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who came up with such horrible screenplay? How ridiculous a Western could be like this one? I can't imagine that Jimmie Steward would be so desperate to sign up this horrible movie and made him look so pathetic and ridiculed him like an old moron. The script is just so annoyingly unrealistic, the characters in it were just a bunch of yoyos. This is not a watchable movie but a worthless farce. All the men in this movie were nothing but a bunch of shameless caricatures. James Steward was too old to play such cowboy who looked so rustic and pathetic to romancing an English woman with an woman-child daughter, who's no way looked her mother, there's absolutely no DNA connection, even the accent between the mother and the daughter was completely different. But the most horrible thing to watch in this bore-you-to-death Western was James Steward, he looked so old, his eyes were already diluted and fuzzy, but still had to play a romantic fool. I have never felt so painful to watch a Western like this particular one, yes, it's really a rare breed in the Western genre and absolutely worthless and unwatchable.
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Fantanstic Chinese movie!
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best Chinese movies that I've viewed in recent years. It doesn't feel like a dramatized movie but looks more like a documentary. All the actors in it didn't give you an impression that they were actors but the real common people who live now in China rural area, they are the real people still with kindness, generosity, sincerity like what we used to see in Chinese novels. The screeplay is very good, the director is with natural talent to paint a very plain and peaceful picture of China. The camera team also did a wonderful job to render the beautiful Chinese countryside.

But this movie also make me wonder if it really likes what we've seen in China nowadays? The Chinese people still with such kindness and generosity to help strangers? The Chinese cops still treat people with kindness, patience and courtesy? Well, what we have seen recently about China is simply the opposite. Therefore, while I compliment this movie for its humanitarian purity and humanly goodness, but on the other side of the token, I have to say this movie is also quite unreal and overly exaggerated to paint a fake picture of today's China. But at the same time, by using the dialog from the old people who had been through the 10 years Culture Revolution and survived the atrocity from the Chinese Communist Party, we also feel this movie is very real and true to the core. It also uses the words from the leading old man, saying life in China is like crossing one after another border check-point, seemingly endless and deadly until you finally pass the final one of Hell.
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2004~2019 What a romantic journey
24 November 2022
I rarely have such a patience to sit through watching a documentary like this one. Yes, after 15 years long prospecting on Mars, Oppy, the robot that roamed on that red planet indeed looked more like human with a big heart actually died like a human being. I don't know how the movie maker did in this film to make the journey of these two robots in such colorful narration, but the achievement is so great. We have seen those who have participated this project covering two generations of the scientists, we saw them from middle age to senior, we saw the second generation catching and patching up to continue the probe on Mars. The viewing experience is profound and alarming at the same time. Would the Mars nowadays be the future of Planet Earth? Water was completely gone on the Mars, and our planet seems to suffer the similar long but rapid process of losing water too. The long and harsh drought has already affected all the creatures on Earth. The deserts all over in the world have silently and deadly expanded upon us, yet we humans living on this planet seem to pay no attention to the coming rude awaking. How long we would have before the last drop of water drys up? The possibility of such deadly transformation that the Earth would completely become what we have seen on Mars seems to be inevitable. Of course it won't happen in my lifetime, but how many lifetimes would it be the doomsday of this blue planet to become another red one? Oh, don't forget to waste tons of water to make your lawn look green, and enjoy a 30 to 40 minutes long hot shower everyday.
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Overdose (II) (2022)
A very lazy and lousy screenplay and poor directing
7 November 2022
There's no way to describe this terrible movie, a total disappointment. So many flaws and bad logic arrangements. So many omitted and conveniently bypassed scenarios. The directing was so lazy and brainless, almost to a ridiculous level. The undercover/snitch was so obvious, yet the bad guys failed to figure it out who's who. This movie also made the French police look so lame and so slow to react to all the obvious attacks, they just sat in the cars, or leaned on the car smoked and did the small talks, or flirted. There were so many scenes such as the intercourse in the sheep farmer's house. The murders of the kids were completely clueless without any reason. Transport large quantity of drug with a car parade and two motorbikes to the lead the way, Jesus, ain't that so obvious and stupid? After killed two of the cops in the car, the guy just ran away, all the other cops, including the female so-called leading detective, just helplessly looked at him running away, and nobody chased him? Jesus, what a load of crap after crap. This is a very lazy movie from the very beginning to the end. I wouldn't even want to write a review, 'cause I'm pissed.
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Shards of Her (2022– )
Highly unlikely scenario and plot
30 October 2022
I couldn't even finish the 1st episode and decided to drop it right away. I have read the three critics' reviews. One is absolutely terrible, didn't say anything. Another blindly praised it without any merit. Only the 3rd one gave a more realistic review and gave it a barely watchable rating.

