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American Horror Stories: Lake (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
The Acting in Season 2's episode Lake was Atrocious
8 September 2022
What on earth made them think it was a good idea to put this mess with the rest of the series? The acting was the worse I've seen in ages especially from the woman playing the Mother. It was as if she had no idea how to act at all and could greatly benefit from acting lessons as it was embarrassingly awful. That was equally as bad as the writing.

There was sadly nothing interesting about the entire episode from start to finish which was really disappointing. I hate being critical but I think it's important to write reviews like this with honest feedback so the show can continue on and improve.
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Non-Stop (2014)
Stay Away
24 June 2014
This film was an absolute train wreck. The only thing it had going for it was the director's choice of actors as you really can't go wrong with Liam Neeson Or Julianne Moore. Aside from that, in this film you can spot plot hole after plot hole and the only way you can actually enjoy it would be to switch off your brain. After attempt three of switching off my brain and accepting all the random illogical situations, I gave up. I don't even want to go on about how many plot holes there are but this film made it look effortless to insert such nonsense. I really wanted to enjoy this film but could not and for that, I generously give this film a 5 out of 10.

I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone but if you feel you're a bit on the unintelligent side or have a talent for tuning out an abundance of plot holes, by all means.
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21 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The word I feel most appropriately suited for this film is "beautiful". During the first fifteen minutes, I wasn't quite sure what was happening but after a little, we get to it. Unbeknown to us, we take on the view of a pretty young woman named Marie and we are taken into a world of conjectural spiritual phenomenon. Tragedy then strikes and from then on, it takes on even more of a somber mood. It is not until the end that the truth all surfaces and young Marie and Filthy recognize and embrace their similar circumstances. This film is truly remarkable and I feel there must be some brilliance embedded in both the director and writer. I can't even fathom how anyone would dislike this movie unless they don't generally like slow-paced films.
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Star-Crossed (2014)
Obligated to Write a Review
19 February 2014
I'm not too into writing reviews for shows but when I see negative reviews on a show that is worth more than that, I feel it's my duty to write a positive one. I thought the pilot to be extremely exuberant and enticing. I love the chemistry between the two lead characters and find the story to be familiar in some ways but at the same time, I sincerely see it as a breath of fresh air. I think it is more original than many scifi-oriented shows out at the moment and I think people shouldn't judge it so harshly. I think this show has something for everyone and all should give it a watch. I hope it does well as I look forward to seeing more!
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Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
A MUST Watch!
24 April 2013
This show...honestly, there are NO words that can describe how unique it is. The cast is INCREDIBLE and my god, the chemistry between all the characters as well as the acting, you FORGET you're watching a show. So many emotions and intriguing plot pieces, it's too good a show to pass up! I really adore the cast as individuals and think whoever created the show has an extremely intelligent eye as they all work perfectly together and have this unique way about them. I started with episode one but was so hooked I had to watch it all the way through and am now hoping there's a season 2! So, I guess I'll say it once more, watch this show, give it a chance as you'll most likely love it as much as I do.
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Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016)
This show is going places
25 October 2012
I wanted to start by saying, I've never watched a pilot more than once in the same week but with this show, I did. When the second episode aired, there were bits that were bothersome to me and I wasn't quite sure where it was going. However, after watching the third episode, I finally get to see where it's headed and I absolutely love it. I think everyone should give this series a chance and if you don't like it, that's fine but I can't say this show is similar to anything else on TV. I love how different it is and the entertainment factor is through the roof. The chemistry between characters is excellent and the acting is up to par. This is most definitely a show I'll be following!
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Touch (2012–2013)
22 March 2012
I've never watched a show such as this in my entire life. I don't even know where to begin. I'm not one to easily rate a show 10 out of 10 stars but this one undoubtedly deserves it. If someone doesn't appreciate this show, I feel they must not have a soul. The cast is excellent, the concept is overwhelmingly witty, closest to perfect as possible and it's almost like a mini movie. If it continues this way or gets even better, I will be a truly happy person. I've never in my life felt so strongly about a show before and this one certainly left me breathless. What an adventure! If you haven't seen this show yet, you're seriously missing out and I advise you to watch it immediately!
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Splash (1983)
Great Movie
24 October 2006
I thought this movie was absolutely wonderful. It was so very cute and fairly funny at times! Very different from most movies with the whole mermaid thing. See men dig fish! Remember that! You know what I really enjoyed about it? The fact that you had this nutty guy going around trying to prove she was a mermaid, yet looking completely stupid and insane while doing so.. Oh man he was so funny. I remember growing up watching this movie.I loved it then and still do. It's a classic, a must see. If you haven't seen it already, I suggest you rent it! Enjoy it! Tell me how it goes, but I bet you will love it just as much as I do! ;)
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