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Star Trek: Discovery: Red Directive (2024)
Season 5, Episode 1
The Dilithium Chrystals are fully discharged in this warp drivel
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Frankly, I wish I could warp in the opposite direction after dragging myself through this debarcle. I wonder if the writers even bothered to fact check their plot holes any more, or just leave them in there and not care. The two baddies in the first episode are beyond stilted. As for the Lor lookalike, a cheap gimmic with no substance. Looks like Picard 3 remains the last time the pained trekkies can look back with at least some reminder of the values of Trek, writing that made some sense and acting that at least did justice to the uniform. Someone call Q please.......we need to reverse the universe and remove discovery.
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Floating all the way down the River to the lake of Despair.
14 September 2023
I'm only here to reflect on what could have been with this season. Highs and lows, lower then this. Subterranean. Not possibly but definitely the only trek episode I have EVER consciously turned off, once I realised how bad it was going to be. I have no words for how bad I feel for the franchise sustainability when I see this type of nonsense. It seems just when you think something will materialise of quality to even come close to previous shows, this titanic comes out and sinks all the good will. Trekkies are Trekkies and don't watch this show for Glee copies in space. Please get back on point and stop messing around with the CPU.
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Let Sleeping....................
31 August 2023
I am one of those people that continue to watch on the basis to see how bad it could get. The season 2, 2 part finale has reached the pinnacle, or hit the depths of the 'marianas trench' of bad tv. It's like having a Ferrari GTO, driving it for a few years, putting it in storage then rolling it out to discover you now have a 83 Corrolla instead. It's still a car with wheels, but that's the only thing you recognise. Sorry, the susbsequent trainwrecks following the franchise after the success of first film only compound the disaster that SITC can be described as. Characters no one likes, stories no one understands and scenes so cringeworthy, you wonder if they even watch them back after filming. Che, Lisa, Seema, Nya have about as much charisma as a burnt out tobacco pipe. Sorry it's a brutal review, but it's brutal tv. RIP SITC, we will honor your history and remember you as you were.
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Hijack (2023)
Watching it float off down the river of Ridiculousness.......
10 August 2023
Just finished watching the last episode. Have to say that the writers should be ashamed that this one went to the screen. From a promising first episode (As usual), things go downward pretty quickly until that point when you know it's not going to get better. Plot 'Chasms' abound. The 'limey' bad guy became a characature in the the end. . I remembered him from the sci fi show ' Humans'. He was as wooden in that as he is in this. Elba should stick to documentaries for the next few outings after this stinker. Don't waste your time bingers. The hidden twists and turns became ludicrous in the end.
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Groundhog Day....or at least something resembling.
20 July 2021
Irritatingly poor sequel, few squealer moments, some poor casting choices and generally a weird ungelled feeling from the film. What could have been an interesting premise and plot development turned into a run of the mill popcorn movie immediately forgotten and assigned to the file ' Disappointing and pointless sequels'
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Amour (2012)
Losing the will to live.....and that's just watching.
16 August 2020
Having direct experience of parental dementia, it's not that I am unfamiliar with the material to hand. However, from the first moment to the last, I waited impatiently, without result, for a sense of the 'Profound', as several reviewers ardently highlighted, in their emotive reviews. Instead, we received a dour 90 mins of abject misery, loss and ultimately futility of life. Not one to watch during covid for sure. Actually, not one to watch at any time if you are depressed easily. I must say, the congrats must go to the pigeon, he at least had the most screen presence.
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Don't bother with the waffling reviews, see the movie and judge for yourself
25 January 2016
Having watched SWTFA several weeks ago now, I have given myself sufficient time for consideration of an appropriate reply. However, I think as a 47 year old who was around for the original trilogy, I would like to leave only one simple piece of advice. Watch the film for the enjoyment factor first and foremost, save the analysis to the posters here who have 2 hours to spew blah on the comparisons to previous films, directors, themes etc etc, ad infinitum. I wanted to feel like an 8 year old again and did. The rest is just cornflakes. The opening credits, the X wings on the horizon across the water and Solo on the bridge of the falcon should be enough to jog the emotion cells of anyone who has an imagination. Don't bring baggage by reading 50 reviews, just get blown away by the feel good.
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Limitless (2015–2016)
Give me a pill to forget this Dog of a show
28 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I like to watch all pilots when I can, good or bad. This one gets filed under the "It ain't gonna happen" pile. I really mean pile also. Dredge up all the old clichés, throw in a few tired camera tweaks and pair two leads with the chemistry of a used teabag. Keeping awake was actually the challenge for this one. I am really not sure what will keep the show running in terms of content. Guaranteed this one will end after the first season. I can't figure out why they chose the lead they did. Our girl from Dexter cannot even utter a single blasphemous word, which really defeats the purpose of watching her at all. I will no doubt see the second episode for curiosities sake, but I would recommend you remember Jennifer Carpenter from Dexter only and leave it at that!
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
Painful Experience even for the Verghara eye Candy
15 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A shocker of a movie that manages to significantly dilute the acting credibility of Witherspoon. From the very start to the very painful buddies forever ending (throwing in the cheap love interest to make sure the final nail goes in the coffin) this is a straight to home viewing movie. Even the eye candy of Verghara cannot save this corny attempt to cash in on the countless better films made in this genre. Witherspoon herself seems embarrassed. I did laugh at a few of the stereotypical Hispanic jokes, but they were few and played intentionally as the only funny angle Verghara seemed to have during the whole film. A tanked script which could have been written by my 13 year old daughter didn't help. To cap it off, the good hearted cop gives the bad gangster gal her old diamond encrusted shoes back at the end of the movie. Ideal for walking off into the sunset, the best location to file this film.
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Resurrection (2013–2015)
One for the not quite there pile
20 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that my excitement peaked around mid first episode and then dropped steadily thereafter. I went through to the bitter end and I would emphasize on the word 'Bitter' as the conclusion left me with a WTF moment in terms of it's utter lameness. Thank goodness for Michelle Fairley adding a little bit of quality, but even her role was lost in the monotony. The lead actors seemed to tick along waiting for the next hammy line. The romance thread for Bellamy skidded around the edge but never quite delivered either. The actor himself I don't think was strong enough to carry the series. There was never any emotional investment between his relationship with Jacob from the beginning..... If you have really nothing else to watch, then stick it on. Otherwise, file it under great premise, poor execution. Not to be opened until further notice.
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Painful from the opening credits
5 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Had a few hours to spare today and this was the only flick showing......should have gone into the kids flick instead. This was a 100 minutes of an insipid,boring, shallow and frankly embarrassing movie that even 30 minutes after watching I struggled to recall any positive aspects. From the horrific miscasting of Mr. Brody, to the one dimensional facial characteristics of Hayden Christiansen, replete with some poorly chosen music, I can't really waste any more words to go through the rest of the film, suffice to say, it's a B movie at best. Wait till you see it on TV for sure and file it under to watch if you have nothing else to watch. As for the director, sloppy is an understatement. Gaping Plot holes, tedious cinematography, need I say more. Try again next time. PS. Let someone else do the casting.
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Freezer (2014)
Should have left this one in the Freezer
25 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The initial premise is good. Man wakes up trapped in Meat locker, not sure how he gets there and said plot unfolds. The film itself try to follow the mold of the genre, but quickly collapses with plot holes, meandering dialogue and poor continuity.