How could such a sharp, cool, very capable and talented headhunter woman would be so helpless and victimized by a thug-like guy, to be harassed on the day 1 he show up in the company she works? The crazy guy is a completely, illogically arranged to serve the purpose for the drama series, a psychopath from America and his only goal is to harass this No.1 moneymaker of the headhunt company? Taiwan is such a small island and yet it seems to give the viewers that Taipei is a metropolitan mega city with lot of international big companies, so the headhunting business is so booming and so profitable. Give me a break!
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Nine translators from different countries all over the world
21 October 2022
Okay, here's the puzzle that I could not understand from the very beginning: How come these nine translators were chosen or more simply put, picked out, by whom? Are these translators are the most famous and reputed ones in their countries? How come they all speak fluent French? Are they singled out to translate that "DEADALUS", the 3rd and final book of the most popular bestseller to translate it into nine different languages where these nine translators coming from? But by judging they all speaking the French as seems to be their mother language, I really can't understand why and how they translate into...French? And the original language of this so-called DEADALUS trilogy is in...Russian? On what terms and conditions that these nine translators would take for granted to be harassed, abused, regulated, restricted by the employer? Each would be awarded with a huge sum of money? One million Dollars for each translator?

Every time, these nine translators would be allowed to translate 20 pages at the same time and the same 20 pages...into what languages? Why the employer(s) would hire 9 translators from different countries to translate the same 20 pages each time? By judging these 9 translators' ages, their behaviors, their...I really couldn't believe they were the best choices to translate a novel.

Nowadays, it's absolutely impossible to sell 1 billion copies since everybody is only interested in watching youtube, instagram, twitter, facebook...No one really cares about reading a book now.

This is a very very stupid, ridiculous, totally pointless also extremely pretentious French crap, if I may to say so. A garbage in, garbage out going nowhere much ado about NOTHING!
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Ironclad (2011)
Pretty good
19 October 2022
The bloody fight scenes are top notched and well performed.

The make-up of the gory killings and tortures also looked quite real. The screenplay should use the opportunity to allow the viewers to know the basic context of the Magna Carta and how it caused the civil war in ancient England. We saw the strong resemblance of "The Magnificent Seven" and "Seven Samurai" both were heavily borrowed by this "Ironclad", but some of them were not clearly introduced. There's miscast, Kate Mara, she was too tiny, too young, too plain and also looked too modern for this movie. She's not appropriate for this cast at all, exactly like her role in "House of Cards"; a tiny, plain, not sexual appealing at all, not sexy at all young woman to become the mistress of an American Senator? Likewise, her cast in this Medieval movie was one of the worst choices for a cast.
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Medieval (2022)
It's actually pretty good
14 October 2022
Unlike most of the negative low ratings against this movie that almost made me decide to not viewing it and, even when I finally decided to give it a try, my expectation was still not quite high enough to give it a full shot. But this movie turned out to be pretty good actually. Yes, this movie got a serious audio and soundtrack problems. The dialog between or among the characters sometimes was too low or too vague to be heard clearly, and most of the time was blocked by the annoying loud soundtrack which supposedly should be in the background and subtle enough to support the ongoing of the story, but sadly, the music often played too loud and over-the-top dominant over the scenes, and lot of times too religiously annoying. It also made me wonder if the production team hired a qualified enough audio professional group to handle the recording or microphone. It seems that there were lot of times, the microphone was placed either too far away or too high to record the characters dialog so that always ended up either too vague or too low to be heard clearly. The crew who took care of the audio part of this movie should never be hired by any other movie makers in case to cause the similar problems.