The arrival of the 3 Russians really signals the end of the film for me. The crazy one with the gun, the beauty with the tragic accent, the bodyguard with the acting skills of a hamster and the lead himself, bantering inanely trying to save his life.

The conclusion is predicable, the acting in general stilted and unless you get this movie free, then just re-watch several of the other films available in this genre, then you won't feel you've lost 90 Min's of your life.
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Best to remember Jennifer from friends...........
24 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A film that sadly is typical of the American Pie genre, but about 10 years late to the table. The chemistry between the leads borders on milk and lemons......Jennifer, with a great body on show for 44, is there only for the eye candy. The Mexicans are again heavily stereotyped, which will do nothing for either country, but continue to propagate the problem. The sexual under and overtones do not add to the film in any way and it just grates on the teeth after a while.

I won't even go into the film content. Better dig out your copy of the original American pie or ANY other one of this genre, which I can assure you has been made infinitely better!
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The Conjuring (2013)
I feel like the Doll in the case after that .........................
23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After just sitting through a painful vip showing of this fecal matter of a film, I feel it fitting that I share the feelings with my fellow IMDb'ers..... from the wooden acting, to the stiff and predictable plot, to the Amityville style house and the boom boom shake sound effects, this one was a stinker for the genre if I ever had the displeasure to watch one.

The best thing about the film was a) The cars b) the Costumes, especially ones that reminded me how bad the 70's were in terms of fashion....... oh yes, cue Linda from Exorcist as the mom (same make up effects) and you have an exoparapsychoblairosis of an experience...

Don't waste your time. Better off cleaning the inside of your oven rather than sit through this thanksgiving (not) Turkey.
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Kitchen Nightmares (2007–2023)
Either side of the Atlantic and it's offensive to watch
1 June 2013
As a professional in the business, I can only cringe in horror as I watch painfully how one individual (in the name of entertainment) can damage, taint, and downright slander the hospitality profession with his profane and crude operating style. No Management would EVER tolerate a chef like Ramsey, no matter how talented he may be. At the end of the day it's about coaching, guidance, mentoring and motivation. Not nervous breakdowns, strain, stress, aggression and vitriol. Sure these places have problems, but the solutions do not lie in a 7 day fix. Clean Kitchens and stores require training, education of hygiene practices, process analysis and much more. For those poor people who were considering working in the kitchen or in the restaurant business, this is reality TV, plumped up with assumption, false premise and downright misrepresentation. Don't let this abomination of a show put you off. The reality in this case is different.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Watchable but not memorable.
3 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In a nutshell, a fair effort on the alien invasion scenario. I watch a lot of Sci-fi and Falling Skies is definitely worth a box of popcorn if you have nothing better to watch like a re-run of Lost, Walking Dead, 24 etc. Don't make comparisons on CGI quality because Spielberg is the Exec Director....it counts for nothing to be honest on this one. On a positive note, the characters are beginning to flesh out somewhat, the irritating ones (Charlie, Dai and hoping for the blond Arnold Schwarzenegger) have been dispatched and it's getting a little more interesting with the alien overlords (picture the end of AI in the ice scene).

Season 3 will likely not be mind blowing, but don't worry, I will see it through. Just work a little more on the dialogue guys and ease up on the cheese.
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John Carter (2012)
Bad ain't the word....................
18 March 2012
Just reviewing the film following a screening with my 10 year old and 14 year old. My daughter 10 thought it was wow, my son 14, thought it was OK.....as for me, a lover of the sci fantasy genre, I can safely say that the caramel popcorn I enjoyed during the movie was a) more enjoyable b) had more interest c) showed more LIFE than any of the cardboard cutout actors who collected their paycheck for this turkey.

All I can say is that Disney, the director and whoever else was responsible for this diatribe should seek other careers as tanking $250 million on this dog is reprehensible.

Nice to see some 'Rome' stars in it, that's about all that took my interest. The Princess Mahogany was instantly forgettable, as was the CGI.

I have to say that the dog / monster thing was bar far the best actor in the film and should be nominated for an Oscar. The rest should Barsoom off somewhere with their tails between their legs in shame.
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