There are so many negative reviews against this movie, but to me, it's a decent and seriously made one, at least worth watching once for your time and money. Ben Foster did a very good job, but the screenplay didn't give him too much to develop and show the character he played. Michael Caine also faithfully did his part, even it's such a weightless role. Sophie Lowe also acted well for her tragic role in this movie, but luckily, her character was much well developed as the storyline went on.

The fighting scenes are well arranged, brutal, bloody and realistic enough to make you cringe sometimes. Again, the faulty audio almost ruined everything!
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Poetically weird
2 October 2022
The whole movie is somewhat weird, the dialog is almost non-exist because neither the main female character, Amélieis, a deaf young woman played by Aurélia Poirier, nor the psycho loner, Leo, played by Kévin Mischel, never wants to speak. I don't know how Leo, an Uber driver, but actually the serial killer, who could keep killing women without even left any trace of his crimes. The police force and the detectives never appeared in the movie. The serial killer is also a musician wannabe who uses his laptop to create music (only one piece throughout the whole movie). His laptop seems to be always fully charged. He seems also to live in his Peugeot all the time without taking a bath or really uses water to wash his face, he brushes his teeth only with toothpaste outside his car.

The movie itself is not interesting enough to watch, but there are two great dances done by Aurélia Poirier, a solo dance so powerful and deep to watch. Then there's one dance, a dance performed by Léo with his imaginary partner Amélieis; that dance is great too. These two great dances should be adapted by "So You Think You Can Dance" and to be nominated for Emmy Awards.
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BUtterfield 8 (1960)
I couldn't stand this movie over 10 minutes
29 September 2022
Mainly because of thee horrible soundtrack, the music played on at the very beginning when she woke up in other man's apartment in New York. The horrible music is exactly like what we used to hear in Disney's cartoons, synchronizing every movement of the cartoon characters, Bugs Bunny, the Cat, the Mouse or, the Road Runner. The unbearable music had made Taylor as an cartoon character. When she woke up, we didn't see she combed her hair when she woke up, yet her hairdo was like she just came out of saloon, perfectly styled. Then the exaggerated dramatized lousy music followed every movement she did, made her more like a Bugs Bunny or Road Runner figure.

The pretentious movie also made me feel very hard to watch and less realistic. When you woke up alone and naked, you wouldn't do thing like she did, spending time to wrap her naked body up carefully with the bed sheet. A woman, or shall we say, a man, when woke up alone naked, she or he would just step off the bed naked, she or he wouldn't pay too much attention to herself too much, thought about wrapping a bed sheet around the body then got off. Anyway, the horrible funny soundtrack did even bother to stop, simply synchronized and matched her every movement. I just couldn't stand the ridiculous music/score/soundtrack or whatever any longer. Besides, her out-of-proportion short-limb physic structure, her protruded belly...failed to give me any desire to continue the viewing. I just quit.
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The Grand Hotel in Taipei needs to upgrade its Anti-Theft policy
15 September 2022
In this movie directed by An Lee, we saw a retired master chef of the Grand Hotel in Taipei. He got daughters who all got some personal problems in their lives. The chef father kept cooking at home as a die-hard lifelong hobby and habit; an occupational obsession that he could never abandon even after his retirement. The whole movie is okay to watch, but there's huge problem that bothered me a lot. In this movie, we saw the father cooked and presented all the fascinating foods with the patented beautifully designed exquisite jumbo plates that only the Grand Hotel owned privately and exclusively. Yet this father who retired from the kitchen of the Grand Hotel miraculously collected so many exclusive plates, utensils, tools, kitchen specialties that only his former employer, The Grand Hotel, could own. How could a guy who worked in the kitchen of the Hotel keep so many exclusive banquet wares after his retirement? Did the Hotel award him with such grand gesture for his loyal and wholehearted contribution to the Chinese gourmet culture by giving him so many things solely belonged to its exclusive kitchen, OR, this guy simply stole them one by one to his own collection? Or, since An Lee won the Oscar so they wouldn't mind lending their cookwares, banquet wares as part of the sponsorship to support his new movie venture? The possibility of theft, self-righteous stealing was the only thing that bothered me a lot when watching this movie.
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